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SCHEDULE: 7:00 -8:30


Educating everyone by conventional means, attending to satisfy the multiple training
demands of society, is practically unfeasible today. Starting in the 1960s, basic and
secondary education levels were not sufficiently attended, since there were not enough
economic resources available to provide the existing institutions and establishments with
personnel and means. Other forms of teaching were developed, such as distance
education. The first stage was correspondence teaching, but many of us wonder how and
where it originated, how long ago and what it consisted of. Thanks to the internet and the
advancement of technology, I was able to quickly and easily find all this information on
web pages and in a monograph on the history of distance education.

There is no doubt that distance education is not a phenomenon of today; it has been a way
of teaching and learning for thousands of people for over a hundred years. This teaching
model was born at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th, with the
development of printing and postal services, which promoted the development of other
ways of teaching and learning, different from conventional teaching. Correspondence
teaching consisted of rudimentary texts that were not very suitable for study. At that time
the educational system was very simple, the written texts were sent by the national postal
services, which were quite efficient but slow. Methodologically, in those early years, there
was no specific didactics for this type of text. It was simply a matter of reproducing a
traditional face-to-face class in writing.

In a very short time, it was realized that learning was not easy in this way, so an attempt
was made to give this written material a more interactive form, accompanying it with study
aid guides, workbooks, exercises and evaluations that promote some kind of relationship
between the student and the institution, the material and the author of the text. Almost at
the end of this stage, the figure of the student's tutor or advisor begins, since all the doubts
that the student had were answered by mail and the corrected tasks were also returned.
To improve this type of teaching, in those years the invention of the telephone took place,
which allowed the teacher to communicate verbally with the student.

This stage of distance education lasted the longest, but with the creation of new inventions
such as the teletype and television, multimedia education emerged. Personally, I believe
that distance education has been a great tool for education to reach everywhere.
Currently, in some countries correspondence education is still maintained, since there are
places where they still do not have access to the Internet or places of extreme poverty
where they do not have technological devices. But they can access education through
books, notebooks that are sent to them by mail. In conclusion, we all have the right to
education and if there are ways to learn different from conventional education, there is no
problem, we must take advantage of them to continue growing as a society.

The first computer was Many years later the Today's computers are
so big that it could take computer was modified portable and lightweight.
up an entire room. It was to a monitor, keyboard, All components are
15 meters long and was pc and mouse. It was integrated, including the
made up of 760,000 difficult to transport camera. They have more
pieces. Definitely, the since they were heavy, tools such as internet
evolution of the most people had them in connection via Wi-Fi.
computer is incredible. a fixed place.

This computer was Currently, there are

Regarding their commercial, but it was computers of different
availability, they were accessed by families prices and qualities,
very scarce, they were that did have resources. many can access them,
only used by specialized Not everyone could buy some stores even offer
people. a computer at that facilities to pay for
time. them in installments.
Years ago, the cost of living was not as high as it is now, so the cost of a computer was
feasible for many people.
Most of the people surveyed agree that they ¿A que edad tuviste tu
have their first computer during their school
primer computador?
years, around the age of 12.
They mention that the cost is variable, since 50
you choose the laptop depending on the use 40
you are going to give it. For example, there are 30 60
low-end laptops that are basic, ideal for a child 20
who goes to school. And there are others with 10 20 16
better features, ideal for university students or 0 4
12 años 15 años 18 años 22 años
people who work with programs.



























(Phrasal verb)

Did you know that distance and traditional learning have notable differences? Today, the
way of learning has evolved over time and education has also adapted to multiple factors
that the planet has suffered. For example, the pandemic that prevented us from leaving
our homes; but education could not stop, which is why new study options were born.
During the pandemic I took two courses, the mathematics one was virtual and the
industrial processes one, which necessarily had to be face-to-face. Overall, both
courses were important to my career and have similarities; however, each of them
has significant points to differ and debate.
When I started my classes I was lucky that both teachers were very good, they were
enthusiastic and they knew how to explain the topics of each course. My virtual history
class was just as didactic as my face-to-face science class. In addition, my history exams
were monitored through the camera by the teacher during the entire class. Similarly, my
science exams were also supervised by my teacher.
The first most noticeable difference between my two courses was the cost. I took my
math course from home, therefore I did not spend a lot of money, for example, I did not
have to spend on bus tickets, meals, copies, etc. I was able to save a lot of money and
use it for other things. In contrast, with my industrial processes course I had to go to the
university three times a week, take the bus, buy food, buy study materials and also the
study cost is higher because they charge you for using their facilities. In fact, I remember
the rates went up during the pandemic and everything was more expensive.
Another big difference between my math course and my industrial process course was
time. Time availability is a big issue. In my industrial processes course that was face-to-
face, the time I spent on the bus or on the street was too much time that I could have
spent on other activities.. On the other hand, in my virtual mathematics course I was able
to take advantage of the time, since I did not have to move from one place to another,
and also I could choose where to take the class from. But because we had more time
available, most teachers assumed that they must leave more homework. I still remember
when my teacher told us that we would have homework in every class.
Did you know that distance and traditional learning have notable differences? Today, the
way of learning has evolved, and education has also adapted to multiple factors from
which the world has suffered. For example, the pandemic prevented us from leaving our
homes; education could not stop, so new study options were born. During the pandemic,
I took two courses, the mathematics one was virtual, and the industrial processes one
necessarily had to be face-to-face. Overall, both courses were important to my career and
have similarities; however, each of them has significant points to differ from and debate.
When I started my classes, I was lucky that both teachers were very good, they were
enthusiastic, and they knew how to explain the topics of each course. My math class was
as didactic as my industrial processes class. Also, my math tests were monitored through
a camera throughout the class. Similarly, my industrial process exams were also
supervised by my teacher.
The first most noticeable difference between my two courses was the cost. I took my
math course from home; therefore, I didn't spend a lot of money. For example, I did not
have to spend on bus tickets, meals, copies, etc. I was able to save a lot of money and use
it for other things. In contrast, with my industrial process course, I had to go to the
university three times a week. I spent money to take the bus, buy food, buy study
materials. Moreover, the cost of the studio was higher because they charged you to use
their facilities. In fact, I remember that the rates went up during the pandemic and
everything was more expensive. That's why mom told me that this year I should only sign
up for virtual classes.
Another big difference between my math course and my industrial process course was
time. Time availability was a big issue. In my industrial processes course, which was face-
to-face, the time I spent on the bus or on the street was too much. That time could have
been spent on other activities. For example, I couldn't be at my mom's birthday because
she had to go to take my exam at the university, and it took me 3 hours between going
and coming back. If the exam had been virtual, I could have enjoyed that time with my
family. On the other hand, in my virtual mathematics course I was able to take advantage
of the time, since I did not have to move from one place to another, and I could also
choose where to take the class from. But because we had more time available, most
teachers left more homework. I still remember when my teacher told us that we would
have homework every class.
Finally, one of the most discussed points was the interaction. In my virtual mathematics
course, there was very little interaction between the teacher and the students, and since
most of the classes were recorded, some did not enter the live classes, they only saw the
recordings, while in my industrial processes course we could share our opinions, there
was more motivation to participate, since everyone was present.

In conclusion, my virtual mathematics course fulfilled the objective that we learn the
topics in the same way that my industrial processes course did. Despite the differences
and similarities, we can choose the form of teaching that best suits our situation and
needs. In addition, one thing that we must be clear about is that education can be given
in a thousand ways, but the important thing is that it reaches everyone.

Allows people to do
their homeworks

Information You have to be careful
with the information
you share because you
don't know if a bad
person can see your
TABLETS social network.

vision problems
Health from spending a
problems lot of time in front
of the screen.


Hook: Tablets are undoubtedly one of the best inventions, and they have become
essential for everyone.
Background information: Many people cannot imagine their life without a cell
phone, but the tablet has nothing to envy.
Thesis statement: Although the tablets can have many benefits, there are some
negative effects for people.


People can communicate through the tablet

Topic sentence: Tablets improve the communication anywhere and anytime.
Sub effect #1: iPad can be transported easily and it can help people stay in contact.
Sub effect #2: Tablets help people to get important information anytime since their
Gmail, Hotmail or app note anytime.

People are becoming dependent on these devices.

Topic sentence: The dependency on the tablets has proved to have harmful
Sub effect #1: Compulsive use of these devices can interfere with our life.
Sub effect #2: People can suffer from anxiety.

People don't care where they use tablets.

Topic sentence: People use Tablets in inappropriate situations, ignoring what is
going on around them.
Sub effect #1: Tablets can cause problems with family, friends, etc.
Sub effect #2: People get distracted with Tablets, people put themselves and others
in danger.
Tablets are undoubtedly one of the best inventions, and they have become essential for
many people, due to how efficient and useful they are. Many people can not imagine
their life without a cell phone, but the tablet has nothing to envy, since it offers you
similar benefits such as searching information on the web, using social networks to
communicate. Although the tablets have many benefits, there are also some negative
effects that they cause in people if not used correctly, such as addiction and anxiety.
Tablets make it easy for us to communicate with other people from anywhere and at any
time. First, the tablet is a medium-sized and light-weight device that can be easily carried
around and allows people to keep in touch. It is a great help for people who have relatives
abroad, since they can communicate by text messages, calls or even see communicate
through video calls. In addition, you can use social networks to communicate with your
friends, classmates or coworkers. You can receive important information that you
urgently need through your Gmail or Hotmail account. You can also save your notes on
your tablet or write documents without having to carry a heavier computer or laptop.
However, dependence on this device has been shown to have detrimental consequences
for humans. First, the compulsive and irresponsible use of the tablet can affect our lives.
Many children use the tablet without parental control, even because they spend a long
time playing on the tablet do not finish their homework. Also, when parents punish their
children and not allow them to use the tablet, children start to feel anxious and throw
tantrums or cry uncontrollably as if they couldn't do without it. I remember when my
uncle took my cousin to the psychologist because he spent much time on his iPad, so the
doctor recommended that he take a week off from using his iPad. It was difficult, but he
did it.
Another reason is that people use Tablets in inappropriate situations and disconnect from
what is happening around them. This can cause problems with family or friends. For
example, some people use their tablet even when sharing lunch or breakfast with their
family and not spending quality time together. Also, some students use their tablets in
the classroom and do not pay attention to the teacher. And another example is when
people are checking their tablet or even watching videos on their tablet while driving; as a
consequence, they are putting their lives at risk. It's very hard for some to resist
the temptation to use their device when they shouldn't.
In conclusion, tablets provide us with many benefits, but if not used responsibly, it brings
negative consequences. While it is true that the positive effects are important, the
negative effects must also be taken into account because they can be serious if left
unchecked. It's about not ignoring these signs and doing something about it. Little by
little, try to diminish the time you spend using the tablet. Think about the peace of mind
of living without having these addictions.

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