Software Requirements Specification Rfid

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“Student Monitoring Based

on RFID using IOT”


Dr. H. Girisha Sl.No. USN NAME
Head Of Department, 1. 3VC20CS068 Indu V
Computer Science and Engg. Dept., 2. 3VC20CS067 Hemanthi A
R.Y.M.E.C, 3. 3VC20CS092 Lovely Kumari
Ballari – 583104 4. 3VC20CS073 Jagruti

Department of Computer Science, RYMEC

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Problem Statement 2

1.2 Solution 3

2 Specific Requirements 6

2.1 Functional Requirements 7

2.2 Non-Functional Requirements 8

3 Block Diagram/System Architecture 9

4 Data Flow Diagrams 10

4.1 Level1 11

4.2 Level2 12

5 Object-Oriented Analysis and Modeling 13

5.1 Use Case Diagram 14

5.2 Class Diagram 15

5.3 System Sequence Diagram 16

5.4 State Chart Diagram 17

6 Conclusion 18

7 Definitions, Acronyms, Abbreviations 19

8 References 20

Department of Computer Science, RYMEC

1 Introduction
In modern educational institutions and workplaces, maintaining attendance
records efficiently is crucial. Traditional methods often involve manual
entry, which is time-consuming and prone to errors. To overcome these
challenges, RFID-based attendance systems offer a convenient and accurate
solution. This project focuses on implementing such a system using
ESP8266 microcontrollers and RFID technology.

1.1 Problem Statement

Manual attendance tracking is prone to inaccuracies and consumes
valuable time. Existing automated systems may be expensive or
lack scalability. Additionally, integrating RFID technology with
ESP8266 modules and transmitting data to a centralized server
poses technical challenges.

1.2 Solution
The proposed solution involves building four RFID systems using RFID
readers and ESP8266 modules. These modules connect to a WiFi network
and transmit RFID data to a centralized server using UDP protocol. On the
server side, MATLAB is employed to receive data, map RFID tags to
usernames using a local database, and display attendance information.

Department of Computer Science, RYMEC

2. Specific Requirements

2.1 Functional Requirements

- RFID reader integration with ESP8266 modules
- Wi-Fi connectivity for ESP8266 modules
- Data transmission using UDP protocol
- Server-side data reception using MATLAB
- Database integration for mapping RFID tags to usernames
- Attendance display in MATLAB interface

2.2 Non-Functional Requirements

- Security measures to prevent unauthorized access to attendance data
- Reliability and robustness of the system to handle concurrent
connections and data transmission
- Scalability to accommodate additional RFID systems if required
- Efficiency in data processing and display


- Develop RFID-based attendance systems using ESP8266 modules

- Establish Wi-Fi connectivity for data transmission
- Implement UDP protocol for communication
- Create a server-side application in MATLAB
- Integrate a local database for user-RFID mapping
- Display attendance information in MATLAB interface

Department of Computer Science, RYMEC

3 Block Diagram/System Architecture

Department of Computer Science, RYMEC

4 Data Flow Diagrams

Department of Computer Science, RYMEC

5. Object Oriented Analysis and Modeling (OOAM)

5.1 Use Case Diagram

Its purpose is to present a graphical overview of the functionality provided

by a system in terms of actors, their goals (represented as use cases), and any
dependencies between those use cases. The main purpose of a use case
diagram is to show what system functions are performed for which actor.
Roles of the actors in the system can be depicted
The use case diagram is usually referred to as behaviour diagram used to
describe the actions of all user in a system. All user describe in use case are
actors and the functionality as action of system.
The Use case diagram is a collection of diagram and text together that make
action on goal of a process.

Department of Computer Science, RYMEC

5.2 Class diagram

Department of Computer Science, RYMEC

5.3 System sequence diagram

Department of Computer Science, RYMEC

5.4 state chart diagram

Department of Computer Science, RYMEC

6 Conclusion
The RFID-based attendance system using ESP8266 modules
and MATLAB server provides an efficient and reliable
solution for attendance tracking. By leveraging RFID
technology and wireless communication, the system
simplifies the process, reduces errors, and enhances overall
Future enhancements may include additional features such
as automated notifications and integration with cloud-based
storage for data backup and analysis.
This project demonstrates the feasibility and effectiveness of
using ESP8266 microcontrollers and MATLAB for
developing RFID-based attendance systems, paving the way
for potential applications in educational institutions,
workplaces, and other environments requiring attendance

7 Definitions, Acronyms, Abbreviations

Department of Computer Science, RYMEC

Here are some common definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations related to RFID (Radio-
Frequency Identification):

1. RFID- Radio-Frequency Identification: A technology that uses electromagnetic fields to

automatically identify and track tags attached to objects.

2. Tag - A physical device containing an RFID chip or transponder that can be attached to
or embedded in an object for identification purposes.

3. Reader - Also known as an RFID reader or interrogator, it's a device that communicates
with RFID tags to read and write data to them.

4. Antenna - A component of an RFID system that emits radio waves to power passive
RFID tags and receive signals from them.

5. Passive RFID - RFID tags that do not have their power source and rely on energy
transmitted from the RFID reader to power up and transmit data.

6. Active RFID - RFID tags that have their power source (usually a battery) and can
actively transmit data to RFID readers without relying on external power.

7. UHF - Ultra-High Frequency: A range of radio frequencies commonly used for RFID
systems, typically between 860 MHz and 960 MHz.

8. LF - Low Frequency: A range of radio frequencies commonly used for RFID systems,
typically between 125 kHz and 134 kHz.

9. HF - High Frequency: A range of radio frequencies commonly used for RFID systems,
typically between 13.56 MHz.

10. EPC- Electronic Product Code: A unique identifier assigned to individual objects or
products in the supply chain using RFID technology.

11. RTLS - Real-Time Location System: A system that uses RFID or other technologies to
track and identify the location of objects or people in real-time.

12. NFC - Near Field Communication: A subset of RFID technology that allows for
communication between devices in close proximity, typically within a few centimeters.

13. ISO - International Organization for Standardization: Develops and publishes standards
for RFID technology, including ISO 18000 for air interface protocols.

14. EAS - Electronic Article Surveillance: A security system that uses RFID tags to deter
theft and track merchandise in retail stores.

15. ROI - Return on Investment: A metric used to evaluate the financial benefits of
implementing RFID technology, considering factors such as cost savings and improved

Department of Computer Science, RYMEC

U Ula, Mut al. "A New Model of The Student
AttendaMonitoring System Using RFID Technology."
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 1807. No. 1. IOP
Publishing, 2021. la, Mu Ula, RFID Technology."
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 1807. No. 1. IOP
Publishing, 2021et al. "A New Model of The Student
Attendance Monitoring System Using RFID Technology."
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 1807. No. 1. IOP
Publishing, 202

[1]Ula, Mutammimul, et al. "A New Model of The Student
Attendance Monitoring System Using RFID Technology." Journal of
Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 1807. No. 1. IOP Publishing, 2021

Department of Computer Science, RYMEC

[2] Nivetha, R., et al. "Student Attendance System Using RFID."
International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and
Management 3.10 (2020): 16-19.
[3] Al Hajri, Eid, Farrukh Hafeez, and Ameer Azhar NV. "Fully
Automated Classroom Attendance System." Int. J. Interact. Mob.
Technol. 13.8 (2019): 95-106.
[4] Kariapper, R. K. A. R., and Suhail Razeeth. "RFID Based (IoT)
Automatic Attendance System: A Survey Analysis." Available at
SSRN 3372734 (2019).
[5] Rjeib, Hasanein D., et al. "Attendance and information system
using RFID and web-based application for academic sector."
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and
Applications 9.1 (2018)

Department of Computer Science, RYMEC

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