The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

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The Rise of Nationalism In Europe(History)

1. What did Liberal Nationalism Stand for?

Answer: 1. The term ‘liberalism’ derives from the Latin root liber, meaning free.
2. Liberalism stood for freedom for the individual and equality of all before the law. Politically, it
emphasised the concept of government by consent.
3. Since the French Revolution, liberalism had stood for the end of autocracy and clerical privileges, a
constitution and representative government through parliament.
4. Nineteenth-century liberals stressed on the inviolability of private property.
2. Write a note on the Romanticism, a cultural movement.
Answer: 1.Romanticism was a cultural movement, sought to develop a particular form of nationalist
2. Romantic artistsand poets generally criticised the glorification of reason and science and focused instead
on emotions, intuition and mystical feelings.
3. In Romanticism the effort was to create a sense of a shared collective heritage, a common cultural past,
as the basis of a nation.
3. Write about the revolt of the weaving community of Silesia?
Answer:The 1830’s was a year of hardships in Europe. The population increased and wide scale migration
took place from rural to urban areas. Peasants struggled under the feudal dues and obligations.
1. The weavers in Silesia revolted against their contractors in 1845 as contractors had drastically reduced
the payments on finished goods.
2. They marched in pairs to the contractor’s house, demanding higher wages.
3. The contractor fled in fear with his family and returned after 24 hours, requisitioning the army and had a
large number of the weavers shot.
4. Who was Giuseppe Mazzini?
Answer: 1. Giuseppe Mazzini was born in Genoa in 1807.
2. He was a revolutionary leader who wanted to unify Italy.
3. He became a member of the secret society of the Carbonari.
4. At the age of 24, he was sent into exile for attempting a revolution in Liguria.
5. He was known for his two underground societies, first Young Italy in Marseilles, and other Young Europe
in Berne.
6. He believed that nations are the natural units of mankind.
5. Explain briefly the term 'Balkans’.
Answer: 1. The Balkans was a region of geographical and ethnic variation comprising modern-day
Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia, Serbia and
2. The inhabitants of the Balkans were broadly known as Slavs.
3. A large part of the Balkan was controlled by the Ottoman Empire.
4. The spread of the ideas of romantic nationalism in the Balkans together with the disintegration of the
Ottoman Empire made this region very explosive.
5. The Balkans problem was the most serious tension in Europe after 1817.
6. Who was Ernst Renan? What were his views about a nation?
Answer: Ernst Renan was a French philosopher. He is best known for his influential historical works on
early Christianity and his political theories. Renan contrasted the theory of nation suggested by others that
a nation is formed by a common language, race, religion etc.
His views about a nation were:
1. “A nation is the culmination of a long past of endeavors, sacrifice, and devotion... ".
2. He also declared that the existence of a nation was based on a "daily plebiscite."
7. Explain the emergence of nation-states in Europe?
Answer: 1. During the nineteenth century, nationalism emerged as a force, which brought about sweeping
changes in the political and mental world of Europe.
2. The revolutionaries saw the creation of nation states as a necessary part of their struggle for freedom.
3. The end result of these changes was the emergence of the nation-states in place of the multi-national
dynastic empires of Europe.
4. People now started searching for own state and its glorious past. These led to the emergence of nation-
states in Europe.
8. Discuss the importance of language in the creation of national identity.
Answer: 1. Language too played an important role in developing nationalist sentiments.
2. This was especially so in the case of Poland, which did not exist an independent territory at the end of
the eighteenth century as it was partitioned by the Great Powers – Russia, Prussia and Austria.
3. After Russian occupation, Russia replaced the Polish language everywhere.
4. The Clergy in Poland began to use Polish as the language of resistance. Polish began to be used at Church
gatherings and all religious gatherings.
5. The emphasis on vernacular language and the collection of local folklore was not just to recover national
spirit but also to carry the nationalist message.
6.The use of Polish in Opera's and music, in folk songs and dances brought to the fore the feelings of
collective identity of the people.
7.The Native land's indigenous language was the bonding link and power to work for own nation state and
bring back its glory.
9. What were the aims and policies of Bismark?
Answer: Ideas and policies of Bismarck were:
1. Bismarck had total sympathy with the military policy and was determined to carry out it through in spite
of the opposition of the Parliament. So he continued to levy and collect the taxes without parliamentary
approval and carried out the military reforms.
2. To Bismarck, a powerful army was an instrument for implementing the policy of the unification of
Germany through the might and leadership of Prussia.
3. He followed the policy of 'Blood & Iron' for unification of Germany. He was hardliner and man of his
10.Explain what led to the rise of conservatism in early 19th century Europe?
Answer: 1. Conservatism means a political philosophy that stressed the importance of tradition,
established institutions and customs, and preferred gradual development to quick change.
2. After the defeat of Napoleon in 1815, European governments were driven by a spirit of Conservatism.
3. Conservatives believed that established, traditional institutions of state and society – like the monarchy –
the Church, social hierarchies, property, private ownership and the family – should be preserved.
11. What do you mean by the term 'Liberalism'? How it stands for nationalism?
Answer: 1. The term ‘liberalism’ is derived from the latin root ' liber', meaning' free' and 'ism' means
principles. So liberalism means 'principles of freedom’.
2. Ideas of national unity in early nineteenth-century Europe were closely allied to the ideology of
3. The middle class liberalism stood for freedom for the individual and equality of all before the law.
4. Nineteenth century liberals stressed the inviolability of private property.
5.They organized opposition movements demanding equal political rights.
Thus liberalism plays a great role for creating nationalism.
12. Explain briefly the administrative system of Napoleon.
Answer: In administrative field, Napoleon had incorporated revolutionary principles in order to make the
whole system more rational and efficient.
Main features of Napoleon’s administrative system were:
1. The Civil Code of 1804, usually known as the Napoleonic Code did away with all privileges based on
birth, established equality before the law and secured the right to property.
2. Napoleon simplified administrative divisions, abolished the feudal system and freed peasants from
serfdom and manorial dues.
3. In the towns guild restrictions were removed. Peasant, workers, artisans and businessmen enjoyed new
13. What were the ideas of Giuseppe Mazzini?
Answer: The main ideas of Giuseppe Mazzini were:
1. Giuseppe Mazzini opposed monarchical form of government and fought for liberty and freedom.
2. He believed in liberation, unity and republicanism.
3. He gave an idea that the unification of Italy could be done on the basis of Italian liberty.
14. What was the Civil Code of 1804?
Answer: 1.The Civil Code of 1804 or the Napoleonic Code was introduced by Napoleon in France.
2. It did away with all the privileges based on birth.
3. It secured the right to property and established equality before the law.
Its main features were:
1. Administrative divisions were simplified. Means of Transport and communication system were
2. The feudal system was abolished and the peasants were freed from serfdom and manorial dues.
3. Uniform laws, standardized weights and measures and a common national currency were introduced.
15. 1. What was the ideology of the liberal movements with respect to women?
2. Enumerate on the work done by women during the Frankfurt Parliament? rks:5
Answer: 1. The status of women during the liberal movements was a controversial one. They did not have
the same rights as the men even though they participated in large numbers.
2. The women participated actively during the assembly of the Frankfurt Parliament. They formed their
own political associations, brought out several journals and newspapers and took part in political
demonstrations and meetings. Despite this, they were denied suffrage rights during the election of the
Assembly. In 1848, in the Church of St Paul where the assembly of the Frankfurt Parliament took place,
they were seated as mere observers in one of the upper galleries.
16. Who was Giuseppe Garibaldi?arks:5
Answer: 1. Giuseppe Garibaldi was the Italian freedom fighters.
2. He came from a family engaged in coastal trade and was a sailor in the merchant navy.
3. In 1833, he met Mazzini, joined the Young Italy movement and participated in a republican uprising in
Piedmont in 1834.
4. The revolt was suppressed and Garibaldi had to flee to South America, where he lived in exile till 1848.
5.In 1854, he supported Victor Emmanuel II in his efforts to unify the Italian states.
6. In 1860, Garibaldi led the famous Expedition of the Thousand to South Italy.
7. New volunteers kept joining through the course of the campaign, till their numbers grew to about
30,000. They were popularly known as Red Shirts.
8.In 1867, Garibaldi led an army of volunteers to Rome to fight the last obstacle to the unification of Italy,
the Papal States where a French garrison was stationed.
9.The Red Shirts were easily defeated by the combined troops of France and Papal. It was only in 1870
when, during the war with Prussia, France withdrew its troops from Rome that the Papal States were
finally joined to Italy.
10. Giuseppe Garibaldi played a crucial role in the unification of Italy.
17.Who were Marianne and Germania?Marks:5
Answer: 1. During the French Revolution artists used the female allegory to portray ideas such as Liberty,
Justice and the Republic.
2. These ideals were represented through specific objects or symbols. Similar female allegories were
invented by artists in the nineteenth century to represent the nation.
Marianne: In France this female allegory was christened Marianne, a popular Christian name, which
underlined the idea of a people’s nation. Her characteristics were drawn from those of Liberty and the
Republic – the red cap, the tricolor, the cockade.
Germania: Germania became the allegory of the German nation. In visual representations, Germania wears
a crown of oak leaves, as the German oak stands for heroism.
18. Explain the meaning of the following words.
(1) Plebiscite (2) Feminist (3) Ideology (4) Ethnic (5) Conservatism
The meaning of the following words is: -
(1) Plebiscite – A direct vote by which all the people of a region are asked to accept or reject a proposal.
(2) Feminist – Awareness of women’s rights and interests based on the belief of the social, economic and
equality of the genders.
(3) Ideology – System of ideas reflecting a particular social and political vision.
(4) Ethnic – Relates to a common racial, tribal, or cultural origin or background that a community
identifies with or claims.
(5) Conservatism - A political philosophy that stressed the importance of tradition, established
institutions and customs, and preferred gradual development to quick change.
19.What was the immediate impact of the French Revolution on the European cities?arks:5
Answer: The effects of the French Revolution were not only felt by the nation of France but by almost every
nation in the modern world. The impact of the French revolution on whole of Europe was as follows:
1. Students and members of educated middle classes began setting up Jacobins clubs.
2. French armies started moving into Belgium, Holland, Switzerland and most part of Italy.
3. With the outbreak of the revolutionary wars, the French armies began to carry the idea of nationalism
4. The effects of the French revolution were such that it completely changed the political landscape of
Europe forever. Future revolutionary movements in 19th century Europe were based on the ideals of the
French Revolution.
20. Briefly trace the process of German unification.
Answer: The following factors led to the unification of Germany:
1. The nationalist feelings which were widespread among middle class Germany in 1848 tried to unite the
different regions of the German confederation into a nation-state, governed by an elected parliament.
2. The combined forces of the monarchy and the military supported by the large land owners of Prussia
however oppose the initiative of nation building.
3. From then on Prussia took on the leadership of the movement for the national unification and its chief
minister Otto von Bismarck was the architect of this process. He carried out this movement with the help of
the Prussian army.
4. Three wars over seven years with Austria, Denmark and France, ended in Prussian victory, paved the
way for the process of unification of Germany.
21. Describe, what happened after the defeat of Napoleon? arks:5
Answer: The aftermaths of the defeat of Napoleon were as follows:
1. In 1815, the representatives of the European powers – Britain, Russia, Prussia and Austria - who had
collectively defeated Napoleon, met at Vienna to draw up a settlement for Europe. The Austrian chancellor
Duke Metternich hosted the congress. The delegates drew up the Treaty of Vienna in 1815 with the object
of undoing most of the changes that had come about in Europe during the Napoleonic wars.
2. As a result of the treaty, Kingdom of the Netherlands, which included Belgium, was set up in the North
and Genoa was added to Piedmont in the south.
3. Prussia was given new territories on its western frontiers, while Austria was given control of northern
4. In the East, Russia was given part of Poland while Prussia was given a portion of Saxony.
5. The main intention was to restore the monarchies that had been overthrown by Napoleon.
22. Explain how economic interests propagated the national sentiments in Prussia?Marks:5
Answer: 1. In the economic sphere, liberalism stood for the freedom of markets and the abolition of state-
imposed restrictions on the movement of goods and capital.
2. During the nineteenth century this was a strong demand of the emerging middle classes. Such conditions
were viewed as obstacles to economic exchange and growth by the new commercial classes, who argued
for the creation of a unified economic territory allowing the unhindered movement of goods, people and
3. In 1834, a customs union or zollverein was formed at the initiative of Prussia and joined by most of the
German states.
4. The union abolished tariff barriers and reduced the number of currencies from over thirty to two.
5. The creation of a network of railways further stimulated mobility, harnessing economic interests to
national unification.
6. A wave of economic nationalism strengthened the wider nationalist sentiments growing at the time.
23. Write a short note on Italy Unification.
Answer: 1.Italians were scattered over several dynastic states as well as the multi-national Habsburg
2. During the middle of the 19th century, Italy was divided into seven states, of which only one , Sardina-
Piedmont, was ruled by an Italian princely house.
3. The north was under Austrian Habsburgs, the centre was ruled by the Pope and the southern regions
were under the domination of the Bourbon kings of Spain.
Role of Giuseppe Mazzini:1. During the 1830s, Giuseppe Mazzini had sought to put together a coherent
programme for a unitary Italian Republic.
2. He had also formed a secret society called Young Italy for the dissemination of his goals.
3. The failure of revolutionary uprisings both in 1831 and 1848 meant that the mantle now fell on Sardinia-
Piedmont under its ruler king Victor Emmanuel II to unify the Italian states through war.
4. In the eyes of the ruling elites of theism region, a unified Italy offered them the possibility and political
Role of Cavour:1. Chief Minister Cavour who led the movement to unify the regions of Italy was neither a
revolutionary nor a democrat.
2. Like many other wealthy and educated members of the Italian elite, he spoke French much better than
he did Italian.
3. Through a tactful diplomatic alliance with France engineered by Cavour, Sardinia-Piedmont succeeded in
defeating the Austrian forces in 1859.
Role of Giuseppe Garibaldi:1. Apart from regular troops, a large number of armed volunteers under the
leadership of Giuseppe Garibaldi joined the fray.
2. In 1860, they marched into South Italy and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and succeeded in winning the
support of the local peasants in order to drive out the Spanish rulers.
3. In 1861 victor Emmanuel II was proclaimed king of united Italy.

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