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Homework 4 Utility software

Unit 4 Network security and systems software

Name:............................................................................. Class:................... Mark:................

(a) Describe what is meant by a compression software utility. [3]

Compression software is a type of utility software (software which helps you maintain your
computer system). Compression software enables users to compress and decompress files or
folders on secondary storage. It reduces the amount of storage space needed on a disk as the
amount of data is reduced per file and reduces amount of data sent as the number of packets
becomes reduced. It can also allow attachments to be send via email that would otherwise
have been larger than a file-size limit and more data can be stored on backup media which
may have small. It can utilise both lossy and lossless compression depending on the file type.

(b) Companies need to make sure that they are storing personal data with adequate security.
This usually means that they will use encrypted hard drives in all their computers.
Explain the meaning of the term encrypted hard drive.
Encryption is the process of converting data from plain text to cipher text so that it cannot be
understood if it is somehow intercepted. A hard drive which stores data can have encryption
software which operates on it to encrypt all the files which are stored on it. It acts automatically
to encrypt any data that is stored on it. This prevents anyone who gains access to the hard
drive by placing it physically into another computer or connecting to it by any similar means
from accessing the data as the data cannot be read without the key.

(c) A solicitor needs to send a client some information about a court case.
Explain why they will encrypt the files before sending them to a client.
Encryption is the process of converting data from plain text to cipher text so that it cannot be
understood if it is somehow intercepted. Encrypting the data in the files will render them
unreadable for anyone but the intended recipient as they will be holders of the key. As the data
on the files may be confidential or contain important information, it is important that the data
does not get intercepted and read by any other party other than the intended recipient.
Encryption prevents the interceptor from being able to read the data.

Homework 4 Utility software
Unit 4 Network security and systems software

(d) A computer is running slowly when it tries to open or save files. The computer uses a hard
disk and the read/write access light is flashing far more when files are accessed.
(i) State one type of software that is likely to solve this problem.
Defragmentation software

(ii) For the answer you gave in part (d)(i), describe how it works to solve the
problem of slow file access.
As the computer uses a hard drive, when data becomes fragmented or stored in a
scattered manner without cohesion (one file for a program is stored one part and then
another file is stored on a completely different part) it can take longer for the computer to
access files as the mechanical arm has to move around more. This is the same for empty
gaps in memory as the free memory may be scattered to write something to a hard drive
may take longer because of this too. De-fragmentation software organises the data so
data belonging to similar programs is stored together and free memory is also stored on
one part of the data so that it is cohesive. This means the mechanical read head has to
move around less and this increases the speed of the computer.

[Total 10 marks]

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