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St Mary's School

B1 8 Evolution L2 Q A ER

Q1. The diagram shows an evolutionary tree for humans.

The diagram is based on a study of fossils.

(a) When did Australopithecus afarensis first appear?

.................................................. million years ago.


(b) Which species was the direct ancestor of Paranthropus boisei?


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St Mary's School

(c) Which species is most closely related to Homo habilis?


(d) About 250 fossils of Homo erectus have been found. About 50 of these fossils have
been found in China.

A Chinese scientist has suggested the hypothesis that Chinese people evolved from
Homo erectus.

Most scientists do not agree with this hypothesis.

Use the information above and information from the diagram to suggest two
reasons why.

1 .....................................................................................................................


2 .....................................................................................................................


(e) Darwin suggested the theory of natural selection. It was a long time before this
theory was accepted by most scientists.

Give two reasons why it took a long time.

1 .....................................................................................................................


2 .....................................................................................................................

(Total 7 marks)

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St Mary's School

Q2. Charles Darwin proposed the theory of natural selection.

(a) What is meant by natural selection?





(b) The drawings show stages in the evolution of the human skeleton.

All the drawings are to the same scale.

Use information from the drawings to describe two trends in the evolution of the
human skeleton.

1 .....................................................................................................................


2 .....................................................................................................................


(c) Darwin said that humans had evolved from ape-like ancestors.

Many people disagreed with him at the time.

Give two reasons why.

1 .....................................................................................................................

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St Mary's School

2 .....................................................................................................................


(d) Lamarck’s theory of evolution stated that useful changes which occur in an
organism during its lifetime will be inherited by its offspring.

Give one way in which Darwin’s theory differs from Lamarck’s.


(Total 7 marks)

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St Mary's School

M1. (a) 3.75

accept answers in range 3.6 – 3.9

(b) (Paranthropus) aethiopicus


(c) (Homo) ergaster


(d) any two from:

ignore references to H. floresiensis or not enough data

• Homo erectus fossils found in other parts of the world

allow only 50 fossils found in China
ignore the two species were alive at the same time

• (too many) gaps in fossil record

Homo erectus on different branch of ‘tree’

or no evidence of other ‘humans’ developing from Homo erectus

or no link shown between Homo erectus to

Homo sapiens / modern humans
allow diagram shows they are not closely related

or (fossils show that) H. sapiens evolved from H. heidelbergensis / H.

mauritanicus / H. ergaster

(e) any two from:

• ‘religious’ reasons
allow people did not wish to believe they had evolved from

• insufficient evidence at that time

allow took a long time to get evidence
or communications not as good at that time
ignore no evidence / could not prove it
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St Mary's School
• Darwin was not a respected / well known scientist
ignore references to Lamarck

• mechanism of inheritance / variation not known at that time

allow (people) did not know about genes / genetics / DNA /
chromosomes / mutations

M2. (a) any two from:

• survival of fittest
allow examples

• amplification of fittest ie has adaptations to survive

allow examples

• go on to breed or genes / characteristics passed on to next generation

NB best adapted organisms survive gains 2 marks

(b) any two from eg:

ignore unqualified change eg ‘the skull changes shape’

• increased height

• increased erectness
allow description of modern human characteristic eg ‘modern
humans stand up straight’

• shorter arms

• legs straighter

• larger skull
allow description of ape-like characteristics eg ape-like
ancestor walked on four legs

• larger pelvis or changing shape described

• humans walk on two legs / feet


(c) any two from:

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St Mary's School
• religious objections

• insufficient evidence
ignore no evidence
accept could not prove

• mechanism of heredity not known

did not know about genes /chromosomes / DNA / mutations

• did not like the thought of being descended from apes


(d) Darwin’s theory depends on differences in genes at birth / inborn variation / mutation
allow Darwin’s theory depends on genetics
ignore reference to time

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St Mary's School

E1. A number of students did not understand what an ancestor was. Some students
obviously could not follow this evolutionary tree especially where there were broken /
discontinuous branches.

(a) Most students lost marks by not attempting to give accurate answers, being content
with 3 or 4 million years ago.

(b) The most common error was Australopithecus spp. Weaker students resorted to
cavemen and even dinosaurs.

(c) The varied answers showed the difficulty many students had in following this
evolutionary tree.

(d) Common misconceptions demonstrated included ‘Chinese have been around for
more than 2 million years’, ‘the other 200 fossils are still to be found’, ‘ancestors
come after the organism’.

(e) The most common correct responses referred to religious reasons or to insufficient
evidence. Common non-creditworthy responses included lack of modern tools or
technology to find evidence or that there was no evidence. There were very few
references to the lack of status of Darwin or to the lack of knowledge of mechanism
of inheritance.

E2. (a) Few candidates could adequately describe what was meant by natural selection.
A further tenth gained one mark. Successful candidates generally gained one mark
for survival of the fittest. The second mark was generally gained for a correct
reference to adaptation, although many implied that organisms choose to adapt. A
minority of candidates stated that survivors would go on to breed.

Generally the answers fell into three main categories: general answers related to
evolution eg we are descended from apes; answers based on natural eg something
has changed naturally; answers based on selection eg when you choose your
natural partner.

(b) A quarter of the candidates correctly identified two trends and a further third
correctly identified one. The most common error was to describe something that did
not change eg still has skull and pelvis. Many candidates failed to gain credit
because they just stated that a structure changed, without saying what the change
was eg the skull changed or the shape of the pelvis changes.

(c) A sixth of candidates gave two correct reasons and a further half gave one correct
reason. The most common correct reason was a reasonable reference to religious
objections closely followed by the idea that Darwin had no proof. Many candidates
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St Mary's School
made the incorrect statement that Darwin had no evidence.

Most unsuccessful candidates referred to apes and humans eg apes are hairy,
humans can talk, apes walk on hands and feet, apes are wild animals. Other
candidates stated that people did not want to be descended from apes or that apes
are still alive.

(d) Very few candidates gave a creditworthy difference between the two theories. Most
candidates had difficulty expressing ideas clearly. Weaker candidates merely
restated the question.

Many candidates stated that Darwin takes a long time, Lamarck is quick.

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