nivelacion de septimo grado ingles

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English Exam - 7th Grade

Name: ______________________

Date: _______________________ Valor: 100%

Part 1: Alphabet and Vowels (20 points)

1. Write the alphabet in order. (10 points)

2. Circle the vowels in the following words: (10 points)

 Apple
 Elephant
 Orange
 Umbrella
 Ice cream

Part 2: Greetings (10 points)

3. Match the greetings with the appropriate responses: (5 points)

1. Good morning!
 a. I'm fine, thank you.
2. How are you?
 b. See you later!
3. Hello!
 c. Good night!
4. Goodbye!
 d. Hello!
5. See you soon!
 e. Good morning!

4. Fill in the blanks with the correct greeting: (5 points)

 ________, I am happy to see you! (morning/evening)

 ________, how are you today? (Hello/Goodbye)
Part 3: Professions (10 points)

5. Match the professions with their descriptions: (5 points)

1. Teacher
 a. A person who teaches students.
2. Doctor
 b. A person who treats sick people.
3. Chef
 c. A person who cooks food.
4. Engineer
 d. A person who designs buildings.
5. Nurse
 e. A person who helps doctors.

6. Fill in the blanks with the correct profession: (5 points)

 A _______ works in a hospital and takes care of patients.

 A _______ teaches children in school.

Part 4: Verb "to be" (10 points)

7. Complete the sentences with the correct form of "to be": (5 points)

 I ______ a student.
 She ______ my friend.
 They ______ happy.
 He ______ a doctor.
 We ______ in the classroom.

8. Rewrite the sentences in negative form: (5 points)

 I am a teacher.
 She is happy.
 They are my friends.
 He is a chef.
 We are at home.
Part 5: Animals and Colors (10 points)

9. Match the animals with their colors: (5 points)

1. Elephant
 a. Brown
2. Zebra
 b. Grey
3. Lion
 c. Black and white
4. Frog
 d. Green
5. Bear
 e. Yellow

10. Write the name of the animal next to the correct color: (5 points)

 _______ (Black and white)

 _______ (Grey)
 _______ (Green)
 _______ (Yellow)
 _______ (Brown)

Part 6: Vocabulary (10 points)

11. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: (5 points)

 I have a _______ (pen/book) to write.

 She reads a _______ (chair/book) every night.
 He eats an _______ (apple/car) for lunch.
 We sit on the _______ (table/chair) in the classroom.
 They play with a _______ (ball/pen) outside.

12. Write the name of the classroom objects: (5 points)

 _______ (used to write)

 _______ (used to read)
 _______ (used to erase)
 _______ (used to sit)
 _______ (used to store books)
Part 7: Adjectives (10 points)

13. Match the adjectives with their opposites: (5 points)

1. Big
 a. Short
2. Happy
 b. Sad
3. Tall
 c. Small
4. Hot
 d. Cold
5. Fast
 e. Slow

14. Fill in the blanks with the correct adjective: (5 points)

 The elephant is _______ (big/small).

 The ice is _______ (hot/cold).
 The cheetah is _______ (fast/slow).
 She is _______ (happy/sad).
 The building is _______ (tall/short).

Part 8: My Body (10 points)

15. Label the parts of the body: (5 points)

 Head
 Arm
 Leg
 Hand
 Foot

16. Fill in the blanks with the correct body part: (5 points)

 I have two _______ (used for walking).

 I use my _______ to write.
 I wear a hat on my _______.
 I have ten _______ (on my hands).
 I kick the ball with my _______.
Part 9: Questions in English (10 points)

17. Choose the correct question word to complete the sentences: (5 points)

 _______ is your name? (What/Where)

 _______ do you live? (What/Where)
 _______ are you? (How/Who)
 _______ is your favorite color? (What/Why)
 _______ are you going? (Where/How)

18. Write questions for the following answers: (5 points)

 My name is John.
 I am 12 years old.
 I live in New York.
 My favorite color is blue.
 I am fine, thank you.

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