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Andrés Eduardo Salazar Martínez Caracas, Venezuela

(+58) 424 (130311-4 GMT)

Starting in 2013 as a Fullstack Developer, I've progressed through roles in banking, automotive, and real
estate across Venezuela, Chile, Colombia, the UK, and the USA. My expertise spans ASP.NET, C#, PHP, JavaScript
ES6, with a focus on frameworks like .NET and Laravel, and architectures such as Microservices and DDD.
Transitioning from hands-on development to tech leadership, I've led teams, defined project backlogs, and
ensured software quality in international settings.
Currently, I design public management solutions at The Ergo Group, San Francisco, leveraging ASP.NET
Core, Blazor, and Azure. Known for process automation and innovative system integration, I navigate both public
and private sectors with ease. My diverse experience, coupled with a strong technical skill set, positions me as
a dynamic professional in the technology landscape.


The Ergo Group, San franciscvo, CA Sept, 2023-Currently

Stack: ASP.NET Core, Blazor, Azure, Duende identity, Syncfusion components.

To design technology solutions, focused on public management problems, susceptible to be solved through
technology in the form of software and procedures.
● WebAsssembly with Blazor
● EAV database pattern
● BPMN and UML diagrams
● Process automation

Poppulo, London, UK 2022-Ago-2023

Stack: ASP.NET Core, RabbitMQ, Jenkins, C#, Jira, Bitbucket, Microsoft SQL Server, Azure Service Fabric

Software for office renting.

● Microservices orchestration through Service Fabric.
● Automated deployments through Azure Pipelines.
● Request-Handler architecture.
● MSSQL databases by microservice.
● RabbitMQ based communications.

Innovate On Demand, Backend – San Francisco, CA Apr, 2022-Feb, 2023

Stack: WordPress, ASP.NET Core, C#, Microsoft Azure, Entity Framework, MongoDB

● Software developer at the Automotive Industry.

● Vehicles selling and lots administration by GPS.
● API´s building REST mostly.
● CSV integration with private data providers on schedule automated basis.
Banco Ripley, Tech Lead - Santiago, Chile
Dec, 2021-Mar, 2022
Stack: Jira, Confluence, C#, XUnit.

● Define tasks and user stories for the backlog of the project.
● Celebrate meetings with the different affected areas by the project.
● Determine the different professionals needed to develop the backlog activities.
● Create and update the Technical Document during this initial project phase.

Movidagrafica, Tech Lead - Bogotá, Colombia Mar, 2021-Nov, 2021

Stack: Wordpress, BulmaCSS, Wordpress Bedrock, Wordpress Sage, ACF, MySQL, Postgres.

● Coordinate and supervise the development of various websites by the developers in charge.
● Verify compliance with the software quality parameters.
● Monitor the deployment of solutions on the client's server.

Background IT, Backend Developer - Lima, Perú Dec, 2019 - Mar, 2021
Stack: C#, NET Core, Azure DevOps, App Services, Python Flask, Angular 4, Visual Basic 6.0, Postgres, MSSQL,
REST APIs, Ms. Workflow.

● Build microservices to feed the BI department and the website.

● Innovate in the implementation of new front technologies, in particular VueJS.
● Migrate system from Visual Basic 6.0 to NetCore 3.1 MVC.

CSTI Corp, Backend Developer - Lima, Perú Oct, 2019 - Dec, 2021
Stack: C#, NET Core, NET 4.5, ASP.NET, WEB FORMS, MSSQL, REST APIs, Microservices, Azure DevOps, Azure
Pipelines, SCRUM.

● Create multiple microservices for the CRM mobile app consumption.

● Optimize stored procedures to improve the response times of the client application.
● Create an application for barcode reading as support in logistics management.
● Make customized reports through ad hoc consultations according to management needs.

Salvatori Agencies, Fullstack Developer - Caracas, Venezuela Feb, 2018 - Dec, 2019
Stack: Wordpress, BulmaCSS, Wordpress Bedrock, Wordpress Sage, ACF, MySQL, Postgres.

● Create frontend applications with VueJS for dynamic web content creation.
● Create Integrations with third-party APIs to manage SMS sending and email marketing.
● Design client solutions integrating various backend and frontend applications.

P&A Asociados, Fullstack Developer – Caracas, Venezuela Aug, 2017 - Dec, 2017
Stack: C#, NET 4.5, ASP.NET, WebForms, MSSQL, SOAP, WCF.

● Create application integration through SOAP web services.

● Build new modules in online banking for recharging phone balance through integrations with phone
● Migrate modules in online banking from WebForms to an MVC architecture with ASP.NET.
LA Sistemas SA, Fullstack Developer – Caracas, Venezuela Jul, 2013- Jun, 2017
Stack: C#, NET 3.5, ASP.NET, WebForms, Windows forms, SOAP, WCF, Oracle, DB2.

● WCF services maintenance, essentially for integrations between different software providers the bank had
in use for several tasks.
● Tickets solving on the areas related to treasury applications, generally related to miscalculations, wrong communication
interfaces definitions, badly structured autogenerated regulatory files and others data transformation related issues in
the bank HQ.
● Creation of several applications around the venezuelan foreign currencies exchange system, based on the new
regulation at the time around the national restriction to buy foreign currencies only through some approved banks.

● Programming Languages: C#, PHP y Javascript ES6.

● Frameworks: NET, Net Core, Entity Framework, Laravel, Express.
● Architectures: CQRS, Microservices, DDD, Request-Handler


IUTIRLA Maturín, Venezuela

Title: Associated degree on computer science April, 2013

Universidad del Zulia LUZ Maracaibo, Venezuela

Title: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Currently in progress

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