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SAP S/4HANA | 2023 Latest


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Apps and Transactions

You can use several apps and transactions to process electronic documents.

eDocument Cockpit
You use the eDocument Cockpit to process electronic documents (eDocuments) that are created automatically based on source documents.
Uploading Incoming Messages
How to upload incoming messages in form of XML les from your le system to the application server.
Processing eDocument Inbound Messages
When you submit electronic documents to external systems, these in turn, return messages, such as status messages or delivery con rmations. You use this report to upload
the incoming messages from external systems and trigger further processing on them in the eDocument Cockpit or Manage Electronic Documents app.
Processing eDocuments in the Background
Most actions you perform in the eDocument Cockpit transaction or Manage Electronic Documents app can be automated by using the job scheduling function.
Authorization Objects
The business system checks the users’ authorizations before they can perform certain actions on electronic documents. Some authorization objects are required in the AAAB
authorization class for performing actions on electronic documents.

Parent topic: Electronic Customer Invoices Created in Other Systems

Related Information
Requirements for Invoices in XML Format to Upload Them to the System
Creating Electronic Invoices (External Documents)
Cancelling Electronic Documents
Displaying Electronic Documents in HTML Format
Extension and Development

eDocument Cockpit
You use the eDocument Cockpit to process electronic documents (eDocuments) that are created automatically based on source documents.

To nd the eDocument Cockpit, on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Cross-Application Functions Document and Reporting Compliance eDocument Cockpit or call the
EDOC_COCKPIT transaction. For information about the actions you can do in the report, choose the Documentation pushbutton on the selection screen.

You use the eDocument Cockpit to do the following:

Display electronic documents that have been created upon source documents creation in source applications.

Submit electronic documents in the required format to the tax authorities or to your business partners.

Create and submit electronic documents which for any reason could not be created upon source document creation.

Monitor the status of the electronic documents and perform subsequent actions on them.

Displaying Errors in the eDocument Cockpit

Access different error sources directly from the result list in the eDocument Cockpit (EDOC_COCKPIT).
Using the Search Function in the eDocument Cockpit
The eDocument Cockpit offers a comprehensive search function. Check out the video below to learn more on how to make the most out of the search engine.

Parent topic: Apps and Transactions

Related Information
Uploading Incoming Messages
Processing eDocument Inbound Messages
Processing eDocuments in the Background
Authorization Objects

Displaying Errors in the eDocument Cockpit

Access different error sources directly from the result list in the eDocument Cockpit (EDOC_COCKPIT).


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You've selected parameter Allow Screen with Details Pane in eDocument Cockpit and have entered parameter value X in the Customizing activity Maintain General Parameters for
eDocument (EDOGENCUSTV) in Customizing for Cross-Application Components, under General Application Functions Document and Reporting Compliance Country/Region-
Speci c Settings <Country/Region> Electronic Document Processing General Settings Optional Settings .

 Note
If you’ve created your own custom development, this custom development isn’t displayed when using the new screen.

1. Select the eDocument entry for which you want to display the errors.

2. Double-click on the Logs/File column.

The system opens a details pane on the right side with the application and interface logs and last le.

3. To close the details pane, either double-click again on the same entry in the column or use the Close Details icon on the top-left side of the details pane.

Task overview: eDocument Cockpit

Related Information
Using the Search Function in the eDocument Cockpit

Using the Search Function in the eDocument Cockpit

The eDocument Cockpit offers a comprehensive search function. Check out the video below to learn more on how to make the most out of the search engine.

Open this video in a new window

Parent topic: eDocument Cockpit

Related Information
Displaying Errors in the eDocument Cockpit

Uploading Incoming Messages

How to upload incoming messages in form of XML les from your le system to the application server.

A logical le path and a logical le name exist for each message type you want to upload messages to.

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You have to specify the physical le path on the application server for a logical le path to which the messages are uploaded to. You do this using the FILE transaction.

You use this report to upload XML les to the logical path speci ed in the FILE transaction.

1. To nd the Upload Tool for Incoming Messages report, go to the SAP Menu and choose SAP Easy Access Cross-Application Components Document and Reporting
Compliance Upload Tool for Incoming Messages . Alternativelly, you can call the EDOC_INBOUND_UPLOAD transaction.

2. For information about the actions you can do in the report, choose the Program Documentation pushbutton on the selection screen.

Task overview: Apps and Transactions

Related Information
eDocument Cockpit
Processing eDocument Inbound Messages
Processing eDocuments in the Background
Authorization Objects

Processing eDocument Inbound Messages

When you submit electronic documents to external systems, these in turn, return messages, such as status messages or delivery con rmations. You use this report to upload the
incoming messages from external systems and trigger further processing on them in the eDocument Cockpit or Manage Electronic Documents app.

You can use this report to:

Read uploaded messages (XML) related to eDocument process statuses from external systems.

Temporarily store the incoming messages without processing them.

Process incoming messages and trigger the creation of a new eDocument.

1. To nd the eDocument Inbound Message Handler report, go to the SAP Menu and choose SAP Easy Access Cross-Application Components Document and Reporting
Compliance eDocument Inbound Message Handler . Alternativelly, you can call the EDOC_INBOUND_MSG transaction.

2. For information about the actions you can do in the report, choose the Program Documentation pushbutton on the selection screen.

Task overview: Apps and Transactions

Related Information
eDocument Cockpit
Uploading Incoming Messages
Processing eDocuments in the Background
Authorization Objects

Processing eDocuments in the Background

Most actions you perform in the eDocument Cockpit transaction or Manage Electronic Documents app can be automated by using the job scheduling function.

You use the eDocument Background Processing report to create automatic jobs to run speci c process actions on selected electronic documents. You can de ne that the jobs run in
the background and also schedule them.

1. To nd the eDocument Background Processing, go to the SAP Menu and choose SAP Easy Access Cross-Application Components Document and Reporting Compliance
eDocument Background Processing . Alternatively, you can call the EDOC_BACKGROUND transaction.

2. For information about the actions you can do in the report, choose the Program Documentation pushbutton on the selection screen.

Task overview: Apps and Transactions

Related Information
eDocument Cockpit

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 4
Uploading Incoming Messages
Processing eDocument Inbound Messages
Authorization Objects

Authorization Objects
The business system checks the users’ authorizations before they can perform certain actions on electronic documents. Some authorization objects are required in the AAAB
authorization class for performing actions on electronic documents.

List of Authorization Objects and Respective Transactions

Object Name Description Authorization Fields Transactions

EDO_BUK eDocument: Authorization for Company code eDocument Cockpit (EDOC_COCKPIT)

eDocument Inbound Message Handler

EDO_PROC eDocument: Authorization for Process & eDocument Cockpit (EDOC_COCKPIT)

Process Step


EDO_MSGTY eDocument: Authorization for Inbound Message Upload Tool for Incoming Messages

S_BTCH_JOB Background Processing: Operations on Required for technical users only to enable the
Background Jobs push of messages from the Peppol Exchange
RELE process for the cloud edition of SAP Document
and Reporting Compliance to the business
SHOW system.

/AIF/PROC AIF Interface Processing eDocument Cockpit (EDOC_COCKPIT)

ACTVT (Value: 61)

/AIF/NS (Value: /EDUBL)

EDO_GLOVAR Maintain Global Selection Variants in eDocument Cockpit (EDOC_COCKPIT)

eDocument Cockpit

Parent topic: Apps and Transactions

Related Information
eDocument Cockpit
Uploading Incoming Messages
Processing eDocument Inbound Messages
Processing eDocuments in the Background

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