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SRE6013 - Essay

1. Your team of athletes participated in their event yesterday, and they

have another event scheduled in 2 days.

• Design a recovery plan for the athletes to be executed at the

training site today. Outline the specific modalities and strategies
you would employ to facilitate their recovery and enhance their
readiness to compete in the upcoming event. Provide justification
for your chosen recovery plan.

Designing an effective recovery plan is paramount for athletes aiming to

excel in consecutive events, especially in basketball where games are
held in consecutive days. Across various sports, the emphasis remains
consistent: ensuring athletes recover effectively to maintain peak
physical efficiency for subsequent competitions.
Hydration stands as a cornerstone of this recovery strategy. Athletes
are advised to prioritize fluid intake throughout the day to replenish lost
fluids and sustain optimal hydration levels. Research by Howard and
Hillman (2016) underscores the significance of hydration, particularly in
cognitive and skill performance among female basketball players. Their
study revealed that athletes who consumed carbohydrate-electrolyte
drinks experienced significantly less decrease in plasma volume
compared to those who only consumed water. Similarly, Carvalho et al.
(2011) found that dehydration during exercise was notably lower when
athletes ingested carbohydrate-electrolyte drinks compared to water
alone or no fluid intake. Moreover, athletes reported lower levels of
perceived exertion when consuming carbohydrate-electrolyte solutions
during exercise, emphasizing the impact of hydration on performance.
These evidences suggest that athletes with consecutive games should
follow a strict hydration program to maintain optimum brain function for
optimal physical performance.
Nutrition is another critical aspect of the recovery plan. Meals should
prioritize replenishing glycogen stores with carbohydrates and aiding
muscle repair with protein. Post-exercise, athletes are encouraged to
consume their first meal within 30 minutes, followed by a substantial
meal 2-3 hours later to support recovery and refueling processes.
Recovery nutrition is essential for sports participation on consecutive
days, as matches are played fewer than when athletes have totally
recovered and teams may need to move sites between games. These
alterations present various nutritional issues due to reduced
recuperation time, road trip weariness, and significant loss of fuel and
hydration levels, which must be restored before to the next match.
Furthermore, high-intensity play can cause muscle damage or injuries
that require rehabilitation and repair. As a result, players should aim to
replenish their depleted muscle and liver glycogen stores as soon as
possible after the match, as glycogen-synthesizing enzymes are most
active in the first 30 minutes and provide muscle glycogen
concentrations that are 45% higher than 2 hours later (Ivy et al., 1988).
Basketball players perform numerous eccentric muscular contractions
throughout the game, as is typical of intermittent sports, which can
cause muscle injury and reduced muscle function (Silva et al., 2013).
Muscle protein synthesis should be the focus of the post-match nutrition
strategy, as it is essential for muscle repair and remodelling. While 0.25
g/kg of protein can optimize MPS stimulation, higher doses (0.4 g/kg)
have recently been demonstrated to give more MPS (Macnaughton et al.,
2016). Players should consume protein within 30 minutes of the game
and continue to consume every 3 to 4 hours to maximize MPS, as MPS
stimulation is maximized at 3 hours (Areta et al., 2013).
Sleep, recognized as pivotal in recovery, demands attention. Studies,
such as a systematic review by Ochoa-Lácar et al. (2022), highlight the
integral role of sleep in player recovery, basketball performance, and
injury risk. Athletes are advised to aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep
each night to facilitate essential physiological recovery processes.
Incorporating rest into the training regimen is equally crucial. Providing
the body adequate time to rebuild and adapt can be achieved through
scheduling light training sessions or complete rest days as needed.
Additionally, a combination of proactive recovery modalities, supported
by research like that of Mihajlovic et al. (2023), has shown promising
results in enhancing recovery rates and sustaining high-level
performance. This may include hydrotherapy, compression garments,
massage, and low-intensity activities such as walking, cycling, or
swimming to promote blood circulation and aid in the removal of
metabolic waste.
Stretching and mobility work are indispensable components of the
recovery plan, serving to preserve flexibility, minimize muscle tightness,
enhance joint range of motion, and alleviate stiffness. Psychological
recovery techniques, including meditation, breathing exercises, and
visualization, are also integrated to reduce stress levels, foster mental
rejuvenation, and prepare athletes mentally for upcoming events.
This comprehensive recovery plan addresses the key areas of physical
and mental recuperation, ensuring that athletes are adequately prepared
for their next challenge. By attending to hydration, nutrition, sleep, rest,
active recovery modalities, stretching, mobility work, and psychological
techniques, athletes can optimize their recovery process and maintain
peak performance levels over consecutive events.
 Areta, J. L., Burke, L. M., Ross, M. L., Camera, D. M., West, D. W.,
Broad, E. M., Jeacocke, N. A., Moore, D. R., Stellingwerff, T.,
Phillips, S. M., Hawley, J. A., & Coffey, V. G. (2013). Timing and
distribution of protein ingestion during prolonged recovery from
resistance exercise alters myofibrillar protein synthesis. The
Journal of physiology, 591(9), 2319–2331.
 Carvalho, P., Oliveira, B., Barros, R., Padrão, P., Moreira, P., &
Teixeira, V. H. (2011). Impact of fluid restriction and ad libitum
water intake or an 8% carbohydrate-electrolyte beverage on skill
performance of elite adolescent basketball players. International
journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism, 21(3), 214–221.
 Howard, L., & Hillman, A. (2016). Influence of Hydration Status on
Cognitive Function and Skill Performance in Division III Collegiate
Female Basketball Players. Medicine & Science in Sports &
Exercise, 48, 1045.
 Ivy, J. L., Katz, A. L., Cutler, C. L., Sherman, W. M., & Coyle, E. F.
(1988). Muscle glycogen synthesis after exercise: effect of time of
carbohydrate ingestion. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda,
Md.: 1985), 64(4), 1480–1485.
 Macnaughton, L. S., Wardle, S. L., Witard, O. C., McGlory, C.,
Hamilton, D. L., Jeromson, S., Lawrence, C. E., Wallis, G. A., &
Tipton, K. D. (2016). The response of muscle protein synthesis
following whole-body resistance exercise is greater following 40 g
than 20 g of ingested whey protein. Physiological reports, 4(15),
 ‌Mihajlovic, M., Cabarkapa, D., Cabarkapa, D. V., Philipp, N. M., &
Fry, A. C. (2023). Recovery Methods in Basketball: A Systematic
Review. Sports (Basel, Switzerland), 11(11), 230.
 Ochoa-Lácar, J., Singh, M., Bird, S. P., Charest, J., Huyghe, T., &
Calleja-González, J. (2022). How Sleep Affects Recovery and
Performance in Basketball: A Systematic Review. Brain
sciences, 12(11), 1570.
 Silva, J. R., Ascensão, A., Marques, F., Seabra, A., Rebelo, A., &
Magalhães, J. (2013). Neuromuscular function, hormonal and redox
status and muscle damage of professional soccer players after a
high-level competitive match. European journal of applied
physiology, 113(9), 2193–2201.

2. An 18-year-old cross-country runner has recently been diagnosed with

type I diabetes. They have little understanding of the condition and how
it might impact their performance. They are struggling with their
symptoms, and they are yet to establish an optimal insulin/glucose
management strategy alongside training.
• How will you monitor and help this athlete adapt their training to
establish stability in their insulin/glucose management?

First and foremost, education plays a crucial role in empowering the

athlete to understand their condition and its implications on their
athletic endeavours, considering their limited knowledge of their case.
Education for those who work with these athletes is just as vital as
educating the athletes themselves (Horton & Subauste, 2016). For Type
1 diabetic athletes who participate in scholastic competition or team
sports, it is critical that they make sure that coaches, teammates, and
other people with access to them understand the importance of timed
meals, snacks, and adequate fluid intake, as well as recognizing the
features and management of hypoglycemia. Providing comprehensive
education about type 1 diabetes, its physiological mechanisms, and how
it affects the body's ability to regulate blood sugar levels is essential.
This education should cover discussions on the role of insulin, the
impact of exercise on blood glucose levels, the signs and symptoms of
hypo- and hyperglycemia, and strategies for managing the condition
effectively while engaging in physical activity. Encouraging the athlete
to actively participate in their education by asking questions, seeking
clarification, and expressing their concerns fosters a sense of
ownership and empowerment. Additionally, providing resources such as
educational materials, online courses, or support groups can
supplement their understanding and help them navigate the
complexities of managing diabetes while pursuing their athletic goals.
Regular blood glucose monitoring is essential for effective diabetes
management, particularly before, during, and after training sessions .
This routine empowers athletes to track their glycemic status and
adjust insulin dosing, carbohydrate intake, and hydration accordingly.
Teaching athletes to use a glucose meter and interpret readings
facilitates identifying patterns over time, informing adjustments to their
management plan. Collaborating with a multidisciplinary healthcare
team is crucial for personalized guidance and support. This team,
including endocrinologists, dietitians, and mental health professionals,
contributes expertise to optimize diabetes management and athletic
performance. Regular consultations ensure the athlete's plan aligns with
their needs and goals. Nutrition planning is critical for athletes,
particularly in balancing carbohydrate intake with insulin and training
demands. Working with a sports dietitian to emphasize nutrient-dense
foods and appropriate portion sizes optimizes blood glucose levels and
Adjustments may include tapering insulin doses, consuming
carbohydrates before, during, or after exercise, and monitoring blood
glucose levels more frequently during high-intensity or prolonged
training sessions. Encouraging the athlete to listen to their body,
communicate any symptoms or concerns, and adapt their training
accordingly promotes safety and efficacy in their athletic pursuits.
Modifying training intensity and duration is necessary to accommodate
the athlete's diabetes management needs and minimize the risk of hypo-
or hyperglycemia during workouts. Consider that cross-country running
is mostly aerobic (Cole et al., 2006). Given the close correlation,
adjustments in training are essential to optimize performance while
managing their condition effectively.
The American Diabetes Association recommends moderate-to-vigorous
cardiovascular activity at least 150 minutes per week for type I
diabetes, or 75 minutes per week for persons capable of running at 9.7
km/h for 25 minutes, 3-7 days per week, with no more than two days
without exercise (Cannataro et al., 2023). High-intensity interval training
(HIIT), resistance training (1-3 sets of 15 repetitions to vigorous 6-8
repetitions per 6-8 sets and 8-10 exercises) can be implemented for a
minimum of two nonconsecutive days a week. Flexibility and balance
training can also be included (American Diabetes Association, 2012;
Colberg et al., 2016; Jaggers et al., 2016).
Preparing athletes for diabetes-related emergencies is crucial . Teaching
them to recognize and respond to hypo- and hyperglycemic episodes
during training and competitions is essential. Equipping them with
emergency supplies such as fast-acting carbohydrates and a glucagon
kit ensures they can manage emergencies effectively.
Managing type 1 diabetes while excelling in sports can be emotionally
taxing. Providing psychological support through encouragement and
understanding helps athletes cope with the challenges. Encouraging
connections with peers or support groups fosters a sense of community
and solidarity.
Continuous evaluation and adjustment of diabetes management and
training plans are vital. Regularly reviewing blood glucose logs and
collaborating with healthcare teams allow for timely improvements. This
approach helps athletes maintain control over their condition while
aiming for peak performance.
 American Diabetes Association (2012). Standards of medical care
in diabetes--2012. Diabetes care, 35 Suppl 1(Suppl 1), S11–S63.
 Cannataro, R., Cione, E., Cerullo, G., Rondanelli, M., Micheletti, P.,
Crisafulli, O., Micheli, M. L., & D'Antona, G. (2023). Type 1 diabetes
management in a competitive athlete: A five-year case report.
Physiological reports, 11(13), e15740.
 Colberg, S. R., Sigal, R. J., Yardley, J. E., Riddell, M. C., Dunstan, D.
W., Dempsey, P. C., Horton, E. S., Castorino, K., & Tate, D. F.
(2016). Physical Activity/Exercise and Diabetes: A Position
Statement of the American Diabetes Association. Diabetes care,
39(11), 2065–2079.
 Cole, A. S., Woodruff, M. E., Horn, M. P., & Mahon, A. D. (2006).
Strength, Power, and Aerobic Exercise Correlates of 5-km Cross-
Country Running Performance in Adolescent Runners. Pediatric
Exercise Science, 18(3), 374–384.
 Horton, W. B., & Subauste, J. S. (2016). Care of the Athlete With
Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: A Clinical Review. International journal
of endocrinology and metabolism, 14(2), e36091.
 Jaggers, J. R., Hynes, K. C., & Wintergerst, K. A. (2016). Exercise
and Sport Participation for Individuals with Type 1 Diabetes.
ACSMʼs Health & Fitness Journal, 20 (6), 40–44.

3. You have just been assigned as the Sport Rehabilitator for a female
wheelchair athlete who competes in para-Archery (age 25 years). She
has a complete spinal cord injury at T6 and does not have the use of her
lower body. She is competing in a Paralympic qualifying competition in 8
weeks’ time. Describe your role and responsibilities within a multi-
disciplinary team including a Medical Doctor, Strength and Conditioning
Coach and Sports Nutritionist.

 Discuss your focus/goals of your training sessions, including

physiological considerations, and practical implementation.
In my role as a Sport Rehabilitator for a para-archery athlete with a T6
spinal cord injury, collaboration within the multi-disciplinary team is
essential. My responsibilities encompass various aspects aimed at
optimizing the athlete's performance potential and ensuring her safety
throughout her rehabilitation and training journey.
Professional responsibility dictatesmaintenance of accurate
medical records and adherence to ethical standards . This includes
recognizing potential injury risks and implementing preventive
measures. Utilizing a biopsychosocial approach, I comprehensively
assess the athlete's status and develop evidence-based management
plans tailored to her specific needs.
Training sessions focus on physiological considerations, particularly
addressing the implications of the T6 injury on autonomic function . Of
particular attention is autonomic dysreflexia, a disorder that develops
shortly after a spinal cord injury, usually when the lesion occurs at or
above the T6 level (Allen & Leslie, 2023). As a sports rehabilitator, I
need to be aware of the symptoms of this condition. The initial symptom
the subject might experience is typically a severe headache, which can
come on suddenly, feel intense, and throb a lot. This is caused by the
blood vessels in the subject's brain widening above where their injury is.
When this happens and the subject's blood pressure gets dangerously
high, it can lead to a stroke, which is very serious. Sometimes, the
symptoms do not show how bad the blood pressure is. High blood
pressure can cause different problems. It might not show any signs, or it
can be so bad that it leads to a crisis. This crisis can make it hard to
breathe, affect the subject's heart, and cause bleeding in the subject's
brain, seizures, or even death. People with injuries around the T6 level
might have blood pressure readings between 90 and 110 mmHg, but it is
important to compare them to what is normal for the subject (Lakra et
al., 2021). The subject's heart rate might also change, slowing down a
lot or even stopping, or speeding up a bunch. If the subject has heart
problems already, a high blood pressure episode could cause a heart
attack. So, when the subject's blood pressure gets really high and the
blood vessels in their brain widen, it puts them at risk for a stroke that
can cause bleeding, which is very dangerous. This is something I need
to be really aware of. Since the subject is paralyzed from the waist down
and when they suddenly get a bad headache or pass out, they need to
get checked right away. Their blood pressure should be checked to see
if it is higher than usual. If it is much higher, it might mean they are
having a problem with their body's system called autonomic dysreflexia.
If that is the case, they need to get help right away.
Given the importance of upper body strength and stability in archery
performance, sessions prioritize enhancing these aspects while
integrating adaptive techniques to safely accommodate the athlete's
physical capabilities. When planning a program, a resistance training
program for a paraplegic should include exercises that aid in muscle
balance surrounding functional joints. For example, individuals who
frequently use wheelchairs may overdevelop the anterior shoulder
muscles. Consequently, a resistance training routine should prioritize
building the posterior shoulder muscles to help maintain balance and
stability in the shoulder (Bradley-Popovich, 2000). Stability in the
shoulder muscles plays a significant role in maintaining accuracy and
stability during the archery shot (Kim et al., 2018). Aerobic training for
the upper extremities can be incorporated and implemented
accordingly. This type of training can significantly improve peak oxygen
uptake (VO2peak) in Paralympic sitting sports athletes, which
represents their maximal ability to deliver energy aerobically in an
upper-body mode (Baumgart et al., 2018). A short-term circuit resistance
training program can help paraplegics increase their upper extremity
cardiorespiratory endurance and muscle strength (Jacobs et al., 2001).
Practical implementation involves close collaboration with other team
members. Working closely with the medical doctor, I monitor the
athlete's health, particularly regarding cardiovascular function and signs
of autonomic dysreflexia. Coordination with the strength and
conditioning coach ensures the development of a tailored resistance
training program emphasizing upper body strength, core stability, and
endurance. Collaboration with the sports nutritionist ensures the
athlete's diet supports her training regimen and overall health, with
specific attention to hydration and energy requirements. Evidence-based
tools are utilized to monitor progress and adapt the training program as
necessary, ensuring the athlete's readiness for competition.
To conclude, as the Sport Rehabilitator for a female wheelchair athlete
in para-Archery, my primary goals are Injury Management and
Prevention, Functional Rehabilitation, Sport-Specific Training, and
Physical Conditioning. I focus on managing her spinal cord injury
effectively to prevent exacerbation and secondary complications. I work
on maintaining upper body strength, flexibility, and balance while
tailoring exercises to mimic archery movements. Collaboration with the
Strength and Conditioning Coach ensures a customized training program
aimed at enhancing upper body strength, power, and endurance for
competition rounds. These goals are central to preparing her for the
Paralympic qualifying competition.
 Allen, K. J., & Leslie, S. W. (2023). Autonomic Dysreflexia.
In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.
 Baumgart, J. K., Brurok, B., & Sandbakk, Ø. (2018). Peak oxygen
uptake in Paralympic sitting sports: A systematic literature
review, meta- and pooled-data analysis. PloS one, 13(2),
 Bradley-Popovich, G. E., Abshire, K. R., Crookston, C. M., &
Frounfelter, G. G. (2000). Resistance training in paraplegia:
Rationale and recommendations. Strength and Conditioning
Journal, 22(6), 31.
 Jacobs, P. L., Nash, M. S., & Rusinowski, J. W. (2001). Circuit
training provides cardiorespiratory and strength benefits in
persons with paraplegia. Medicine and science in sports and
exercise, 33(5), 711–717.
 Kim, R. N., Lee, J. H., Hong, S. H., Jeon, J. H., & Jeong, W. K.
(2018). The Characteristics of Shoulder Muscles in Archery
Athletes. Clinics in shoulder and elbow, 21(3), 145–150.
 Lakra, C., Swayne, O., Christofi, G., & Desai, M. (2021). Autonomic
dysreflexia in spinal cord injury. Practical neurology, 21(6), 532–

4. A coach is contemplating sending their athletes to a warm-weather

training camp and seeks your advice. Provide recommendations
supported by the best available evidence. Your recommendations should
address the following points:

- Risks / benefits
- Exposure / Duration
- Physiological impact

Consider how you might monitor and prevent any risk factors to injury
and heat related illnesses.

Exercising in hot conditions presents physiological challenges, notably

in thermoregulation. However, heat acclimatization serves as a
strategic approach to aid athletes in adapting to such environments.
Through heat acclimation, the body's capacity to regulate temperature
improves, leading to heightened sweating and enhanced blood flow
through the skin. This expansion of blood volume facilitates increased
circulation to muscles, organs, and the skin as necessitated (Racinais et
al., 2018). Additionally, heat acclimatization positively impacts
endurance exercise capacity, potentially enhancing performance during
activities conducted in hot environments. Athletes undergoing heat
training may observe augmented sweat rates, reduced heart rates, and
improved comfort levels during exercise in the heat (O’Meara, 2021).
Integrating heat exposure into regular training routines is recommended
to facilitate adaptation to hot conditions. Passive heat adaptation
methods, such as hot water immersion and sauna exposure, are
suggested to aid in heat adaptation without compromising overall
training and recovery (Taylor & Cotter, 2006).
Warm-weather training camps yield various physiological benefits for athletes.
Exposure to higher temperatures enhances heat acclimatization, reducing heart
rate during competition. Cardiovascular efficiency improves with increased
blood plasma volume, enhancing oxygen delivery to muscles and boosting
endurance. Sweat adaptations aid in efficient cooling, reducing heat-related
risks. Muscle blood flow and nutrient delivery improve, potentially lowering
injury risks. Metabolic advantages include enhanced glycogen storage and fat
oxidation. These conditions also foster mental toughness and confidence,
crucial for performing well under stress. Overall, warm-weather camps optimize
athletes' physiological readiness for challenging environments, but careful
hydration and monitoring are essential for safety.

Nevertheless, warm-weather training carries primary risks, including

heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke,
dehydration, and elevated heart rate, all of which can impede
performance and pose severe health concerns (Ebi et al., 2021; Racinais
et al., 2015; Wallenberg et al., 2023). To mitigate these risks, athletes
should undergo a heat acclimatization process well in advance of
important events in warm weather. Typically, 1-2 weeks of daily
exposures lasting 90 minutes are necessary for effective heat
acclimatization, although highly aerobically fit athletes may acclimatize
in a shorter timeframe (Gatorade Sports Science Institute, 2016).
Heat acclimation positively impacts thermoregulation by enhancing the
body’s ability to control temperature, improving sweating, and
increasing blood flow through the skin. Additionally, it expands blood
volume, allowing the heart to pump more blood to muscles, organs, and
the skin as needed.
To monitor and prevent heat-related risks during warm-weather training,
coaches and athletes must prioritize hydration, ensuring athletes drink
more water than usual and monitoring for early signs of heat-related
illness such as muscle cramping. Training athletes and staff to
recognize symptoms of heat illness, establishing an emergency action
plan including access to heat stress monitoring equipment and cold
water immersion facilities, and advising athletes to wear loose,
lightweight, light-colored clothing are also essential preventive
measures. Gradually increasing the duration and intensity of exercise
during the initial 10 to 14 days of heat exposure, particularly for athletes
who may be out of shape or overweight, can further reduce the risk of
heat-related issues.
Racinais et al. (2015) recommends athletes undergo a heat
acclimatization period of at least 1 week, ideally extending to 2 weeks,
to prepare for competitions in hot environments. It is essential for
athletes to ensure they are adequately hydrated before engaging in
exercise and to minimize fluid losses by maintaining proper hydration
levels throughout training sessions, as indicated by monitoring body
mass changes. Additionally, athletes can employ specific strategies
such as cooling methods to alleviate heat accumulation and reduce
physiological strain, particularly in situations where environmental
conditions are challenging. Event organizers and sports governing
bodies can further support athletes by allowing extended recovery
periods to facilitate hydration and cooling interventions during
competitions held in hot conditions.
By carefully considering these factors and implementing preventive
measures, coaches can help ensure the safety and effectiveness of
warm-weather training for their athletes. It is important to recognize
that individual responses to heat can vary, emphasizing the need to
personalize strategies for each athlete's unique needs and

 ‌Cotter, J., & Taylor, N. (2006). Heat adaptation: guidelines for the
optimisation of human performance. 33.
 ‌Ebi, K. L., Capon, A., Berry, P., Broderick, C., de Dear, R., Havenith,
G., Honda, Y., Kovats, R. S., Ma, W., Malik, A., Morris, N. B., Nybo,
L., Seneviratne, S. I., Vanos, J., & Jay, O. (2021). Hot weather and
heat extremes: health risks. The Lancet, 398(10301), 698–708.
 Gatorade Sports Science Institute. (2016). Heat Acclimatization
to Improve Athletic Performance in Warm-Hot Environments .
Gatorade Sports Science Institute.
 O’Meara, S. (2021). The science helping athletes to beat the
heat. Nature, 592(7852), S2–S3.
 Racinais, S., Alonso, J. M., Coutts, A. J., Flouris, A. D., Girard, O.,
González-Alonso, J., Hausswirth, C., Jay, O., Lee, J. K. W., Mitchell,
N., Nassis, G. P., Nybo, L., Pluim, B. M., Roelands, B., Sawka, M. N.,
Wingo, J., & Périard, J. D. (2015). Consensus recommendations on
training and competing in the heat. British Journal of Sports
Medicine, 49(18), 1164–1173.
 Racinais, S., Alonso, J. M., Coutts, A. J., Flouris, A. D., Girard, O.,
González-Alonso, J., Hausswirth, C., Jay, O., Lee, J. K., Mitchell,
N., Nassis, G. P., Nybo, L., Pluim, B. M., Roelands, B., Sawka, M. N.,
Wingo, J., & Périard, J. D. (2015). Consensus Recommendations on
Training and Competing in the Heat. Sports medicine (Auckland,
N.Z.), 45(7), 925–938.

 ‌ allenberg, N., Lindberg, F.,

W Thorsson, S., Jonatan Jungmalm,
Fröberg, A., Anders Raustorp, & Rayner, D. (2023). The effects of
warm weather on children’s outdoor heat stress and physical
activity in a preschool yard in Gothenburg, Sweden. International
Journal of Biometeorology, 67(12), 1927–1940.

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