Ron Lynch Report!

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In 1993, Ronald Lynch filed for Bankruptcy in US Bankruptcy court. This

full case file is not available online.

(Source: US Bankruptcy Court, Western District Court of Oklahoma, Case: 93-15299)

In 2004, Lynch again filed for bankruptcy in US Bankruptcy court.

On Lynch’s 2004 Bankruptcy filing, he had between 16 to 49 creditors and
between $100,001 and $500,000 in assets and liabilities.
One of the creditors in the case was the IRS, with Lynch owing $2,500 to
the agency.

Included in the filing, Lynch had various judgements and a repossession

of a GMC 1 ½ Ton Truck.
In Lynch’s bankruptcy filing, he dodged creditors by filing four motions to
avoid judicial liens.
The bankruptcy case was officially closed in December 2005.

(Source: US Bankruptcy Court, Western District Court of Oklahoma, Case: 04-17383)

In 2004, Lynch and his mobile home business was sued in District Court by creditor BancFirst
for over $10K in indebtedness. BancFirst was awarded a default judgement on Lynch.

(Source: Oklahoma County District Court, Case # CJ-2004-2928;

A 2003 Small Claims case over $1,500 where Ron Lynch had his wages
garnished by Southwestern Bell Yellow Pages. A default judgement was
entered against Lynch and the answer to the garnishment was “not
(Source: Oklahoma County District Court, Case #: SC-2003-23718
A Small Claims case where a dentist got a $376.72 plus court costs
default judgement placed on Lynch.

(Source: Oklahoma County District Court, Case #: SC-2004-00395;

In 2003, Cyndy Lynch (his ex-wife) filed a protective order on Ron Lynch.
This order was granted.
(Source: Oklahoma County District Court; Case #: PO-2003-2737

Other Protective Orders filed by Cyndy Lynch on Ronald Lynch:

One in 2000.

One in 2002.

Another one in 2002.

Divorce Cases
In 2010, Ronald Lynch and his then-wife Lori Lynch filed for divorce. The
filing reveals that she filed for contempt of court against him. The filing
also reveals that even after all of Ron Lynch’s financial problems, he still
had a $4K time share property and a $20K line of credit to Harley
(Source: Oklahoma County District Court, Case #: FD-2010-2943

Other Divorce Cases:

In 2000, Lynch was involved in a divorce case filing with Cyndy.

In 2001, Lynch was involved in a divorce case filing with Cyndy.

Other Cases of Interest

In 2008, Ronald Lynch was cited for a traffic citation entitled “violation of child restraint.”
(Source: Woodward County District Court, TRC-2008-00204;

In 1997, a Civil Case involving over $10K was filed against Ronald Lynch
and his Mobile Home Business. The case was dismissed three years later.

1997 Auto Accident case that may have involved this Ronald Lynch as a
defendant. It appears the case was quickly settled by Lynch’s auto

Two Small Claims cases that may involve this Ron Lynch.

Oklahoma Tax Warrants

In April of 1992, a Tax Warrant was placed on Ron Lynch for $169.98 in
unpaid Oklahoma Income Taxes for the year 1990. This tax warrant
was paid and released in 1994.
In February of 1993, an Oklahoma Tax Warrant was placed on Ronald
Lynch for $227.06 in unpaid taxes in the year 1991. This tax warrant
was paid and released in January 1996.

In January 1994, an Oklahoma Tax Warrant was placed on Ronald

Lynch for $256.02 in unpaid income taxes for the year 1992. This tax
warrant was paid and released on January 1996.
In October 2005, Ronald Lynch had an Oklahoma Tax Warrant placed
on him for $3,769.49 in unpaid income taxes for the year 2004. This
tax warrant was paid and released in July 2007.
(Source for all Oklahoma Tax Warrants: Oklahoma County Clerk Online Deed Search of
Ronald Lynch)

Lynch’s Popcorn/Candy businesses in OKC and Yukon each got
forgiven PPP loans.


Former Democrat
Ronald Lynch was registered as a Democrat until 2021. While he
was a Democrat, he voted in the 2020 Presidential Primary as
well. That fact seems to at least partially contradict this claim
on this website…

(Source: Oklahoma State Election Board, Ron Lynch Voter Registration Records)

Political Donations
Lynch gave several $3 donations to liberal efforts to change the
redistricting process in GOP dominated states.
(Source: OpenSecrets Donor Search of Ronald Lynch in Oklahoma)

Voters Not Politicians in Michigan is a group that worked to change the

constitution to make it easier to elect Democratic politicians. VNP
“supported and funded substantially left-leaning groups” so they and
change “the way political district boundaries are drawn for the Michigan
state legislature and for congressional representation” This group has
explored weaken Michigan’s constitutional limit on the number of terms
state lawmakers can serve. Read the organization’s description below…
Voters Not Politicians (VNP)

Voters Not Politicians (VNP) is a Michigan-based lobbying and political advocacy group affiliated with
the nonprofit Count MI Vote that formed in 2016 for the purpose of changing the way political district
boundaries are drawn for the Michigan state legislature and for congressional representation. 1

VPN organized a successful petition drive to place a proposed state constitutional amendment on the
2018 ballot (Proposal 2 of 2018) that created a new process of drawing political district maps following
each decennial U.S. census. The proposal would replace the existing process of political district
boundaries being drawn by state legislators with a new redistricting commission consisting of citizens
from both political parties and self-declared independents. Proposal 2 was approved by voters on
November 6, 2016 by a 61% – 39% margin. 2 The proposal was supported and funded substantially left-
leaning groups such as the Action Now Initiative; SEIU UHW-West, a California-based local of
the Service Employees International Union; and the Sixteen Thirty Fund, part of the Arabella
Advisors “dark money” network. 3

Following the success of Proposal 2, VNP expanded their platform to include working to implement
Proposal 2, exploring proposals to weaken Michigan’s constitutional limit on the number of terms state
lawmakers can serve, and enact other state constitutional and legislative changes. 4 5

VNP’s success changing Michigan’s redistricting process has been embraced by left-leaning groups who
believe similar efforts can be replicated in other states to enhance chances of Democratic Party
candidates winning elections. 6 7

Environmentalist activist and Michigan resident Katie Fahey founded Voters Not Politicians in 2016 to
change the way political district lines are drawn. 8 Her effort began as a grassroots social media
campaign but grew into a $14 million campaign to amend the state constitution that attracted money
and support from traditional Democratic Party supporters and opposition from Republican Party
supporters. 9 10

The largest contributions to VNP’s constitutional amendment campaign were left-progressive groups
including the Sixteen Thirty Fund, the Action Now Initiative, the SEIU United Healthcare
Workers union, and the National Education Association teachers’ union. 11 Other substantial donors to
VNP with left-leaning missions include environmentalist campaigners Quadrivium Foundation and the
Green Advocacy Project, the Beckwith Constitutional Liberties Fund, and the National Democratic
Redistricting Committee founded by Obama administration U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and
backed by former President Barack Obama. 12 13

VNP was able to out-spend opponents of the ballot proposal by a 5-1 margin and was criticized by
Republican opponents of the proposal for accepting out-of-state “dark money” that conceals the sources
of funding. 14 Examples include support for VNP from the Democracy Initiative, which is supported by
left-of-center funding sources like the Tides Foundation,15 and from Sixteen Thirty Fund, which is part of
the Arabella Advisors network of left-of-center “dark money” front groups. 16

Critics of VPN’s stated nonpartisan nature also pointed out that VPN hired pollsters and consultants
with longstanding ties to Democratic candidates and liberal organizations. 17


State legislatures are generally the legal authority that re-draws political district lines after every
decennial U.S. Census, resulting in states under Democratic Party political control typically drawing
new district lines favorable to Democrats and those under Republican control favoring Republicans. 18

In 2018, efforts funded primarily by Democratic Party-aligned groups succeeded in removing state
lawmakers from the redistricting process through ballot initiatives in Michigan, Colorado, Missouri,
Ohio, and Utah. 19 (Source:

Clean Missouri in 2018 was a Democrat-backed referendum to attempt to

take Missouri’s legislature, which is controlled by conservative
Republicans, out of the redistricting process and replace it with a non-
partisan state demographer.

Clean Missouri is the citizen coalition behind the 2018 ballot proposal to amend the state
constitution to require a nonpartisan state demographer to draw state legislative maps for the
approval of Missouri’s politician redistricting commissions. If voters approve this amendment,
the nonpartisan state demographer would draw legislative districts starting in 2021.

Utahns for Responsible Government

This is another effort to undo a conservative legislature’s ability to draw

redistricting maps. Left wing groups put big money into this effort,
including the ACLU with over $103,000 in funding.


Social Media

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