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10 Stages

Of Genocide
Genocide never just happens. There is always a set of circumstances which occur
or which are created to build the climate in which genocide can take place.

Genocide is a process that develops in ten stages that are predictable but not
inexorable. At each stage, preventive measures can stop it.

The process is not linear. Stages may occur simultaneously. Each stage is itself
a process. Logically, later stages are preceded by earlier stages. But all stages
continue to operate throughout the process.
01 classification
People are divided into “us and them”
Stage 1 Prevention
The differences between The main preventive measure at this early
stage is to develop universalistic institutions
people are not respected. that transcend ethnic or racial divisions, that
There’s a division of “us” and actively promote tolerance and
understanding, and that promote
“them,” which can be carried classifications that transcend the divisions.
out using stereotypes, or Laws that provide routes for citizenship to
excluding people who are immigrants and refugees break down
barriers to civil rights. This search for
perceived to be different. common ground is vital to early prevention
of genocide.
02 symbolization
People are forced to identify themselves
Stage 2 Prevention
This is a visual manifestation To combat symbolization, hate
symbols can be legally forbidden
of hatred. People are identified
(swastikas) as can hate speech. Group
through the use of symbols. markings can be outlawed, as well.
These symbols can be used to The problem is that legal limitations
separate one group from will fail if unsupported by popular
another. cultural enforcement. If widely
supported, however, denial of
symbolization can be powerful.
03 discrimination
People begin to face systematic discrimination
Stage 3 Prevention
A dominant group denies civil Prevention against discrimination
means full political empowerment
rights or even citizenship to
and citizenship rights for all groups in
identified groups. The a society. Discrimination on the basis
dominant group is driven by an of nationality, ethnicity, race or
exclusionary ideology, which religion should be outlawed.
advocates expansion of power Individuals should have the right to
sue the state, corporations, and other
by the dominant group. It
individuals if their rights are violated
legitimizes the victimization of
weaker groups.
04 dehumanization
People are equated with animals, vermin, or diseases
Stage 4 Prevention
One group denies the To combat dehumanization, incitement
to genocide should not be confused
humanity of the other group.
with protected speech. Local and
Members of it are equated international leaders should condemn
with animals, vermin, insects the use of hate speech and make it
or diseases as well as filth, culturally unacceptable.

impurity, and immorality.

Dehumanization overcomes
the normal human revulsion
against murder.
05 organization
The perpetrators create special groups to enforce the policies
Stage 5 Prevention
Genocide is always planned. To combat organization, membership in
genocidal militias should be outlawed.
Regimes of hatred often train Their leaders should be denied visas for
those who go on to carry out foreign travel and their foreign assets
the destruction of a people. frozen. The UN should impose arms
embargoes on governments and citizens
Often militias will be used to of countries involved in genocidal
provide deniability of state massacres, and create commissions to
responsibility. Sometimes investigate violations. National legal
systems should prosecute and disarm
organization is informal or
groups that plan and commit hate crimes.
decentralized (terrorist groups.)
06 Polarization
The perpetrators broadcast propaganda to turn the populace against the group
Stage 6 Prevention
Extremists drive the groups apart. Prevention may mean security protection
Hate groups broadcast polarizing for moderate leaders or assistance to
human rights groups. Assets of extremists
propaganda. Extremist terrorism
should be seized, and visas for international
targets moderates, intimidating and travel denied to them. Coups by extremists
silencing the center. Moderates from should be opposed by international
the perpetrators’ own group are most sanctions and regional isolation of
able to stop genocide, so are the first extremist leaders. Vigorous objections
should be raised to arrests of members of
to be arrested and killed. Leaders in
opposition groups. If necessary, targeted
targeted groups are the next to be groups should be armed to defend
arrested and murdered. themselves. National government leaders
should denounce polarizing hate speech.
07 Preparation
Official action to remove/relocate people begins
Stage 7 Prevention
National or perpetrator group leaders Prevention of preparation may include
plan the “Final Solution” to the targeted arms embargoes and commissions to
group “question.” They often use enforce them. It should include
euphemisms to cloak their intentions, prosecution of incitement and
such as referring to their goals as “ethnic conspiracy to commit genocide, both
cleansing,” “purification,” or crimes under Article 3 of the Genocide
“counter-terrorism.” They build armies,
Convention. National law enforcement
buy weapons and train their troops and
authorities should arrest and
militias. Leaders often claim that “if we
prosecute leaders of groups planning
don’t kill them, they will kill us,”
genocidal massacres.
disguising genocide as self-defense.
08 Persecution
Beginning of murders, theft of property, trial massacres
Stage 8 Prevention
Victims are identified and At this stage, a Genocide Emergency must
be declared. If the political will of the great
separated out because of their powers, regional alliances, or U.N. Security
national, ethnic, racial or Council or the U.N. General Assembly can
be mobilized, vigorous diplomacy, targeted
religious identity. Death lists economic sanctions, and even armed
are drawn up. Victims are international intervention should be
prepared. Assistance should be provided to
separated and deprived of
the victim group to prepare for its
resources. Genocidal self-defense. Humanitarian assistance
massacres begin. should be organized by the U.N. and private
relief groups for the inevitable tide of
refugees to come.
09 Extermination
Wholesale elimination of the victim group
It is “extermination” and not murder because the people are not considered human
Stage 9 Prevention
Extermination begins, and quickly During active genocide, only rapid and
overwhelming armed intervention can stop
becomes the mass killing legally called
genocide. Real safe areas or refugee escape
“genocide.” It is “extermination” to the corridors should be established with heavily
killers because they do not believe armed international protection. For armed
their victims to be fully human. When it interventions, force authorized by the U.N. should
intervene if politically possible. The international
is sponsored by the state, the armed
responsibility to protect transcends the narrow
forces often work with militias to do the interests of individual nation states. If strong
killing. The goal of total genocides is nations will not provide troops to intervene
to kill all the members of the targeted directly, they should provide the airlift, equipment,
and financial means necessary for regional states
group, but most genocides are
to intervene.
genocides "in part."
10 Denial
The perpetrators deny their part in the atrocities
Stage 10 Prevention
Denial is the final stage that lasts The best response to denial is
throughout and always follows punishment by an international
tribunal or national courts. There the
genocide. It is among the surest
evidence can be heard, and the
indicators of further genocidal perpetrators punished.
Local justice and truth commissions
The perpetrators and later and public school education are also
generations deny the existence of antidotes to denial. They may open
any crime. Evidence is destroyed ways to reconciliation and preventive
and witnesses are intimidated.
1 - Classification 6 - Polarization
2 - Symbolization 7 - preparation
3 - Discrimination 8 - persecution
4 - Dehumanization 9 - extermination
5 - Organization 10 - denial
Genoocide Watch

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