A Tiny Shortsword 1.2

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A Tiny Enemy stats: Starting Equipment (pick 3):

An enemy has 2 stats: Health and Challenge Dice. He- Weapon /Shield /Ranged Weapon /Torch /Bear Trap
alth indicates how much damage they can suffer befo- /Rope /Cloak /Armor /Flint & Steel /Flask /Marbles /
re dying and CD indicates their general combat ability. Hammer /Pitons /Mirror /Dog / Pen & Paper /Wagon
Any action taken against an enemy is rolled against its /Chains /Wand /Holy Symbol

Getting Better:
Combat: At the end of each adventure:
Combat flows as a series of dangerous actions, however: - Gain 1 Health or 1 Equipment Slot.
- If the AD sum is greater than the CD sum, then the Also:
difference is dealt as damage to the enemy’s Health. -Choose an Attibute and roll its AD against a CD one
- If the sum of CD is greater than the sum of AD, then step higher (1 AD vs 2 CD, for example). If the test suc-
the difference is dealt as damage to the attacking cha- ceeds, that attribute is raised by 1, to a maximum of 3.
racter’s Health.
- If it is an enemy that starts the attack, apply the same
Basics: procedure. Magic:
- The referee describes the world to a handful of players, You create magical effects by combining a Verb and a
their characters react to the world and affect it in return. Example: a warrior with 2 Might AD and a sword fights a Name. You must also choose a power level for the ma-
- D6s only, but preferably with diferent colors. Choose a goblin with 1 CD and 4 Health. The warrior rolls a 3 and a gic: this works as a CD for a Weird AD roll, higher CDs
color for the Action Dice (AD) and another color for the 4 and adds +1 for using a sword, the goblin rolls a 5. The will produce stronger effects. Figure the results out with
Challenge Dice (CD). total roll of the warrior was 3+4+1 = 8 vs the Goblin’s 5, the referee.
- Players roll all the dice (well, if the referee wants to roll dealing 3 points of damage to the poor creature. Casting is considered a Dangerous Action.
the Challenge Dice it's ok too...)
Health: 2 CD: Small effects, such as charming small animals, li-
Actions: -Characters start with 6 Health. ghting candles, controlling the volume of a glass of wa-
Whenever a character attempts a risky or dramatic ac- -When a character reaches 0 Health they die. ter, affecting a small child...
tion: -Characters recover 1d6 Health per rest.
- Player rolls a number of Action Dice (AD) indicated by 3 CD: Moderate effects, such as controlling a bonfire si-
the appropriate Attribute and a number of Challenge Equipment Slots: zed flame, bending a bedroom sized volume of air, con-
Dice (CD) indicated by the referee. -Characters start with 6 Equipment Slots. trilling a weak person...
-Add +1 bonus to the AD sum for each Equipment that -While carrying items beyond their slot limit, characters
may help (max +3). must add a +1 to CD sums per item on Might and Agi- 4 CD: Powerful effects, such as producing a flame the
-If the sum of AD is equal to or greater than the sum of lity rolls. size of a house, shattering earth beneath a target, con-
CD, the action is successful, otherwise, it fails. trolling a strong minded person...

Challenge Dice reference: Attributes: Verbs: Names:

All characters start with 1 AD in each attribute and may Command Fire Plants
Regular task: 1 CD / Moderate task: 2 CD
distribute 2 extra AD between: Create Water Light
/ Hard Task: 3+ CD Destroy Air Mind
Transmute Earth Emotion
Dangerous Actions: Might: smash stuff, melee, lift stuff...
Sense Animal Body
If an action could potentialy harm a character physicaly, Agility: sneak, climb, pickpocket, ranged...
then the difference between the sum of CD and the Smarts: perception, knowledge, logics...
Charm: personality, social skills, etiquette... The first point invested in Weird grants 2 random Verbs -
sum of AD is dealt as damage to the caracter's Health and a random Noun. New words must be learned du-
in case of failure. Weird: occultism, sorcery, otherworldly stuff...
ring play.

by Victor Pereira

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