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LIVABLE OREGON AND A STRONG ECONOMY." Environmental Health is an integral part of

the world we live and every industry needs more people who are knowledgeable in environmental
health. During my undergraduate study at the University of Kwara State, I discovered that our
mother Earth is getting weaker day by day due to the increase in technologies used in industries that
don't just hurt nature but are detrimental to the health of we humans living on Earth. Issues like
pollution and global warming, are caused by our actions and that's why We need to know what has
happened, how it happened, and what solutions should be provided to solve these issues.
During my undergraduate study at the University of Kwara State, I had rigorous practical and
theoretical training in Geology and Mineral science, I carried out different research works which
includes "Hydrocarbon Potential of Chad Basin, Borehole drilling at Saw-mill Ilorin, Kwara State
04/02/2019-30/08/2019, Conducted geological research in different places. Worked with the
Geological Service team in carrying out some drilling. Collected and analyzed samples in some
areas drilled for petrographic and geochemical studies in the laboratory." I also carried out a major
research thesis titled; "Geology and geochemical stream sediments survey of Olayinka and its
environment 2020.
Fabrication of interlocking concrete block making machine 2015". Upon the completion of my
undergraduate studies, I worked at Aero Multi-dynamic Services Limited, Lagos State 2015-2016,
and attended a seminar "54th Nigerian Mining and Geoscience Society's Annual International
Conference, Kano, Nigeria. 2018. Theme: Harnessing Nigeria's Minerals and Energy Resources for
Economic Development and Sustainability." I also garnered more knowledge during the
compulsory National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) that my country (Nigeria) Imposed on every
successful graduate by working at Alim Cooperate Ventures, Ondo State 2021-2022 to further
expand my knowledge on environmental health.
As a concerned human who wants to contribute to the growth of environmental health awareness
not alone in my country but all around the world, I am eager to see different societies more focused
on implementing sustainable strategies to beat down the adverse effects of our human activities.
Hence my passion and commitment to this field of study have inspired me to take an important
step and use this opportunity to apply for a Master's degree in Environmental Health at this
distinguished Leeds Beckett University because I believe that this is a top University that will
prepare me for the realities of our current society while grooming me to be an active contributor to
the possible solutions to the environmental health problems faced by our society.

I am aware of the program's competitive nature, still, I am convinced and strongly believe that my
good academic record at the University undergraduate level and professional expertise, my
previous experience, and my study experiences demonstrate my ability to succeed in a career in
Environmental Health and with my motivation and enthusiasm that I have built over the years
will give me a strong recommendation for a place at the Leeds Beckett University. With this in
mind, I look forward to a long and rewarding relationship with you. Thank you for considering my
candidature as a prospective graduate student.

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