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AVSEEL ( Avocado Seed Kernel Spray as Substance for Synthetic

Mosquito Repellent )
Ellianne Danette (Leader), Khairunnisa Keisha Anjani, Nadia Herlia Octaviany,
Rafi Syahputra Lamikan, Salsabila Nauraswari Johan, Zaftio Apreda Akmal
Supervisor : Budi Santoso, M.Pd., C.Ht., Laily Eka Pradina, S.Pd., Drs. Suyono

Email : danetteelianne@gmail.com

Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur

Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jawa Timur
SMA Negeri 10 Surabaya
Jalan Jemursari I No. 28 SURABAYA 60237
AVSEEL ( Avocado Seed Kernel Spray as Substance for Synthetic
Mosquito Repellent )
Ellianne Danette (Leader), Khairunnisa Keisha Anjani, Nadia Herlia Octaviany,
Rafi Syahputra Lamikan, Salsabila Nauraswari Johan, Zaftio Apreda Akmal
Supervisor : Budi Santoso, M.Pd., C.Ht., Laily Eka Pradina, S.Pd., Drs. Suyono
Based on the results of one study, it is known that the use of mosquito
coils has a greater effect on tackling disease than the use of larvicides and
fogging. Most of the insect repellent sprays available on the market today contain
the active ingredient diethyltoluamide (DEET) which is harmful to the skin. That's
why we developed an alternative fruit-based mosquito repellent. In order to
eliminate the use of active chemicals that are harmful to the body. The fruit source
we use is avocado (Persea americana). We use the seeds of the fruit as an active
ingredient to make mosquito repellents. This is because avocado seeds contain
flavonoids, saponins, and tannins. These compounds will be the active mosquito
killer compounds in our study. Our study aimed to determine the effectiveness of
mosquito repellents based on avocado seed extract on Culex sp. mosquitoes. The
research design is a qualitative posttest. The research object was Culex sp.
mosquitoes aged 2-3 days, totaling 25 in each treatment. The treatment presented
was spray with a concentration of 10%,15%,20%,25%, and 30% avocado seed
extract and eventually showed that the spray with a concentration of 25% was the
most effective. The data came to a proof that avocado seed extract can effectively
repel mosquitoes.

Keywords : Culex sp., Persea Americana, Flavonoids, Saponins, Tannins

1. Introduction
Anti-mosquito drugs are a away fruit seeds and lead to an
medium by which people control the increase in fruit seed waste in the
spread of mosquitoes which are surrounding environment.
produced in several forms, such as Unbeknownst to them, fruit seeds
coils, spray, vaporization, or other also contain various compounds that
preparations (Soderlund and can have a positive impact, both in
Bloomquist, 1989). However, most terms of the environment and health.
of these mediums contain chemical
compounds that can cause significant Referring to the above issues, the
health problems, such as respiratory formulation of the problem was
problems, nervous disorders, brain obtained regarding the effectiveness
damage, and even death. In addition, of mosquito repellent with avocado
the majority of mosquito repellents seed extract on the mortality of Culex
around us contain the compound sp. mosquitoes. Some natural
diethyltoluamide (DEET). The compounds as mosquito repellants
negative effects of this compound that are often contained in fruits are
include inviting skin irritation, and flavonoids, saponins, and tannins.
can even cause symptoms of seizures These three compounds can be found
for people with encephalopathy in the flesh of the avocado seed
(Daniel R. S., 2019). (Persea Americana). Flavonoids are
effective as inhibitors of insect
Therefore, a synthetic mosquito appetite because they are toxic.
repellent substance is needed which
is usually obtained from organic This study aims to provide a
extracts, so that it makes mosquito solution to synthetic mosquito
repellents natural and herbal. repellents by utilizing organic waste
which is useful as a basic ingredient
Unfortunately, after people for mosquito repellents, such as
consume fruit, they tend to throw avocado seeds.

2. Method and Experimental chamber, a round bottom flask, a

Details heater, clamps, states, where water
enters the condenser, where the water
Experiment method and details exits the condenser, water hose, and
The research design we use is a siphon for the Soxhlet process and
quantitative research method based on rotary evaporator for the evaporation
data. process.
The methods we use are Soxhlet The materials we used in this
and evaporation. We chose this research process were: dusty filter
method because it has advantages paper, avocado seeds (Persea
compared to other methods. americana) obtained from fruit seed
The tools we use in this research sellers in Surabaya City (the criteria
process are Analytical scales, a for avocado seeds that we chose were
mincer (mitochiba), an oven, a beaker fresh seeds and hard shells), then
glass, a thermometer (Celsius), a chemicals used in this study were
measuring cup, and there is a
condenser/cooler, an extraction
hexanal and aquadest solutions as with a concentration of 5%; 10%;
solvents in spray preparations. 15%; 17% and 20%

The sample in this study was 4. Product Testing Spray as an

Culex sp. Obtained at the ornamental anti-mosquito
fish shop on Jl. Patua in Surabaya are Testing of anti-mosquito spray
still in the form of larvae which will aims to determine the effectiveness of
be bred in an experimental laboratory. spray from avocado seed extract as an
anti-mosquito. This test was carried
Research procedure out in an experimental medium which
1. Preparation of avocado seed extract was divided into 5 groups based on
As much as 500 grams of the concentration of the ingredients to
avocado seed powder was extracted determine its effectiveness. A total of
using the distilation method. The 25 mosquitoes were put into the
sample to be extracted is usually a experimental medium and then given
finely ground solid. This solid is then avocado seed extract in the form of a
wrapped in filter paper and then put in spray. The number of mosquitoes that
a distinct distilation apparatus. The died and the time it took would be
distilation tool was installed, then a recorded and a comparison was made
sample of 100 grams of mashed dry to determine which spray with the
avocado seed extract was wrapped in most effective extract concentration
filter paper then tied with thread, and was used as an anti-mosquito in this
put into the distilation tool. Enter 500 study.
ml of 96% ethanol solvent into the
distilation flask. Perform l until the 3. Result and Discussion
cycle drops are colorless again, the Our research has shown that
liquid extract obtained is then avocado seed extract in the form of an
concentrated using a rotary anti-mosquito spray can cause the
evaporator. This process takes place death of Culex sp. This can be seen
continuously. The next stage is from the percentage of Culex sp. in
evaporation using a rotary evaporator. each test group presented in the figure
Evaporation is carried out by below.
evaporating some of the solvents at
their boiling point so that a
concentrated liquid solution with a
higher concentration is obtained.

2. Phytochemical Screening
The next stage is the test for
Flavonoids, Saponins, and Tannins in
avocado seed extract in the lab by
taking samples from avocado seed

3. Manufacture of spray products as

mosquito repellents
The figure shows a sharp increase
The next stage is mixing
in mosquito deaths in the group
avocado seed extract with Aquadest
exposed to distilled water and the
group exposed to avocado seed Soderlund and Bloomquist, 1989
extract. Meanwhile, in the treatment D.M. Soderlund, J.R.
group exposed to avocado seed Bloomquist Neurotoxic
extract, it can be concluded that as the actions of pyrethroid
concentration of avocado seed extract insecticides Annu. Rev.
increased, the percentage of Culex sp. Entomol., 34(1), 77-96
mosquito deaths also increased.
Therefore, the highest percentage Stuyft, Prof PVd 1999, Urbanisasi
of deaths in the treatment group was Demam Kuning di Santa Cr uz
in the avocado seed extract at a Bolivia,The lancet, Vol.
concentration of 25 %. 353(9624), 1558-1562
4. Conclusion
Based on the results of this study, it Swale, Daniel R., Jeffrey R.
can be concluded that the seed extract Bloomquist, 2019, Is DEET a
of avocado (Persea americana) in the Dangerous Neurotoxitant
form of an anti-mosquito spray has the
power to kill Culex sp. Utomo.PP,NanaSupriyatna,2014,Per
bandingan Daya Proteksi
5. Acknowledgments Losion Anti Nyamuk Dari
Acknowledgments are extended to Beberapa Jenis Minyak Atsiri
the Pharmacy Academy, SMAN 10 Tanaman Pengusir
Surabaya, our parents and Nyamuk,Biopropal Industr
supervisors, and the journal authors
,Vol. 5(2),79-84
who have helped this research
morally and materially. Wahyonoa,TYM, Oktarinda
MWB,2016, Penggunaan Obat
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