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Family Night Activities December 30, 2011 Calendar GOD IS PERSONAL

Preparation: Everyone is going to help create the game board youll use for your trip down memory lane. You can use the board from the Candy Land game, or you can create your game on poster board. Its easy to do. Just copy the Memory Lane line drawing and print the questions provided. Cut them on the dotted lines and tape them to a 3 x 5 card (or if you have card stock, just print and cut.) Everyone will join in to decorate the path and play the game!

Gather the following items: o Candy Land game board or a poster board. o A bag of multi colored hard candies (The candies decorate the memory land pathway and will be used as spaces on the game board. If you dont want to use candy, you can cut out circles from several colors of construction paper or simply have the kids color the memory lane themselves.) o Tape or glue and markers. o 3 X 5 cards or card stock for the questions. o If you have pictures from the past year that depict highlights from the year you could make copies so they can be used for the game. o Have someone draw the game board on the poster as shown on the Memory Lane Game Board example or print the actual game board. Each player must have a game piece. You can use some from other games or make your own (i.e. buttons, different colored legos) o To determine number of moves per turn you can use dice (one or two), playing cards (move the number shown on the card drawntake out the face cards) or any other system youre comfortable with.

Getting Started: Were going to celebrate all God has done in our lives this past year! He was with us when things were good and He was with us when things didnt go the way we wanted. Our Personal God showed us His love, power, faithfulness, mercy . . . 1. Everyone draw a picture or choose a photo that represents a highlight from the last year. 2. Tape or glue the candy on the poster board, following the line. 3. Tape or glue the pictures you drew or printed along the path. Depending on time, you can fill in the rest of the board with drawings that represent something memorable or something youre thankful for from last year. If using a Candy Land board, tape the drawings and pictures over the pictures on the board.

Its time to play!!! 1. The person with a birthday closest to January 1st goes first. 2. Each turn begins with rolling the dice (or picking a card) and moving the given number of spaces. 3. Draw a card from the pile. If the player answers the question correctly, or does what the card instructs, the player moves one additional space. 4. If player lands on a black space, the Problem Pit, they lose the next turn UNLESS the player can name an attribute of God (Love, Faithful, Powerful, Just, Never Changes, etc. See the calendar for all the attributes) and tell why it enables God to turn problems into opportunities to see Him work (i.e. Problem: Someone says something mean about you at school. Opportunity: God Loves me no matter what and Hell help me say nice things instead of mean things.) PARENTS: Use this list to prompt kids of possible Problem Pits: Mean People Problem Pit Its too hard Problem Pit Sin Problem Pit Fear Problem Pit Money Problem Pit 5. If player lands on the Short Cut the game piece is moved ahead, HOWEVER, player must move game piece BACKWARD in following turns until it gets back to the beginning of the short cut. THEN player may take the regular path forward again. (NOTE: Short cuts may seem like an easy way to get ahead and win, but in the long run we miss much more than we gain.) 6. The first player to reach 2011 wins the game!! Closing out 2010: Close out the year with prayers of Thanksgiving for 2010 and pray for His blessing on 2011. Disappointment Problem Pit I failed Problem Pit Pride Problem Pit Loneliness Problem Pit

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