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Perito verbs

Base form Simple Past Past Participle Spanish
1-arise arose arisen Surgir, aparecer
2-awake awoke awoken despertar
3-Bear bore Borne/born Soportar, dar a luz
4-beat beat beaten Golpear
5-bend bent bent Doblar
6-bet bet Bet Aportar
7-bind bound Bound Atar, encuadernar
8-bleed bled Bled Sangrar
9-broadcast broadcast broadcast Radiar
10-cling clung Clung Agarrarse
11-creep crept Crept Arrastrarse
12-deal dealt Dealt Tratar
13-dig dug Dug Cavar
14-dream Dreamt/dreamed Dreamt/dreamed Soñar
15-flee fled Fled huir
16-forbid forbade forbidden prohibir
17-freeze froze Frozen helar
18-grind ground ground moler
19-hang hung hung Colgar
20-hide hid hidden ocultar


If the base verb ends in t, d, then the –ed ending sounds

like “id.”

Base form Simple Past Past Participle Spanish

/id/ sound
1-act Acted / id/ Acted / id/ Actuar
2-admit Admitted / id/ Admitted / id/ Admitir
3-avoid Avoided / id/ Avoided / id/ Evitar
4-board Boarded / id/ Boarded / id/ Abordar
5-connect Connected / id/ Connected / id/ conectar
6-connect Connected / id/ Connected / id/ Conectar
7-create Created / id/ Created / id/ Crear
8-crowd Crowded / id/ Crowded / id/ Amontonar
9-doubt Doubted / id/ Doubted / id/ Dudar
10-dust Dusted / id/ Dusted / id/ sacudir
If the base verb ends in k, s, ch, sh, p, f, then the –ed ending
sounds like “t.”
Base form Simple Past Past Participle Spanish
/t/ sound
1-attack Attacked / t / Attacked / t / Atacar
2-bless Blessed / t / Blessed / t / Bendecir
3-book Booked / t / Booked / t / reservar
4-check Checked / t / Checked / t / Revisar
5-clap Clapped / t / Clapped / t / Aplaudir
6-erase Erased / t / Erased / t / Borrar
7-face Faced / t / Faced / t / Enfrentar
8-fish Fished / t / Fished / t / Pescar
9-guess Guessed / t / Guessed / t / Adivinar
10-hope Hoped / t / Hoped / t / esperar

Sound “d”

If the base verb ends in another letter, the –ed ending

sounds like “d.”

Base form Simple Past Past Participle Spanish

/d/ sound
1-achieve Achieved / d / Achieved / d / Lograr
2-advise Advised / d / Advised / d / Aconsejar
3-allow Allowed / d / Allowed / d / Permitir
4-argue Argued / d / Argued / d / Discutir
5-bother Bothered / d / Bothered / d / Moletar
6-calm Calmed / d / Calmed / d / Calmar
7-care Cared / d / Cared / d / Cuidar/preocuparse
8-chew Chewed / d / Chewed / d / Masticar
9-crawl Crawled / d / Crawled / d / Gatear
10-damage Damaged / d / Damaged / d / Dañar

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