Revit-electrical-cert-prep L2 06 ViewTypes v01

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Documentation: Work with view types

You will learn how to create views of various


Learning Objectives:

• Create views of various types.

• Adjust view properties.
The completed exercise

1. Open the exercise file: L2_06_ViewTypes.rvt.

This exercise file has the following file linked:

2. To create a section view, on the View ribbon, in

the Create panel, click Section.

3. In the drawing area, click to place the section

head. Then click to place the section tail. This
creates the section view. Afterwards, the far clip
plane can be adjusted with the arrow controls.

4. To create a callout view, on the View ribbon, in

the Create panel, expand the Callout split button
and click Rectangle.

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5. In the drawing area, click two points to define
the opposite corners of a rectangle. This creates
the callout view. Afterwards, the extents can be
adjusted with the dot controls.

6. To create new plan views, on the View ribbon, in

the Create panel, expand the Plan Views button
and click the tool associated with the type of
view to create.

7. To create a drafting view, on the View ribbon, in

the Create panel, click Drafting View.

8. In the New Drafting View dialog, enter a Name

for the view and specify the Scale. Be aware
that drafting views are independent of model
elements. View specific annotations can be
added to drafting views to create notes, details,
and so on.

9. To duplicate views in various ways, right-click a

view in the Project Browser. There are three
Duplicate View tools: Duplicate, Duplicate with
Detailing, and Duplicate as a Dependent.
Duplicate simply duplicates the view whereas
Duplicate with Detailing also duplicates the
view-specific elements, like tags. Duplicate as
a Dependent is useful for large plan views that
need to be broken into smaller areas.
Dependent views will always have the same
view settings.

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10. Views also have Type Properties that control
things like view tags and templates. For floor
plan views, a template can be specified for new
views of that type. When New views are
dependent on template is selected, then the
template will be assigned to new views of that

11. When a view template is assigned to a view,

the view settings are unavailable. Enable
temporary view properties from the View
Control Bar to temporarily adjust view settings.

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