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Communication has a symbolic nature and is an act of sharing one’s ideas, emotions,
attitudes, or perceptions with another person or group of persons through words (written or
spoken), gestures, signals, signs, or other modes of transmitting images.
 Global communication has also contributed to the enlightenment and development of
the globalization process in a few states.
 To communicate effectively, one should develop not only skills, but also a sense of
empathy with others.
 Globalization is an integration between two or more countries; it may be economically,
socially, politically, and culturally.
 Globalization has widely increased the availability of information for people across the
world. By using the internet and advanced mobile services, people are able to discuss
business plans and proposals on an international level as well as exchange private data


Communicating via online setting to other people that does not necessarily required in face-to-
face interactions.

1. Cultural Awareness in Speech This can be observed when two people are speaking the same
language, cultural differences can affect vocabulary, colloquial expressions, voice tone and taboo

2. Cultural Awareness in Body Language means to understand acceptable speaking distances,

conflict styles, eye contact and posture in different cultures, accepting that the physical
expressions of their own culture are not universally accepted.

3. Time Differences refers to the need to communicate and share information with people across
several time zones. When people collaborate with others on the other side of the globe, their
counterparts are usually at home asleep while they themselves are at work.


Availability of Information

 The view that with the spread of businesses delivering internet, satellite tv and mobile
services, the costs of such information technologies dropped. The decreased price makes it
easier for people across the world to make use of the World Wide Web and the resources
o Business Conduct
 Long distance travels are no longer necessary for business people as they require a
meeting with a business partner overseas. Internet technology makes it possible to
exchange business information and conduct video conferences.


Local and global communication in multicultural settings encompass interactions that take
place at both a local level within a specific community or region and at a global scale
involving individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. Here is an example to illustrate
the concept:


 Imagine a multinational company with offices in various countries. The company’s

headquarters are located in the United States, and it has branches in Japan, Germany, and
Brazil. The company employs a diverse workforce comprising individuals from different
cultural backgrounds, languages, and communication styles.

Local Communication: Local communication refers to interactions that occur within a specific
cultural or geographical context, where language, customs, and traditions unique to that area
influence communication. It involves using familiar communication styles and norms that are
intrinsic to the local community.

 Global Communication transcends local boundaries and involves interactions that extend
across different cultures, languages, and regions. It requires individuals to adapt their
communication styles to accommodate diverse perspectives and ensure effective cross-
cultural understanding.

 Local and global communication in multicultural settings encompass various forms of

interaction that bridge cultural differences. Here are examples illustrating these concepts:
 Local Communication Examples:

 Face-to-Face Conversations: Interactions within a local community involving verbal and

non-verbal communication.

 Local Events: Community gatherings, town hall meetings, or local festivals where people
communicate within their shared cultural context.

 Local Media: Radio stations, local newspapers, and community newsletters that
disseminate information to a specific geographic area.
 Local Languages: Conversations happening in regional dialects or minority dialects within
a specific community.

 Community Meetings: Discussions and information exchange among residents to address

local issues.
 Local Customs: Non-verbal cues, gestures, and body language specific to a particular
culture or community.

Global Communication Examples:

 Social Media Platforms: Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram allow people
from diverse cultural backgrounds to connect and communicate globally.

 Video Conferencing: Tools like Zoom or Skype facilitate real-time communication

between individuals or groups across different countries.

 Email Communication: Sending messages instantly across borders, enabling global

communication for work, education, or personal purposes.

 Multinational Business Communication: Companies operating globally use various

communication channels to interact with employees, partners, and customers worldwide.
 International Conferences: Events where participants from different countries come
together to share knowledge, ideas, and collaborate on global issues.

 Language Translation Services: Platforms like Google Translate enable cross-cultural

communication by translating text or speech between different languages.
 Varieties and Registers of Spoken and Written Language

REGISTER-Refers to a particular way of using language, whether formal or informal in particular

contexts and in social situations.

SPOKEN LANGUAGE- The actual use of speech, sounds, or related utterances that convey
meaning to share thoughts or information.

WRITTEN LANGUAGE-Communication by means of written symbols/writing system.

LANGUAGE VARIETY- A general term for any distinctive form of a language or linguistic


 1.Pidgins- are a mixture of words from different languages, and feature a simpler
grammatical structure and smaller vocabulary.
 2. CREOLE- refers to a pidgin that is used by native speakers and with fully developed
grammar and syntax
 3. Regional Dialect - a language that is not distinct from a national language, but rather a
variety of a language spoken in a particular area of a country.
 4. Minority Dialect. A variety used as a marker of identity, usually alongside a standard
variety, by the members of a particular minority ethnic group.
 5. Indigenized Varieties. These are spoken mainly as second languages in former colonies
with multilingual populations.
1. FORMAL-Used when communication is expected to be respectful, uninterrupted, and
restrained. Ex: Announcement, Business Presentations,
2. CASUAL-Used when they’re with friends, close acquaintances and co-workers, and
family. Ex: a birthday party, hanging out with friends
3. CONSULTATIVE Used when speaking with someone who has specialized knowledge or
who is offering advice. Exs: Doctor’s appointment and Teachers and students
4. FROZEN-These are specific written or oral acts that remain unchanged.Ex: The Bible,
The Constitutions, and National Anthem
5. Intimate-language registers are reserved for special occasions, usually between only
two people and often in private. Ex: words whispered in a lover’s ear, and inside jokes of
two college friends

o The important of evaluating the effectiveness of the messages is by developing

and using strategic question to identify strength and weakness.


1. Simplicity – in order to ensure that the messages have simplicity we should ask ourselves two

- is the purpose evident?

- is the core message clear?

2.Specificity- refers to our choices of language and it usage on order to ensure language is specific
we may ask ourselves .

- is language specific ?
- is language concrete rather than abstract?

3. Structure – ideas should be organized and easy to follow .

- does the message have as structure

- is there a more effective way to arrange the ideas?
- stickiness
- the messages should display coherent and unity of ideas .
- does the idea the message flow smoothy?


- identifying source
- interpret contextual information
- understand implications

Creating a multimedia presentation involves combining text, images, video, audio, and
interactive elements to effectively communicate your message. Here are steps and tips to
help you prepare a compelling multimedia presentation:

1. Planning

Define Your Purpose

- Determine the main goal of your presentation.
- Identify your target audience.

Outline Your Content

- Break down your content into clear sections.
- Ensure your presentation has a logical flow: introduction, main points, and conclusion.
2. Choosing the Right Tools
Software Options
- PowerPoint: Widely used, offers various multimedia features.
- Keynote: Ideal for Apple users, with strong multimedia support.
- Prezi: Offers a more dynamic and interactive presentation style.
- Canva: Great for creating visually appealing slides with ease.
- Google Slides: Easy collaboration, integrates well with other Google services.

3. Designing Your Presentation

Visual Design
- Themes and Templates: Use professional templates to maintain consistency.
- Color Scheme: Choose a color palette that aligns with your topic and audience.
- Fonts: Use readable fonts and maintain consistency. Avoid overusing different fonts.
- Layout: Ensure slides are not cluttered; use white space effectively.

Multimedia Elements
- Images: Use high-quality, relevant images. Avoid overloading slides with too many
- Videos: Embed short, relevant videos. Ensure they are properly integrated and tested.
- Audio: Use audio clips or background music sparingly to enhance the message without

4. Content Creation

- Brevity: Keep text concise and to the point.

- Bullet Points: Use bullet points for clarity and readability.
- Quotes: Include relevant quotes to support your message.

Visual Aids

- Charts and Graphs: Use to present data clearly. Ensure they are easy to understand.
- Infographics: Great for summarizing complex information visually.
- Animations and Transitions: Use animations to highlight key points but avoid overuse to
prevent distraction.

5. Interactivity

- Hyperlinks: Include hyperlinks to external resources or related information.

- Interactive Elements: Use clickable buttons or interactive quizzes to engage the audience.

6. Rehearsing

- Practice: Rehearse your presentation multiple times. Focus on timing and flow.
- Feedback: Get feedback from peers or mentors and make necessary adjustments.

7. Technical Preparation

- Equipment Check: Ensure all equipment (projector, microphone, laptop) is working

- File Compatibility: Verify that all multimedia elements are compatible with the
presentation software and hardware.
- Backup: Have a backup of your presentation on a USB drive or cloud storage.

8. Delivering the Presentation

- Engagement: Maintain eye contact with your audience. Use gestures to emphasize
- Pacing: Control the pace of your delivery to ensure clarity and engagement.
- Q&A Session: Prepare for a question-and-answer session at the end of your presentation.

Example Workflow

1. Planning: Define purpose, audience, and outline.

2. Designing: Choose theme, create slides with balanced text and visuals.
3. Multimedia Integration: Add images, videos, and audio clips.
4. Interactivity: Incorporate hyperlinks and interactive elements.
5. Rehearsing: Practice, refine, and get feedback.
6. Technical Setup: Check equipment and have a backup plan.
7. Delivery: Engage with the audience, manage pacing, and handle Q&A.


Social media has profoundly impacted society in a myriad of ways, influencing how we
communicate, consume information, and interact with the world. Here are some key areas
where social media has had a significant impact:

1. Instant Connectivity: Social media platforms allow people to connect and communicate
instantly, regardless of geographical barriers. This has facilitated the maintenance of personal
relationships and the formation of new ones.

2. Public Discourse: Social media has become a space for public discourse, enabling individuals to
voice opinions, participate in discussions, and mobilize for causes.

Information Dissemination

1. News Consumption: social media has transformed how news is consumed, with many people
now getting their news from platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. This has led to a
more rapid spread of information but also to the proliferation of misinformation.

2. Viral Content: Information, trends, and cultural phenomena can go viral quickly, reaching
millions of people within a short time frame.Social Movements and Activism

1. Awareness and Mobilization: Social media has played a crucial role in raising awareness about
social issues and mobilizing support for various causes. Movements like #BlackLivesMatter,
#MeToo, and climate change activism have gained momentum through social media platforms.

2. Community Building: It allows like-minded individuals to form communities, share resources,

and support each other in activism efforts.

Business and Marketing

1. Digital Marketing: Companies use social media for marketing, reaching a broader audience
through targeted advertisements and influencer partnerships.

2. Customer Engagement: Businesses can interact with customers in real-time, improving

customer service and engagement.

Mental Health

1. Positive Effects: Social media can provide social support, a sense of community, and
opportunities for self-expression.
2. Negative Effects: Overuse of social media has been linked to mental health issues such as
anxiety, depression, and loneliness. The pressure to present a curated, idealized version of oneself
can lead to stress and low self-esteem.

Political Influence

1. Campaigning and Outreach: Politicians use social media to campaign, reach voters, and share
their platforms. Social media has become a critical tool in political strategy.

2. Misinformation and Polarization: The spread of fake news and echo chambers can polarize
public opinion and influence elections.

Privacy and Security

1. Data Privacy: Concerns about data privacy and security have increased, with social media
platforms collecting vast amounts of personal data.

2. Cyberbullying and Harassment: The anonymity provided by social media can lead to
cyberbullying, harassment, and the spread of harmful content.

Cultural Impact

1. Influence on Trends: Social media shapes cultural trends, fashion, language, and lifestyle choices.

2. Representation: It provides a platform for diverse voices and underrepresented groups to share
their stories and experiences.

Education and Learning

1. Resource Sharing: Educators and learners use social media to share resources, conduct
discussions, and enhance the learning experience.

2. Informal Learning: Platforms like YouTube and LinkedIn offer opportunities for informal
learning and professional development.

The impact of social media on society is profound and multifaceted, offering both opportunities
and challenges. Its influence spans across various aspects of life, reshaping how we interact,
communicate, and perceive the world around us. As social media continues to evolve,
understanding its impact and finding ways to leverage its benefits while mitigating its drawbacks
will be crucial for individuals and society.

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