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Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 35:664–671, 2014

Copyright © 2014 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.

ISSN: 0161-2840 print / 1096-4673 online
DOI: 10.3109/01612840.2014.894158

The Need to Support Students with Autism at University

Ann M. Mulder, PhD, and Andrew Cashin, PhD

Southern Cross University, School of Health and Human Sciences, Lismore, Australia

and Iceland (Saemundsen, Magnusson, Georgsdottir, Egilsson,

Publicity surrounds the increased prevalence of autism. How- & Rafnsson, 2013); 0.7% in the US (Centers for Disease Control
ever, in contrast to support in primary and secondary schools, and Prevention, 2007); and 0.6% in Norway (Suren et al., 2013),
Issues Ment Health Nurs Downloaded from by Gazi Univ. on 05/01/15

there exists little focus on supporting students with autism at uni- the Canary Islands (Fortea Sevilla, Escandell Bermudez, & Cas-
versity. Mental health nurses are well placed to facilitate support
programmes for students with autism who have the capacity for
tro Sanchez, 2013), and Israel (Davidovitch, Hemo, Manning-
higher education. This article examines the international literature Courtney, & Fombonne, 2013). Additionally, prevalence rates
around the support needs for these students and discusses opportu- are 0.6% for full-term births, 1.3% for late preterm births, and
nities that exist to support these students, their families, and higher 2.2% for early preterm births in Taiwan (Hwang, Weng, Cho, &
education staff. Research is urgently needed to evaluate the success Tsai, 2103).
of such interventions, particularly in light of the low participation
rates in study and work for people with autism.
It is now 19 years since the inclusion of Asperger’s Disorder
in the DSM and approaching rapidly is an increased wave of stu-
dents with autism needing to access post-secondary education.
Autism is a spectrum disorder made up of the diag- While student-centred learning is a widely embraced concept
For personal use only.

nostic constructs of Autistic Disorder, Asperger’s Disorder, internationally, universities are only beginning to realise that
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, and Pervasive Development practicing this for students who are not neurotypical requires
Disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS). In this paper identification and increased support. Through consultation and
“autism” is used to refer to all four disorders as classified in faculty practice, nursing faculty are ideally placed to take an ac-
the recent DSM-V (American Psychiatric Association [APA], tive role in supporting university services for those with autism.
2013). Mental health nurses, with their understanding of thinking and
Autism first entered the scientific literature in 1943 (Kanner, information processing, when combined with the pedagogical
1943). In the first two editions of the Diagnostic and Statistical expertise possessed by nursing faculty, are ideally equipped to
Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM; APA, 1952, 1968), chil- consult on reasonable adaptations to curricula and teaching for
dren with autistic-like symptoms were classified as “childhood people with autism. Mental health nurses also are well-equipped
schizophrenic.” In the third edition (APA, 1980), autism was to consult on individual support needs of students related to dis-
included as a distinct category although the only form was “in- tress and anxiety and to provide direct support as part of faculty
fantile autism.” In 1994, the fourth edition (APA, 1994) included practice.
Autistic Disorder, Asperger’s Disorder, Childhood Disintegra-
tive Disorder, and PDD-NOS as separate diagnoses. Since the
introduction of Asperger’s Disorder in 1994, there has been a AUTISM DEFINED
dramatic rise in the number of people diagnosed with autism. Autism is a behavioural diagnosis defined by a triad of im-
This is largely related to changes in clinician diagnostic prac- paired communication, social skills, and behavioural flexibility
tice and the recognition of autism in those without intellectual expressed through restricted and repetitive interests, activities,
disability; individuals with Asperger’s Disorder do not exhibit a and behaviours (APA, 2000). Impairment also can be viewed at
clinically significant delay in language or cognitive development the cognitive level resulting in impaired linguistic processing,
Currently the prevalence of autism is between 0.6% and 2.6% of theory of mind, and abstraction.
the population: 2.6% in Korea (Kim et al., 2011); 1.6% in Britain Elements of both the behavioural and cognitive process-
(Baron-Cohen et al., 2009); 1.2% in Sweden (Idring et al., 2012) ing triads in autism are relational and not mutually exclusive
(Cashin, Sci, & Barker, 2009). The combination of the elements
Address correspondence to Ann M. Mulder, School of Health and is not additive, but rather together they compound to result in
Human Sciences, Southern Cross University, PO Box 157, Lismore, the expression of autism. However, it is fruitful to discuss them
2480 Australia. E-mail: individually.


Communication children with autism attended school. Just over half of those
Impaired communication is one identified element in the triad who attended school were in mainstream classes. However, the
of impairment. This is at the level of generating meaningful com- majority of these children reported difficulty at school; partic-
municative messages (Kanner, 1943). Prior to the development ularly with communication, learning, and social engagement.
of speech, those with autism have less communicative intent The remainder needed to attend either a special class in a main-
than neurotypical people (Duffy & Healy, 2011). The impair- stream school or a special school that is better able to meet
ment in communication is at the linguistic and para-linguistic their needs. Generally, children with autism need a high level
level. In addition to the difficulty of using words to communi- of support to attend school, with around a half requiring the
cate, intonation and facial expression, both learnt traits, also are services of a counsellor, disability support person, or special
impaired. The age at which speech is acquired does not correlate tuition. Data suggests that the difficulties students with autism
with later development in people with autism and no comorbid experience in the education system continue after school. For
intellectual delay (Howlin, 2003). It follows that the impair- example, of people with autism who had finished school, three
ment is not a communication delay but a difference. The beha- quarters (77%) had not completed a post-school qualification;
vioural elements of communication are underpinned by the a rate well above both people with disability (50%) and people
difference in cognitive processing. People with autism have im- with no disability (43%) (Australian Bureau of Statistics [ABS],
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paired linguistic processing of information (Cashin et al., 2009); 2009b).

they have a relative strength in visual processing (Sacks, 1986).

Autism and the Labour Force in Australia

Social Skills
People with autism also encounter difficulties participating
Impaired social skills found in those with autism are un-
in the labour force. In 2009, the labour force participation rate in
derpinned by impaired theory of mind. Theory of mind is the
Australia for people with autism was 34%, compared with 54%
ability to understand that others have beliefs and desires that are
for people with other disabilities, and 83% for people without
different from one’s own. It is the ability to put oneself in an-
disabilities. These figures, the ABS suggest, indicate significant
other’s shoes, which supports an understanding of empathy and
implications for the economic security of people with autism,
For personal use only.

is an essential element of social communication (Howlin, 2004;

as without jobs, and therefore sufficient income, they lack the
Senju, 2012). For some on the spectrum, there is no inclination
financial freedom to make decisions about their lives. Further,
to become socially involved. However for those who do wish to
they miss out on other beneficial aspects of working, such as the
be engaged socially with others, impaired theory of mind often
social networks that develop through workforce participation
results in the constant tripping over of social conventions and
(ABS, 2009b). As a function of the restrictive and repetitive
being mystified by the unwritten rules and etiquette of social
behaviours, there exists a drive in many individuals with autism
contact (Wing, 1996).
to a shrinking world; so if not participating in study or work,
they can become extremely isolated in their homes (Cashin &
Behavioural Flexibility Waters, 2006).
Restrictive and repetitive interests, activities, and behaviours, One of the key goals of both the National Disability Strat-
or impaired behavioural flexibility, is underpinned by impaired egy and National Disability Agreement is to increase the eco-
abstraction. People with autism have been described as having nomic and social participation of people living with disabil-
weak central coherence; at the base of which is impaired abstrac- ities. The Australian National Disability Strategy notes that,
tion and the ability to determine like, or similar. This results in “work is essential to an individual’s economic security and
an impaired ability to categorise and see links between ideas is important to achieving social inclusion. Employment con-
and information. People with autism have been described as tributes to mental health, personal well-being and a sense of
having a spotlight focus as opposed to the gestalt of big picture identity” (Commonwealth of Australia, 2011, p. 42). People
thinking. The term “executive dysfunction” has been used to with autism struggle with social engagement, and in 2009 the
describe impairment in frontal lobe mediated behaviour where data indicate they also were struggling with economic participa-
the person with autism has trouble locating where activities and tion and had lower levels of post-school qualifications and labour
information fit into the big picture. This results in difficulty in force participation compared to people with other disabilities
organising and sequencing activities, impulse control, working (ABS, 2009b).
memory, and mental flexibility (Happé & Frith, 2006). While primary and secondary schools in Australia are pro-
viding support to children and young people with autism, 2009
PARTICIPATION IN WORK AND STUDY data indicate that more needs to be done to help them into ter-
tiary education and the labour force (ABS, 2009b). We identified
Autism and Education in Australia no formal transition programmes between secondary school and
The most recently available data from the Australian Bureau university for people with autism in Australia. Transition pro-
of Statistics (ABS) (2009b), reported that more than 95% of grammes, if they existed, would allow study skills learnt during

secondary school to be more effectively transferred to university communicative skills, and a very poor outcome entailed hav-
study, resulting in more effective transitioning and identification ing an obvious, very severe handicap, being unable to lead any
of students needing support, along with a history of the support kind of independent existence, and no clear verbal or non-verbal
found to be of most use (Janiga & Costenbader, 2002). Such communication; it is worth noting that only 7% of participants
programmes would help mitigate the added stress and anxiety with autism were assessed as having normal intellectual ability
of university study (Hart, Grigal, & Weir, 2010; Stallman, 2010). (Cederlund, Hagberg, Billstedt, Gillberg, & Gillberg, 2008).
Similarly, a Canadian study of young adults with ASD (n =
48, mean age = 24 years), reported outcomes based on occu-
Autism and Participation in Work and Tertiary Study pation, friendships, and independent living. They assessed only
Internationally 4% as having a very good outcome, 17% as having good, 32%
Congruent with the 2009 Australian figures reported above, as having fair, and 46% as having poor outcomes. A very good
outcomes from a US study using 2007–2008 data from the Na- outcome entailed achieving a high level of independence, having
tional Longitudinal Transition Study 2, a ten-year prospective some friends, and holding a job. A good outcome was generally
study of youth receiving special education services, found that used to describe someone who was working, but required some
youth with autism had the highest risk of being completely support in daily living and who had some friends/acquaintances.
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disengaged from any kind of post-secondary education or em- A fair outcome entailed having some degree of independence
ployment (Shattuck et al. 2012). The risk is particularly high in and not needing specialist residential provisions and having no
the two years following high school, pointing to potential gaps close friends but some acquaintances. A poor outcome entailed
in transition planning in youth with autism. The study exam- needing special residential provisions or a high level of support
ined data from youth aged 19–23 years with autism (n = 680), and not having friends outside of the residence. The highest lev-
speech/language impairment (SLI; n = 470), learning disability els of unmet needs reported by families of these young people
(LD; n = 460), and mental retardation (MR; n = 430). They re- with ASD were social programs/outlets (31%), work (29%), and
ported that in youth with autism, 55% had had paid employment friends (25%) (Eaves & Ho, 2008).
since high school, 28% had attended a 2-year college, 12% had
attended a 4-year college, and 9% had attended a vocational or
For personal use only.

technical education program; 35% had not participated in any AUTISM AND UNIVERSITY
post-secondary employment or school. Higher family income Increasingly, inclusion in mainstream primary and secondary
and youth with higher functional skills were associated with (K-12) education is being embraced for students with autism. In
higher odds of participation in paid employment and education. contrast, higher education facilities, such as universities and col-
Compared with other disabilities, youth with autism had the leges, can exhibit an elitist environment where only students who
lowest rates of employment and education participation. The meet certain admission requirements are accepted and educated.
paid employment rate for youth differed based on the youths’ Consideration of the implications of student-centred learning in
diagnoses: the rate of paid employment for those with autism a university environment that promotes inclusion is only now
was 55%; for those with MR, it was 69%; for those with a SLI, beginning to be considered. For students who are outside the
it was 86%; and for individuals with a LD, the rate of paid em- norm, current practise often suggest that these students do not
ployment was 94%. In contrast, the rates of no participation in belong. However, the inclusiveness of K-12 schooling with its
either paid employment or education was 3% for youth with a high academic expectations is challenging these assumptions
LD, 7% for youth with a SLI, 26% in youth with MR, and 35% about who belongs and can benefit from a university education
in those diagnosed with autism (Shattuck et al., 2012). (Hart et al., 2010). Shattuck (Shattuck et al. 2012) identified that
In Sweden, a prospective follow-up study, minimum five- 12% of students from the USA with autism attended a four-year
year post-diagnosis, of adults with Asperger’s Syndrome (AS; degree programme; no Australian data is available. However if
n = 70) and autism (n = 70), found that only 27% of participants we apply to a conservative 1% of the population estimate of
with AS were assessed as having good social, communication, autism, the numbers potentially already attending university in
and functioning outcomes. A good outcome entailed being (a) Australia are large. While figures that allow estimate of numbers
employed, or in education or vocational training, and (b), if in the range likely to attend university are not available, using
23 years of age or older, living independently or, if 22 years or the ABS’ (ABS, 2013) population estimate of 23,004,776 for
younger, having two or more friends and/or a steady relation- April 28, 2013, we get 27,606 Australians with autism (12%
ship. The largest percentage (47%) had a fair outcome; (a) or of the 1% population estimate) who may at some point in their
(b) but not both. However 26% had a restricted outcome; neither life attended, have aspirations to attend, or be attending univer-
(a) nor (b); that is, they undertook no education or occupation sity. International evidence indicates that the number of students
and had no friends. Outcomes for participants with autism were with autism who have entered higher education is increasing. In
worse, with 76% assessed as having either poor (20%) or very the UK, the Higher Educational Statistical Agency (HESA) data
poor (56%) outcomes; a poor outcome entailed having an obvi- indicate that 80 students with Asperger’s Syndrome entered in
ous, severe handicap, but with some clear verbal or non-verbal the 2003–04 school year, 295 students entered in 2004–05, and

475 students entered in the 2005–2006 school year (Madriaga versations among the student, parents, the school counsellor,
& Goodley, 2010). teachers, and other school personnel that relieve the student
There are many compelling arguments that support access from negotiating educational services or academic accommo-
to university education for students with autism. These include dations. Teachers are typically able, due to smaller class sizes,
the argument that participation in post-secondary education is to provide support for socially inappropriate behaviours, pro-
a natural development growing from ever-expanding inclusive vide guidance for gaining perspective, and assist students when
opportunities in the K-12 system, a system that has demon- experiencing sensory overload. This support, however, does not
strated that with appropriate support, students with autism can generally occur in post-secondary education. Instead, the stu-
succeed both socially and academically. In addition, people with dent must navigate their own challenges, such as understanding
autism benefit from participating in valued social roles (such as the perspective of others, integrating multiple streams of envi-
being a university student), making it more likely that they will ronmental stimuli, and the complexities of social interactions.
have a good quality of life and less marginalisation. For many This is often a greater challenge when students have become
students with autism, their intellectual capabilities may become accustomed to support in primary and secondary education and
a critically important domain essential to their feelings of self- is compounded by the fact that university/college personnel typ-
worth. Participation in advanced education programs becomes a ically have neither the resources nor guidelines for best practise
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significant source of self-esteem (Camarena & Sarigiani, 2009). when working with students with autism (Pillay & Bhat, 2012).
It is important however that inclusion is structured to cre- A survey of students with disability in one UK university
ate legitimate university status; pretending does not have the (n = 173) found that virtually no students declaring “unseen
same value as true participation. There are strong positive disabilities” was either in contact with the Disability Coordina-
relationships among a university education, employment out- tor or in receipt of Disabled Students Allowance (Fuller, Healey,
comes and lifetime earnings (ABS, 2009a). A positive univer- Bradley, & Hall, 2004). The onus is usually on the student to ask
sity education is not just measured by academic grades but also for support. This onus was not present in secondary education,
by increased learning, independence, self-determination, and as parents played a greater role and school staffs were proac-
positive social experiences. Internationally, universities, simi- tive. Adapting to the new demand may require a degree of or-
lar to K-12 schools, are finding that students with autism are ganisation and social competence not present. Support services
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having a positive impact, not only on other students without may need to be ready to either anticipate or identify problems
autism, but on the university community as a whole (Hart et al., (MacLeod & Green, 2009).
2010). Faculty members at a New Hampshire College stated In Australian universities, in order to obtain student support,
that: the student with autism is required to self-identify and submit
medical documentation that verifies the diagnosis while register-
. . . we have found ourselves to be more understanding and apprecia-
tive of both our differences and our similarities, we regard students
ing with Disability Services. Ideally the student discloses their
with AS or autism as having a great deal to contribute both to our own autism diagnosis to Disability Services and this enables roles
learning, as well as to our college community as a whole. Spending played by a variety of other university personnel. These include
time with and befriending these students is not just about delivering university counsellors, academic faculty, residential staff, and
an essential clinical service, but about what kind of people we want peer mentors. Nursing faculty are ideally positioned to sup-
to be and what kind of communities we want to create. (Welkowitz
& Baker, 2005, p. 186)
port counsellors, or in the form of faculty practice, to become
counsellors. Counsellors often have the most significant impact
Mental health nurses with a strong tradition of person-centred and involvement with students with autism, due to their inti-
practice (more recently expressed through a recovery focus) and mate involvement with behavioural interventions. If prepared
who work within complex systems to promote integration are and supported, counsellors may detect early warning signs of a
ideally placed to support the broader university staff’s under- student they suspect may have autism and have failed to pro-
standing of, and efficacy in, working with students with autism. vide documentation or is without previous diagnosis, as well
Mental Health Nurses are suitably qualified to be employed as provide guidance regarding the benefits of disclosure. Gen-
on learning support teams. The context of supporting students erally, they work with Disability Services to liaise with faculty
with autism also provides an opportunity for nursing faculty ser- to deliver suitable academic accommodations and can work
vice to the university community through consultation or direct as a student’s advocate. Counsellors also may assist students
support of students. In Australia, community service is often a in developing strategies to compensate for impaired executive
component of academic workload models. functioning, such as time management; they can discuss strate-
Currently significant differences exist between K-12 and gies or alternative behaviours to cope with sensory overload
post-secondary education for students with autism. In K-12 and implement spaces such as safe zones where students can
schooling, students are supported with individualised education retreat and de-escalate in times of overload. Counsellors may
programs that provide a comprehensive structure for support discuss strategies that support better social behaviours and in-
services and accommodations. These are typically determined crease self-advocacy and assertiveness skills. They may need
collaboratively in an Individual Education Plan through con- to educate students to recognise discrimination or harassment

and teach them how to respond appropriately. Counsellors also commodations associated with lectures and tutorials include the
may support collaboration among the student, parents, Disabil- use of a peer note taker, laptop computer, spell checker and
ity Services, residential services, and faculty. When issues arise grammar checker, e-reader, read and write software, textbooks
between the student and faculty, counsellors may be able to on tape, screen reader, screen enlarger, listening device, and
develop strategies that support the continued inclusion within priority seating, as well as access to notes from the lecturer,
class and the development of new routines of behaviour by the tape-recorded lectures, course materials available in alternative
student if required, resulting in positive changes and a win-win form, and advanced receipt of syllabus and course handouts.
situation (Pillay & Bhat, 2012). Finally, examination accommodations include using a separate
While academic faculty often do not automatically know room with minimal distractions, having access to priority seat-
what accommodations a student requires, it is important that they ing, having extended time for the exam, having breaks during
consult and collaborate with Disability Services to ensure that an the exam or having the exam administered in several sessions,
inclusive academic environment exists for students with autism. prioritising a specific time of day that is best for the student, us-
It is important to note, though, that faculty must be assured that ing a reader to read directions and questions, receiving an oral
they do not have to compromise the fundamental requirements, exam, dictating answers to a scribe or tape recorder, allowing a
standards, or essential functions of a course in a way that confers student to mark responses on the test rather than on a Scantron
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unfair advantage to a student or poses an undue burden on the answer sheet, increasing the size of answer sheet bubbles, using
institution (Australian Government Attorney General’s Dept, larger type, and using a word processor for written responses
2005). (Hart et al., 2010; Pillay & Bhat, 2012; Roberts, 2010).
Residential staff are other university personnel who may be For students with autism who have sensory impairments, cop-
invaluable for students with autism if given the appropriate ed- ing with the stress of overstimulating environments may mean
ucation and support. While living at home can provide security, their safe spaces may need to be free from auditory and visual
it does not often support full engagement in university life. On overstimulation. Considering the sights, sounds, and crowds of
the other hand, residential life can be akin to constant exposure student facilities such as pubs and cafes, a safe space may be
to the worst aspects of high school, such as bullying, ridicule, or the silence of the library (although this, too, has been found to
social exclusion. Residential staff with appropriate knowledge be too noisy for some students) or their own student accommo-
For personal use only.

about autism, and confidence in ways to assist students with dation. However if there is a consistent lack of accessibility to
autism, are more likely to be understanding and to connect and more appropriate social venues within the university, that may
empathise with these students rather than judge their behaviours be a cause for concern as it can socially and spatially constrain
(Pillay & Bhat, 2012). the lives of students with autism. A UK study of 237 adults with
Asperger Syndrome found that for 77% of them social situations
were either extremely or very stressful (Beardon & Edmonds,
University Accommodations 2007); it also has been recognised that living in a shrunken social
The support needs associated with autism are complex, world can lead an individual with autism towards depression.
highly idiosyncratic, and often at odds with the individual’s Students with autism who are not part of a social network can
apparent capability. Sainsbury (2000) noted that in Asperger’s be disadvantaged as they are less able to catch up on missed lec-
original 1944 paper on Asperger Syndrome “one of his patients tures or seek clarification from other students (Taylor & Knott,
had not only studied theoretical astronomy at university, but 2007).
also proved a mathematical error in Newton’s work” (p. 122). However, what also must be considered is the range of diver-
However, the profile of abilities can be very uneven (Cashin sity that exists underneath the diagnosis of autism. While some
et al., 2009) and individuals can be emotionally immature and people with autism crave being alone, others crave social inter-
lacking in practical skills expected of young adults. University action. Whatever the preference, students with autism should be
support services therefore face the challenge of being ready and able to enter a variety of university spaces without confronting
willing to adapt their existing systems so that they can respond triggers to hypersensitivities or anxieties, while still increasing
effectively to the individual needs of their students with autism. opportunities to socially engage in university life. Some suggest
In Australia, nursing faculty are well placed to support and re- that universities should provide alternative spaces for students
source Disability Services. This has the potential to provide with autism to limit the risk of sensory overload, such as al-
opportunities for faculty practice as well as better outcomes for ternative places to eat, and space to avoid noisy places. While
people with autism. Faculty practice could be through consul- pragmatic, these suggestions also raise questions of concern re-
tation or direct service provision. garding inclusivity and the marginalisation from conventional
A vast range of accommodations are available at univer- university spaces because of these students’ impairment.
sity for students with disabilities, including those with autism. Having segregated eateries similar to segregated exams reaf-
These include academic support, counselling referral and spe- firms the ghettoisation of an already excluded group of people.
cial advising, modified course load, priority registration, early Whether they eat in their own room or a designated eating place
registration, or course substitute for a “required” course. Ac- they are alone and set apart from others; Madriaga (2010) says

this type of thinking reflects the dominant thinking of disabled Integration of Students with Autism into University
student support provisions within the UK higher education insti- In order to further understand peer responsiveness to stu-
tutions. It is a base-level thinking, requiring minimum provision dents with autism, a US study (n = 652) examined college
for disabled students as opposed to best practice. To address this students’ openness toward peers who demonstrated behaviours
issue, disability support practitioners should work with disabil- characteristic of autism (Nevill & White, 2011). It was identi-
ity student union representatives in planning alternative ways to fied that students who reported having a first-degree relative with
engage disabled students in student-led societies. For example autism obtained significantly higher openness scores, perhaps as
while many students with autism found orientation week very a function of increased exposure and understanding of autism.
stressful due to the noise and crowds, they should have the op- In terms of college major, engineering students indicated the
portunity to attend a similar event without the noise and crowds most comfort yet, incongruently, also the most fear about being
or have a choice of having mentoring support or a personal as- around peers with autism. Physical sciences students (biology
sistant in attending such events. Having to exclude oneself from and mathematics) indicated the highest willingness to spend
university spaces due to the university’s misrecognition of im- their free time with a peer with autism and the strongest belief
pairments is not reflective of inclusive practice. Achieving best that the person would be likeable and possess an equal level of
practice requires exploration and discussion with people to high- intelligence to them. Social science students (psychology and
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light examples of good practice, including social alternatives sociology) received the lowest fearfulness score and indicated
that offset the effects of isolation and depression (Madriaga, the least concern about having peers with autism living in the
2010). hall of residence. This is possibly due to the curriculum em-
A UK study (Beardon, Martin, & Woolsey, 2009) of students phasis on the understanding of diversity and varying personality
who self-disclosed Asperger’s Syndrome or high-functioning attributes in the building of social environment. As a result,
autism (HFA) and who identified challenges at university (n = these students showed the most acceptance of others regardless
135), explored their perceptions about challenges and support of their background. Those from the “other major” category had
at university. Note that not all the students had a formal diag- the highest belief that students with autism were different from
nosis; 72% had been diagnosed with AS, 8% with HFA, and themselves. These results suggest that greater awareness and
the remaining 20% had not gone through a formal diagnosis. education about autism and its increased prevalence within the
For personal use only.

Forty percent of the students reported difficulties with social university population could improve peer responsiveness toward
interaction, including challenges relating to the need to com- students with autism.
municate with others, such as in group work. Support involved Further education and awareness could be undertaken, partic-
understanding neurotypical behaviour, and it was suggested that ularly during World Autism Awareness Month in April, aimed
since understanding is a two-way process, an understanding of at academic faculty and peers. Education of university staff
autism for neurotypicals could be of benefit. Twenty-one percent and providing information on the perspective of a student with
of the students identified challenges in the social environment, autism and steps that support success in the classroom would be
challenges arising from expectations, activities, and the pres- prudent. In addition, information on autism could be included in
ence of others (e.g., physical proximity and sensory distraction). appropriate academic courses such as Introductory Psychology,
Twenty-six percent of students identified challenges with course which would greatly enhance understanding and openness. Peer
structure or curriculum demands. These related to practical ac- mentoring programs could be implemented to help students de-
tivities, rigid assessment criteria, organisational requirements, velop social, academic, and daily living skills, all of which may
and flexible programs of study. Twenty-four percent of students be impaired in those with autism, and peer support groups for
identified challenges related to their own or other peoples’ un- students with autism could be established to enable students
derstanding of AS/HFA (Beardon et al., 2009). with similar experiences to connect (Nevill & White, 2011).
Another study involving comments by eight students in the
UK with Asperger’s Syndrome, reported a variety of impedi-
ments to learning in higher education, which included: barriers CONCLUSION
in lectures related to understanding; barriers participating in Increased diagnosis and, therefore, prevalence of autism
group work; and issues with assessment, including doing as- means there will be an ever-increasing number of students enter-
signments and taking exams. Conclusions of the study were that ing university in Australia and elsewhere with additional support
higher education institutions need to conjure creative and more needs specifically tailored to autism. In addition the Disability
inclusive ways of engaging students with AS in learning and as- Discrimination Act and the Australian Disability Standards for
sessment. While well-intentioned, adoption of minimum levels Education have placed responsibility with institutions to pro-
of provision for students with disability, such as not assigning mote access to inclusive education. Mental health nurses are
group work or constructing separate catering outlets for students well-placed to lead and evaluate the development of transi-
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