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1. What is the purpose of the ISM Code?

a. To establish international standards for ship design C

b. To ensure efficient cargo handling procedures

c. To provide a framework for safe ship management and pollution prevention

d. To regulate maritime insurance policies

2. When was the ISM Code adopted by the IMO?

a. 1974 C

b. 1987

c. 1993

d. 2000

3. What was the main concern that led to the development of the ISM Code?

a. Environmental pollution from shipping B

b. Poor management standards in shipping

c. Piracy on the high seas

d. Lack of maritime safety equipment

4. What is the purpose of the Safety Management Certificate under the ISM Code?

a. To certify the seaworthiness of a ship C

b. To ensure compliance with international labor regulations

c. To provide evidence of a ship's compliance with the ISM Code

d. To verify the ship's cargo manifest

5. How often are internal audits of a ship's Safety Management System required?

a. Monthly B

b. Annually

c. Every three years

d. At the discretion of the ship's captain

6. Who is responsible for implementing the safety and environmental protection policy onboard a ship?

a. Ship's captain D

b. Chief engineer

c. Chief mate

d. Entire crew

7. What is the purpose of establishing procedures for emergency preparedness under the ISM Code?

a. To minimize paperwork C

b. To ensure compliance with customs regulations

c. To identify and respond to potential emergency situations onboard

d. To schedule crew training sessions

8. What role does the designated person ashore play in the ISM Code?

a. Monitors the safety and pollution prevention aspects of ship operation A

b. Serves as the ship's captain

c. Oversees cargo loading and unloading operations

d. Conducts routine maintenance of ship equipment

9. How often are external audits of a ship's Safety Management System conducted?

a. Every six months C

b. Every year

c. Every three years

d. Only when requested by the ship's owner

10. What is the purpose of the Document of Compliance under the ISM Code?

a. To certify the ship's seaworthiness C

b. To verify the ship's cargo manifest

c. To provide evidence of the shore-based company's compliance with the ISM Code

d. To record crew training sessions

11. What is the significance of SOLAS Chapter IX in relation to the ISM Code?

a. It mandates the use of the ISM Code for all ships A

b. It regulates the construction and equipment standards for ships

c. It establishes guidelines for maritime insurance policies

d. It sets minimum standards for crew qualifications

12. What is the main objective of the ISM Code?

a. To increase shipping costs C

b. To promote maritime trade

c. To ensure the safety of ships and prevent pollution

d. To enforce strict maritime regulations


13. What are the two documentary evidences required to prove a ship's compliance with the ISM Code?

a. Ship's logbook and navigation charts B

b. Safety Management Certificate and Document of Compliance

c. Crew training records and medical certificates

d. Cargo manifests and bills of lading

14. Who is responsible for conducting internal audits of a ship's Safety Management System?

a. Classification society surveyors C

b. Port state control officers

c. Ship's crew members

d. Shore-based company personnel

15. What is the purpose of establishing levels of authority and lines of communication under the ISM

a. To improve crew morale C

b. To facilitate efficient cargo handling

c. To ensure effective decision-making and information flow

d. To minimize paperwork

16. What is the validity period for the Safety Management Certificate under the ISM Code?

a. 1 year C

b. 2 years

c. 3 years

d. 5 years

17. Who is responsible for reviewing the Safety Management System and reporting deficiencies to
shore-based management?

a. Ship's captain C

b. Chief engineer

c. Designated person ashore

d. Port state control officer

18. What is the role of the Safety and Environmental Protection Policy under the ISM Code?

a. To ensure compliance with local fishing regulations D

b. To promote sustainable fishing practices

c. To establish guidelines for cargo stowage

d. To describe how safety and environmental objectives will be achieved


19. What is the purpose of maintaining records of ship inspections and equipment maintenance under
the ISM Code?

a. To increase administrative workload B

b. To provide evidence of compliance with the ISM Code

c. To track crew training hours

d. To monitor fuel consumption

20. What is the primary goal of the ISM Code?

a. To maximize profits for shipowners C

b. To minimize paperwork for ship operators

c. To enhance maritime safety and prevent pollution

d. To streamline customs clearance procedures

21. What is the purpose of the ISPS Code?

a. To regulate port facilities B

b. To enhance maritime security

c. To provide standards for seafarer training

d. To ensure environmental protection

22. What is the purpose of the STCW Convention?

a. To regulate port security B

b. To establish standards for seafarer training

c. To enforce pollution prevention measures

d. To set guidelines for maritime insurance

23. What is the role of the Ship Security Officer (SSO)?

a. To oversee cargo operations C

b. To maintain ship sanitation standards

c. To ensure compliance with security measures

d. To manage onboard catering services

24. What are security duties onboard ships?

a. Navigation tasks C

b. Safety inspections

c. Security-related tasks and duties

d. Cargo handling operations


25. What is a Certificate of Proficiency?

a. A document issued to verify security training A

b. A certificate of competency for seafarers

c. A license to operate onboard machinery

d. A document certifying medical fitness

26. What is the purpose of the Security Related Familiarization training?

a. To train crew on emergency procedures B

b. To provide awareness of security threats

c. To teach proficiency in designated security duties

d. To familiarize crew with port facilities

27. Who is responsible for the implementation and maintenance of the ship security plan?

a. Ship's master C

b. Chief engineer

c. Ship Security Officer

d. Port facility security officer

28. What is the ISPS Code?

a. International Ship Pollution Standards B

b. International Ship and Port Facility Security Code

c. International Safety Management Code

d. International Seafarer Protection System

29. What is the purpose of the Proficiency in Designated Security Duties training?

a. To provide basic security training for all crew B

b. To train crew in specific security tasks

c. To certify crew as security officers

d. To teach navigation skills

30. What is meant by "documentary evidence"?

a. Certificates of competency C

b. Training records

c. Any documentation verifying compliance with regulations

d. Inspection reports

31. What does STCW stand for?

a. Standard Training for Cruise Workers C

b. Standards for Training and Crew Welfare

c. Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping

d. Seafarer Training and Certification Worldwide

32. Who is responsible for monitoring the safety and pollution prevention aspects of ship operation?

a. Port State Control Officers C

b. Ship Security Officers

c. Designated Persons Ashore

d. Crew Members

33. What is the purpose of the Ship Security Alert System?

a. To communicate with port authorities B

b. To alert crew to potential security threats

c. To request assistance in case of emergency

d. To monitor ship's movements

34. What is the significance of the STCW 2010 Manila Amendments?

a. They introduce new security training requirements A

b. They mandate port facility security measures

c. They establish guidelines for pollution prevention

d. They regulate cargo handling procedures

35. What is the purpose of Regulation 10 of Chapter XI-2 of SOLAS?

a. To require companies to implement security measures B

b. To establish alternative security arrangements

c. To provide guidelines for communication of security threats

d. To regulate security training for seafarers

36. What is the purpose of security-related familiarization training for seafarers?

a. To provide advanced security training C

b. To enhance maritime navigation skills

c. To enable seafarers to recognize and respond to security threats

d. To improve communication with port authorities


37. Who conducts the security-related familiarization training onboard a ship?

a. Ship's master C

b. Designated security officer

c. Ship security officer or an equally qualified person

d. Port facility security officer

38. What is the purpose of security-awareness training for seafarers without designated security duties?

a. To train them in handling cargo operations B

b. To provide basic knowledge of security terms and procedures

c. To certify them as security officers

d. To enhance their proficiency in firefighting

39. What transitional provision allows seafarers to demonstrate competence for security duties?

a. Approved seagoing service for at least six months D

b. Passing an approved test

c. Successfully completing approved training

d. All of the above

40. What is the purpose of regular security inspections of the ship by designated seafarers?

a. To monitor weather conditions C

b. To ensure compliance with pollution prevention measures

c. To control access to restricted areas onboard

d. To handle emergency medical situations

*Correct answer:* c. To control access to restricted areas onboard

41. What knowledge is required for seafarers with designated security duties regarding security
equipment and systems?

a. General knowledge of various types of security equipment and systems A

b. Advanced knowledge of maritime law

c. Basic knowledge of ship navigation systems

d. Proficiency in first aid procedures

42. Who is responsible for assessing evidence obtained from approved instruction or training courses?

a. Ship's master C

b. Port authorities

c. Ship security officer

d. Classification society surveyors


43. What is the purpose of knowledge of security levels and their impact on security measures?

a. To determine the ship's speed C

b. To assess the ship's cargo capacity

c. To understand the severity of security threats

d. To calculate fuel consumption

44. Who is required to demonstrate proficiency in designated security duties onboard?

a. Seafarers without designated security duties D

b. Ship security officers

c. Designated security officers

d. Seafarers designated to perform security duties

45. What criteria are used for evaluating competence in handling security-related information?

a. Familiarization with ship's equipment D

b. Compliance with company policies

c. Identification of maritime security threats

d. Adherence to principles established by the ISPS Code

46. What is the primary focus of the International Safety Management Code (ISM Code)?

a. Ensuring customer satisfaction C

b. Enhancing engine room operations

c. Safe management and operation of ships

d. Quality management system implementation

47. Which vessels are required to comply with the ISM Code?

a. Only passenger ships C

b. Vessels over 1000 gross tonnages

c. All ships of more than 500 gross tonnages

d. Cargo ships only

48. What is the purpose of the ISO 9001 standard?

a. Ensuring maritime security C

b. Enhancing engine room operations

c. Quality management system implementation

d. Compliance with environmental regulations


49. What is one requirement common to both the ISM Code and ISO 9001 regarding management

a. Continuous improvement A

b. Employee benefits

c. External audits

d. Regulatory compliance

50. What is the responsibility of the Designated Person Ashore (DPA) according to the ISM Code?

a. Ensuring compliance with ISO 9001 standards C

b. Monitoring environmental pollution

c. Monitoring the safe operation of company ships

d. Implementing bridge operations management procedures

51. What does the ISM Code require regarding human resources onboard ships?

a. Compliance with ISO 14001 standards B

b. Medical fitness of seafarers

c. Employee training in customer service

d. Quality objectives establishment

52. What is one requirement mentioned in the ISM Code but not in ISO 9001?

a. Emergency preparedness A

b. Customer satisfaction surveys

c. Environmental impact assessment

d. Employee performance evaluations

53. What does the ISM Code require regarding bridge operations management?

a. Allocation of engine room duties B

b. Maintenance of navigation equipment

c. Implementation of customer service procedures

d. Compliance with international trade regulations

54. What is essential for a well-managed ship's engine room operations?

a. Continuous customer feedback B

b. Effective waste management procedures

c. Maintenance of crew satisfaction levels

d. Implementation of ISO 27001 standards


55. What is a common requirement for both bridge and engine room operations according to the ISM
Code and ISO 9001?

a. Implementation of air pollution control measures B

b. Regular internal and external audits

c. Compliance with maritime labor laws

d. Maintenance of shipboard communication systems

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