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Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) is the government primary
welfare agency responsible for uplifting the living conditions and improving the quality
of life of the poorest sector of the population through its various programs and
services designed to enable them to become self-reliant and contribute to national


The kind and quality of care given to a child during the first sex years of life
determine what he will be as a youth and as an adult. Parents have the primary
responsibility to provide this care. Many parents however, are not able to provide
their children with proper care and home environment. These children in invariably
suffer from neglect and become socially disadvantaged.

Reasons for child neglect may differ across households. Some of the most
common ones are mentioned below:

The Working Mother. The mother has traditionally been the primary source of
learning and development experiences for the preschool child.

The Large Family. In families where there are many children,mothers (even those
who do not work) may not be able to attend to the needs of all their preschool

The Emotionally Immature Parent. Some mothers give birth while very young and are
not emotionally prepared for the responsibilities of parenthood.

The Poor Environment. Families living in slum areas in makeshift dwellings with no
space for outdoor play, or in every poor neighborhoods or communities usually
cannot care properly for their preschool children.

Day Care Service (DCS) for preschool was first develop under the
Philippines’ Urban Community Welfare Program of the Social Welfare Administration
(now the Department of Social Welfare and Development). It was part of the
UNICEF-Assisted Social Services Project in 1964. The first day care centers were
organized in places with community welfare program. At the time, DCS focused on
the social development of preschool children.

In the 70’s, it was discovered that there was an increasing number of

undernourished in day care centers. In 1972, supplemental feeding was included for
malnourished preschoolers in day care centers. There were then 671 day care

Two years later (1974), the country had 2,658 day care centers 1,654 of
which were partially funded by the integrated Social Welfare and Nutrition Project of
the First Lady Imelda Romualdez Marcos. Support from voluntary organizations and
parent groups increased.

By 1975, more local governments sponsored the establishment of day care

centers for their communities. Local governments funded 2,106 day care centers out
of the total 3,390 centers. It was also in 1975 when the Child and Youth Welfare
Code (Presidential Decree 603) took effect which provided Day Care Service for
children who could not be cared for by their parents and relatives during of the day.

In 1978, the Barangay Day Care Law (P.D. 1567) was passed. It provided for
the established of a day care center in every barangay. It also gave the community
the responsibility to set up Day Care Center for its neglected preschool children.

Also during this period. The First Country Program for Children (CPC I) was
launched covering the period 1978 to 1983. Under this program, the Early Childhood
Enrichment Program (ECEP) through UNICEF-assistance, was pilot tested in
Regions II, VII and XII by the University of the Philippines Child Development Center.
Its goal was to fill in the inadequacies in emotional social and intellectual
development of children from 0-6 years of age.

Duties and Responsibilities of Day Care Worker
Certain duties and responsibilities are part of day care work. Duty refers to
what you have to do under professional, legal and moral obligation to meet certain

Responsibility, on the other hands, refers to your being answerable for certain

To be an affective and successful Child Development Workers, you need to

know. Understand and carry out your duties and responsibilities. This way you can
be comfortable, confident and knowledgeable about your work. Knowing your duties
and responsibilities also prepares you to do what is expected of you, it helps you
become effective in developing the neglected preschool children into-well rounded
and useful members of a family and a community.

The duties and responsibilities of a Child Development Worker can be

divided into three aspects. These are summarized and listed below:

Before the DCS Session:

1. Helps the social worker or welfare assistant in conducting a survey on

The community, explaining and spreading information among community
members on Day Care Service.

2. Meets with city/municipal and barangay officials, parents of prospective day

care children and other community members to generate support for the DCS,
as well as to recruit volunteers who may assist in the activities of the Child
Development Center.

3. Meets with parents of preschool children to discuss the objectives of Day

Care Service. Also tells them how the Child Development Center operates and
the responsibilities of parents.

4. Identifies activities for parents of day care children.

5. Identifies Child Development Center sponsors and day care location with the
help of the social worker.

6. Plans and arranges the physical layout of the Child Development Center site
with the help of the social worker and make sure that it meets the physical
standards and requirements of a center.

7. Register preschool children recommended for Day Care Service by the

Social Worker, checks the birth registration, immunization records and obtains
the Growth Monitoring Chart.

Objectives of Day Care Service
1. Physical Development
2. Personal Development
3. Ability to Handle Human Relationship
4. Social and Spiritual Development
5. Cognitive and Verbal Language Development
6. Provision of Safety and Comfort of Children

Major/minor Activities in the Child Development Center

1. Arrival Time
2. Free Play
3. Meeting Play
4. Activity Time
5. Outdoor Play
6. Snack Time
7. Self Help Time
8. Rest Time
9. Circle Time
10. Story Time
11. Goodbye

Code of Discipline of Parents in the CDC

1. Avoid peeping on the window during the session.

2. Observe silence outside the CDC during class.
3. Avoid gambling on CDC.
4. Avoid hurting day care child physically, mentally and emotionally.
5. Day Care Parent/aide are allowed inside the CDC to help or assist the Child
Development Worker, if the number of children enrolled is more than 20.
6. Cooperate in any task or program in the CDC.
7. Parents not allowed to accompany the child if he/she is in the influence of alcohol.
8. No speaking bad words in the CDC.
9. No taking picture or video without the consent of the CDW.
10. Practice Clean As You Go (CLAYGO)
11. Parents are not allowed to give cellphone to day care children inside the CDC.

Rules and Responsibilities of Parent

1. Attend meeting or PES prescribed by the CDW.

2. The day care parents assist the CDW before, during and after Day Care Service.
3. Help co-day care parents in any working task given by DCW like cooking children
meal on supplemental feeding etc.
4. Organize officers for the leaders in the CDC.

5. Report Any misbehavior of children or co-parents in the Day Care Centers to the
6. Strictly use the Group Chat for the Day Care Service concerns only.
7. Cooperate, help and participate in any activities programs, feeding of Day Care
8. Pay the Fees

Activities in the Child Development Center

Part I

 Daily activity of the children in one day session-posted outside the DCC
(Schedule of Act.)

Other activity or program of DC service

* January to December - PES, ERPAT, SFP, health monitoring, oral

Health/Dental, Nature Walk/Field Trip (with in community), Bible
Month, CDC assessment
* March-April - Earthquake Drill and Fire Drill
* July - Nutrition Month and moving up exercise
* August - Bayanihang Bulilit
* September - Parent’s Orientation and Family Day
* November - Children’s Month (Municipality and Province)
* December - Christmas Program

Part II

1. General Information

A. Day Care Admission - 3 to 4 years old children are welcome to study

in the CDC and any religion.

B. Admission Requirements
 NCR, NSO/Birth Certificate
 Immunization

C. Fees
Registration Fee is 150 / Participation Fee 50
Other fees:
 Electric fee
 Gasul fee
 Supplemental fee
 Project fee
 Water fee
*depend on the agreement of CDW and Parents

D. Terms of Payments
 Registration fee is paid upon enrollment
 Other fees must be paid as needed
 Monthly participation fee

E. Withdrawals / Drop

 Withdrawal of child in CDC must be note feed to the CDW. In case of

Payments in registration fee-in on withdrawal / not refundable in case
Not yet started 50% can be refundable.

Part III

A. Assessment of Day Care Children

B. Card
 Cards of DCC is the ECCD checklist to be release every end of school
Year and child assessment upon enrolment and as needed.
 Parents Conference Journal is made after the evaluation of the child
And and it will be discussed by the CDW to the parent.

C. Grading System
 Children are assessed on the 7 domain of development:

 Growth Motor
 Fine Motor
 Self Help
 Expressive
 Receptive / Language
 Social emotional Domain

D. No Day Care Awards

Part IV

* Code of Discipline of CDC

A. Uniform - as needed / it depends upon the agreement of CDW and

 Boy - blue shorts, white shirt with DC logo, black shoes and
White socks

 Girl - blue skirt, white blouses or t shirt with DC logo, black

shoes and white socks.

* Days of wearing uniform depends agreement of parents and DCW.

B. Attendance

 Classes starts and ends of class are presented by the MSWD

 Regular attendance is one of the most important obligation.
 Any child who will absent must secure excuse letter due to
sickness or medical certificate.
C. Wearing IDs

 It depends upon the agreement of CDW and Parents

* Classroom Discipline
 Children should follow day care rules and regulation of the CDC
( if possible).

* Suspension of Classes
 Heavy Rains
 Typhoon / heavy rain
 Holidays
 CDW emergency and monthly meeting
 Leave of CDW
 DCSPG meeting
 During suspension of CDW

* Procedure in giving Disciplinary Measures

 Any child who violate CDC rules will be asked to stay for some
Advice with their parents or guardian.
 In case the parents are not around, they will be notified about the

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