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The Ummo Affair.

Beginning around 1965, hundreds if not thousands of physicists biologists, astronomers, and selected
people worldwide engine were active in UFO study suddenly began to receive strange letters ; many
different languages, but primarily in Spanish, and written originating from many number of places. Iii
some cases, the address was hand-written, imitating printed fonts:

The authors presented themselves as extraterrestrials from a planet named Ummo, orbiting around a
star, which they called lumma, and which they equated (without being certain) with what our
astronomers call Wolf 424 (in the constellation of Virgo).

The topics covered in the letters were extremely varied, ranging from the history of the civilization of
the Ummites (in many instances, with often hilarious details!) to whole treatises on biology, mathemat-
ics, geometry and physics, with examples of applied technology, with comparisons between their way of
life and ours, and between religions, politics, and philosophy. In most cases, copies of the same letter
were sent to several different addressees, every copy being individually typewritten. Presently the
corpus of Ummite communications is really huge. Not counting multiple copies, we have some 10,000
pages (the description of their complicated language alone amounts to over 2,000 pages). As I have said,
they were almost always written in Spanish, so that, in a way, Castilian is the official language of the
"Ummo Affair". Words and even whole sentences in the Ummitan language are often intermixed with
the Spanish text. Such interjections are written in capital letters. When

Quoting the Spanish text in the first edition of this book,I left the original Spanish, thinking that Italians
would understand it. However I received so many complaints that I will now render them into English,
although in doing so some detail will be lost.

Almost all the UMMO communications begin with the following header, which identifies the language
being used (as if the recipient was not able to understand it by himself!), the number of copies sent the
date, and the address of the person it had been sent to. The word UMMOAELEWE identifies the central
government of their nation (at the right the translation):

UMMOAELEWE Language: Spanish Idioma: Espanol Number of copies 28 N.. de Copias 28 Fecha 1972
Year 1972 .Mr. Stefano Breccia Sr. Ste&no Breccia.Mr.

Let's begin reading (although not in full, because it is extremely long) the letter which, typically, was sent
whenever a new contact was initiated. I repeat, the translation does not allow us to appreciate the
peculiar way they were using Spanish. To maintain something of their stylistic tastes, I am going to
include their mistakes (there are very few, I must admit) and will keep their strange use of quotes and
capital letters.

Dear Sir,

We acknowledge the transcendence of that which we are about to tell you..It is clear to us that a
statement of this kind should be considered preposterous, so that only a madman or a joker could have
written it, or maybe someone looking for easy money
When something new overcomes the usual patterns of public acceptance, without any means of
verifying its reality, any balanced and intelligent mind has the right to and must adopt a skeptical
attitude toward it. "Nobody has to accept a simple statement, especially in cases such as this, where its
origin is unknown, and thus of a suspicious nature". To us, what we are going to tell you is true, but we
can't logically exect that you're going to believe such fantastic statements. "We must confess that, in
your place, we would act the same way".

If YESTERDAY's concepts, which seemed fantastic and absurd had not been analyzed by competent
scholars, would you have reached your present cultural level on Earth? But, if such concepts are
erroneous, if such tales are fraudulent, or if they are only the work of impostors, THE TRUTH has to be
ascertained, thereby unmasking the deluded, the jokesters, the paranoiacs, or the impostors who tried
to acquire the title of SCIENTISTS.

We have studied your history in enough detail to be aware of the immense bitterness caused by false
prophets, those paranoid minds, who, in order to earn their own prestige, deceived the sincerity of
Scientists acting in good Faith.

We have appreciated the struggle of your Science against Superstition, Astrology, Theosophy,
Spiritualism and Dowsing, which, although they often carry in themselves a few principles worthy of'
being investigated, are at the same time full of unfounded statements, absurd methods of analogous
reasoning, and of leaps of' faith totally unacceptable to a balanced mind.

In these last years, because of the appearance in the vulgarly Atmosphere of so-called UFO or 0VNI,
vulgarly named Flying Saucers, the fantasies of men all over the Earth are overflowing thanks to the
multiplication of fraudulent Newspapers publicity concerning such

phenomena. Even worse, individuals such as George Adamski in 1952, Daniel Fry, or the Norwegian
Edith Jacob in 1954 are appearing in various countries, pretending to have relationships with beings
coming from other Worlds. These subjects and the gullibility of the masses in immediately accepting at
first impression their absurd tales have totally discredited the serious studies (UFOs) that, in spite of
everything, are being carried out on the part of the Official Technical Agencies of some Governments.
Then, as we are conscious that such tales have logically created a logical state of disbelief it's not strange
to us that it results in a repetition of the popular fable you call the Shepherd and the Wolf (Author:
"Peter and the Wolf', or "The Boy Who Cried “.

For such reasons, we are pert aware that we're not going to be believed, either now or in the future,
whenever we choose to offer further revelations.

We repeat that our main goal is not rooted in being believed, without any more proof than these
relations that we are going to send you. That doesn't mean that in the future we are not going to send
you verified arguments and proof of our identity, as we have already done in the United States, England,
and Spain. Actually we are known in other countries. At this moment Australia, Germany, and the Soviet
Union are receiving our reports, directed to prominent men of science, and though we recognize that a
high percentage of the recipients tore our letters up, taking them realistically as the work of jokesters, or
disturbed minds, in some cases the overwhelming collection of scientific data we offered was sufficiently
convincing to many, that, in the end, we might be telling the truth.
Relations with these persons have continued, with them demonstrating reticence and discomfort, but
objectively validating this strange situation, without totally discarding the hypothesis that our
"Supposed" identity was likely true.

For this reason we are asking you to Read carefully what we are going to tell you. It is Not important that
you do so out of simple curiosity at first, disregarding totally the validity of our apparently fantastic
statements. Again, we are not so ingenuous as to expect to be believed.

Moreover; we will give you a second reason that may seem paradoxical. We do not desire that the
masses become aware of our existence. And we have very good reasons to justify this apparent

Up to now, with very few exceptions, our contacts have been only with men of Science ("True
Researchers, and some Engineers), to whom we have offered certain data concerning Physics, Biology
and Psychology of interest to their work. At times even some technical procedures with industrial
applications that, as in the case of AWR, from Atlanta (USA) have been accepted and patented. These
were met with some surprise among experts knowledgeable in those fields, who assumed that it was
the work of some whimsical and original scientist. Then there are reasons that cause us to present
ourselves to you so that you may became part of this restricted group of people that, with more or less
intellectual abilities, has become involved in the problem that laymen call the Origin of the UFO.

Inclination of Ummo-

To the perpendicular to the orbit plane, it is 18' 39' 56",

Time of rotation around its axis -

600 UIW Some 30.03 hours, equivalent to one day of yours, although a bit longer.

Gravity acceleration on Ummo -

11.88 meters/second (Author: this is a gross mistake, because accelerations should be given in m/s2). It
may sound strange to you, but we aren't sure which star, in your catalogues, is our IUMMA (UMMO's
sun). By means of a translation of coordinates, we estimate that from Earth our IUMMA can be seen as a
star with the following characteristics;

Right Ascension - 12 hours, 31' minutes, 14" seconds. Declination - 9 hours, 18' minutes, 14" seconds
(Constellation "Virgo").

Absolute visual magnitude -


Apparent visual magnitude -

It is reduced, because at 3.682 Parsecs distance from Earth there is a big cloud of cosmic dust, but
should be between 12 and 13 (Author: another mistake: visual magnitudes increase in value when the
amount of light decreases), so that you may see it only through photographic means.

Spectral type - (According to terrestrial Astronomical classification) Type M. Our lUMMA is what you call
a Dwarf Star. Unfortunately the mistakes you've made in measuring distances are often greater than
15% among different stars catalogues you have issued. Therefore its impossible to equate a star codified
by us with one catalogued by Earth Astronomers, even with a careful translation of axes. In any case, we
believe that our IUMMA may be the star which you catalogue as WOLF 424, as its coordinates seem to
be similar to the ones we have stated.

Geographical structure of UMMO -

Our geological-geographical structure is rather different from the one of Planet Earth. Oceans occupy
61.84%, with waters full of different saline chlorides. There is but one single continent, full of large lakes,
the greatest of which, AUWOA SAAOA (Little sea of God) measures some 27610000 square kilometres.
Our mountain ranges, very eroded, scarcely resemble Earth's mountains. The OAG 0E2 are a kind of
volcanoes that look like big fissures that emit high and brilliant columns of incandescent mixtures of

Language and characteristics -

We make use of a double language (by means of sequential repetitions of various terms we are able to
express at the same time two different ideas). The words we use in this report are graphic expressions
approximating their real phonetic sounds.

Mathematics of Ummo-

In mathematics we use a numbering system based on 12, (of course we have only 10 digits, just like
you). It's only historical reasons. As a simple curiosity, we enclose here some examples of mathematical
expressions, written together with their equivalent in our language.

Physical Units of Ummo-

Here we enclose some units utilized all over our planet.

Universal unit of distance of Ummo –

It is pronounced WAALI, and is equivalent to 12'4.3 light years (Author: this means 43,700 light years,
really a huge distance!).

Universal unit of longitude of UMMO –

ENMOO, equivalent to 1.8736658 meters.

Unit of time on Ummo equivalent to some 3.09 seconds, is defined as the half life time of a mass of the
isotope of thorium we call WAEELEWIWWOAT.

Frequency of the impulses of activation of nervous centres -

The frequency of the impulses of activation of nervous centres situated within the ventro-lateral
coroidal plexus of the brain is 6*12.3 cycles/second (Author: 10,368 Hertz). This is a frequency unit
extensively used in Neurophysiology.

Biogenetic constants -

12*10*658102 seconds. It's the time required to integrate the quantic state in a carbon atom within the
chain of Deoxyribonucleic Acid for the formation of one GEN.
Morphology of the Inhabitants of UMMO –

We inhabitants of UMMO possess a body whose physical morphology is analogous to that of Earth's
Homo Sapiens. It is logical if you consider that the same biogenetical laws apply throughout the
Universe. There are but a few small differences between you and us. In a high percentage of the
inhabitants of our Planet, the phonetic organ atrophies during the age of adolescence, so that the
Ummite glottis suffers a sclerotic process which deprives us of verbal acoustical expression.
Nevertheless, with the help of special prosthesis amplifiers of the weak frequencies emitted, we are able
to speak normally, though the timbre of our voice is not as harmonious as yours, and the range of
octaves is restricted.

Sociological characteristics of UMMO people –

Our species is much older than yours, and we have reached an elevated level of civilization. Our social
structure differs considerably from yours.

Government of UMMO -

Our Government is ruled by the "UMMOAELEWE" (General Counsel of UMMO), composed of four
members who have been selected among the whole UMMO species thanks to Psycho-physiological
examinations. Laws are established as a function of the Sociometric Principles which prevail on our

Labour Coordination on UMMO -

Coordinating people’s labour is attained by means of an efficient group discipline. Our economic
structure is quite different from yours. Your curious institution of money is unknown to us, because all
transactions involving the few valuable goods that exist on UMMO are accomplished throughout a
Network of XANMOO (some kind of computers or electronic brains). On the other end, consumer goods
(food and furniture) are of no value, because their abundance exceeds greatly the demand. Land and
space are public.

Religion and creed on UMMO -

We are a profoundly religious society. We believe in WOA (God or Generator) and we have scientific
arguments in favour of the existence of the BUAWAA (Soul). We are also aware of the third element in
man that connects him to the A-dimensional Soul. It is lodged within the Encephalic Cortex, and we have
informed two of your neurophysiologists of that. Our religion is so similar to Earth's Christianity that we
were truly surprised when we discovered this. They differ only in the fact that our religion emerged in
UMMO at a time in which our society was much more developed than yours at the times when Jesus
Christ lived. Our kind of lift, sexual habit, entertainment and so on, are much more different than you
could imagine. There are no true racial distinctions among UMMO's people, and varieties and biological
species are less numerous than on Earth. We believe that this is due to the fact that the likehood of
chromosome mutation is reduced, because our atmosphere is more protected than yours from the
secondary effects of Cosmic Radiation.

Our first arrival on planet Earth -

Our first coming to the planet Earth happened largely because of the excellent Isodynamic conditions of
space (space curvature) present at that time. Three of our OAWOOLEA UEWA OEM (that you call UFO or
flying saucers) landed in a place in the French Department of Basses Alpes, some 13 kilometres from
DIGNE, and between 8 and 10 km from the locality of La Javie, at 4 hours and 17 minutes GMT
(Greenwich time), on March 28, 1950.

We will provide details about the difficulties suffered by our first scouting group, which had to get
through some very grave situations created by their absolute ignorance of Earth language and customs.

Other arrivals to Earth and dates -

Since then, more ships have arrived, culminating with the landing of three OAWOOLEA UEWA on
February, 1966. The contacts with Earth's orography were: First, the arrival of two brothers of ours near
Erevan (Soviet Therritory) at 18 hours 47 minutes (Spanish time), in a place 6 kilometres

away from the Araks river on February 6, 1966. Second arrival of two brothers at 20 hours, 2 minutes, in
a place near Madrid (Spain), near the settlement of Aluche on February the 6th, 1966. Third arrival of
three brothers in a place near Townsville (Queensland, Australia) at 22 hours, 45 minutes on February 6,
1966 (Spanish time).

Permissible Characteristics of our ships -

The characteristics of our OAWOOLEA. UEWA, which are permitted to be revealed because they aren't
subjected to our norms of security are: A) circular body, whose exterior diameter is 7,1 ENMOO (some
13.18 metres). B) Pseudo-lenticular transverse section 3,25 metres high. Provided with three extendable
landing supports, with rectangular panels. The magnetic perturbations recorded by the Soviet engineer
Alexei Krilov are not due to the magnetic criteria of propulsion. The strong induction he observed, in a
point along the axis of the ship, ten metres away from its 'Inertia Centre" often reached "600 Gauss",
and was due to a secondary effect.

Aims and objective of the voyage -

Our aims in getting in touch with the Planet Earth are mainly centred upon Studying and Analyzing Earth
Culture. It is difficult to state, in short paragraphs, the essential differences between our Civilizations,
because, although our Scientific and Technological level is much higher than yours, we have to admit
that you have cultivated some kinds of Arts (Painting, Sculpturing, especially Music) to a higher level
than ours.

Unofficial Contacts with Governments and people –

There are strong reasons, which we have explained to some of our contactees, for us not wanting to be
known on an official basis, although officials of some countries are now aware of our coming to Earth.
Many Scientists and cultural entities have been receiving our communications, all over Earth. But we
must admit that results have been very poor, which was easy to foresee, taking into account the
skepticism and good humour with which they have been received. When we brought revelatory
knowledge, for instance about using tri-dimensional photography without any ocular visual media, or
about interesting mathematic developments, for instance concerning Graphs or Networks theory, they
were considered as the work of some eccentric scientist, or a jokester. We do not tell you this with
regret or bitterness, because from a psychological point of view such reactions are but normal. We wish
to present you with a list of the Spanish persons we have contacted, letting them know our identity.

'This letter is one among many instances, all similar to one another, of the Ummites introducing
themselves. A typical mistake always present in this first letter consists of measuring accelerations in
m/sec, instead than m/sec2. However, in other contexts accelerations are measured correctly.
Therefore we should infer that all of these first letters have been copied from a single original, which
was mistaken on that point. There is another mistake in the first letter. When speaking about the
apparent visual magnitude of Ummo, it should be, they state, something around the 14th magnitude.
But, due to a big cloud of cosmic dust between Earth and Ummo, its magnitude decreases to 12 or 13.
On the contrary, the scale of magnitudes is inversely logarithmic, so that a higher magnitude would
apply to a dimmer light, and not vice-versa. Another inconsistency appears when they speak about the
UIW. They say that a UIW equals 3.09 seconds, but, a few lines earlier, they stated that the duration of
an Ummo day is of 600 LTIW (30.03 hours). It seems, therefore, that one UIW equals some 180 seconds.

Of course it is difficult to understand anything about the thorium isotope WAEELEWIWW0AT, but the
easiest explanation would be that o um equals 3.09 prime minutes, not seconds!

Sometimes messages arrived, written in Ummite language, and therefore very hard to understand:

Nous vous presentons nos respectuaux hommages

All communications end with the Ummo symbol as a signature. It was typically printed with a kind of
stamp, which looks like the Russian letter ZH, or a "+" sign enclosed between a couple of reverse
parentheses: )+(.

The bending of the lateral bands may be more or less marked. At times, the horizontal line extends
beyond the lateral one (as in the previous example). At times the symbol is rotated of 90 degrees as in
the following example).

Ummite letters were mailed from the most disparate places on Earth. The following message came to
me from Leningrad (Saint Petersburg), as "Happy New Year" greetings:

These gentlemen addressed me in the classic Russian style, with first name, patronymic, and family
name. I believe that very few people, mostly relatives of mine, are aware that my father's name was
Aldo, whence the letter "A". Of course, some research at registry offices should have been enough to
acquire this information, but it means, at least, that someone took the trouble to do so.

There is then a small mistake in the date (a "I" is missing after 1975), but we can't expect too much!

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