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11 Foundational

Principles for your LX Designs

It's crucial to stay current and adapt to change, but equally important to adhere to core principles that stand the
test of time. Don't get caught up in the latest trends & buzzwords, new technologies or re-branded processes.
Instead, focus on fundamentals like human-centred approaches, performance, and strategic use of technology.
Regardless of where you are in the process, you can always come back to these "constants" to help guide you.

Focus on performance
Despite the best of intentions, projects often get derailed when it comes to
performance. Keep asking: What do people need to DO? What kinds of authentic
situations, practice opportunities and feedback can I provide? What needs to be
reinforced long-term? What reminders & support tools can I offer? Does this
activity genuinely help to enhance performance and achieve learner goals?

Re-visit your problem statement

It's easy to get sidetracked by learner preferences, stakeholder whims and SME
opinions. When you're feeling stuck or need to make important decisions, go
back to your purpose- your problem statement. It's the compass that will keep
you on track, and guide you toward a successful performance solution. Keep
asking: What do the learners need to achieve their goals?

Consider alternatives to training

Clients, stakeholders, and learners often see training as the sole solution to
performance issues (Hint: It's not!). Explore alternatives and complementary
approaches like process enhancements, job aids, digital coaching, and
organizational changes. Persuade clients to choose more holistic and longer-term
solutions over quick-fix training.

Take charge of the "analysis" phase

You may find yourself in situations where clients hire you to BUILD a solution
they’ve already identified. But, this path may rely on flawed needs
assessments and faulty assumptions. Guide them back to the start for
accuracy. At a minimum: lead discussions, ask probing questions, gather
more insights from learners & stakeholders. Strive for solutions &
experiences that are centered on people and data.

Brush up on your consulting skills

LXD requires a range of skills that go beyond technical expertise. You will face
situations where you will have to convincingly redirect a project, redefine
the problem, or propose more effective solutions based on learner goals,
data, experience and up-to-date research. Quick decision-making,
communication, and relationship-building skills are essential.

Get comfy with "IT DEPENDS"

Context is everything. It might be frustrating to constantly answer with "it
depends", but there's rarely just one correct answer to a question. To make
the best decisions, it's important to consider all relevant factors and get
comfortable with change and ambiguity. Stay curious. Embrace the
complexity of your projects and always keep context (including your learners)
in mind!

Don't lead with technology

Technology can support your learning experience; it’s NOT the starting
point. When required, use your consulting skills to convince stakeholders &
the project team that technology is merely a tool, not the solution. Instead,
start with approaches that have been shown to be effective for promoting
learning, transfer and application on-the-job.

Avoid "smile sheets"

They’re easy and familiar, but what does a 4.6 really mean? Descriptive
survey options and authentic assessments provide more meaningful
feedback. Are you measuring outcomes that align with business &
performance goals? Is your LX design personal, positive, and profound?
How will you measure it? At what intervals? What will you do with results
and who will be responsible for making ongoing changes?

Seek inspiration everywhere

LXD calls for creativity. Inspiration can come from anywhere. Stay curious,
keep an open mind & explore new things: hobbies, podcasts, conversations
with new people, travel, different genres of books, walk in the forest or try
something new in your own home. Fresh perspectives can broaden your
understanding of the world and help you approach problems in new and more
effective ways.

Bring on the emotion

LXD focuses on emotions as a powerful tool to keep learners engaged. For
example, add an element of surprise to captivate attention, use humour to
inject some fun, tell a story/quote to help your audience connect with ideas on
a personal level, incorporate music, or use statistics to create a response that
inspires action. Consider using locations that evoke emotions too! Additionally,
you should be addressing learners' incoming feelings (e.g, fear, indifference,
overwhelmed, excitement) to enhance effectiveness of your experiences.

Network & find mentors

Don't be afraid to reach out for guidance & support on your professional
journey. Join and engage with relevant LinkedIn groups and professionals.
Expand your reach to related fields such as Design Thinking & Visual
Arts.You'd be amazed at how many experts are open to sharing their
knowledge & expertise. Volunteer, to make connections with like-minded
individuals and keep in touch with peers & faculty from your LXD program!
Hope Seidman, PhD (2024) V4

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