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Homework 2 Preventing vulnerabilities

Unit 4 Network security and systems software

Name:............................................................................. Class:................... Mark:................

1. Krunch Krisps is a manufacturer of crisps. They are concerned about the risk of malware
infections on their computers.
One type of malware they are concerned about is viruses.
(a) Name two other types of malware that may be concerning them.
Worms  malware that exists outside of any software and is a stand-alone program

Trojan Horse  malware that seems to have a legitimate purpose but has a secondary
malicious reason

(b) The company decides to install anti-virus software to detect viruses.

Describe how anti-virus software works.
Anti-virus software constantly scans files to check for viruses it knows about and files with
malware that exist in its list will be prevented from operating and the file will be
quarantined. The anti-malware software also checks if malware has been installed,
prevents it from being installed an removes malware from the system.

(c) As part of Krunch Krisps improvements in their security, they will be installing a
firewall for the network.
Describe how a firewall will improve the security of their network.
A firewall is a piece of software that performs a block between an attacker and the
computer system. The firewall can monitor application and network usage and has the
ability to block access from users and stop traffic that may be threatening. Some firewalls
can check every packet shared on a network. The network usage allowed is based on the
firewall policy. Transmissions that are not from or to known sources or are not allowed in
of themselves are blocked. A firewall stops unauthorised traffic entering and leaving a

Homework 2 Preventing vulnerabilities
Unit 4 Network security and systems software

2. Explain two measures that a school could take to ensure the security of the school
Install a firewall on the network that monitors all the traffic going in and out of a computer and
network. The firewall can block user access and stop traffic that may be threatening. Some
may check every individual packet but not all do. They can allow certain communications and
block others.

Having secure passwords and accounts prevents information leaks and people getting access
to sensitive information. This is quite cheap and simple and you can force certain password
requirements such as two capital letters, two numbers, one symbol and at least 8 letters. This
makes all the difference.

[Total 14 Marks]

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