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1. What’s your name?

2. Spell your last name, please.
3. Tell me your e-mail address, please
4. What country are you from?
5. Name three more countries near your country.
6. Do you like sports? Why? Why not?
7. What’s your national sport?
8. What sports do people usually do in your city or town?
9. What things do you often lose?
10. Do you have a job? What do you do?
11. What is your perfect job?
12. What do you do in your free time?
13. Where do you live?
14. Do you live in a house or an apartment?
15. Who do you live with?
16. Talk about a town or city you know well.
17. When and where do you spend time with your family?
18. How often do you go to the movies?
19. Talk about how you usually meet people in your town or city.
20. Which activities are good for a couple to do together?
21. Do you think opposites attract? Why? Why not?
22. Describe 5 activities you like doing with a friend.
23. Talk about what you usually do in the morning, afternoon and evening.
24. What time do you usually get up on the weekend?
25. What time do you go to bed on the weekend?
26. When do you like working or studying?
27. What is your favourite season? Why?
28. What’s the weather like today?
29. What do people do in your country when the weather is bad?
30. Describe a strange weather in your city or town.
31. What do you like doing when you visit a new city?
32. Where do you usually go on vacation? Who do you go with? What do you like doing
33. What are you wearing right now?
34. When’s your birthday?
35. What do you usually do on your birthday?
36. What do you think about wearing uniform?
37. Talk about the things you love.
38. Talk about the things you hate
39. Talk about your abilities or skills.
40. Talk about things that people can’t do in your town or city.
41. Talk about objects and their positions in your bedroom.
42. Do you prefer modern or traditional homes? Why?
43. Describe what you think that an unusual home is.
44. What are the facts that you know about Ecuador?

Retrieved from Personal best textbooks.


45. Talk about interesting areas to visit in your town or city.

46. Describe a place near your city or town where people can go on a day trip.


47. Where do you usually go food shopping?

48. How often do you buy food?
49. Talk about the food is usually in your fridge at home and why.
50. What do you usually have for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
51. How important is it for you to stop for a lunch break every day? Why?
52. How long is your lunch break? Why?
53. Where do you usually have lunch?
54. What can or can’t people eat or drink when they are on a diet?
55. How much pasta do you eat a week?
56. How many glasses of water do you have a day?
57. Talk about the menu that you like to order in a restaurant.
58. Talk about technology through the ages. Things used in the 30s, 60s and 90s. Which
inventions are more important than others and Why?
59. Talk about a famous person that you know well.
60. What do you know about life in the 80s?
61. Talk about something interesting that happened to you last week, last month or last
62. Talk about a good, bad or strange experience you had last week, last month or last
63. What are the types of school? Enlist and talk about them when you started and
finished each.
64. What are the good and bad things about homeschooling?
65. Describe your physical appearance
66. How important is your physical appearance to you? How much time and money do you
spend on your appearance each week?
67. What would you change of your physical appearance to look different?
68. Who’s the kindest person that you know? Why do you consider him or her?
69. Talk about someone that you admire and why.
70. Talk about your favourite form of transportation and why you like it.
71. How do you get to work or university?
72. What do you enjoy about staying at hotels?
73. Talk about your experience when you stayed last time in a hotel.
74. Talk about five things that you have done this year.
75. Talk about a movie.
76. Describe the perfect party. Who would you invite and what would you do?


1. Talk about someone you know well that is the opposite of you.
2. Do you think online hobbies are more popular than traditional hobbies? Why? Why
3. Talk about someone in your family.
4. Talk about three important dates explaining what happened and why they are

Retrieved from Personal best textbooks.


5. Why do people have parties?

6. What’s the wrong thong about parties? Explain.
7. What time of year do you prefer to travel? Why?
8. What is the worst thing about a vacation? Why?
9. Talk about an important event in your life. Explain what happened.
10. Have you ever been at an airport? Why? Why not?
11. What problems can happen at an airport?
12. Talk about a vacation experience you have had.
13. Talk about how five different jobs will change in the future.
14. What jobs do you think are boring? Why?
15. What are you going to do tonight?
16. Talk about your plans of work for the future.
17. How do you feel when you speak to someone you don’t know on the phone? Why?
18. What are the advantages and disadvantages using the internet to look for health
19. Talk about a common health problem. What advice would you give?
20. Talk about the best ways to deal with stress.
21. Do you think money makes people happy? Why? Why not?
22. Which activities are the most difficult in your opinion?
23. Which extreme activities would you like to try? Why? Why not?
24. What kind of challenge would like to participate? Why?
25. What is your opinion about amazing stories taken to the movie?
26. What do would you do if your father forgot your birthday?


27. What are the good and bad things where you live?
28. How do most people get to work? Give examples and reasons?
29. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of three types of transportation.
30. Do you think connections are important for finding a good job? Why? Why not?
31. What is your opinion about the use of cell phones nowadays in your town or city?
32. What food do you eat if you want a snack?
33. What is your opinion about eating too much sugar?
34. Talk about your favorite dish. (Ingredients, preparation and recommendations)
35. What courses would you like to take if you had the time and the money?
36. If you were the managing director of a new company, which factors would you
consider keeping your employees happy and productive and make your company
37. Which professions earn the most money? Why?
38. What do you spend your money on? Why?
39. How do people prefer to shop in malls, department stores, small independent stores
or online? Why?
40. Why do some people buy things on an auction? Explain
41. What are the advantages and disadvantages when you buy online?
42. Why do some people want to be always the winner in any contest? Explain
43. What is your opinion about Olympic games for handicapped people?
44. What are the best ways to stay in shape? Why?
45. What do you think it is the perfect dream home? Why?
46. What is your opinion about doing housework?
47. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a house exchange?

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48. Talk about a couple you know. Explain how they met and their relationship.
49. Why is important to thank people? Explain.


1. How do you keep in touch with people?

2. What do you think of people who constantly check their phone?
3. What would it happen if the internet stop working?
4. What things do people often tell lies? Why
5. Talk about things that bring good luck on special occasion and why.
6. Talk about something amazing, surprising, frustrating or terrifying that happened to
7. Which adjectives describe your personality and why? Explain
8. What is your opinion about the birth order effect? Does it influence in your
personality? Why? Why not?
9. How do you consider people who live in your neighborhood, good or bad neighbors
and why?
10. What makes your city or town great? Explain.
11. What is the ideal city to live? Why?
12. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the countryside?
13. What are the benefits of living in the city?
14. Are you a spender or a saver? Explain
15. What is your opinion about black Friday? Explain.
16. What do you think the world will be like in 2050? Explain
17. Talk about your career so far and your hopes for your future career.
18. What advice would you give to someone younger than you who doesn’t know what
job or career he or she wants to have?
19. What are your best and worst school memories?


20. Talk about your favourite movie star.

21. Who is your favourite actor or action hero? Why?
22. What is your opinion about being a stunt performer? Explain
23. Are there people who got talent in Ecuador? Why? Why not?
24. What is your opinion about giving directions to unknown people?
25. What is your point of view about taking up triathlon training, weightlifting, or ballroom
26. What apps do you have on your phone? How often do you use them?
27. Talk about a sport activity in your local area that people can do for free.
28. Talk about a healthy item of food.
29. Talk about the last time you ate out. What was the food, atmosphere and service like?
30. What is your point of view about doing the right thing every time?
31. Talk about how poor people life could be better.
32. What is your opinion about underground homes?
33. What would people do in case of natural disasters?
34. What would you recommend to someone traveling in your country?
35. What are the best and worst things about traveling by plane?
36. What advice would you give to someone who is afraid of flying?

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37. Talk about a hotel experience in the past. Your expectations before getting there and
the reality when you got there.


1. Talk about a good communicator you know. Enlist 5 things he or she says.
2. Talk about a person or friend you think is “cool”. Explain why.
3. Talk about something funny or embarrassing that happened to you in the past.
4. Talk about an experience of a bad purchase you or someone you know made before.
5. Talk about a painting, sculpture or mural you have seen. What did you like of them
and why?
6. What do you know about the story of Romeo and Juliet?
7. Which different kinds of music do you prefer? Why?
8. Talk and explain about advantages and disadvantages of streaming music online.
9. Talk about the last movie you saw. And Why would you recommend it?
10. Talk about customs or laws you would introduce to improve life in your city or town.
11. Which aspects of your daily life are most stressful?
12. What good ways have you found to reduce stress?
13. Which do you prefer: to go to popular tourist destination or to places where tourists
don’t usually go? And why?
14. Talk about the most and least beautiful touristic places you have ever visited and Why.
15. What do you understand by the “mass tourism?
16. What do you usually do when you go on vacation?
17. If you know a good place to live, how could you persuade your family to move there?
18. When you are out on the street, what kind of behavior really gets on your nerves? And
19. What kind of behavior do you think is unreasonable from neighbors? And Why?
20. What do you think about strangers? Do you assume that they are kind, mean or they
could take advantage of you? Why? Why not?
21. How could you get along with friends and colleagues? Give some suggestions.
22. Talk about an experience when you procrastinated.
23. Talk about a real or imaginary road-age incident.
24. What can you do to help the environment?
25. Talk about causes and effects of extreme whether events.
26. Talk about six predictions for your town or city.
27. What do you think about Global warming campaigns? Are they effective? why? Or why
28. Talk about your eating habits when you were a child.
29. What is/are your healthiest eating habit(s) nowadays? Why?
30. Talk about popular health myths. Why do people continue believing in them?
31. Talk about something you never though you’d get used to, but are used to now.
32. Talk about the three most important characteristics of a roommate and why.
33. Talk about a problem you or someone you know has had, including how it was solved.


34. Talk about undergraduate programs you didn’t know existed

35. Talk about something you found difficult to learn and why.

Retrieved from Personal best textbooks.


36. Talk about three effective and simple ways to improve your memory and why.
37. What would you like to learn in the next two years and why?
38. What do you think will happen TV in the next ten years?
39. How could virtual reality change the movie industry?
40. Talk about your general views on digital news platform.
41. Talk about how technology or the media is used nowadays.
42. What are your three favourite obsessions and why?
43. What ads do you like or hate on TV or online? Why?
44. Talk about an annoying problem in your neighborhood.
45. What is your opinion about the theory of teachers won’t be necessary in the future?
46. Explain what you consider a happy life and why.
47. Talk about something where function and design work well together at home.
48. What do you consider a piece of art regarding houses in your town or city and why?
49. Talk about ways to make your town or city a better place.
50. What are the trendiest activities that have increased, decreased or remained stable
and why?
51. Talk about someone you know who took a risk starting his or her own business.
52. What are the things that you should never say in a job interview? Why?
53. Talk about something you haven’t made up your mind yet.
54. Talk about a fake news story you have heard that many people believed. What were its
55. How would you recommend yourself effectively for a position?
56. Which jobs do you think robots can learn to do better than humans?
57. Talk about fads or trends you really like and why.

Retrieved from Personal best textbooks.

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