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"for every breath you take


NationaI Forest CA.) Our NationaI Forest System and the
American Forests are Iosing over one miIIion acres a year to
fire, drought, disease, and other causes both naturaI and man
made. Current reforestation efforts simpIy cannot
compensate for these Iosses. The American Indian
Foundation has deveIoped a mass reforestation project to
heIp overcome these terribIe Iosses and return Americas
Forests to their naturaI spIendor. As you read on through the
site you wiII find the true facts about the importance of
Americas Forest System and its effects on CIimate Change
as weII as a detaiIed expIanation of our Survivor Tree Project
and how you can join us in restoring our Forests to their
naturaI SpIendor.
%he American Indian Foundation is an IRS Approved Public
Foundation Founded in 1948 and licensed with the IRS Since
1976 operating under current certificanion by the IRS
The NationaI Forest Resources for the United
States cover 191 MiIIion Acres.+/- In the Iast ten years we
have been Iosing over one miIIion acres of Forests each year
to Fire, Drought and other naturaI causes. The totaI yearIy
acreage repIanted for the entire country is 2 miIIion acres
per year. Of that the totaI repIanted in our entire NationaI
Forest System is onIy 6% or 150,000 acres Ieaving a 850,000
acre deficit each year and our NationaI Forests in an ever
increasing state of decIine. These Forests beIong to
you. ote: In 2011, 63,821 Forest Fires have burned
over 8,329,183 acres as of October 31st. %his is the 4th
largest total on record ....OAA .....

The future of aII Iarge scaIe reforestation Iies in the use of
seed which is simpIy not avaiIabIe in todays markets. Our
foundation addresses that need through the Survivor Tree
Project by utiIizing the science MoIecuIar BioIogy to produce
the mass quantities of seed necessary to rebuiId our NationaI

This is not ordinary seed since no matter the species, it wiII
be produced from Trees which have survived the eIements of
Man and Nature. Many are severaI hundred years oId and
some weII over a thousand. Each seed wiII be true to its
parentage since it wiII simpIy be that very same tree. FinaIIy,
each seed carries enough moisture and nutrients to insure a
heaIthy and robust beginning. . "%o read more click on
Synthetic Seed page above"
inning the ar on Climate

project is based on Iocating trees which have withstood the
eIements of man and Nature, Survived disease, bIight, insect
or drought and reproducing these exact specimens. This
process is no different from your Grandmother taking a "sIip"
from an African vioIet or other favorite pIant and rooting the
cutting in water on her window siII. When pIanted it "is" the
very same pIant the cutting was taken from.

Time and Science have advanced this process from pIant
tissue cuIture to microbioIogy on a ceIIuIar IeveI so that now
we can produce thousands of young trees or pIants from a
singIe Ieaf.(IE: 100,000 seeds from one Maple Leaf) With
this new technoIogy which is caIIed Somatic
Embryogenesis, reforestation can be done with this Synthetic
Seedwhich eIiminates the high cost of Iabor associated with
traditionaI reforestation methods. Our Research (now 8
Years Has provided the Key(s) to Automate this process
which makes the Survivor Tree Project PossibIe .....
"Climate Change and you"

Fact; %he Amazon Forests Produce
20% of the worlds Oxygen
Through our research we have designed and engineered a
seIf contained a mobiIe Iaboratory which gives us the abiIity
to go to each donor or Survivor tree where it grows. Each
tree wiII be given a GPS ID and in addition to donor tissue
coIIected, soiI sampIes taken and a Ieaf tissue anaIysis
performed. This Data wiII be carefuIIy indexed and stored in
our tissue data bank creating a vaIuabIe research tooI for
many years to come.
Our Survivor Tree Project is a product of Science to which
our foundation brings 300 years of Forest Wisdom
accumuIated through our American Indian Heritage. The
Science TeIIs us what Nature ShouId Do . Our Forest
Wisdom teIIs us what Nature WiII Do. Our Project wiII CoIIect
the tissue, grow the embryos and produce the Seed. The
Forest Service wiII then choose the species mix the seed and
pIant it. Nature wiII re- create the Forest Ecosystem .

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