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Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

1st Quarter Examination

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

Multiple Choice: Carefully Analyze the BEST ANSWER. Choose the Letter that correspond
to your answer.
1. What is philosophy primarily concerned with?
a. Answering scientific questions
b. Understanding the physical world
c. Exploring fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, and ethics
d. Analyzing historical events

2. How does philosophy contribute to practical life?

a. It provides concrete solutions to everyday problems.
b. It encourages individuals to avoid critical thinking.
c. It offers a framework for ethical decision-making and critical reasoning.
d. It focuses on achieving material success.

3. Which of the following is an example of a practical application of philosophy?

a. Solving mathematical equations
b. Debating the outcome of a sports event
c. Reflecting on moral dilemmas and making ethical choices
d. Analyzing historical documents

4. In what way does philosophy differ from other academic disciplines?

a. Philosophy is primarily focused on memorizing facts.
b. Philosophy deals with empirical and scientific research.
c. Philosophy explores abstract questions and encourages critical thinking.
d. Philosophy emphasizes artistic expression.

5. How can the study of philosophy benefit individuals in their personal and professional lives?
a. It has no practical benefits.
b. It fosters analytical thinking, problem-solving skills, and ethical decision-making.
c. It leads to conformity and a lack of independent thought.
d. It primarily promotes religious beliefs.

6. What is the principle of identity in philosophy?

a. The idea that everything is constantly changing
b. The principle that something is what it is and not something else
c. The belief that identity is a social construct
d. The notion that personal identity is defined by one's possessions

7. Which statement best represents the principle of identity?

a. "A cat is a feline animal."
b. "Change is the only constant."
c. "Perception shapes reality."
d. "Nothing is ever truly the same."

8. Which branch of philosophy is primarily concerned with the nature of reality and existence?
a. Ethics b. Aesthetics c. Metaphysics d. Epistemology

9. In a debate about the nature of beauty in art, which branch of philosophy is most relevant?
a. Aesthetics b. Ethics c. Epistemology d. Metaphysics

10. When a philosopher explores questions related to the existence of God or the nature of the soul,
they are engaging in:
a. Metaphysics b. Ethics c. Epistemology d. Aesthetics

CNHS | Senior High School | 2023

Saysay Husay Sigasig
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

11. Which branch of philosophy investigates the nature of knowledge, belief, and justification?
a. Aesthetics b. Ethics c. Metaphysics d. Epistemology

12. How might ethics be applied in real-life decision-making, and which branch of philosophy does it
belong to?
a. By evaluating the moral implications of actions; it belongs to epistemology.
b. By analyzing the nature of reality; it belongs to metaphysics.
c. By studying the nature of beauty; it belongs to aesthetics.
d. By seeking religious truths; it belongs to theology.

13. A philosopher delves into questions related to the concepts of right and wrong, good and evil.
Which branch of philosophy is this philosopher most likely working in?
a. Aesthetics b. Ethics c. Metaphysics d. Epistemology

14. In political philosophy, which branch of philosophy is often concerned with questions of justice,
equality, and the role of government?
a. Aesthetics b. Ethics c. Metaphysics d. Politics

15. Which principle in philosophy asserts that a statement cannot be both true and false at the same
time in the same respect?
a. Law of Identity b. Principle of Non-Contradiction
c. Law of Excluded Middle d. Principle of Sufficient Reason

16. What is the significance of the Principle of Non-Contradiction in logical reasoning?

a. It allows for the acceptance of contradictions in a valid argument.
b. It is a foundational rule that ensures logical consistency and truth preservation.
c. It encourages the exploration of paradoxes and ambiguities in philosophy.
d. It only applies to mathematics and not to other areas of philosophy.

17. In a casual conversation with friends, which type of question is most likely to promote deep
philosophical discussions?
a. Simple question b. Serious question
c. Deep question d. No question can lead to deep discussions.

18. When pondering the meaning of life, which type of question would likely be categorized as a
"deep question"?
a. "What's for dinner tonight?" b. "Why do we exist, and what is the purpose of life?"
c. "Who won the last sports game?" d. "How do I tie my shoelaces?"

19. Which type of question is best suited for exploring profound ethical dilemmas and moral values?
a. Simple question b. Serious question
c. Deep question d. Hypothetical question

20. In a business meeting discussing corporate responsibility, which type of question might lead to a
serious and meaningful conversation about ethics?
a. "What's the company's annual revenue?"
b. "How can we ensure our company acts ethically and responsibly in the community?"
c. "Who is our main competitor?"
d. "What's our current stock price?"

CNHS | Senior High School | 2023

Saysay Husay Sigasig
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

21. Which of the following is an example of a simple question that may have practical, everyday
a. "What is the meaning of life?" b. "How do we achieve world peace?"
c. "Where is the nearest grocery store located?" d. "What is the purpose of art?"

22. In a classroom setting, which type of question is more likely to encourage critical thinking and
philosophical inquiry?
a. Simple question b. Serious question c. Deep question d. Rhetorical question

23. When discussing the impact of artificial intelligence on the job market, which type of question
would prompt a deeper exploration of the issue?
a. "How do machines affect our daily lives?"
b. "What ethical considerations arise when AI replaces human jobs?"
c. "What are the latest AI technologies on the market?"
d. "Who are the key players in the AI industry?"

25. Which type of question is more likely to lead to a profound discussion about the nature of reality
and existence?
a. Simple question b. Serious question c. Deep question d. Superficial question

26. When addressing complex societal issues, such as climate change, which type of question
encourages a deep examination of the problem and its implications?
a. "What's the current temperature outside?"
b. "How can we mitigate the effects of climate change and protect the environment for future generations?"
c. "Who won the last environmental award?"
d. "What's the weather forecast for tomorrow?"

27.What does the Principle of Excluded Middle state in philosophy?

a. Every proposition must be either true or false, with no middle ground.
b. Every proposition can have an infinite number of possible truth values.
c. Every proposition has an uncertain, indeterminate truth value.
d. Every proposition is open to interpretation by the observer.

28. How does the Principle of Excluded Middle apply to classical logic and reasoning?
a. It allows for propositions to be both true and false simultaneously.
b. It asserts that there are multiple truth values beyond "true" and "false."
c. It is a foundational principle that affirms that any given proposition must be either true
or false.
d. It advocates for a relativistic approach to truth in logic.

29. What is the fundamental concept of a holistic perspective in philosophy?

a. Focusing solely on specific elements of a subject
b. Emphasizing the interconnectedness of all aspects of a topic
c. Ignoring the broader context
d. Promoting a reductionist approach

30. In a discussion about ecology, which perspective is most likely to consider the interdependence of
different species in an ecosystem?
a. Holistic perspective b. Partial perspective

CNHS | Senior High School | 2023

Saysay Husay Sigasig
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

c. Reductionist perspective d. Analytic perspective

31. When analyzing a complex societal issue, such as poverty, which perspective would examine
individual circumstances without considering broader societal context?
a. Holistic perspective b. Partial perspective
c. Analytic perspective d. Comprehensive perspective

32. Which of the following is an example of the application of a partial perspective in everyday life?
a. An environmentalist considering the overall impact of deforestation on the planet
b. A chef focusing on the taste and presentation of a single dish
c. A teacher examining the holistic educational experience of students
d. A doctor considering the interconnected health of the entire community

33. In urban planning, how might a holistic perspective be applied to create sustainable cities?
a. By focusing solely on individual infrastructure projects
b. By considering the interconnectedness of transportation, housing, and the environment
c. By ignoring environmental concerns
d. By prioritizing economic development above all else

34. How does a partial perspective influence personal relationships and communication?
a. It fosters empathy and understanding. b. It can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.
c. It promotes open and honest communication. d. It has no impact on communication.

35. What is the central concept of the Principle of Sufficient Reason in philosophy?
a. Everything happens without a cause.
b. Every event or fact has a reason or cause behind it.
c. Some events have causes, while others occur randomly.
d. Only important events have causes.

36. How does the Principle of Sufficient Reason relate to determinism in philosophy?
a. It supports determinism by asserting that everything has a predetermined cause.
b. It contradicts determinism by suggesting that events can occur without any reason.
c. It has no relevance to the concept of determinism.
d. It emphasizes that only certain events are determined.

37. What is the primary purpose of primary reflection in Marcelian philosophy?

a. To encourage deep introspection and self-examination
b. To quickly assess immediate sensory experiences and emotions
c. To engage in profound philosophical contemplation
d. To seek religious truths and doctrines

38. In a real-life scenario, such as personal decision-making, when might primary reflection be the
most appropriate approach to use?
a. When considering the broader ethical implications of a dilemma
b. When analyzing immediate sensory perceptions and emotional responses
c. When exploring complex metaphysical questions
d. When seeking guidance from religious authorities

CNHS | Senior High School | 2023

Saysay Husay Sigasig
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

39. How does secondary reflection differ from primary reflection in Marcelian philosophy?
a. Secondary reflection primarily deals with superficial issues, while primary reflection explores profound
b. Secondary reflection involves deep philosophical inquiry, whereas primary reflection focuses on
surface-level experiences.
c. Secondary reflection encourages introspection, while primary reflection examines external
d. Secondary reflection has no practical applications in daily life.

40. In the context of problem-solving and decision-making, when might secondary reflection be more
a. When quick, instinctual decisions are required
b. When considering long-term consequences and ethical aspects of a situation
c. When assessing immediate sensory experiences
d. When seeking religious guidance

41. In professional settings, which type of reflection would be more beneficial for complex, strategic
decision-making and long-term planning?
a. Primary reflection b. Secondary reflection
c. Both primary and secondary reflection equally d. Neither primary nor secondary reflection

42. How can the application of secondary reflection in real-life scenarios enhance one's ability to
make ethical choices and ethical judgments?
a. It encourages quick, instinctual moral decisions.
b. It fosters a deeper understanding of ethical principles, values, and consequences.
c. It has no impact on ethical decision-making.
d. It focuses solely on religious doctrines.

43. Which of the following best characterizes the primary and secondary reflection framework's real-
life applicability?
a. Primary reflection is exclusively suitable for daily decisions, while secondary reflection is primarily for
profound philosophical matters.
b. Primary reflection is only relevant to religious inquiries, and secondary reflection is applicable to all ethical
c. Primary and secondary reflection complement each other, providing a holistic approach to ethical and
practical life decisions.
d. Primary reflection is the sole approach for all decision-making processes.
44. In the context of moral theology and "Search, Think, Others Pray," how might an individual apply
this approach when facing a complex ethical dilemma in real life?
a. By solely relying on personal moral intuition and instincts
b. By conducting thorough research, engaging in critical thinking, seeking advice from others, and
reflecting on the situation through prayer and meditation
c. By dismissing the importance of ethics in decision-making
d. By following societal norms without question

45. When dealing with moral challenges, which step within the "Search, Think, Others Pray"
framework encourages critical evaluation and the creation of ethical solutions?
a. Search b. Think c. Others d. Pray

46. In a real-life scenario, such as a business leader making a decision that impacts the well-being of
employees, which aspect of moral theology plays a vital role in ethical evaluation and creation?
a. Dogma and religious traditions b. Reflection and deep self-analysis

CNHS | Senior High School | 2023

Saysay Husay Sigasig
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

c. The pursuit of profit and financial gain d. Moral principles and values

47. Which aspect of "Search, Think, Others Pray" promotes the creation of innovative ethical
solutions in complex moral dilemmas?
a. Search, which involves gathering information
b. Think, which involves critical analysis and reflection
c. Others, which involves seeking guidance and diverse perspectives
d. Pray, which involves religious rituals and dogmatic adherence

48. In a healthcare setting, how can the integration of moral theology and the "Search, Think, Others
Pray" approach benefit both healthcare professionals and patients?
a. By ignoring ethical considerations and focusing solely on medical procedures
b. By promoting a holistic approach that considers moral values and diverse perspectives to make
ethical decisions
c. By emphasizing personal beliefs and disregarding patient perspectives
d. By adhering strictly to medical guidelines without ethical reflection.

49. What is the primary goal of the Socratic Method in philosophical discourse?
a. To lecture and provide answers to philosophical questions.
b. To encourage open dialogue, critical thinking, and the examination of one's beliefs and knowledge.
c. To assert one's own opinions and persuade others.
d. To keep the discussion light-hearted and humorous.

50. How does the Socratic Method typically involve questioning in a philosophical conversation?
a. It involves asking questions only to test others' knowledge.
b. It involves asking leading questions to direct the conversation toward a predetermined conclusion.
c. It involves asking probing and clarifying questions to help participants explore their ideas and
reach deeper insights.
d. It discourages asking questions and encourages monologues.

"No matter how hard or impossible it is, never lose sight of your goal."
-Monkey D. Luffy-

CNHS | Senior High School | 2023

Saysay Husay Sigasig

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