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02/15/2003 03:00AM
Motru, Județul Gorj, Romania

Natal Report Teodora

Dear, Teodora
Welcome to your personalized Birth Chart Report! We’re excited to guide you into

the world of astrology, where the positions of celestial bodies reveal profound

insights about your personality, relationships, and life’s purpose.

What is Astrology
Astrology is an ancient practice that interprets the influence of stars and planets on

human life. By examining the positions of these celestial bodies at your birth, we

uncover valuable information about your character, potential challenges, and

unique strengths. Astrology is a powerful tool for self-awareness and growth,

helping you navigate life with greater clarity.

How This Report is Prepared

Our report is crafted using the exact date, time, and location of your birth. We use

advanced techniques to calculate the precise positions of the Sun, Moon, planets,

and other significant points in your natal chart. Our experienced astrologers then

interpret these aspects to provide comprehensive and personalized insights.

We hope this report will be a valuable resource on your journey toward self-

awareness and personal development. Embrace the wisdom of the stars and let it

guide you to a brighter future.

Natal Report Teodora

Natal Chart

15/02/2003 03:00AM MC Tropical

44N48, 22E58 placidus House
+3:00 Mean Node








25 28



Q = Sun U= Saturn
a= Aries j= Libra
W= Moon I= Uranus
s= Taurus k= Scorpio
E= Mercury O= Neptune
d= Gemini l= Sagittarius
T= Mars P= Pluto
f= Cancer z= Capricorn
R= Venus {= Node
g= Leo x= Aquarius
Y= Jupiter `= Lilith
h= Virgo c= Pisces
M= Chiron <= Parte Of Fortune

Natal Report Teodora

Planetary Positions

Planet Degree House Retro

Q Sun 25° x (Aqu) 52'45" 3 -

W Moon 29° f (Can) 57'30" 8 -

E Mercury 02° x (Aqu) 35'46" 2 -

R Venus 11° z (Cap) 54'05" 2 -

T Mars 18° l (Sag) 33'03" 1 -

Y Jupiter 11° g (Leo) 27'09" 9 R

U Saturn 22° d (Gem) 11'08" 7 R

I Uranus 28° x (Aqu) 38'24" 3 -

O Neptune 11° x (Aqu) 13'45" 3 -

P Pluto 19° l (Sag) 35'17" 1 -

Part of Fortune 24° d (Gem) 40'08" 7 -

{ Node 05° d (Gem) 09'51" 7 R

M Chiron 15° z (Cap) 00'59" 2 -

` Lilith 00° s (Tau) 30'46" 5 -

Z Ascendant 28° k (Sco) 44'52" 1 -

DC Descendant 28° s (Tau) 44'52" - -

X MidHeaven 16° h (Vir) 29'00" - -

IC Imum Coeli 16° c (Pis) 29'00" - -

Natal Report Teodora

Natal House Cusp

House Degree

AC (Ascendant) 28° k (Scorpio) 44'52"

house 2 00° z (Capricorn) 30'55"

house 3 08° x (Aquarius) 50'20"

house 4 16° c (Pisces) 29'00"

house 5 16° a (Aries) 41'11"

house 6 09° s (Taurus) 51'06"

house 7 28° s (Taurus) 44'52"

house 8 00° f (Cancer) 30'55"

house 9 08° g (Leo) 50'20"

MC (MidHeaven) 16° h (Virgo) 29'00"

house 11 16° j (Libra) 41'11"

house 12 09° k (Scorpio) 51'06"


Natal Report Teodora

Aspect Chart

w E
w e Y
e w U
q e I
q w O
q w P
r e t r Z
e r r r X


r Square (90°) - Challenging q Conjunction (0°) - Dynamic e Trine (120°) - Harmony

w Opposition (180°) - Tension t Sextile(60°) - Opportunities

Natal Report Teodora

Aspects Table

Planet Aspect Planet Orb

Q Sun e Trine U Saturn 3.69

Q Sun q Conjunction I Uranus 2.76

Q Sun r Square Z Ascendant 2.87

W Moon w Opposition E Mercury 2.64

W Moon e Trine Z Ascendant 1.21

T Mars e Trine Y Jupiter 7.1

T Mars w Opposition U Saturn 3.63

T Mars q Conjunction P Pluto 1.04

T Mars r Square X Midheaven 2.07

E Mercury w Opposition Y Jupiter 8.86

E Mercury q Conjunction O Neptune 8.63

E Mercury t Sextile Z Ascendant 3.85

Y Jupiter w Opposition O Neptune 0.22

R Venus e Trine X Midheaven 4.58

U Saturn e Trine I Uranus 6.45

U Saturn w Opposition P Pluto 2.6

U Saturn r Square X Midheaven 5.7

I Uranus r Square Z Ascendant 0.11

P Pluto r Square X Midheaven 3.1

Natal Report Teodora

Scorpio Ascendant

People with Scorpio rising tend to be secretive, deep, withdrawn, mysterious,

regenerate or degenerate, reserved, hard to understand, courageous, willful,
persistent, stubborn in thought, creative, self-reliant, self-controlled (except
perhaps with the passions), and silent.

According to the spiritual astrologer Isabel Hickey, no unevolved soul is born with
Scorpio rising. This is a powerhouse rising sign.

“ It represents the battleground where the higher and

lower selves must come to mortal combat. They must
be aligned and the lower self eventually must die and
give way to and obey the higher self, the God within.

Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels are all involved. You appear calm on
the surface, but you can be extremely emotional inside. 'Still waters run deep', as
they say.

You tend to be the silent type, always wanting to know others' motivations, but
never disclosing your own. You love to play the detective or the ferret.

You have to know everything, all the how's and why's. You have great determination
and strength, enough to overcome any adversary, even yourself.

Natal Report Teodora

“ You need to overcome resentment, possessiveness

and jealousy. There may be a fascination,
preoccupation, interest and/or ability with the occult,
death, sex or healing.

You can be a devil or an angel, the eagle or the stinging scorpion. Mars and Pluto
rule Scorpio so Mars and Pluto will be important in your chart.

Spiritual lesson to learn


Positive Traits

Powerful Committed Intelligent Imaginative

Negative Traits

Jealous Unforgiving Inflexible Secretive

Natal Report Teodora

Sun Profile

PRINCIPLE in contrast to that symbolised by the MOON. It is personified by RULERS; LEADERS;

Sun in Third house

Knowledge is important to you and you chase as much of The Third House is commonly referred
it as possible. You enjoy passing on the knowledge you to as the House of Communication. In
this House, much of the
have gained. Although you are probably very open to
communication is going on between
new ideas, there yet may be the desire for scientific proof the individual and those he or she
before anything can be believed. Your mind enjoys holds close: brothers and sisters, as
well as neighbors.
creating and it is thorough and self-reliant. Pride and
intellectual domination may be something you need to work on, especially intellectual pride. Patience
may also need developing. Misunderstandings can occur with siblings or neighbors due to your belief
that you are always or mostly right. You have a strong desire to learn and this may take you on many
short journeys. You need to communicate and there may be writing or speaking ability.

Natal Report Teodora

Sun in Aquarius

Aquarians tend to be friendly, original, intuitive,

broadminded, nonconforming, different, independent,
Ruled by shocking Uranus is a element
freedom-loving, scientific, unusual, and helpful. They can
of Air, Aquarius very much epitomes
also be impersonal, unpredictable, tactless, rebellious, the planet that inspires it. This sign has
unconventional, stubborn, rigid, radical, bohemian and astonishing intellectual and
communication skill.
eccentric. Aquarians like any work which calls for
inventiveness and the detached application of special rules or formulae.Aquarians seek to share
knowledge with others in order to bring about a better life for all. Group activity is their customary
mode of operation. Helping others so they can help themselves appeals to an Aquarian.Aquarians are
friendly, yet detached, they have warmth, yet they seem distant. Although appearing cold or aloof, they
are not really indifferent to others. It's just that they are much more concerned with humanity as a
whole rather than any one particular individual. Since Aquarians generally do not have large, pompous
or stuffy egos, they rarely bother to exert themselves to win approval or compliments.Aquarians get
excited about bringing new ideas and methods into old, traditional environments. They are
philosophical, visionary and idealistic. Feelings of friendship drive them to try to improve the lot of
everyone they can. Sometimes the people they want to help don't understand these new ways and
react negatively toward them. Sometimes Aquarians are simply ahead of their time, although
sometimes they are just cranks.

Natal Report Teodora

Moon Profile

W The Moon symbolises protective urges, the unconscious mind, emotion, the home, feeling,
reflection, instinctual responses, the family, rhythm, self-image, heredity, and nurturing. It
represents the feminine principle, and complements the Sun. It is personified by the mother, wife,
women in general, supportive figures, and those who protect.

Moon in Eighth house

You desire security and perhaps look for it through other The Eighth House is commonly referred
people's possessions or resources. You have self-doubt to as the House of Sex. This House
delves into relationships -- interactions
and worry. You may be subject to jealousy, envy and
with another and how certain aspects
possessiveness. Psychic sensitivity is noticeable and of those interactions can take on a
psychic abilities can be developed, hopefully along more communal nature.

positive lines. There may be financial gain through a

partnership, business or through marriage. You are intrigued by what motivates others. Preoccupation
with sex or death can exist for you. Concerning vocation: A work situation dependent upon others'
resources is noted. Work involving reform, transformation, rehabilitation, mystery, psychology, playing
detective, or research work appeals to you.

Natal Report Teodora

Moon in Cancer

You very easily respond to the emotional environment in

which you are placed. You soak up feelings like a sponge.
Cancer's element is Water. Symbolic of
Perhaps this is why you so easily become moody,
the emotions, water signs need to give
irritable and inconstant in thought and feeling. Learning and receive. They thrive on the
to control your own moods may be very difficult, yet exchange of feelings. They need
security and love to be wrapped in an
necessary, for you. Your greatest need is to nurture and
environment of love and comfort.
mother someone or ones. You often appear irrational to
others because you can't always explain the reason or source of your feelings. Anyone who lives with
you must accept your ups and downs and appreciate your need for times of withdrawal. You are also
very sympathetic and understand the unspoken feelings and needs of others. You take slights very
personally and though you may forgive a mistake by a friend or loved one, you never forget it. Security
is very important to you and you look for it in your home and family life. Your senses and emotions are
quite strong and it would be wise for you to listen to your intuitive side as you can be quite psychic.
You are very tenacious and you do not give up or let go of things or people easily. Your mother is/was
a strong influence for good or ill in your life. You are basically an introvert, but will do whatever it takes
to protect and defend your family or loved ones. You tend to be a pack-rat because everything has an
emotional memory behind it and you find security in all those memories. Nothing or no one is ever
gone if they leave their memory behind. Thus, you can become quite possessive. You have the memory
of an elephant, but you must learn to forgive and forget past hurts.

Natal Report Teodora

Mercury Profile


HUMOUR; KNOWLEDGE and SPEECH Unlike the Sun and Moon, it is a NEUTRAL planet, and is

Mercury in Second house

You may use your wit, knowledge, and versatility to make The Second House is commonly
money. At the very least you like to talk about money ? it referred to as the House of
Possessions. While this speaks to that
is on your mind. You may earn money with an ability to
which we own, it's not limited simply to
communicate ideas to others through writing and tangible things. We own our feelings
speaking. You may have financial skill, but your money and emotions, as well as our inner
selves, abilities, needs and wants.
may come and go, regardless.

Natal Report Teodora

Mercury in Aquarius

Your thoughts tend to be unique, unusual, rapid and

coming completely out of the blue, eccentric,
Ruled by shocking Uranus is a element
unconventional, scientific, weird and perhaps a bit ahead
of Air, Aquarius very much epitomes
of their time. You are a progressive and non-traditional the planet that inspires it. This sign has
thinker and are very open and receptive to new astonishing intellectual and
communication skill.
technologies and breakthroughs and the latest
discoveries in any field. You believe that humanity can resolve their problems through creative
intelligence using inventive minds and scientific principles. You are a bit impatient with those who are
conservative and unimaginative and those who are afraid perhaps to think about and try new things
and ideas. Keeping abreast of the latest developments and technologies is fun for you. Reading science
fiction helps give you food for thought regarding radically new ways of looking at things. You have a
strong humanitarian impulse, an aptitude for organization and you enjoy being involved in cooperative
group efforts or businesses that are contemporary and innovative. You have a versatile, disciplined,
practical and original mind. You are intuitive and resourceful, with the ability to correctly judge human
character and penetrate the mask that others wear. You follow your own convictions regardless of
what others think of you and you have the ability to express your ideas clearly so that others easily
comprehend. On the negative side you can be eccentric, bohemian, radical, revolutionary and

Natal Report Teodora

Venus Profile


masculine sexuality of MARS. We thus each have a masculine and feminine side, to a greater or
lesser degree.

Venus in Second house

You attract money and personal possessions, especially The Second House is commonly
when needed. You spend money as fast as you earn it, referred to as the House of
Possessions. While this speaks to that
sometimes faster. Your hidden talents can be beneficial
which we own, it's not limited simply to
to others, if you apply yourself. Don't be afraid to work. tangible things. We own our feelings
Your money is used to buy beautiful, artistic, and/or and emotions, as well as our inner
selves, abilities, needs and wants.
musical things. You like a certain amount of luxury to
surround you. Money may come to you through a partner or relationship.

Natal Report Teodora

Venus in Capricorn

Love and affections are expressed in cautious, reserved

and serious ways. You are probably not that
Capricorn is the leader of the Earth
demonstrative towards the ones you love. You care very
signs, ruler of Saturn. Here is a
much about what other people think of you and you stabilizing force, one of the hardest-
fervently desire love and appreciation, yet your reserved working signs of the Zodiac. The
Mountain Goat has intense powers of
responses make it appear that you are really very
self- concentration, but not in an
detached. Casual, superficial relationships don't interest egotistical sense.
you at all. You are cautious and serious about love and
you want a deep, genuine, lasting love. You are old-fashioned and traditional regarding courtship and
love, and will remain faithful to your loved one in good times and in bad. You may be attracted to
persons older than yourself, someone who is emotionally mature and reliable and who can provide
the security you desire. You tend to be loyal, trustworthy, patient and steadfast. For you love may be
weighed against practical concerns or on the basis of security needs. Perhaps you'll marry for money
or status. You have a strong desire to protect yourself from being hurt and this may keep you from
being as outgoing and forward in love matters. You may be very fearful, selfish and jealous or cold and
calculating if Venus is badly aspected. There may be an intense ambition and desire for prestige and

Natal Report Teodora

Mars Profile

contrast to the feminine sexuality of VENUS. In a woman's birthchart, it often symbolises the IDEAL
MALE IMAGE within the psyche that gives rise to attraction to those who embody or evoke it.

Mars in First house

You have an abundance of physical vitality. Sometimes The First House is commonly referred
there is so much energy that you become reckless, to as the House of Self. The First House
speaks to the realization of one's
impulsive, and throw caution to the wind. You may
ultimate potential. This process of
experience cuts and burns on your head and face which becoming a unique individual is one of
may leave some sort of scar. You are assertive, the greatest contributions we make to
the world in which we live.
independent, impatient and want to do your own thing.
You have strong organizing ability. You are usually self-confident. Guard against accidents due to
rushing around in your impulsiveness. You may be subject to higher than normal fevers.

Natal Report Teodora

Mars in Sagittarius

You are aspiring, enterprising, idealistic, and forever

following some bright and distant star, planning some
Sagittarius is Fire energy and the ruler
new venture or investigating new potentials that will
of Jupiter. This is a very active,
expand your horizons. You are a rolling stone. You aim extroverted, mobile, expansive sign.
high and are not content simply with a quiet, secure The Archer is always ready for action,
bursting with goals and idealism.
existence. You like to stretch your limits, to see how far
you can go, and to take risks. You are a positive thinker, expect success for yourself, and are
philosophical about failures. You are flexible and bounce back from disappointment rather quickly,
usually with another hopeful new idea you want to try. Your enthusiasm and confidence are contagious
and enable you to enlist the aid and support you need for your projects. However, you sometimes
promise more than you can actually deliver, due to over-optimism or insufficient attention to the
practicalities involved. You also tend to get distracted and sometimes have too many things going at
once. Although it may be very difficult for you, there are times when you must simply develop and
show commitment, perseverance, and persistence in order to make your dreams and goals a concrete
reality. Too often you fall short of what you could attain because you are unwilling to persist through
the difficult or less exciting times. You also enjoy competition and usually do not take it too seriously.
You tend to be friendly, optimistic, impulsive, enthusiastic, independent and argumentative. You may
be an active traveler. Your energies need to be used in physical outlets and you may be an athlete. You
have a tendency to exaggerate. You may also have strong religious and philosophic convictions and
can go crusading if you feel the cause is just. On the negative side you may be sharp-tongued,
quarrelsome, disagreeable, self-righteous, verbose, intolerant, and dishonest.

Natal Report Teodora

Jupiter Profile


INDULGENCE; POSITIVITY and VISION. It is the opposite of the principle of contraction symbolised
by Saturn.

Jupiter in Ninth house

You are optimistic, tolerant, broad-minded, considerate The Ninth House is commonly referred
and maybe a little bit fanatical. You may be prophetic, to as the House of Philosophy. In
keeping with that theme, it's our search
having strong intuition, good judgment and vivid dreams.
for meaning which is the focal point
You may be interested in law, religion and philosophies. here.
You have the ability to guide and inspire others as to
what the future might bring and to promote your own thoughts, ideas and ideals. You may benefit
from travels and dealings with foreigners. Your accomplishments may not be recognized until the latter
part of your life. On the negative side you may be quite dogmatic in your beliefs. Some experience a
total absence of faith.

Natal Report Teodora

Jupiter in Leo

You are generous, kind, compassionate and altruistic.

You have organizing and executive abilities and crave
Leo is Fire to the core of the Sun! Fire
positions of trust and responsibility, never being content
brings a desire to create, innovate, and
to simply follow. You have an abundance of energy and a lead. The sign radiates mega-
strong constitution. You love anything that tends to uplift confidence. The fixed motivation adds
self-reliance, a characteristic that works
society. On the negative side, though, you can become
well in leadership positions.
cruel, sensual, egotistical, ostentatious, abnormally fond
of pleasure and subject to loss through speculation and gambling. You need to be admired for your
generosity and warm-heartedness to all.

Natal Report Teodora

Saturn Profile


the CONTRACTIVE PRINCIPLE in contra-distinction to the EXPANSION represented by JUPITER. It is

Saturn in Seventh house

There may be the tendency to attract older, more serious The Seventh House is commonly
partners. Partnerships may involve much duty, referred to as the House of Partnership.
With this House, we see a shift away
responsibility and hard work. There may be a karmic tie
from the self toward another -- a
from the past to the partners in this life. Whatever the partner. By cooperating with and
case, there may be a feeling of restriction, bondage, relating to another we unite for the
purpose of achieving something.
depression and anxiety in your relationships. They
certainly can be enduring, though. Saturn here indicates you need to learn to cooperate with and to
develop empathy for others. You are perhaps cautious about marriage, but, when committed, may find
it very difficult to leave your marriage partner, even if you are unhappy. You may marry for security
rather than love. Discipline is needed in relationships. There may be a very self-controlled and
sometimes calculating attitude towards all forms of partnership. You are inclined to seek a partner
who will awaken your sense of responsibility and give you a greater sense of purpose and will to
succeed. For a woman there may be a subconscious desire to marry a father figure and the partner
may well feel an urge to organize your life on a more effective basis. The responsibilities of marriage
or the fear of marriage may delay marriage. If Saturn is well aspected in your natal chart, then this
position usually indicates that one loyally abides by marriage vows and faithfully carries out marital
duties. With a well placed and well aspected natal Saturn, the partner is likely to be a person of
integrity, faithful, steady, reliable, industrious, persevering and economical, perhaps not over-
demonstrative and preferring deeds to words, and providing a real anchor for the partnership. If natal
Saturn is badly aspected, then there is a tendency to endure an unhappy marriage rather than to lose

Natal Report Teodora

face by breaking up. If you neglect to make your partner happy, your own happiness will be affected in
the same proportion. This position can also mean a second choice marriage, which endures in spite of
boredom, unhappiness and a lack of love. In other words you may have wanted to marry someone else
but settled on a second choice instead. The partner may act in such a way as to become a burden, and
may be uncommunicative, narrow in outlook, cold, and over-critical. In some cases the spouse may be
much loved, but prone to ill health. Marriage to a widow or widower is possible.

Natal Report Teodora

Saturn in Gemini

Your thinking is deliberate and serious and you possess

organization skills, concentration and mental stability.
The Air element of Gemini brings
You can focus on deep and difficult matters and come up
communication, intellect and speed!
with practical solutions to problems. You enjoy learning. This is one of the joy-of- life signs, one
But there may also be tendencies towards cynicism, that reaches out, expands and
expresses. Ruler of Mercury. Gemini is
depression, and pessimism. Nervous tension can be a
an inquisitive student with a quick
problem and the intake of air into the lungs or the grasp of subjects.
oxygenation of the blood can be restricted. Your lungs
need plenty of oxygen. It is best for you to sleep in a well-ventilated room. Saturn here steadies your
mind and helps control the natural flightiness of Gemini. This is a good position for Saturn, but you
may need to develop faith in the future. It will be important for you to discipline your mind and learn
to think and act methodically if you are to be successful in anything.

Natal Report Teodora

Uranus Profile


ASTROLOGERS; REVOLUTIONARIES; REFORMERS, and those who are unusual or different in some

Uranus in Third house

Your mind is independent, original, creative, The Third House is commonly referred
unconventional, curious, perhaps somewhat eccentric, to as the House of Communication. In
this House, much of the
and unusual. People around you sometimes cannot
communication is going on between
understand how you think or why you express yourself the individual and those he or she
in the ways you do. You may be ahead of your time. holds close: brothers and sisters, as
well as neighbors.
Mental restlessness causes you to always be on the
search for new information and knowledge. You have unique ways of passing this new information
along to others. Frequent changes of mind are likely as new data filters through you. Relationships with
siblings and neighbors are likely to be unusual and perhaps somewhat high-strung and tense at times.
Boredom is seldom a problem. The desire for fresh experience may cause you to travel extensively.
Intellectual freedom is important to you.

Natal Report Teodora

Uranus in Aquarius

You are at home when you are doing your own thing, and
do not care too much what other people think. You tend
Ruled by shocking Uranus is a element
to be unconventional with your friends and with 'your
of Air, Aquarius very much epitomes
public'. You are a loyal friend so people put up with any the planet that inspires it. This sign has
eccentricities. Also, you are extremely tolerant of any astonishing intellectual and
communication skill.
unconventional behaviour and beliefs which your friends
hold. You are not afraid to lend a hand when your friends need you. You are a person of thoughts and
ideas, and also a communicator, but some of your ideas and beliefs might not be practical. You can be
an original and progressive thinker, also being analytical. So you might be interest in or involved in

Natal Report Teodora

Neptune Profile



Neptune in Third house

You are idealistic and artistic. Your mind soaks up The Third House is commonly referred
information rather than acquiring it by brute force. Your to as the House of Communication. In
this House, much of the
ability to visualize and imagine is probably quite
communication is going on between
pronounced. Flashes of inspiration can come to you the individual and those he or she
quite suddenly. There may even be traces of holds close: brothers and sisters, as
well as neighbors.
clairvoyance. Perhaps you have felt as if you could read
people's minds? Concentration on book work may be difficult for you. Did you ever try sleeping with
the book under your pillow? Possible karmic obligations to siblings or neighbors may need to be
reconciled. Some feelings of insecurity may cause nervous disorders. You may have a tendency to be
unreliable or negative. Avoid procrastination and idle day-dreaming. Avoid all negative psychic
practices and drugs.

Natal Report Teodora

Neptune in Aquarius

You tend to dream, dreams of freedom and

independence, unconventional dreams, but you are not
Ruled by shocking Uranus is a element
deterred. You can be idealistic about anyone who tries to
of Air, Aquarius very much epitomes
reduce freedom and independence, and even rebellious the planet that inspires it. This sign has
towards the. You are fiercely loyal to your beliefs and to astonishing intellectual and
communication skill.
your friends. You can appear somewhat eccentric to the
other generations, and you may acquire associates who are cranky and artistic, perhaps musicians.
You are sensitive and idealist and sufficiently passionate to carry implement your ideals and
aspirations.You may do this by breaking down conventions and overcoming barriers in an unusual way
and with unexpected results.

Natal Report Teodora

Pluto Profile


destruction of old forms and the release of the energy inherent in them in order to create new life.

Pluto in First house

You are strong-willed, brave, self-sufficient and probably The First House is commonly referred
enjoy throwing your weight around. Yet you may lack to as the House of Self. The First House
speaks to the realization of one's
self-confidence. Controlling others may become an issue
ultimate potential. This process of
for you. You crave experience and transformation. becoming a unique individual is one of
Regeneration is a topic that occupies your thoughts. the greatest contributions we make to
the world in which we live.
There is a magnetism that surrounds you that draws
other people to you, yet you may be a loner whom others find difficult to understand. You can be
gentle and sensitive, yet will always fight for what you believe in. You don't back down from anyone.
You are capable of great anger under the right circumstances and when this occurs, you can go off like
an A-bomb. You may be a channel for healing and can perhaps develop this ability should you decide.
Forgive and forget and don't brood over slights, whether real or imaginary. Trying to be a little more
flexible wouldn't hurt either.

Natal Report Teodora

Pluto in Sagittarius

You transform in a free and tolerant manner matters

related to higher education and philosophy, and in your
Sagittarius is Fire energy and the ruler
vision of the future and your ideals. There may be
of Jupiter. This is a very active,
significant changes in higher education in this time. extroverted, mobile, expansive sign.
There may also be transformations in your attitudes to The Archer is always ready for action,
bursting with goals and idealism.
freedom and tolerance. There may be greater long
distance travel during this period to foreign places, perhaps even in space. This generation are
obsessed with foreign travel, and about life on other planets.

Natal Report Teodora

Chiron Profile

Chiron in Second house

This placement usually shows disappointment in one’s The Second House is commonly
self when having financial difficulties. When you are well referred to as the House of
Possessions. While this speaks to that
equipped materially, you will likely still not be happy until
which we own, it's not limited simply to
you find worth in your spirit and own being rather than tangible things. We own our feelings
what you own. If you believe you can’t take care of and emotions, as well as our inner
selves, abilities, needs and wants.
yourself, know that it’s an inner infant you’re carrying
who doesn’t know that you can love yourself. The self-sufficiency natural to the 2nd house can be
hindered in you if you let your fear of rejection or abandonment lead in how you shape your life. You
may have unusual sexual interests as a result of deprivation of appropriate physical affection or sexual
abuse in early childhood. You can see the worth in others who aren’t well off and can be very helpful
in helping others to see the positive sides of themselves that exclude the material, but when it comes
to yourself, you are not as kind. When you truly find your personal worth you will be able to transcend
your deepest wound. You can be powerful teachers of the lesson of "self-worth" if you can overcome
your own self-esteem issues and dealt with your own issues. When you accept your uniqueness when
it comes to how you choose to use your time, energy, and money, you can free yourself to embrace
Chiron’s resourcefulness in figuring out new solutions to old problems, valuing your unique approach
to life.

Natal Report Teodora

Chiron in Capricorn

Capricorn has to do with our ability to control and

organize. You may be a workaholic in order to prove your
Capricorn is the leader of the Earth
self-worth. Your energetic and emotional sensitivity
signs, ruler of Saturn. Here is a
centres on if you’re worth respect. There may be some stabilizing force, one of the hardest-
things in your life you’re not particularly good at and working signs of the Zodiac. The
Mountain Goat has intense powers of
genuinely could improve. It’s up to you not take decide
self- concentration, but not in an
that this means that you’re not worth the time and egotistical sense.
energy investment in yourself that such improvement
requires. Your path to becoming the source of love for yourself with Chiron in this sign revolves around
respecting yourself by giving yourself a chance to grow into a mature person who brings heart into
work and achievement. Over time, a person can work hard and prove to self and other that he or she
has what it takes to succeed, whatever “it” is and however success is defined. If you show up to work –
or to work on something in another context – with self-doubt about your abilities and mettle, others
will reflect this to you. Hard work and right living can heal. Striking a balance between the playful inner
child and the outer adult who accepts responsibilities and duties can heal. Much value is placed on the
institution of work with this placement. From necessity to innovation, your path towards success is
worth million dollars. Crises brings about major unexpected career changes, forcing you to break the
barriers and change. You will enjoy the freedom of becoming self-employed. A breakthrough from
harsh conditions and a new employment system that is taught to others can help heal wounds. This is
a good placement for an efficiency expert, or for someone whose career involves helping others
organize things. You feel a need for respect and status so much that you lose sight and don't stop to
enjoy any of your accomplishments. Stop getting busy in counting your achievements and look around,
you already have a status!

Natal Report Teodora

House Profiles

The planets represent energies and cosmic forces that can be utilized in various
ways.They are like the actors in a play. Houses represent the different spheres of
life where these energies can be and are brought to bear, for better or for worse. If
the planets are the actors in a play, then the houses represent the various settings
in which the actors play out their roles (signs).

The 12 Houses of astrology are symbolic of the all the departments that make up
human life. The planets and zodiac signs will manifest themselves most strongly
in the sphere of life represented by the House in which they fall on your chart.
Remember, the houses are not "energies" like the elements or planets, nor do they
color the expression of energies like the zodiac signs do. The houses are WHERE
these energies are most likely to manifest. The houses are the fields of experience,
not the experience themselves.

Natal Report Teodora

First House Cusp

House of Self

The First House is commonly referred to as the House of Self. The First House
speaks to the realization of one's ultimate potential. This process of becoming a
unique individual is one of the greatest contributions we make to the world in
which we live.

House I - How others see you Scorpio k

Appearance Personality First Impression Hidden Passionate

Angular Fire Water Fixed

Scorpio on the First House Cusp

To the world you appear self-reliant, confident, in control, and determined to achieve your goals. Your
own view of the world is one of opportunity, and a place to work, play, and follow the pursuits of the
good life. You are fully capable of forging ahead with your own agenda without being slowed down
by interference or obstacles, nor do you usually need to ask for help or assistance when the going
gets rough. Your depth of vision along with your store of resources amounts to a considerable force in
dealing with business undertakings, and public or social aspirations. There may be a need to ease back
in certain circumstances so as not to become too authoritative or forceful in your relations with family,
co- workers, and friends.

Natal Report Teodora

Second House Cusp

House of Possessions

The Second House is commonly referred to as the House of Possessions. While

this speaks to that which we own, it's not limited simply to tangible things. We own
our feelings and emotions, as well as our inner selves, abilities, needs and wants.

House II - What you value Capricorn z

Possessions Pleasure Finances Self-Worth Ambitious Decisive

Succedent Earth Earth Cardinal

Capricorn on the Second House Cusp

Your financial dealings tend to be on a practical level, and you prefer using caution before investing
capital in projects that have not been fully investigated. You are moderately successful at staying with a
savings plan, as this is an indication of a state of security and well-being, or the foundation for building
a better future. You could expect some success with investments in real estate, property, mines, land
development, or gems and precious metals. Your organizational skills and sense of responsibility will
aid in bringing together business and financial undertakings for purposes of exploitation and profit.
This in turn could bring you into the public and/or political spotlight, and hence into community or
even national service.

Natal Report Teodora

Third House Cusp

House of Communication

The Third House is commonly referred to as the House of Communication. In this

House, much of the communication is going on between the individual and those
he or she holds close: brothers and sisters, as well as neighbors.

House III - Routine functioning of the Aquarius x

Profound Original

Communication Writing Teaching Siblings

Air Fixed

Cadent Air

Aquarius on the Third House Cusp

There are any number of subjects that you would be inclined to take up for study. Your active and
inquiring mind may be drawn to such fields as electronics, aviation, nuclear applications, and research
projects. You have latent potential for the arts that might lead you to study on a more formal basis
in areas as sculpture, painting, prose, and music. Your intuitive faculties have the depth to learn
about the esoteric aspects of reality including astrology and tarot. Your relationships with relatives and
neighbors are usually on good footing, and you tend to enjoy their companionship. Many of your hopes
and wishes could come about through connections established by your family and friends. Extensive
travel is more likely than not, providing that the appropriate conditions and circumstances prevail,
whether for business or pleasure. You tend to handle your correspondence in a friendly and timely

Natal Report Teodora

Fourth House Cusp

House of Home

The Fourth House is commonly referred to as the House of Home. When we

think of home, we think of that place where we put down our roots. We lay our
foundation and plant ourselves firmly into the Earth, as it were.

House IV - Where you belong Pisces c

Home Roots Heritage Security Searching Submissive

Water Mutable

Angular Water

Pisces on the Fourth House Cusp

You prefer your home to be secluded and private, and away from the prying eyes of neighbors and
passersby. You often feel an emotional attachment to your surroundings, and sentimental connections
to the things you value. Your home is a refuge and place for rest and meditation. You form strong
bonds to your family, and would create a place of love and protection for your spouse and children.
You were probably raised in a large family with lots of brothers and sisters, and a likely good
relationship with your mother. The closing years of life are apt to be peaceful and among companions.
You will have made peace with your maker, and anticipate the passing with a mystical longing.

Natal Report Teodora

Fifth House Cusp

House of Pleasure

The Fifth House is commonly referred to as the House of Pleasure. Oftentimes,

pleasure is the result of a creative act. The simple act of creating is, essentially,
giving of oneself and making something -- making another? Yes, the Fifth House
does speak to procreation and children, but it also addresses the creation of art
and culture.

House V - Where you have fun Aries a

Creativity Love Affairs Children Hobbies Challenging Impulsive

Succedent Fire Fire Cardinal

Aries on the Fifth House Cusp

The indication is for an active social life and an aggressive pursuit of the good things of life. You
might be drawn to rough and tumble games, or have a very competitive nature when challenged by
comrades or family members. Your interest in the opposite sex is strong, and you are easily moved to
the chase when romance is in the air. Your robust constitution and strong physical attraction will draw
many people to you for love and friendship. You are apt to speculate and take risks where investments
are concerned, although iron, steel, and building projects would secure a safe financial foundation for
you. Being a parent will see the possibility of raising more boys than girls, and they will respect your
strength and leadership.

Natal Report Teodora

Sixth House Cusp

House of Health

The Sixth House is commonly referred to as the House of Health. Implicit in

maintaining good health is the ability to cope in the face of adversity, and this
theme rings truest in the Sixth House.

House VI - Where you prepare Taurus s

Service health employment habits Conservative Concrete

Cadent Earth Earth Fixed

Taurus on the Sixth House Cusp

You possess a strong constitution, and can endure physical demands of a rigorous nature when the
necessity arises. Although your resistance is usually high, there is an inclination at times to over-
indulge because of a hearty appetite and a desire for rich foods. You are not prone to illness, but there
is a tendency to have an occasional sore throat or swollen tonsils. It is a good idea to wear a scarf or
muffler to protect the neck during cold weather. You are popular with your co-workers, and enjoy a
feeling of productivity and accomplishment. Comfortable surroundings make for a better attitude and
outlook in performing your duties, although working long and hard is not unusual for you. You may
find your social life overlapping with your occupation, and this could bring benefit in both areas.

Natal Report Teodora

Seventh House Cusp

House of Partnership

The Seventh House is commonly referred to as the House of Partnership. With

this House, we see a shift away from the self toward another -- a partner. By
cooperating with and relating to another we unite for the purpose of achieving

House VI - Projection onto others Taurus s

Relationship Marriage Partnerships Conservative Concrete

Open Enemies
Earth Fixed

Angular Air

Taurus on the Seventh House Cusp

You tend to take your relationships seriously, and prefer longer relationships over shorter ones.
Although you have a strong desire for marriage, it is not something to be entered into lightly. Love
and affection will tend to be important factors in your relationships. The indication is for an enduring
marriage, and any breakup would be of a very serious nature, although financial problems could react
on the happiness of both partners. In regard to general partnerships, the indication is for favorable
associations. Mutual benefit can accrue by joining with others of like mind and temperament. The
marriage partner would make an ideal business partner as well.

Natal Report Teodora

Eighth House Cusp

House of Sex

The Eighth House is commonly referred to as the House of Sex. This House delves
into relationships -- interactions with another and how certain aspects of those
interactions can take on a more communal nature.

House VIII - Where you transform Cancer f

Inheritance Death Sexual Intimacy Occult Caring Sensitive

Succedent Water Water Cardinal

Cancer on the Eighth House Cusp

There is likelihood of gain through personal items, or property of someone that was most probably
a close family member. There is a tendency to become extremely emotional or inconsolable over the
demise of someone that you have had a strong bond with for many years. The execution of a will
and disbursement of possessions is likely to be held closely within the confines of the immediate
family, with more distant relatives less involved. Your own passing is apt to be peaceful, and within
the comfort and security of the home. Although attempting to ascertain the exact manner of death
is problematic at best, the indications seem to indicate stomach problems or ulcerous conditions. In
the case of women, the breasts and womb, and due to the nature of the sign death by drowning. The
partners's attitude toward money will undoubtedly be influenced by the family.

Natal Report Teodora

Ninth House Cusp

House of Philosophy

The Ninth House is commonly referred to as the House of Philosophy. In keeping

with that theme, it's our search for meaning which is the focal point here.

House IX - The search for truth Leo g

Faith Long Trips Religion Philosophy Dominant Proud

Fire Fixed

Cadent Fire

Leo on the Ninth House Cusp

The indication is favorable for long journeys, and much benefit can come about through business and
other arrangements when the effort is undertaken to reach others at a distance, or in foreign lands.
The form of preferred travel include air, sea, and highway, although rail travel is not excluded. You
have a genuine interest in learning and understanding strange cultures or people, and your ability to
establish a rapport with them is a distinct and valuable quality. You tend to be a staunch supporter of
your ideals, and would never compromise your beliefs, or lower your standards. You are not inclined to
change the religion you were brought up in, and observance of church functions is generally acceptable
practice for your family as well as yourself.

Natal Report Teodora

Tenth House Cusp

House of Social Status

The Tenth House is commonly referred to as the House of Social Status. It is about
the place we have attained in our social (or work/career) grouping and in society
as a whole. Think status, the authority it conveys, and consequently, the role we
take in our community.

House X - Where you walk your talk Virgo h

Goals Profession Career Status Careful Minute

Earth Mutable

Angular Earth

Virgo on the Tenth House Cusp

You may be drawn to seek a profession in the communications industry; newspaper work or publishing
would be good, and the electronics industry also, particularly in fields dealing with telephones or
radios. You are a natural administrator, and would be comfortable in an office situation. Clerical
activities, and the handling of business affairs might appeal to your sense of getting the job done
in a timely and orderly manner. You could end up in a profession where travel plays a big part, or
in the transportation field. From the automobile industry to aviation or railroading, and all related
areas, these would be beneficially productive for you whether as ticket seller or chief executive. Avoid
entanglements in partnerships as you would probably be better off without them.

Natal Report Teodora

Eleventh House Cusp

House of Friends

The Eleventh House is commonly referred to as the House of Friends. Through

our friends, we find strength in numbers -- we see the power of the collective, the

House XI - Where one reaches out and Libra j

establishes contacts with the group
Negotiating Ethical

Friends Social Circle Gains Social Causes

Air Cardinal

Succedent Air

Libra on the Eleventh House Cusp

This is a very good placement that indicates an abundance of friends and companions, and happiness
and good fortune surrounding them. You have a personable nature that attracts people to you making
it easy to meet new friends, and they count you as one of their best. There are certain areas of interest
that brings you into contact with mutually compatible people in which bonds can be formed. These
tend to be in all areas involving creative expression, and places of beauty, such as art centers, gardens
and parks, beauty salons and hair styling shops, interior design and architecture, and in all aspects of
the musical world. Your hopes and wishes have excellent prospects of reaching their full realization in
their due time.

Natal Report Teodora

Twelfth House Cusp

House of the Unconscious

The Twelfth House is commonly referred to as the House of the Unconscious. The
unconscious state can help engender our successes, as well as assist us in coping
with our failures.

House XII - Where you go to be alone Scorpio k

Institutions Past Lives Secret Enemies Hidden Passionate

Water Fixed

Cadent Water

Scorpio on the Twelfth House Cusp

Occasions may arise in life when unseen influences operate in the background, or forming associations
with various people bringing conditions you are not aware of, and this then opens the possibility of
falling victim to what you know not. Such a situation could occur by starting a sexual relationship
with someone that is married, and they don't tell you. Although you are perfectly innocent, you are
still in a potentially dangerous situation. Another possibility might occur with a spouse that is jealous
or possessive because they seem convinced something is going on behind their back, even though
nothing is. By the same token, avoid making accusations or insinuations about your spouse, unless of
course, you have certainty. This is a murky area in life, and it will not be easy to see through to what is
really going on. Trust in your inner senses, as these tend to be highly developed and active in this area.

Natal Report Teodora

Aspects Profile

Sun Trine with Saturn - Q e U

Harmony Orb - 3.69

A trine formed between the Sun and Saturn makes it easy for you to accept and
handle responsibility. Difficult times in your life result in minimal struggle. You
inherently know how to react to problems and take advantage of counteracting
opportunities. You may have ambitions, but these are not very strong. Most of the
time you attain success by doing what is right, when the time is right. Somehow you
bring a sense of stability to every situation. Life is not always a basket of roses, and
sometimes you get depressed and deflated. Yet you can always get reorganized and
back on the right track.

Sun Conjunction with Uranus - Q q I

Dynamic Orb - 2.76

A conjunction of the Sun and Uranus produces a highly self-aware individual

expressing energies freely, and often in a unique fashion. Freedom is all important,
and you reflect this inclination in ways that many consider eccentric. You are slow to
mature because unrestricted attitudes make you appear childlike even as you grow
into adulthood. Your free-wheeling temperament permits to succeed if left to do
projects in your own, often progressive way. Progress is your most important goal,
and your individualism is apparent.

Moon Opposition with Mercury - W w E

Tension Orb - 2.64

The Moon and Mercury in opposition suggests that it's hard to bring emotions and
reason into balance. Issues are clouded by concern over trivialities, and emotional

Natal Report Teodora

response often wins over common sense. Conversely, cold logic sometimes
overcomes due concern for the individual. In either case, you find it hard to integrate
feelings and thinking. It's hard to predict your conclusions on any particular issue.
Occasionally, you become nervous and emotionally troubled. When this aspect is
active by transit, you may be easily irritated and argue at the slightest provocation.
This is not necessarily your normal mode of response.

Mars Trine with Jupiter - T e Y

Harmony Orb - 7.1

The trine formed between Mars and Jupiter shows that your physical resources are
applied in a well-integrated way. You have the physical and intellectual strength to
get a good many projects completed with a small amount of effort. You have a knack
for doing the right thing at the right time. Even with all this talent, you have an
easy come, easy go attitude. You aren't as competitive as you could be. Yet you're
are optimistic about life, and it never occurs to you to suspect that you won't do
whatever it is you set out to do.

Mars Opposition with Saturn - T w U

Tension Orb - 3.63

Mars and Saturn in opposition suggests some conflict between your desires and
your sense of responsibility. There is conflict between a need for impulsive action,
Mars behavior, and the conservative apprehension associated with Saturn. There
is a sense of being rejected associated with this aspect. You establish goals out
of realistic reach, and then suffer feelings of futility when you can't achieve them.
You may over evaluate the accomplishments of others, and undervalue yours. Like
yourself a little better, and establish objectives that are attainable in a detailed
process. You may be well suited to work in law enforcement, the military, industrial
engineering, or conservation. Personal relationships are often disappointing to you.
You may select a mate that is an extension of one of your parents. You should

Natal Report Teodora

instead seek one who would be less demanding, more liberal, and who could
compensate for the austerity of your parents. It is unlikely that your family
environment will be a replay of your childhood. You will want your children to have
more flexibility to enable them to become secure, independent adults.

Mars Conjunction with Pluto - T q P

Dynamic Orb - 1.04

The conjunction of Mars and Pluto shows a very strong desire nature with the
persistence and determination to get what you want. Your nature is to be more
interested in the battle than in the fruits of the conquest. You handle extreme
pressure very well, and in a crises situation you can be relied upon to manage affairs
with skill and authority. In love, you are assertive and possessive. Physical needs and
demands are notably strong. This is a highly emotional aspect. If not controlled, this
aspect may cause you to be brutal or cruel. Sextiles

Mercury Opposition with Jupiter - E w Y

Tension Orb - 8.86

The opposite positions of Mercury and Jupiter suggests mental overconfidence. It

shows the tendency to go to extremes, promising more than you can deliver. Your
talk is not always backed up with action and follow though. You have a constant need
to produce thoroughness and attention to detail. In matters of education you may be
somewhat conceited. Yet in your education, you may have pursued esoteric, literary,
scholarly, or philosophic studies, which lack practical value for earning a living. Avoid
alienating people with a know-it-all attitude. Your insatiable appetite for learning
can serve you well once you have learned to focus your attention in one area, and
develop a specific field.

Mercury Conjunction with Neptune - E q O

Dynamic Orb - 8.63

Natal Report Teodora

A conjunction of Mercury and Neptune suggests that your imagination often works
overtime. Logic and illusion become confused and you find it hard to express your
highly developed and sensitive mentality. You are so attuned to the emotions of
others that you may be vulnerable, and sometimes too easily influenced. There is a
tendency to idealize and dream beyond attainable levels, often setting yourself up
for disillusionment and disappointment. Good education and professional training
are necessary before you can succeed in a career. This placement can produce
creative writers or poets.

Jupiter Opposition with Neptune - Y w O

Tension Orb - 0.22

The opposition between Jupiter and Neptune shows a tendency to promise more
than you can fulfill. You are creatively talented, but you must develop self-discipline
to channel your energies in a productive direction. This aspect showing a lack of
practicality damages business and financial affairs. You are extremely generous and
kindhearted, but you may lack discrimination in this regard. You are somewhat
revolutionary and may be over-emotional in your personal involvements. This aspect
often denotes difficulty with drugs or alcohol.

Saturn Trine with Uranus - U e I

Harmony Orb - 6.45

This aspect offers a good balance between the sense of determination and the
willingness to adapt to change. There is an easy bridge between the old and new,
past and future. Saturn trine Uranus promotes the ability to use initiative and
originality, whilst applying common sense and knowledged gained from applied
commitment. There is usually a talent for relating easily to people of all ages and
all walks of life. It offers vibrancy and enjoyment of challenges but with a mature
judgement and sense of responsibility to others.

Natal Report Teodora

Saturn Opposition with Pluto - U w P

Tension Orb - 2.6

Saturn opposite Pluto often brings considerable challenges that require hard work
and dedication. Those born with this aspect usually have great strength of reserves,
but need to be wary of obsessiveness and self-restraint that borders on unneccesary
self-sacrifice. On a personal level there is difficulty in expressing deep emotions, but
they can have deep empathy for others. Often, there is an acute awareness of the
pain and hardship that accompanies life and many people with this aspect are well
suited to working hard for the benefit of those that have suffered genuine hurt.

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