Soal Kenaikan Kelas 5 b.i

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Choose the correct answer.

1. I have a ....

A. Earache C. Backache

B. Toothache D. Stomachache

2. I have a .....

A. Earache C. Stomachache

B. Toothache D. Flu

3. I have a .....

A. Headache C. Flu

B. Stomachache D. Backache

4. I have a .....

A. Stomachache C. Flu

B. Backache D. Earache

5. i have a ........

A. Stomachache B. Flu C. Fever D. Cough

6. I have a....

A. Toothache C. Flu

B. Backache D. Fever

7. I have a .....

A. Cough C. Fever

B. Flu D. Arm hurt

8. I have a ....

A. Flu C. Cough

B. Backache D. Fever

9. I have a .....

A. Earache C. Fever

B. Flu D. Headache

10. what is the boy doing ?

A. Take a medicine C. Do exercise

B. Drink a water D. Take a rest

B. Answer the question correctly.

Look at to the picture and write the answer in English.

1. what is this ....

2. what is this ...

3. what is this....

4. what is this....

5. what is this....

6. what is this ....

7. what is this....

8. whay is this ....

9. what is this ....

10. what is this ....

C. Essay

Look at the picture.

1. Where is Anisa ?

2. How many animals do you see ?

3. Mention of all the animals on the picture ?

4. How many cow on the picture ?

5. What animals are swimming on the lake ?

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