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College of Education

A leading private non-sectarian professional institution producing holistic, productive and globally competent
graduates in various medical related fields and other disciplines.


To nurture academic excellence attuned to global quality standards through:

(a) Production of intensive instruction utilizing advanced technology facilitated by highly qualified
faculty implementing a well-crafted curriculum to develop highly level careers.
(b) Production of quality researches among faculty, staff, and students to generate knowledge and
technology relevant to industry and the socio-economic needs of the country
(c) Implementation of relevant and collaborative social orientation and community extension program
for knowledge and technology transfer.


a b c
Four years after graduation, the alumni of Bachelor of Elementary
Education program shall:
1. Entailed themselves on projects/tasks in the field of Bachelor of / / /
Elementary Education program for the advancement of the profession
significant to the society.
2. Performed work responsibly guided by the institutions mission values. / / /
3. Established ability unravel multifaceted problems with high ethical / / /
standards, singly or in teams.
4. Engaged in career advancement that defines their future clear / / /
opportunities and career path for professional development.


1. Course Code : KL109


3. Pre-requisite :

4. Co-requisite : None

5. Credit : 3 Units

6. Course Description : This course intended the students to learn the theory and practice of speech
communication in order to develop proficiency in various interpersonal speaking
situations such as private and public speaking. Also, it will enable the students to
develop their acting skills with emphasis on the development of the voice,
articulation, and pronunciation of theater production
7. Student Outcomes and Relationship to Program Educational Objectives

Student Outcomes Objectives
1 2 3 4
(a)  Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of public speaking principles / / / /
and concept
 Students will be able to apply knowledge of principles, concepts and skills
learned in speech preparation
 Students will be able to imbibe the benefits of public speaking
 Students will be able to build confidence through following the general
methods and specific techniques
 Students will be able to determine the speech and communications process
 Student will be able to develop skills in effective listening
 Students will be able to realize the importance and the process of listening
 Students will be able to understand the ideas in Conversation, Introduction,
Telephone Etiquette, and Interviews.
 Students will be able to identify the principles and characteristics of good
 Students will be able to understand the principles of delivery

(b)  Students will be able to apply the bodily action in speech delivery
 Students will be able to use their voice in speech / / / /
 Students will be able to apply process of selecting and narrowing a speech
 Students will be able to write speech with a purpose
 Students will be able to understand the concepts of speeches of special types
and deliver speeches of special types

8. Course Outcomes (Cos) and relationship to Student Outcomes:

Student Outcomes

Course Outcomes

The student should be able to:

 Students will be able to identify the element of stage arts

 Students will be able to identify the structure of drama
 Students will be able to determine the fundamentals of play

 Students will be able to identify the concepts in stage setting

 Students will be able to identify the concepts in stage lighting
 Students will perform a stage play in the classroom.

* Level: I- Introduced, R – Reinforced, D - Demonstrated

9. Course Coverage


1 1–2 i. Introduction to public  Lecture -  Sababan and
speaking Discussion Bactat

 Basic Communication
concepts, Process, and
models; communicati0on
concepts and principles and
public speaking steps and
methods of speech
preparation: Ethics in public

2 3–4 ii. Building Confidence  Lecture -  Speaking

 General Methods, Specific Discussion Activities/// Rosa
3 5–6 iii. Speech and  Lecture -  Banas
Communication Process: Discussion
 Processes of
4 7–8 iv. Listening and Speech  Lecture -  Villabito
Criticism: Discussion
 Effective listening, the
listening process, and
types of listening;
Listening barriers;
Identifying and
improving listening
styles; Evaluating speech
and effective speech


6 10 – v. Conversations,  Lecture - Script on telephone

11 Introductions, Telephone Discussion communication///
etiquette, and Interviews: torrigoza
 Skills in conversations,
Telephone Etiquette and CO3

7 12 – vi. Principles and  Lecture - Writing an outline –

13 Characteristics of a Good Discussion Villanueva
 Principles of good speech,
the ladder to effective

8 14 – vii. Principles of Delivery  Lecture -  Speech

15  Basic Principles of Discussion composition-
Delivery, Modes of Ogan
expression, Voice.

10 16 – viii. Bodily action in speech  Lecture-  Speech Delivery-

17 delivery Discussion De Leon, Ogan
 Platform Etiquette, Bodily
Action, Dress and CO2
11 18 - ix. Use of voice in speech  Lecture –  Speech Delivery
19 delivery Discussion
 Developing of Voice,
Using ample resonance


13 20 – x. Selecting a Topic and  Lecture –  Speech Delivery

21 Knowing Your Audience Discussion
 Identifying sources; Tools
and techniques for
selecting and refining
speech topics; Identifying

xi. Speaking with a Purpose:  Lecture –  Speech CO2

 Informative, persuasive, Discussion Composition
14 22 –
and ceremonial speeches

xii. Speeches of special

 Impromptu Speech,
Speech, Manuscript
Speech, After- dinner
Speech, Speech of
goodwill, Speech of
Courtesy, Special types
of speech.
xiii. Elements of stage arts:
 Structure of drama -
Tradition and changing
scene, Exposition, Plot,
Characters, Theme,
Dialogue, Action,

15 24 – xiv. Fundamentals of play  Lecture -  Script Writing

25 production: Production Discussion
of Staff, Pre-rehearsal
Activity, Casting of Play,
xv. Stage setting: Stage
Terminologies, Purposes
of Scenery, types of Sets,
New techniques of
xvi. Stage lighting: Stage
Lighting Effects,
Necessary equipment,
Basic Lighting Principle,
Special Lighting Effects.


10. Opportunities to Develop Lifelong Learning Skill

Social studies provide opportunities for students to develop the attitudes, skills and
knowledge that will enable them to become engaged, active, informed and responsible citizens.
Recognition and respect for individual and collective identity is essential in a pluralistic and democratic

11. Contribution of Course to Meeting the Professional Component:

Grading System:

Lecture: Class Participation ……………………………. 50%

Major Exams……………………………………... 50%


Total …………………………………………………. 100% x 60%

Laboratory: Lab. Exam …………………………………………. 60%

Lab. Exercises ……………………………………. 40%


Total …………………………………………………. 100% x 40%

Class Participation includes attendance, quizzes, assignments, oral recitation and project
12. Textbook:

1. Lucas, S.E. (2009). The Art of Public Speaking. (10th ed.) New York: McGraw - Hill Co.

3. Course Evaluation

Student performance will be rated based on the following:

Minimum Average
Assessment Tasks Weight (%) For Satisfactory
Performance (%)

Quizzes 3
CO1 12.5
Practicum/ Demonstration 10

Exams 7

Quizzes 3
CO2 12.5
Practicum/ Demonstration 10

Exams 7

Quizzes 3
CO3 12.5
Practicum/ Demonstration 10

Exams 7

CO4 Quizzes 3
& 12.5
CO5 Practicum/ Demonstration 10

Exams 7

Summative Assessment: Prelim Exam(PE) 5

Term Examination
(written) Midterm Exam(ME) 5 25
Semi-Final Exam (SFE) 5

Final Exam(FE) 5

TOTAL 100 75

The final grades will correspond to the weighted average scores shown below.

Final Average Final Grade

95 & above 1.0

90-94 1.1 – 1.5

80-89 1.6- 2.5

75-79 2.6-3.0

65-74 5.0 (Fail)

dropped 6.0

13.1 Other Course Policies

a. Attendance
Iligan Medical Center College adheres to the following guidelines on absences and tardiness:
1. A limited number of absences are permitted, and are not to exceed the following
a. for a 3-unit course meeting two times a week, 10 absences;
b. for a 2-unit course meeting twice a week, 7 absences;
c. for a 1 –unit course meeting once a week, 3 absences;
d. for a 3-unit course which meets only once each week, 7 absences;
e. for a 2-unit course which meets only once a week, 3 absences;
f. for courses with 4 or 5 units, the allowable number of absences is computed by
multiplying the number of unit-hours by three and adding one.

2. The number of minutes for a student to be late is 15 minutes. More than 15 minutes the
student is considered absent but allowed to attend the class, subject to existing rules and
guidelines. The best judgment of the teacher is required to help the student.
3. Tardiness for three times shall be considered as one absence.
4. Normally, absences are not excused. However, any consideration on special cases shall be
decided by the teacher in consultation with the Dean of the College.
5. Class hours lost by late registration is considered absences.

b. Submission of Assessment Tasks

Student Outputs should be on time; late submittal of coursework’s will not be accepted. If you
have a justifying circumstance, it must be discussed and a decision made before the due date or
it is due when the assignment is due. Copied works/tasks or any required material to be
submitted in the class are strictly prohibited and found guilty will be considered as cheating as

c. Major Examination
Term Examinations (Prelim, Midterm, Semi-final, and Final) will be administered as scheduled by
the Institutional Calendar. IMCC adheres to the No Permit, No Exam Policy. In case of non-
payment, student must ask approval of written promissory note from the college treasurer or
comptroller ahead of time. Failure to present an approved Promissory Note, means No Exam. No
Special Exam will be given unless with a valid reason subject for approval by the Dean of the
College. The student is required to pay the special exam fee of P200 at the school cashier. Special
Exam receipt is required by the teacher. Furthermore, students of this course are required to
participate actively in the events/activities organized for this course.

d. Course Requirements

1. Reaction paper
2. Speech tasks
3. Accomplished script
4. Group Report
5. Stage play

e. Language of Instruction

Lectures, discussion, and documentation will be in English. Written and spoken work may receive
a lower mark if it is, in the opinion of the instructor, deficient in English.

f. Dress Code & Grooming Policy

 All students officially enrolled at Iligan Medical Center College should wear the
Prescribed School Uniform, except on Wednesdays and Saturdays designated as wash
days, with School Identification Card.
 If not in uniform, the student must secure a written approval from the Office of Student
 Good grooming for male & female students is a must.

g. Consultation Schedule

Consultation schedules with the Professor are posted on the CED Bulletin Board. It is recommended that
the student first set an appointment to confirm the instructor’s availability.

14. Other References

2. DeVito, J.A. (2009). The Essential Elements of Public Speaking. (3rd ed.) Boston:
Pearson Education, Inc.
3. Zarefsky, D. (2011). Public Speaking: Strategies for Success. (6th ed. Boston:
Pearson Education, Inc).
4. Rustica C. Carpio, P. D. (2004). Private and Public Speaking. Sampaloc,
Manila: Rex Book Store.
5. Ommanney, K.A. (1982). The Stage and the School. United States of America:
McGraw Hill Inc.

Internet Sources:

15. Course Materials Made Available:

 Handouts
 Library Resources
 Reading materials
 Multi-media/ PowerPoint presentation

16. Committee Members:

Professor: Esmeralda T. Metillo , LPT,MAT

Dean for CED: Terisita B. Ilago,PHD

Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs: Leizl Grace D. Wagas, Ed.d

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