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MTH 380: Probability & Statistics I

Midterm Practice-Part II

1. ( points) A math teacher would like to present the midterm results to his class in a way that
shows the overall spread of the data. The 37 test scores for the test are listed below.

73 70 73 79 80 68 72 62 65 78 50 95
45 78 62 98 50 61 91 89 57 64 77 69 82
73 70 73 79 80 68 72 62 65 78 50 95

a) Construct the relative frequency histogram using 5 classes.

M in = 45 M ax = 98
Estimated class;
98 − 45
width = = 10.6
Rounded to width = 11

Class Frequency Relative Freq

[45, 56) 4 4/37=0.108
[56, 67) 8 8/37=0.216
[67, 78) 12 12/37=0.324
[78, 89) 8 8/37=0.216
[89, 100) 5 5/37=0.135
37 1

b) What proportion of students score greater than 65

= 25/37(100)% = 68

c) What percentage of students scored less than 65

= 10/37(100)% = 27%
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2. ( points) Five applicants apply for two jobs. Applicants A and B are male; applicants C, D,
and E are female. The personnel officer selects two applicants at random to fill the two jobs.
(Each candidate is equally electable

a) List all possible combinations of the five applicants for the two different jobs, order matters.

Solution: List all possible combinations of the five applicants for the two different
P25 = 5!
3! = 20

b) If the two jobs are different, and E1 denotes the collection of outcomes where the success-
ful job applicants include at least one male, what is P (E1 )?

(2P12 ·P13 +P22 ·P03 )

Solution: At least one male P (F M )+P (M F )+P (M M ) = P25
= 14/20 =

c) If the two jobs are different, and E2 denotes the collection of outcomes where the successful
job applicants include exactly one male, what is P (E2 )?

2P12 ·P13 2(2)(3)

Solution: One male and on female P (F M ) = P25
= 20 = 0.6
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3. ( points) If A and B are mutually exclusive events, P (A) = 0.29, and P (B) = 0.43, find

a) P (Ac ), P (A|B)

Solution: P (Ac ) = 1 − 0.29 = 0.71, P (A|B) = P (A) = 0.29

b) P (A ∪ B)

Solution: P (A ∪ B) = 0.29 + 0.43 = 0.72

c) P (A ∩ B c )

Solution: Event A ∩ B c = A; P (A ∩ B c ) = P (A) = 0.29

d) P (Ac ∩ B c )

Solution: Ac ∩ B c = 1 − (A + B); P (Ac ∩ B c ) = 1 − (0.29 + 43) = 0.29

4. ( points) Given the Probability table;

B Bc
A 0.10 0.30
Ac 0.27 0.33
Find the probabilities;

a) P (A), P (B), P (Ac ), P (B c );

Solution: P (A) = 0.4, P (B) = 0.37, P (Ac ) = 0.6, P (B c ) = 0.63

b) P (A|B), P (B|A)

Solution: P (A|B) = 0.1/0.37; P (B|A) = 0.1/0.4

c) P (A ∪ B)

Solution: P (A ∪ B) = P (A) + P (B) − P (A ∩ B) = 0.4 + .37 − 0.1 = 0.67

5. ( points) There are three boxes, each containing a different number of light bulbs. The first
box has 10 bulbs, of which four are dead, the second has six bulbs, of which one is dead, and
the third box has eight bulbs of which three are dead. What is the probability of a dead bulb
being selected when a bulb is chosen at random from one of the three boxes? Hint: Use Law
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of Total Probability.

Solution: Solution:
Let D be the event that the chosen bulb is dead. Let Ej be the event that a bulb was
selected from the j-th box, j=1,2,3.

P (D|E1) = 4/10,
P (D|E2) = 1/6,
P (D|E3) = 3/8,
P (E1) = 10/24, P (E2) = 6/24 = 0.25, P (E3) = 8/24 = 1/3
So, by the LTP,
P (D) = P (D|E1)P (E1) + P (D|E2)P (E2) + P (D|E3)P (E3)
= (4/10)(10/24) + (1/6)(6/24) + (3/8)(8/24)
= 0.333

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