Handout: Making Your Writing Flow (2022-23 - online)

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Handout: Make Your Writing Flow

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document to your Google Drive. (You could also print it and take notes on it by hand.)

Key Concepts and Definitions

What does each of these terms mean?

Coherence =
Cohesion =

Fill in the blanks:

Smooth writing is cohesive and coherent ______________ paragraphs and _____________

Analyzing Coherence and Cohesion

Version 1
Rate this paragraph: 1 = super-choppy, 4 = super-smooth

My rating: 1 2 3 4

Reason for rating:

What is reverse outlining?

Why is reverse outlining useful? (What problem does it help to fix?)

Handout: Make Your Writing Flow

Version 2 (after reverse outlining)

Rate this paragraph: 1 = super-choppy, 4 = super-smooth

My rating: 1 2 3 4

Reason for rating:

Version 3 (with some connectors)

Highlight or underline all of the connectors in this paragraph. The first one has been done for

Now rate the paragraph. How smoothly does it flow?

My rating: 1 2 3 4
(super-choppy) (super-smooth)

What do you notice about the connectors?

(highlighted version 3)

➔ transitional words/phrases
➔ pronouns
➔ repeated ideas/words/phrases

Transitional Words/Phrases
1. Coordinating conjunctions (FANBOYS): for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
2. Subordinate conjunctions: although, while, whereas, rather than…(and many more)
3. Conjunctive adverbs: however, for example, in fact, in addition, on the other hand…(and
many more)
Handout: Make Your Writing Flow

*A common type of error = comma splice (i.e., joining two complete sentences with a comma)

🗶 Next semester, some workshops will still be offered in person, however, most will be online.
🗸 Next semester, some workshops will still be offered in person. However, most will be online.
🗸 Next semester, some workshops will still be offered in person; however, most will be online.
🗸 Next semester, some workshops will still be offered in person. Most, however, will be online.

Version 4
Rate this paragraph: 1 = super-choppy, 4 = super-smooth

My rating: 1 2 3 4

Why does this one work so much better?

How many conjunctive adverbs does this version have? _______________

How many pronouns can you find? _______________
Notice all of the spots where the central idea of social interaction appears. This creates
essential glue.

(version 4, with all connectors highlighted)

What are your top three takeaways from this workshop?



Handout: Make Your Writing Flow

Additional Resources

→ University of North Carolina’s page on transitions


→ Hunter College handout on transitional expressions


Reminder: If you need proof of participation, complete the “Reflection and Participation Form”
and submit your answers. The link to the form is provided during the workshop.

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