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CAMPUS: ___________________________

Science Immersion Program


Student-intern: _________________________________________________________________
Agency: _________________________________________________________________
Address of Agency: _________________________________________________________________
Agency Supervisor: _________________________________________________________________

To the Supervisor: Please indicate your rating of the intern in each criterion. Your feedback is crucial to our assessment of
the immersion program. Return this form to tahe student-intern upon completion of the SIP in a sealed signed envelope

CRITERION 3 2 1 Your rating

Attendance and Reports on time with no more Has incurred no more than three Has incurred more than three
Punctuality than one unexcused absence tardiness and/or unexcused unexcused absences
and/or one tardiness absences

Work Ethics Performs all of the assigned work Performs most of the assigned Performs very little of the
without any need of reminders; work though sometimes needs assigned work; Some of the
Work reflects best effort, and is reminding; Work reflects some assigned work never gets
ready on time or sometimes effort, and is sometimes completed and reflects very little
ahead of time; Demonstrates accomplished late. effort; Often needs reminding;
integrity in speech and Failed to demonstrate integrity in
action at all times. speech or
action several times.
Attitude and Personality Displays a positive attitude Displays a positive attitude Displays negative attitude
towards the assigned tasks. towards the assigned tasks most towards the tasks; Does not get
Never publicly critical of others; of the time but encounters along well with most people;
Wears appropriate attire. difficulty in getting along with Often publicly critical of others;
some people; Sometimes publicly Does not dress appropriately
critical of others; Wears most of the time.
inappropriate attire in
one or two instances.

Respect for authority, Courteous and respectful to Courteous and respectful to Often rude or impolite; Rarely
colleagues, and agency superiors and colleagues at all superiors and colleagues most of listens to and supports the efforts
rules and regulations times; Listens to and supports the the time; Often listens to and of others; Often disregards rules
efforts of others; Obeys rules and supports the efforts of others; and regulations.
regulations at all times. Obeys rules and regulations most
the time.

If you have any comments or observations about this intern, please write them below.
(Continue on separate sheet if necessary)

Signature of Agency Supervisor _ Date _

PSHS-00-F-DSA-22-Ver02-Rev0-02/01/20 Page 1 of 1

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