أكثر الجمل استخداما في اللغة الإنجليزية

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‫أكثر الجمل استخداما في اللغة اإلنجليزية‬

# ‫تحيات وأسئلة شائعة‬

1. Hello.

2. Hi.

3. How are you?

4. How’s it going?

5. Good morning.

6. Good afternoon.

7. Good evening.

8. Good night.

9. Goodbye.

10. See you later.

11. See you soon.

12. Take care.

13. What’s your name?

14. My name is [Name].

15. Nice to meet you.

16. How old are you?

17. Where are you from?

18. I’m from [Country/City].

19. What do you do?

20. I am a [Job/Student].

21. Do you speak English?

22. I speak a little English.

23. Could you please speak more slowly?

24. Can you repeat that, please?

25. How do you spell that?

26. What do you mean?

27. I don’t understand.

28. Can you help me?

29. How do you say this in English?

30. What does this word mean?

31. I’m learning English.

32. Where do you live?

33. I live in [City/Neighborhood].

34. How long have you been here?

35. I’ve been here for [Time Period].

36. Do you like it here?

37. Yes, I like it a lot.

38. No, I don’t like it.

39. It’s a beautiful place.

40. The people are very friendly.

41. What time is it?

42. It’s [Time].

43. What day is it today?

44. Today is [Day].

45. What’s the date today?

46. Today is [Date].

47. See you tomorrow.

48. Yesterday was [Day].

49. Tomorrow is [Day].

# ‫طلبات وأوامر شائعة‬

50. Please.

51. Thank you.

52. Thanks a lot.

53. You’re welcome.

54. Excuse me.

55. I’m sorry.

56. No problem.

57. Can you help me?

58. I need help.

59. Can I ask you a question?

60. Sure, go ahead.

61. How can I get to [Place]?

62. Where is the nearest [Place]?

63. Can I have [Item], please?

64. Could you please give me [Item]?

65. I would like [Item].

66. Can I have the bill, please?

67. How much is this?

68. Is it free?

69. Do you accept credit cards?

70. Where can I find [Item]?

71. I’m looking for [Item].

72. Can I try this on?

73. Do you have this in another size?

74. How much does this cost?

75. Is there a discount?

76. Where is the restroom?

77. May I use the restroom?

78. Where can I wash my hands?

79. Could you please turn on/off the light?

80. Can I open/close the window?

81. Could you please speak more slowly?

82. Can you write it down, please?

83. Can you call me a taxi?

84. Where is the nearest ATM?

85. I need some cash.

# ‫الجمل المتعلقة بالطعام والشراب‬

86. I’m hungry.

87. I’m thirsty.

88. Let’s eat.

89. What’s for breakfast/lunch/dinner?

90. I would like a coffee.

91. Can I have the menu, please?

92. I’ll have [Dish/Drink].

93. This is delicious.

94. I’m full.

95. Do you have any vegetarian dishes?

96. I’m allergic to [Food].

97. Could I have some water, please?

98. What do you recommend?

99. Can I have some more [Dish/Drink]?

100. Could I get the check, please?

# ‫الجمل المتعلقة بالسفر والتنقل‬

101. Where is the nearest bus stop?

102. How do I get to [Place]?

103. What time is the next train?

104. I’d like to buy a ticket.

105. Where can I find a taxi?

106. How much is a ticket to [Destination]?

107. Is this the bus for [Destination]?

108. How long does it take to get to [Destination]?

109. Can I have a map?

110. What’s the best way to get to [Place]?

111. How far is it to [Place]?

112. I need to go to [Place].

113. Is this seat taken?

114. Where can I rent a car?

115. I’d like to book a flight.

116. Can I have an aisle/window seat?

117. What’s the fare?

118. Can I get a ticket for [Time]?

119. Is there a direct flight to [Destination]?

120. Where is the luggage claim?

121. I lost my luggage.

# ‫العبارات المتعلقة بالتسوق‬

122. I’m looking for [Item].

123. Do you have this in another size?

124. Can I try this on?

125. How much does this cost?

126. Is there a discount?

127. Can I pay by credit card?

128. Do you accept returns?

129. Where is the fitting room?

130. Do you have this in stock?

131. Can you show me where [Item] is?

132. I’d like to buy this.

133. Can I have a receipt?

134. What are your store hours?

135. Is this on sale?

136. Can you gift wrap this?

137. Do you have a loyalty program?

138. Where can I find [Department]?

139. I need a different size.

140. Can I get a refund?

# ‫العبارات المتعلقة بالوقت والتواريخ‬

141. What time is it?

142. It’s [Time].

143. What day is today?

144. Today is [Day].

145. What is the date today?

146. Today is [Date].

147. See you tomorrow.

148. Yesterday was [Day].

149. Tomorrow is [Day].

150. What time does [Event] start?

151. What time does [Event] end?

152. Do you have the time?

153. What time is [Meeting/Event]?

154. I’m running late.

155. I’m on time.

156. I’ll be there at [Time].

157. I’m early.

158. What time do you open?

159. What time do you close?

160. How long will it take?

### ‫العبارات المتعلقة بالصحة‬

161. I don’t feel well.

162. I need a doctor.

163. Where is the nearest hospital?

164. I have a headache.

165. I have a fever.

166. I’m allergic to [Substance].

167. Can you call an ambulance?

168. I need to see a dentist.

169. Do you have any painkillers?

170. I’m feeling dizzy.

171. I have a stomachache.

172. I need a prescription.

173. Where is the pharmacy?

174. I’m feeling better.

175. I’m sick.

176. I need to lie down.

177. I have a cold.

178. I have a cough.

179. I have a sore throat.

180. I need some rest.

### ‫عبارات متنوعة‬

181. I don’t understand.

182. Can you repeat that?

183. How do you say this in English?

184. What does this word mean?

185. I’m learning English.

186. Please speak slowly.

187. Can you write it down?

188. I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that.

189. Could you explain that, please?

190. I’m lost.

191. Where am I?

192. I need directions.

193. Can you show me on the map?

194. What’s the address?

195. Do you have Wi-Fi?

196. What’s the Wi-Fi password?

197. Can I use your phone?

198. Where can I find [Item]?

199. How far is it?

200. Is it near/far?
201. How do I get there?

202. I’m looking for [Place].

203. Can you show me the way?

204. What’s your favorite [Food/Color/Movie]?

205. I like [Thing].

206. I don’t like [Thing].

207. That’s interesting.

208. Tell me more about [Topic].

209. What do you think about [Topic]?

210. I agree.

211. I disagree.

212. Can you help me with this?

213. I need some information about [Topic].

214. Where can I get more information?

215. What’s the weather like today?

216. It’s sunny.

217. It’s raining.

218. It’s cloudy.

219. It’s windy.

220. It’s hot.

221. It’s cold.

222. What’s the temperature?

223. Do you like the weather here?

224. What’s the forecast for tomorrow?

225. It’s going to be sunny/rainy/cloudy.

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