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Lesson 1
Atom and History of an Atom
Atom – smallest and the basic unit of matter
Parts of an Atom

Electron - negatively charged ( e - ) , location : electron cloud

Proton - positively charged ( p + ) location : nucleus
Neutron - negatively charged ( n ) location : nucleus
Nucleus - center of an atom where protons and neutrons are located.

Democritus - "atomos" which means uncuttable

"atoms are the smallest possible particle of matter"
"there are different types of atoms in a material"

John Dalton - "all matter is made up of atoms"

"atoms cannot be broken apart"
"atoms of one element are all the same"
Billiard Ball Model - early atomic model; the model states that atoms are solid, hard sphere,
wooden balls.
Joseph John Thomson - discovered electrons
first scientist to show that atom was made of even smaller
Cathode Ray Tube - an object used to discover electrons
Plum Pudding Model - a big positive sphere where negatively charged particles are scattered

Eugen Goldstein - discovered protons

using CRT, he discovered canal ray ( beams of positively charged
particles )

Ernest Rutherford - discovered the nucleus ( of a gold atom )

Gold Foil Experiment - alpha particles would pass straight through the gold foil.
most alpha particles are sharply deflected
in conclusion ( in his experiment ) :
atom is an empty space
there is a small, dense center with protons
for him, the nucleus is a small, dense, core with protons

Niels Bohr – found that particles orbit around the nucleus

Electrons can move places and radiate light as its energy loses
closest to the nucleus = ground state ( lowest energy )
farthest to the nucleus = excited state ( highest energy )

Erwin Schrodinger – father of Quantum Physics

formulated a wave equation that accurately calculated the
energy levels of electrons

Dmitri Mendeleev – created the periodical table used today

Counting Atoms

electrons - # of atomic no.

protons - same as electrons
neutrons - atomic mass - protons
atomic number - atomic mass - # of neutrons
atomic mass - # of electrons + # of neutrons

Cation – positive ion
Anion – negative ion
Nuclear Symbol Notation
“ the aXz model”

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