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Assalamualaikum and good evening everyone we are from group 2 and we are going to present to
you our topic today which is about earthquakes.

Before we start let us introduce ourselves. [ZAFEERA]

I am Zafeera [ZAFEERA]

I am Nadira [NADIRA]

I am Naqibah [NAQIBAH]

And I am Amir [AMIR]

As I said we are going to talk about earthquakes. An earthquake is a sudden violent shakimg from
the ground , typically causing great destruction , as a result of movements within the earth’s crust or
volcanic action [ZAFEERA]

Now im going to invite nadira and Amir to explain about scientists who studies about earthquakes

there people that studies about earthquakes. Those people are called seismologist, they are earth
scientists that specialized in geophysics they study the genesis and the propagation of seismic waves
in geological materials. [NADIRA]

A seismologist study earthquakes which is also known as seismology. Seismology is the study of
earthquakes and seismic waves through and around the earth . one of the most famous seismologist
is Charles francis richter [ AMIR ]

Thank you Nadira and Amir for the explanation. Now I present Naqibah to share with all of you what
are the main reasons earthqukes occur [ ZAFEERA]

Some may ask ‘’ What is the reason an earthquake occur?” well some earthquakes start from
volcanic earthquakes. Human activity for example tunnel construction , filling reservoirs , and
implementing geotherm or fracking objects another reason is because of collapsed earthquakes.

Well thank you Naqibah for the information. now im gonna share with you all how does an
earthquake is when underground rocks suddenly breaks and there is rapid motion along
the fault and then it will release energy in waves that travel through the earth’s crust and cause the
shaking that we feel. [ZAFEERA]

Now I am going to invite Nadira to tell us about some places where earthquakes occurred in the asia
continent [ZAFEERA]

Some places where earthquakes occurred in asia are at Japan, Nepal, India , Philippines , Indonesia
and many more. Another reason why the earthquake mostly happened because the countries are in
a very active seismic area, and they have the densest seismic network in the world. That’s how they
can record many earthquakes. [ NADIRA]

Alright thank you Nadira for sharing with us some pieces of knowledge. Now we are going to share
with you a video of a 7.6 magnitude earthquake. [ZAFEERA]

Ok now that the video is over im going to invite amir and Naqibah to inform us about the most
powerful recorded earthquakes in the world and earthquakes that happened in Malaysia. [ZAFEERA]

One of the most powerful recorded earthquakes are in chile a magnitude 9.5 earthquake on 22 nd
may 1960. 4485 people were foud either dead or severely injured the earthquake caused $550M
Worth of damage and it also hit the costs of Japan and Philippines.

At Prince William Sound Alaska a magnitude 9.2 eartquake happened on 28th March 1964 it killed
128 people and did $311M worth of damage. [AMIR]

If you didn’t know an earthquake also occurred in Malaysia. It hit Kuala Lumpur with a magnitude 6.1
earthquake on 29th August 2022 at 8:59 A.M. so it was pretty recent [NAQIBAH]

Another place is at Lahad Datu District, Sabah with a magnitude 6.3 earthquake on 11 th August 1923
at 12:54 A.M. [AMIR]

Thank you Amir and Naqibah for those shocking news. Now myself zafeera and nadira are going to
share with you all some deaths that were caused by an earthquake [ZAFEERA]

Since 1900, the earthquake in Tangshan , China in 1976 caused the highest number of deaths,
reaching over 242,000. The earthquake in 2010 caused the second highest number of deaths which
was 222,570. [ZAFEERA]
Lastly an earthquake that also happened in china in Nanchang in the year of 1927 caused about
200,000 deaths [NADIRA]

Thank you Nadira for assisting me in sharing those sad information. Now im going to invite Naqibah
to assist me for telling all of you some facts about earthquakes. [ZAFEERA]

The first fact im going to share is an earthquake occur once every 30 seconds so it is half a million
per year. The reason why we cant feel them is because it is too small that we cant even feel them.

Secondly is the ring of fire. The ring of fire is areaally hot zone because the majority of earth’s
volcanoes and earthquakes take place along the ring of fire. [ZAFEERA]

The third fact is about the largest recorded earthquake which was a magnitude 9.5 earthquake it
was in Chile in 1960. [NAQIBAH]

The last fact is practically known by everyone which is we cant predict when is the next earthquake
is going to be [ZAFEERA]

OK thank you naqibah for helping me with thoe facts about earthquakes. Before we move on with
the questions we are going to ask all of u is there any questions you have for any of us?

{lepas soalan kalau ada}

Alright lets now move on with the questions [ZAFEERA]

Answer to questions

1. sudden violent shaking of the ground, typically causing great destruction

2. Japan , Nepal , India , Philippines , Indonesia , Malaysia , China , Alaska
3. Seismologist
4. In Chile. a 9.5 magnitude earthquake/ Prince William Sound Alaska. a 9.2 magnitude earthqu
5. Yes. Kuala Lumpur and Lahad Datu District Sabah.
6. Volcanic earthquakes/ collapse earthquakes/ human activity
7. Half a mil occur per year/ the ring of fire/largest recorded was a magnitude 9.5/cant predict
8. Japan/Nepal/India/Philippines/Indonesia/China

Special thanks to Nadira for preparing the slides and also Naqibah and Amir for helping me
with the model and finding the resources for this presentation [ZAFEERA]
That is all from us group 2. Thank you for listening and cooperating with us [EVERYONE]

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