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Read the dialogue to answer number 1-4!

Desti : Hi, Helmi. What time do you go to school every morning?

Helmi : I always leave home at 6. 15 a.m and go to the bus stop. I arrive at school at 6.40 a.m. I
still have much time before the bell rings at 7 a.m

Desti : then what time do you go home after school ?

Helmi : I usually go home at 2 p.m.

Desti : what tome do you reach home ?

Helmi : well, if i don't have course, i will be at home at 2.25 p.m. if I have course, i will go directly
to the tutor academy. Then i usually go home at 4.30 p.m. and reach home at 5 p.m.

Desti : Have you ever come really late in the evening ?

Helmi : No, i never come late. I always make sure that i have been at home before it's getting

1. What are Desti and Helmi talking about ?

A. School homework c. Desti's activity after school

B. Helmi's daily routine d. The school's daily schedule

2. What time is Helmi's class started ?

A. At 6. 15 a.m. c. At 7 a.m.

B. At 6. 40 a.m. d. At 7. 15 a.m.

3. The following statements are true based on the dialogue, except....

A. Helmi arrives at school at 6.40 a.m.

B. Helmk always comes home before it's gettong dark

C. Helmi will be at home at 2.25 p.m. ig he has course

D. If helmi has course, he always goes to the tutor directly from school

4. How long does it take for Helmi to get to tje school every morning ?

A. 15 minutes c. 30 minutes

B. 25 minutes d. 45 minutes
Read the dialogue for number 5-8!

Anisa : Hi, Irfan. Congratulation ! I heard you won the taekwondo competition last week.

Irfan : thank you very much. Anisa, wish me luck too on the qualification for the taekwondo
national team next month.

Anisa : Sure. I wish you be qualified for it.

Irfan : I hope so. Let's go to the cafe after school with lia and andre. It will be my treat.

Anisa : I'm sorry. I don't think i could join you. My brother get dengue. I need to take care of him

Irfan : i hope your brother will get better soon. He's an active boy.

Anisa : Thank you for saying to.

5. Why does Anisa congratulate Irfan ?

A. Because he has recovered from dengue

B. Because he is qualified for the taekwondo national team

C. Because he would treat Anisa,Lia and Andre in the cafe

D. Because he won a taekwondo competition

6. Which one is not the expression of hope and wish ?

A. Wish me luck too on the qualification for the taekwondonational team next month.

B. I wish you be qualified for it

C. I'm sorry. I don't think i could join you

D. I hope your brother will get better soon

7. What hope does Irfan make to Anisa's brother ?

A. To be a taekwondo athlete

B. To be qualified on the national team

C. To get better soon

D. To be an active boy

8. I need to take care of "him".

The underlined word refers to ....

A. Irfan c. Irfan's brother

B. Anisa d. Anisa's brother

Look at the picture for number 9-11

9. What product is being advertised ?

A. Food and drink D. Event

B. Service D. Electronic device

10. The following are the good points of the laptop, except...

A. It is suitable for online studying C. Its battery is long

B. It has two years warranty D. It has modern design

11. When is the discount given to the buyers ?

A. At the beginning of the month C. Till the end of the month

B. In the middle of the month D. On the weekend

Look at the picture for number 12-15

12. What is labeled by the text ?

A. Medicine C. Drugs

B. Drink D. Food

13. The following are not true based on the text, except....

A. Thenproduct is a beef meet C. The product has 42℅ of sodium

B. The product is rich on vitamin C D. The product contains calcium

14. How much is the product weighed ?

A. 112 g C. 15 g

B. 55 g D. 230 g

15. What nutrition is mostly contained by the product ?

A. Cholesterol C. Sodium

B. Protein D. Iron
Look the picture for number 16-19

16. What isbthe purpose of the text ?

A. To describe a product in detail c. To present the information about the content of a product

B. To inform how to make a sauce d. To inform the benefits of sauce

17. What is the labelled by the text ?

A. Food C. Drug

B. Drink D. Medicine

18. The following are the ingredients of the product, except...

A. Potatoes C. Milk

B. Carrots D. Onions

19. What does" Dairy" In the text mean ?

A. Food product that contains milk

B. Food thatbis served with other food to add extra flavour

C. Food that is produced by cooking vegetables

D. Food that is made from flour

For number 20-23.

20. What is the announcement about ?

A. The opening registration for joining English speaking activity

B. The English examination

C. Registration for English competition

D. Invitation to join English speaking competition

21. Where can we find the announcement?

A. In the office C. In the city park

B. At school D. At home

22. What must student do if they want to register themselves ?

A. They must pay the registration fee C. They must meet Miss Ardina in teacher office

B. They must come to school on time D. They must meet Mr. Sigit at school.

23. Who can join the extracurricular ?

A. All student of SMP perwira bangsa

B. Only the first and second grader of SMP perwira bangsa

C. The third grader of SMP perwira bangsa

D. The students and teacher of SMP perwira bangsa

For number 24-26

24. The social function of the text is ...

A. To promote a product

B. To retell an experience in attending an event

C. To persuade people in attending an event

D. To inform an event in detail

25. From the text, we know that...

A. The event's name is bonfire C. The event is only for junior high school

B. The kind of the yextbis label D. The event is held for three days

26. Which one is not be held in the event ?

A. Bonfire C. Barbeque

B. Games D. Awarding

Look the picture for number 27-29

27. From the text, we know that Livia expresses her ..... To Hendri.
A. Apology C. Compliment

B. Sympathy D. Gratitude

28. How does Livia probably feel while writing the card ?

A. Proud C. Amused

B. Anxious D. Surprised

29. From the text, we know that ....

A. Livia wishes Hendri to get better things

B. Hendri congratulates Livia on the new position

C. Livia is Hendri's colleague

D. Hendri won a competition

For number 30-33

30. What is the text about ?

A. A detailed description of a company event

B. An information related to an event

C. An experience in participacing an event

D. A procedure in joining an event

31. If the employees want to participate in the event. They can ....

A. Contact Mr. Indra

B. Contact the personnel manager

C. Call Mr. Prasetyo

D. Sent the RSVP catd to Mr. Indra

32. The following activities will be held on the event, except .....

A. Outbond C. Musical performance

B. Games D. Tracking

33. Whom does the text addressed to ?

A. Mr. Prasetyo Ragil c. All employees

B. The board of directors d. Mr. Indra

For number 33-35

33. Which one of the followings is not offered by the restaurant?

A. Some delicious foods with friendly waiters and waitresses

B. Various indoor and outdoor rooms

C. The large parking area

D. Ethnic music performance and special discount

34. When can we get discount ?

A. Every holiday C. Every night

B. Every day D. On weekend

35. What kind of the text is it ?

A. Announcement C. Advertisement

B. Label D. Greeting card

The following text for number 36--39

Hello friends. My name is Riko Hermawan. My friend usually call me Riko. I amb12 years old. I
am little fat, but i am very fit. I am 172 cm tall and my weight is 70kg. My hair is black and short.

I have black eyes and bright skin. I am an Indonesian. I am from Bandung. I am a student of
SMP Surya Bangsa. I join the taekwondo there. I like to join the taekwondo competition because
i dream to be on the national team to compete on the international level, even thought i am busy
with the nonacademy activity, i study very hard too. I never failed on my exams even though i
don't always get outstanding score.

36. What kind of the text it ?

A. Procedure C. Recount

B. Narrative D. Descriptive

37. The purpose of the text is .....

A. To describe a particular person

B. To share an amusing experience with others

C. To give information about how to do taekwondo

D. To inform about Riko's dream

38. How is the writer personality ?

A. Arrogant C. Selfish

B. Competitive D. Obsessive

39. The followings are the characteristics of Riko, except ....

A. He is thin and fit C. His hair is short and black

B. He has black eyes D. He is 150 cm

The following dialogue for number 40-43

Mother : Ardian, what are you doing right now? It's almost midnight. Why don't you sleep?

Ardian : i'm doing my homework,mom. I must submit tomorrow.

Mother : why did't you do it early?

Ardian : I forgot aboit it, mom.

Mother : As i saw, you played with your smartphone for hoirs this evening. You should take care
of your school studies first before doing anything else.

Ardian : Yes, mom. I' m sorry that make you dissapointed. I will not do it again next time.

Mother : All right. Just make sure you sleep right away after finishing that

Ardian : Sure, mom

40. What is Ardian doingbright now ?

A. Doing his homework C. Tidying the house

B. Helping his mother D. Ironing his sport uniform

41. Ardian didn't do the homework earlier because .....

A. He studied other subject C. He took care of the school subject

B. He slept in the evening D. He played with his smartphone

42. Which one expresses apology ?

A. I'm doing my homework

B. You should take care of your school studies first before doing anything else

C. I'm sorry that i make you dissappointed

D. I will not do it again next time

43. " I must submit this tomorrow to get the assigment'

The statement expresses....

A. Agreement C. Obligation

B. Prohibition D. Opinion

Lookbat the picture for number 44-47.

44. Whom the announcement addressed to ?

A. All students C. 9th grade students

B. Teachers D. School's officers

45. What must student do if they lost the books ?

A. They must call the school librarian

B. They must replace with ones of the similar subjects

C. They should buy a new book

D. They should pay a fine

46. Who makes the announcement ?

A. The school headmaster C. The librarian staff

B. The leader of school organization D. The students' parents

47. Where is the appropriate place for the announcement ?

A. At school C. In an office

B. At home D. In the hospital

48. I have ...... Study English for one hour.

A. Studying C. Study

B. Studied D. Studies

49. She has ...... English since 10 years ago.

A. Teach C. Taught

B. Teaching D. Teaches

50. The banana .... Eaten by the monkey.

A. Are C. Is

B. Am D. Do

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