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Vol. 18, No. 4, July–August 2009, pp. 475–484 10.3401/poms.1080.01022

ISSN 1059-1478|EISSN 1937-5956|09|1804|0475 r 2009 Production and Operations Management Society

Sourcing Decisions with Stochastic Supplier Reliability

and Stochastic Demand
Gerard J. Burke
Department of Finance & Quantitative Analysis, College of Business Administration, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, Georgia 30460,

Janice E. Carrillo
Department of Information Systems & Operations Management, Warrington College of Business Administration, University of Florida,
Gainesville, Florida 32611,

Asoo J. Vakharia
Department of Information Systems & Operations Management, Warrington College of Business Administration, University of Florida,
Gainesville, Florida 32611,

upplier sourcing strategies are a crucial factor driving supply chain success. In this paper, we investigate the
S implications of uncertain supplier reliability on a firm’s sourcing decisions in an environment with stochastic
demand. In particular, we characterize specific conditions under which a firm should choose a single versus
multiple supplier sourcing strategy. In an environment with both uncertain demand and supply, we characterize
the total order quantity, the number of suppliers selected for order placement, and the allocation of the total
order quantity among these selected suppliers. For deeper managerial insight, we also examine the sensitivity
of the optimal sourcing decisions to interactions between uncertainties in product demand and supply reliability.
We show that sourcing from a single supplier is an optimal strategy for environments characterized by
high levels of demand uncertainty or high salvage values. A numerical analysis based on data obtained from an
office products retailer further reinforces our analytical results. In addition, we also find that when minimal
order quantities are imposed, there are situations where it is not optimal to place an order with the lowest cost
Key words: sourcing; supplier selection; supply chain management
History: Received: June 2006; Accepted: September 2008, after 2 revisions.

1. Introduction tend to consider multiple supplier attributes such as

Supply mismanagement can have grave financial con- cost, quality, reliability, and delivery in making these
sequences for firms relying on suppliers for crucial decisions, industry surveys indicate that cost primar-
items. For example, Hendricks and Singhal (2003) ily drives these actual decisions (Verma and Pullman
show that buying firms reporting supply chain dis- 1998). In line with this, Cohen and Agrawal (1999)
ruptions due to supplier glitches typically experience found that while supply managers would like to
a 12% decrease in shareholder returns and that the develop long-term relationships, they often engage in
performance of these same firms is on the average short-term contracting based on costs to fulfill their
much lower when compared with their pre-disrup- immediate demand for products.
tion metrics. Moreover, these authors also show that a Even sourcing decisions made during a single sell-
firm suffering from supply chain disruptions also ing period impact a firm’s long-term financial results.
incurs long-term negative effects on its stock price For example, a shortage of toys during a peak season
(Hendricks and Singhal 2005). A firm’s sourcing due to supplier problems significantly impacted Mat-
strategy is typically operationalized as three key tel’s profitability in late 2007 (Bapuji and Beamish
interrelated decisions: (a) the criteria for qualifying 2008). Thus, if firms do not assure adequate supply to
approved suppliers; (b) the supplier(s) selection from satisfy the demand for a season, they may unneces-
the approved base for order placement; and (c) the sarily stock-out of items and suffer opportunity costs,
order quantities to place with each selected supplier or be left with an oversupply of products that must be
(Burke et al. 2007). Although purchasing managers deeply discounted. From an analytical perspective,
Burke, Carrillo, and Vakharia: Stochastic Supplier Reliability and Stochastic Demand
476 Production and Operations Management 18(4), pp. 475–484, r 2009 Production and Operations Management Society

this points to the usefulness of the traditional news- Gallego and Moon (1993) address the supplier yield
vendor model, which balances costs of overage and problem in a newsvendor framework. Specifically,
underage to identify an ordering policy for seasonal they consider minimizing the upper bound on cost in
products with uncertain demand. However, this a setting with known mean and variance of demand,
approach does not explicitly consider the unreliable but the demand distribution is unknown. The base
or uncertain characteristic of supply. In reality, there is case analysis is extended to consider the situation
substantial industry evidence (see Hendricks and where the buying firm pays for all units ordered from
Singhal 2003 for multiple examples) which docu- a single source with binomial yield. They show that
ments that after an order is placed with a supplier, this extension results in higher purchase quantities
there is a chance that a proportion of that order will and costs as compared with the base case. In com-
not be satisfied. Less than complete order fulfillment parison, our paper differs substantially because we
from a supplier may arise for various reasons in- focus explicitly on total cost minimization without
cluding defect rates, order rationing from supply any distributional assumptions on supplier yields.
shortages, or a delay in transit. Regardless of the rea- Anupindi and Akella (1993) concentrate on supply
son, there is a risk that a given supplier will deliver uncertainty and characterize several scenarios where
less than the pre-specified order quantity. single sourcing is preferable to dual sourcing in such a
Based on this, the primary focus of this paper is on setting. All these scenarios examine the quantity
analyzing a buying firm’s optimal supplier selection allocation decision between two suppliers in the
and order allocation decisions when there is both presence of supply and demand uncertainty. The sce-
upstream (i.e., supply) and downstream (i.e., demand) nario labeled Model II is closest to that examined in
uncertainty. Our analysis is restricted to a single- our paper where they assume that each of the two
product and single-period setting so that we can suppliers delivers a random proportion (i.e., yield) of
obtain structural insights into these decisions. More the order quantity to the buyer. In the general setting,
specifically, our purpose is to: (a) determine the their key result is that with equal supplier costs, it is
optimal number of suppliers which the firm should optimal to source from both suppliers while if sup-
select for order placement; (b) structurally character- plier costs are not equal, this is not necessarily the
ize the quantity to be ordered from each selected sup- case. For the special case of exponential demand and
plier; (c) perform a sensitivity analysis of key param- normally distributed yields, they are able to show
eters driving the supplier selection and quantity that, regardless of the supplier cost structures, both
allocation decisions; (d) identify conditions under suppliers will receive an order quantity that is mod-
which a single supplier sourcing or a multiple supplier erated by the parameters of the yield distribution. In a
sourcing strategy is optimal; and (e) experimentally similar setting, this paper makes some additional
analyze the impact of minimum order quantities on the contributions. First, we consider a setting with a sig-
supplier selection and quantity allocation decisions. nificantly larger number of suppliers. Second, without
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. making any distributional assumptions on the sup-
A review of the relevant literature is included in plier yields, we are able to structurally characterize
Section 2 and in Section 3, the profit maximizing the order quantity for each supplier. Finally, we are
newsvendor model adapted to incorporate supply un- also able to develop a simple decision rule to deter-
certainty is introduced. Structural results are derived mine the optimal number of suppliers to select for
and discussed in Section 4, and a numerical analysis order placement.
demonstrates and extends these results in Section 5. Bassok and Akella (1991) introduce the Combined
Finally, Section 6 summarizes our conclusions. Component and Production Problem (CCOPP). The
problem is to identify ordering and production levels
2. Relevant Literature of a critical component and its parent finished good
Rather than review all of the current literature on for a single period with uncertainty in both demand
supplier sourcing, the reader is referred to Elm- for the finished good and component supply. Simi-
aghraby (2000) and Minner (2003) who provide larly, Gurnani, Akella, and Lehoczky (2000) decide
excellent and comprehensive summaries of prior lit- ordering and production levels for a two component
erature in this area. Because the stochastic supplier assembly system facing random final product
reliability issue integrated in this paper is analogous demand and random yield from two suppliers, each
to the random yield problem in manufacturing, Yano providing a distinct component. Using a substantively
and Lee (1995) also provide an extensive review in different modeling framework, the basic result from
this domain. Given that our paper addresses sourcing this stream of research (i.e., supplier diversification is
decisions under conditions of stochastic supplier yield a preferred sourcing strategy) is extended in our work
and stochastic demand, we review in detail prior for the general case of an arbitrary number of suppli-
work which has addressed both these issues. ers. With respect to supplier characteristics, we are
Burke, Carrillo, and Vakharia: Stochastic Supplier Reliability and Stochastic Demand
Production and Operations Management 18(4), pp. 475–484, r 2009 Production and Operations Management Society 477

also able to show that cost drives the selection of strictly on costs while quantity allocation for these
suppliers from the approved base. selected suppliers is driven by each individual sup-
Kouvelis and Li (2008) consider replenishment de- pliers’ reliability parameters. We also derive some
cisions for a constant rate demand environment from additional results for the unreliable supplier setting as
a supplier with uncertain lead times. They analyze the compared with those presented by these authors.
potential benefits of the second supplier in supplier First, we present structural results for determining: (a)
diversification for an initial order and as an emer- the exact number of suppliers who should receive an
gency response backup for a second order. Parlar and order; and (b) the exact quantity of units ordered from
Wang (1993) analyze a two supplier setting with un- each of these suppliers. Second, we also present
certain yields in an EOQ and newsvendor framework. a sensitivity analysis of key parameters on both the
They hypothesize that under varying supplier prices supplier selection and order quantity decisions. Fi-
and different supplier yields, the buyer will place an nally, we also identify parametric conditions under
order with both suppliers. For the EOQ setting (i.e., which a single supplier sourcing strategy would be an
known demand), they obtain analytic results. For the optimal choice for the firm.
newsvendor setting, they propose an approximate In sum, we offer substantive new insights into the
solution method to determine order quantities. In supplier selection and quantity allocation decisions
contrast, our focus is on analyzing a larger supplier in the presence of both downstream and upstream un-
base with yield and demand uncertainty in a news- certainty. In the next section, we present our modeling
vendor setting. We are also able to exactly characterize framework and corresponding structural results.
the quantity that should be ordered from each sup-
plier selected for order placement and further show
that under certain parametric conditions, it might be
optimal to place an order with a single supplier.
3. Modeling Framework
Agrawal and Nahmias (1997) analyze the supplier 3.1. Preliminaries
sourcing decision in the presence of yield uncertainty The sourcing decision we focus on consists of a two-
and deterministic demand when there are fixed costs stage supply chain with N (i 5 1, . . . , N) suppliers and
associated with sourcing from each individual sup- a single buying firm. We assume that the N suppliers
plier. They establish structural results which can be have been pre-qualified such that they all meet min-
exploited to determine the number of suppliers which imum sourcing standards set by the firm.1 The key
should be selected for order placement and lot sizes. decision variables for the firm are the number of units
The major obvious difference in our paper is that, qi to order from each supplier i (i 5 1, . . . , N) given
when demand is uncertain but supplier fixed costs are that the supplier quotes a constant per unit cost of ci to
zero, we are also able to characterize (a) which sup- the buying firm. The optimal number of suppliers
pliers should be selected for order placement and (b) which receive an order is denoted by n (n  N).
how much to order from each supplier. In addition, an In addition, the firm has some knowledge of each
experimental investigation of a multiple supplier set- supplier’s historical quantity reliability. Let gi(  )
ting with uncertain yield and uncertain demand in the denote the continuous probability density function
presence of high supplier minimum order quantities associated with the proportional yield ri for each sup-
also illustrates additional insights in our paper. plier i. To maintain tractability, we assume that this
A recently published paper analyzes a scenario density function is twice differentiable and ri and si
similar to the one adopted in this paper and also uses represent the mean and standard deviation, respec-
the newsvendor setting. Given uncertain exogenous tively. Obviously the assumed reliability distribution
demand, Dada et al. (2007) examine the newsvendor’s is such that ri (i.e., the realized yield) is o1. In line
procurement problem when suppliers are unreliable. with prior research, we also assume that si  ri or that
However, the focus of this paper is substantively the coefficient of variation is  1 (e.g., Agrawal and
different from ours as they examine the differences in Nahmias 1997 assumed that 3si  ri for a normally
sourcing strategies when suppliers are completely distributed random variable for supplier yields).
reliable as compared with when they are unreliable. While we do not make any assumptions concerning
Using this motivation, the authors derive results the specific reliability distribution, the firm’s minimal
which show that the total order quantity would be reliability requirements impose some mild restrictions
greater in an unreliable supplier setting as compared on the shape of the distribution. To illustrate, consider
with a reliable supplier setting while the end con- a firm that requires each of its suppliers to have an
sumer service level would be lower in the former average historical yield of at least 90%. Because all
setting as compared with the latter setting. In line realized values of the reliability distribution are 40
with the results in our paper, they also find that, in an and o100%, it is likely that the reliability distribution
unreliable supplier setting, supplier selection is based will be left-skewed.
Burke, Carrillo, and Vakharia: Stochastic Supplier Reliability and Stochastic Demand
478 Production and Operations Management 18(4), pp. 475–484, r 2009 Production and Operations Management Society

2 Q ! 3
Z1 Z1 Z1 Z X
Max EðpÞ ¼ g1 ðr1 Þ g2 ðr2 Þ    gN ðrN Þ4 px  ci ri qi þ sðQ  xÞ fðxÞdx5drN    dr2 dr1
0 0 0 0
2 3 ð1Þ
Z1 Z1 Z1 Z1 !
6 X
þ g1 ðr1 Þ g2 ðr2 Þ    gN ðrN Þ4 pQ  ci ri qi  uðx  QÞ fðxÞdx5drN    dr2 dr1
0 0 0 Q

The firm makes a sourcing decision to satisfy total Equation (2)) are also included in our formulation.
demand x, which is uncertain with density function subject to:
f(x) and distribution function F(x). In line with the
newsvendor framework, we assume that selling price qi  0; 8i; ð2Þ
per unit (p) is known and fixed as are the unit salvage P
where Q ¼ N i¼1 ri qi .
value (s) for unsold stock and unit underage cost (u)
In order to obtain structural insights into optimal
for unsatisfied demand. The standard assumption that
sourcing policies, we make the problem more tractable
p4ci4s (8i) is assumed to hold for our analysis. A list
by assuming that demand is uniformly distributed
of the notation used in this paper is included in Table 1.
with parameters [a,b]2. Based on this assumption, the
The objective of the firm is to determine the appro-
following key result stated in Lemma 1 below holds.
priate order quantities for each supplier such that the
expected profit associated with satisfying demand is LEMMA 1: The expected profit function shown in Equa-
maximized. Utilizing the framework from the tradi- tion (1) is concave in the order quantities qi when demand is
tional newsvendor problem (Silver et al. 1998), the uniformly distributed with parameters [a,b].
objective function given below in Equation (1) max-
imizes the single period expected profits E(p) for the PROOF: See Appendix.
firm. In addition, non-negativity constraints (see All of the analysis that follows is based on the result
of this lemma.
Table 1 Notation Used in the Paper

Variable Description 3.2. Analysis

Before presenting our analysis, we first assume that
N Number of suppliers
suppliers are indexed in non-decreasing order of per
qi Quantity of units ordered from supplier i
unit costs (i.e., c1  c2  . . .  cN). Given that we
ci Cost per unit quoted by supplier i
have shown that our objective function is concave in
n Number of suppliers for which qi40 the decision variables when demand is uniformly
ri Proportion yield for supplier i distributed with parameters [a,b], the following con-
gi (ri) Probability density function associated with yield of supplier i ditions are necessary and sufficient to identify a global
ri Mean yield associated with supplier I optimum to our sourcing problem:
si Standard deviation of the yield associated with supplier i
x Demand (a random variable)  0; 8i; ð3Þ
f(x) Probability density function associated with demand
F(x) Cumulative distribution function associated with demand qi  0; 8i; ð4Þ
m Mean demand  
p Unit selling price @EðpÞ
qi ¼ 0; 8i: ð5Þ
s Unit salvage value for unsold stock @qi
u Unit underage cost (cost of not satisfying demand)
We now proceed to derive a specific functional form
Q Total expected quantity received by the buying firm
for the optimal sourcing policy for the buying firm.
a Minimum demand parameter when demand is uniform
The optimal order quantity assuming the firm knows
b Maximum demand parameter when demand is uniform
the number of suppliers it will place an order with is
p Profit function for the firm defined by the result of Theorem 1 below.
bi Portion of demand adjusted by the critical ratio associated
with supplier i
THEOREM 1: Assuming that the firm wants to source its
Ki Critical fractile associated with supplier i
total requirements from the first n (k 5 1, . . . , n;
Vi Inverse of the coefficient of variation of yield for supplier i
n  N) suppliers, the optimal quantity sourced from each
mqi Minimum order quantity for supplier i
supplier k is as follows:
Burke, Carrillo, and Vakharia: Stochastic Supplier Reliability and Stochastic Demand
Production and Operations Management 18(4), pp. 475–484, r 2009 Production and Operations Management Society 479
nhP i o
Vk n þbi  0. Thus, by iteratively solving the equation
ðbk  bj ÞVj2 þ bk
starting at k 5 1, we can determine the value of n.
sk j¼1; j6¼k
qk ¼ P   : ð6Þ
n 2
j¼1 Vj þ 1 One consequence of this property is that if suppliers
are indexed in non-decreasing order of per unit costs,
where bi ¼ Ki ðb  aÞ þ a; Ki ¼ pþuc ri  then if for some supplier m, qm ¼ 0, then qk ¼ 0 for all
pþus ; and Vi ¼ si .

suppliers k ¼ m þ 1; . . . ; N. This result is indicative of

PROOF: See Appendix. the fact that costs rather than supplier reliabilities are
Although supplier selection and order quantity al- the key drivers for selecting suppliers who will re-
location is cost-based, the exact quantity ordered from ceive a positive order quantity. Thus, it does not really
each supplier is moderated by the mean and variance matter whether a higher cost supplier might be more
of the entire selected supplier set. Other specific insights reliable as compared with a lower cost supplier
which emerge based on this result are as follows: because the latter will always be chosen first for a
quantity allocation before the former. Dada et al.
 The firm will always order a positive quantity (2007) derive a similar result by analyzing the Type I
from the lowest cost supplier (because service levels for alternate suppliers. However, we
b1  b2  . . .  bN ). Given that all suppliers meet provide precise ratios for determining the optimal
minimal sourcing standards, this result points to number of suppliers to source from in Equations (7)
the fact that cost is the primary driver as com- and (8) above.
pared with reliability in supplier selection. Corollary 1 also helps to determine when a single
 Assuming a multiple sourcing strategy is optimal sourcing strategy might be optimal for the firm be-
(i.e., n  2), the lowest cost supplier will not cause such a strategy corresponds to showing that
necessarily be allocated a higher order quantity as n 5 1. If this is the case, we know that b1  0 (based
compared with a higher cost supplier. For exam- on Equation (7)) which is always the case. Based on
ple, consider a case where n suppliers have been Equation (8) above and replacing n 5 1, it is obvious
selected for order placement. Then it is easy to that single sourcing is optimal when:
show based on Equation (6) that any supplier  2
j (j ¼ 2; . . . ; n ) will be allocated a higher order s1 ðc2  c1 Þðb  aÞ
 : ð9Þ
quantity as compared with supplier 1 if: r1 bðp þ u  c2 Þ þ aðc2  sÞ

hP i hP i
n n
k¼2; k6¼j bk Vk2 Þðr1 s2j  rj s21  k¼2; k6¼j Vk2 þ 1Þðb1 r1 s2j  bj rj s21
ðb1  bj Þ  :
r1rj ðr1 þ rj Þ

This result is indicative of the fact that although The expression on the left hand side of Equation (9)
supplier selection for order placement is cost based, is the squared coefficient of variation for the lowest
the quantity allocation is determined by cost and re- cost supplier, while the expression on the right hand
liability parameters of each selected supplier. side of the equation is an adjusted cost differential
An additional structural issue relates to whether it is between the first and second supplier. Equation (9)
possible for the firm to determine the optimal number of also helps to identify how key parameters drive the
suppliers to select for order placement (i.e., determine choice of the firm towards a single sourcing strategy.
n). This result is characterized in Corollary 1 below. When the squared coefficient of variation of the first
supplier is relatively small in comparison with costs,
COROLLARY 1: Supplier n (n  N) such that for all then the first supplier will receive the complete order.
suppliers k ¼ 1; . . . ; n , qk 40 can be identified such that: Recall that the implicitly assumed reliability distribu-
nP tion is such that si  ri and that ri o1 for all suppliers
bj Vj2
i. Therefore, in many cases, it is likely that the squared
bn  4 Pn 1 ð7Þ coefficient of variation is very small and hence, it is
1þ j¼1 Vj2
likely that a single supplier strategy is appropriate.
and A key feature of the relationship shown in Equation
P n (9) is that the expression is independent of the
j¼1 bj Vj2
bn þ1  P n : ð8Þ reliability distribution of every other supplier
1þ j¼1 Vj2 (i.e., for suppliers j ¼ 2; . . . ; N). Specifically, the only
parameter associated with supplier 2 is the unit cost.
PROOF: This is a direct resulth of observing that Consequently, if supplier 2 has relatively higher unit
P n
in Equation (6), qk 40 as long as 2
j¼1;j6¼k ðbi bj ÞVj 
cost as compared with supplier 1, it is likely that a
Burke, Carrillo, and Vakharia: Stochastic Supplier Reliability and Stochastic Demand
480 Production and Operations Management 18(4), pp. 475–484, r 2009 Production and Operations Management Society

single sourcing strategy will be optimal. An alternate in the mean reliability of that supplier, (b) a decrease
explanation of this result focuses on the cost and in the standard deviation of reliability of that
reliability characteristics of the minimum cost suppli- supplier, (c) a decrease in the mean reliability of other
er. If supplier 1 (i.e., the lowest cost supplier) is suffi- suppliers, and (d) an increase in the standard
ciently reliable, then a single sourcing strategy will be deviation of reliability of other suppliers. Conse-
optimal and no other suppliers need to be considered. quently, the order quantity allocated to any supplier
This result is consistent with single sourcing is moderated by its relative quantity reliability as
conditions with only two suppliers in Anupindi and compared with all other suppliers in the approved
Akella (1993). However, in our N supplier model, the base.
demand distribution also drives the decision of To summarize the results of our analysis, when
whether to choose a single sourcing strategy. More purchase cost differentials exist within the supplier
specifically, higher levels of mean demand lead a firm pool, either a multiple or single supplier strategy
to diversify its total order and source from multiple could be optimal. In each of these cases we examined,
suppliers. In contrast, a higher degree of demand a buying firm’s optimal sourcing strategy depends on
variability likely leads the firm to opt for a single trade-offs between supply cost reductions and
sourcing strategy. Thus the uncertainty in demand supplier reliability profiles. Further, it is possible
and uncertainty in yield for supplier 1 both play a key for the firm to optimally determine the number of
role in determining whether a single sourcing strategy suppliers n from which it should source and
is optimal. Essentially, a higher variability in demand appropriate allocation of its total requirements among
coupled with a lower uncertainty in supplier 1 yield the n suppliers selected. When the suppliers all have
would result in single sourcing. similar costs, a fully diversified sourcing strategy is
In addition, we can also see the impact of other best. In the next section, we conduct a numerical
newsvendor related parameters on the firm’s sourcing analysis to further explore some of the interactions
strategy. From the traditional newsvendor model (i.e., between supplier reliability parameters, firm level
without supplier choice or reliability variability), we demand, and minimum order quantity restrictions on
know that in response to increases in price, underage optimal sourcing strategies.
costs, and salvage values, the buying firm should
optimally increase the total order quantity. We can 4. Numerical Analysis
now develop further insights into the impact of these
factors on the single vs. multiple supplier sourcing 4.1. Experimental Design
decision. In particular, if the price per unit or the A numerical analysis based on data obtained from an
underage cost increases, then the buyer may office products retailer is shown in this section. In our
optimally source from more than one supplier. Base Case the approved supplier base consists of four
Conversely, if the salvage value per unit increases, suppliers (N 5 4) from which the retailer can source its
then a single supplier sourcing strategy is more likely requirements for a single item. Parameter settings
to be optimal. In this situation, the risk associated for this benchmark case are provided in Table 2.
with buying from a single supplier is partially offset Additional examples are also shown to illustrate
by the higher salvage value for the leftover units. the sensitivity of our model to changes in specific
We now consider the situation where all suppliers parameters. For Case A we consider the impact of
have equivalent costs. Given equal supplier costs, let the relative cost dominance among suppliers by
c 5 ci which implies b 5 bi for all i. In this case, the changing the quoted unit cost vector from the Base
firm will always choose to source from all N suppliers Case. For Case B and Case C, we illustrate the impact
(i.e., n 5 N). The quantity allocation for each supplier of changes to salvage value (s) and underage cost (u)
under this case is: respectively, on optimal selection and allocation
decisions. By varying demand or supplier reliability
sb parameters one at a time, we create four more sample
qi ¼ Pi N ; 8i: ð10Þ
1þ Vj2 problems. Specifically, we vary the mean demand
(Case D), the range of demand (Case E), the mean
From this expression, the entire portfolio of supplier reliability of supplier 1 (Case F), and the standard
reliabilities directly impacts the order quantities such deviation of the reliability of supplier 1 (Case G).
that the buying firm realizes diversification benefits. Finally, we impose a minimum order quantity for
The order quantity for a particular supplier depends supplier 1 in Case H.
not only upon its unique reliability function, but
also on the reliability of the other available suppliers. 4.2. Results
This optimal order quantity for an individual supplier The summary results from our numerical experiments
increases in response to the following: (a) an increase (see Table 3) are as follows. First, consider the impact
Burke, Carrillo, and Vakharia: Stochastic Supplier Reliability and Stochastic Demand
Production and Operations Management 18(4), pp. 475–484, r 2009 Production and Operations Management Society 481

Table 2 Benchmark Parameter Settings for Numerical Examples

Case ID Demand parameters Supplier costs ($) Mean (SD) of supplier reliabilities Minimum order quantities
Base [7000, 8000] [621, 625, 632, 634] [0.9(0.029), 0.9(0.029), 0.9(.029), 0.9(0.029)] [0, 0, 0, 0]

For the Base case, the unit retail price p is $700, the unit salvage value s is $30, and the unit underage cost u is $60.

of the purchase cost structures by comparing optimal ordered from each supplier and thus, the total order
sourcing strategies for the Base Case vs. Case A. The quantity Q, but they also substantially impact the
application of Theorem 1 is illustrated in this situation allocation structure of Q between selected suppliers.
as we specifically identify the impact of supplier costs By comparing optimal supplier selections and order
on the quantity allocation choice. In the Base Case, the quantity allocations between the Base Case and Case
cost differentials are significant enough such that the D, the impact of changes in demand illustrate the
firm optimally places an order with the two lowest analytic results shown in Equation (9). The optimal
cost suppliers. In contrast, Case A’s relatively small number of suppliers selected increases in response to
cost differentials are such that the firm optimally higher levels of mean demand. Therefore, if a firm
places an order with the three lowest cost suppliers. anticipates significant demand growth, it should
Also, in terms of expected profits, having a priority consider enlarging its supplier base. However, due
supplier that is cost dominant as in the Base Case to the presence of supply risk, a newsvendor firm has
(c1 5 621) is preferable and leads to less diverse order greater risk of exposure to a glut of product if supplier
quantity allocation profiles. Furthermore, conditions delivered quantities exceed expectations. Case E
that would lead to single sourcing can be determined illustrates how supply risk coupled with greater
via Equation (8). For example, in the Base Case, any demand variability leads a newsvendor firm to
one of the following improvements in supplier 1’s decrease the number of suppliers it selects. In this
profile would eliminate selection of any and all other example, to hedge the increased risk inherent in
competing suppliers: c1  619.60 or V1  36.5 (via s1 greater demand variability, the firm allocates its entire
or r1 ). order quantity to the low cost supplier.
Secondly, we illustrate the impact on optimal The impact of the first supplier’s reliability on the
sourcing decisions attributable to changes in salvage optimal sourcing strategy is illustrated by comparing
values (s) or underage costs (u). By comparing Case B the Base Case to Case F. In general, the low cost
to the Base Case, the impact of salvage value on supplier’s coefficient of variation impacts both the
this newsvendor’s optimal sourcing strategy can be number of suppliers selected and the corresponding
observed. Higher salvage values tend to lead a total order quantity allocation. When the mean
newsvendor with upstream and downstream stochas- reliability of the first supplier is reduced, the firm
ticity to single source. As a counterbalance, a higher sources from the same number of suppliers but
underage cost tends to favor multiple sourcing and allocates a smaller proportion of its total order
oftentimes leads a newsvendor to substantially quantity to the first supplier. Note also that the firm’s
allocate quantities to higher cost suppliers (see total order quantity substantially exceeds maximum
Case C). From these two examples, we note the demand due to the lower expected yield of the lowest
sensitivity of Equations (6) and (9) to s and u. Not only cost supplier. In Case F, the increased uncertainty in
do alternative values of s and u affect the quantities reliability for the low cost supplier does not affect the

Table 3 Parameter Changes and Results for Numerical Examples

Optimal order quantities

Case ID Parameter changed q1 q2 q3 q4 Q Firm profit ($) n
1 (Base) NA 6950 1032 0 0 7982 517,487 2
A c 5 [626.5,627.5,628.5,629.5] 4141 2659 1179 0 7979 484,400 3
B s 5 600 8734 0 0 0 8734 578,287 1
C u 5 480 5401 2747 0 0 8148 410,405 2
D a 5 30,000, b 5 31,000 18,569 12,654 2303 0 33,526 2,129,577 3
E a 5 6500, b 5 8500 7638 0 0 0 7638 471,087 1
F r1 ¼ :8 6901 1848 0 0 8749 514,042 2
G s1 5 .0577 2779 5199 0 0 7978 499,861 2
H mq1 5 10,000 0 7975 0 0 7975 488,118 1
Burke, Carrillo, and Vakharia: Stochastic Supplier Reliability and Stochastic Demand
482 Production and Operations Management 18(4), pp. 475–484, r 2009 Production and Operations Management Society

optimal number of suppliers selected. However, the We also address the choice between single sourcing
low cost supplier’s share of the total order quantity and multiple sourcing by integrating multiple up-
suffers as the relative certainty of supplier 2’s reliability stream sources of supply uncertainty as well as
outweighs its relative unit cost deficiency. Conse- randomness in demand. We propose a simple ratio
quently, this results in a substantial increase in the (see Equation (9)) to analytically determine whether
second supplier’s share of the newsvendor’s business. or not a single supplier strategy is appropriate. This
Lastly, we consider the impact of minimum order ratio reflects a supply base driven trade-off between
quantities on the firm’s optimal sourcing strategy. the first supplier’s reliability and its cost advantage
Case H illustrates a situation where the lowest cost relative to other suppliers. Essentially, if a supplier
supplier also has a fairly high minimal order quantity. has a large cost advantage and a reliability distribu-
Here, the firm optimally sources the entire order from tion with a high mean and a low standard deviation,
supplier 2 instead of suppliers 1 and 2 as in the Base then a single supplier strategy is likely best. However,
Case. The total profit also significantly decreases as illustrated in our benchmark numerical example,
because the firm no longer sources from the lowest multiple sourcing may be optimal even when the
cost supplier. If we consider a minimum order priority (low cost) supplier also possesses the lowest
quantity as a surrogate for fixed order costs, then we covariance of reliability.
see that cost is not always the driver for supplier We also characterize how the newsvendor’s
selection for quantity allocation. downstream market may influence the optimality of
As a final note, we also conducted similar experi- sourcing from a single supplier versus multiple
ments as outlined in this section with a homogeneous suppliers. Our analysis favors a single supplier
supplier base. For these example problems with strategy when mean demand is low and multiple
homogeneous suppliers, total order quantity and thus sourcing when mean demand is high. Somewhat
expected profit are robust with respect to changes in surprisingly, an increase in the variability in demand
an individual supplier’s reliability or minimum order favors a single sourcing strategy. In this situation, the
quantities. We believe this to be relevant for risk buying firm tends to hedge the financial risk induced
averse decision makers operating in an environment by increased demand uncertainty by leveraging the
where consistency in performance and output is lowest cost source of supply. An additional contribu-
desirable. tion of our analysis highlights the sensitivity of
optimal supplier selection and requirements alloca-
5. Conclusions tion decisions to multiple parameters such as the
This paper provides structural insights illustrated cost of unsatisfied demand (u) and salvage value (s).
with numerical analysis for characterizing a news- Specifically, relatively high values of u provide
vendor’s optimal sourcing strategy in the presence incentives to formulate a multiple sourcing strategy,
of general upstream yield and uniformly distributed while relatively high values of s may predispose the
downstream uncertainties. Our analytic results di- newsvendor to single source.
rectly address supplier selection and order quantity We are also able to structurally characterize the
allocation decisions, while our numerical results offer optimal order quantities for selected suppliers. For
managerial guidelines regarding supplier qualifica- given downstream market parameters, each selected
tion criteria. supplier will receive an order amount based on its
In the context of the supplier selection decision, our unit cost, mean reliability, and variance in reliability.
results provide quantitative theoretical support for Of supply side interest is that while the lowest cost
observed practice. For example, Verma and Pullman supplier is guaranteed to receive a positive order, it
(1998) find that while supply managers recognize the will not necessarily receive the largest order.
importance of quality, cost primarily drives their Finally, some intuitive insights on the number of
supplier selection decisions. Consistent with findings suppliers that the newsvendor should pre-qualify are
in Dada et al. (2007), our basic results also show that as follows. The fixed costs of qualifying a supplier to
‘‘cost is an order qualifier.’’ Specifically, we find that a ensure that it meets a minimal set of criteria based on
supplier’s cost (and not its reliability) is the key quality, costs, and delivery can be exorbitant. Our
supplier selection criterion. Consequently, the lowest analysis suggests that sourcing from a single supplier
cost supplier will always receive a share of the total with very low costs results in a higher expected profit
order quantity. It follows that if all pre-qualified than other multiple-supplier-sourcing strategies.
suppliers have equivalent costs, then it is optimal to Thus, if a buying firm can source from a cost
place an order with all suppliers in the pool. An dominant single supplier, then it may be wise to
exception to this rule occurs when the lowest cost develop that single supplier and make efforts to
supplier has a restrictively high minimum order ensure that this priority supplier’s reliability, quality,
quantity. and delivery are sufficient to meet the buying firm’s
Burke, Carrillo, and Vakharia: Stochastic Supplier Reliability and Stochastic Demand
Production and Operations Management 18(4), pp. 475–484, r 2009 Production and Operations Management Society 483

needs. Again, this may be especially true if the Appendix

downstream market provides relatively high salvage
value for unsold product. LEMMA 1: The expected profit function shown in
Our analysis also shows that if several suppliers are Equation (A1) is concave in the order quantities qi when
very close in cost or the downstream market is demand is uniformly distributed with parameters [a,b].
characterized by relatively high selling prices or
unsatisfied demand costs, then the buying firm PROOF: Given that demand is uniformly distributed
should consider qualifying and developing multiple with parameters [a,b], the specific functional form of
sources. These findings demonstrate the impact of the Equation (A1) is:
uða þ bÞ a2 L X
newsvendor critical fractile parameters beyond the N
well-established determination of Type I service levels Max EðpÞ ¼   þ ½ri qi ðp þ u  ci Þ
2 2 i¼1
and attendant base stock levels. Specifically, these " # (" #
parameters not only influence the total quantity to 0
ri qi  2
source, they also significantly influence the optimal þ aL Mi qi
2 i¼1
number of suppliers from which to source and the 2 39
allocated shares among the selected suppliers. X
N 1 X N =
There are several future areas of research related to þ 42 ri rj qi qj 5 ; ðA1Þ
i¼1 j¼iþ1
this model which warrant further investigation. First,
a more detailed model could be developed which 0pþus
where L ¼ ba and Mi ¼ s2i þ ri 2 . Note that in order
endogenously incorporates appropriate criteria for
to establish concavity of this expected profit function,
approving suppliers. In this context an alternative
we need to show that all of the k principal minors of the
model may be proposed such that suppliers selected
Hessian must alternate in sign starting with a negative
for sourcing meet some minimum qualifying relia-
value when k 5 1. We now proceed to show this is true.
bility parameter (i.e., supplier i is only selected for
Given N suppliers, the Hessian is:
order placement such that srii  COV where COV is the
maximum allowable coefficient of variation set by the HN ¼
8 9
firm). Second, integrating our analysis on supplier > M1  r1 r2 ...  r1 rN1  r1 rN >
> >
selection/quantity allocation with the pre-qualifica- >
> >
>  r2 r1 M2 ...  r2 rN1  r2 rN >
tion decision might be another potential research >
> >
> >
avenue. In this case, it would be possible to integrate >
>      >
< >
costs related to supplier pre-qualification and in- 0 0
L HN     
vestigate the impact of these costs on conditions when >
> >
> >
single versus multiple sourcing strategies would be >
>      >
> >
the preferred choice for the firm. Third, we assume >
> >
>  rN1 r1  ... MN1  rN1 rN >
that demand is uniformly distributed to facilitate the >
> >
: ;
development of simplified expressions. Other types of  rN r1  ...  rN rN1 MN
demand distributions could be explored to enhance ðA2Þ
the generalizability of the results derived here. Finally,
the focus of this model is on decision making at the The principal minor of HN is:
82 3 9
buying firm; future research could incorporate the 0 0 N
< XN Y YN =
supplier’s optimal selection and selling quantity jHN j ¼ ðL Þ 4 r2i s2j 5 þ s2i : ðA3Þ
: i¼1 ;
decisions in the presence of multiple downstream j6¼i i¼1
distribution outlets. Because ri 40 and s2i 40, the sign of the principal
0 N
minor is determined by ðL Þ . Now based on the
standard assumptions of the newsvendor model and
We would like to thank the editorial team for their
the fact that b  a40, we know that L 0 40. This im-
guidance with this paper.
plies that the sign of the determinant of HN is simply
Notes (  1)N. Now starting with:
These minimum standards could be related to quality,  k 5 1, the sign of |H1| is determined by (  1)1o0;
flexibility, and delivery since we explicitly consider supplier  k 5 2, the sign of |H2| is determined by (  1)240;
costs and reliabilities as parameters in our problem.  k 5 3, the sign of |H3| is determined by (  1)3o0;
Although the primary reason to assume it uniformly
distributed is related to tractability issues, it can also be and so on. Thus, all the k principal minors of HN al-
argued that given a fixed market price p, demand around ternate in sign and the expected profit function in
this fixed price is uniformly distributed. Equation (A1) is concave. &.
Burke, Carrillo, and Vakharia: Stochastic Supplier Reliability and Stochastic Demand
484 Production and Operations Management 18(4), pp. 475–484, r 2009 Production and Operations Management Society

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