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Obj. 6 Analizar las Técnicas de Comprensión Lectora (Reading & Writing).

Higher-Risk Buildings Government Consultation –

What Is Proposed To Be Considered ‘Higher-
The government has recently completed a consultation on the Higher Risk Buildings (Descriptions
and Supplementary Provisions) Regulations which flow from the Building Safety Act 2022. Ron
Alalouff summarizes the provisions consulted on.

Higher-risk buildings are defined by their height and use, which the government says are
international industry-accepted ways of identifying buildings where the consequences of fire
spread can be significant.
The government is proposing to make regulations setting out technical definitions, excluding
certain buildings from the new regime and – for the design and construction phase of the new
regime – defining the use criteria for a building to be included. It’s also proposing the
regulations define how a building’s height and stores are measured.
The Building Safety Act 2022 provides that buildings at least 18 meters or at least seven stores
high with at least two residential units will be within the scope of the new regime when they are
occupied. These buildings will also be included during design and construction, along with
hospitals and care homes.
The types of buildings designated as higher-risk may not be set in stone, however. If the
Building Safety Regulator believes the required tests for adding a category of building to the
definition of higher-risk building are met, then they must make a recommendation to this effect
to the Secretary of State.
The regulations will not amend which buildings are covered by the leaseholder protection
scheme, as buildings covered by the leaseholder protections are already set out in the Building
Safety Act, nor do they amend which buildings are covered by any of the remediation schemes.
The following is a summary of the points raised in the consultation and on which respondents
were asked to comment:
Consultation point 1: The government proposes to align with the Building Act 1984 and define
a building as including any structure or erection, and any part of a building, as so defined, but
does not include plant or machinery comprised in a building.
Consultation point 2: The government is proposing to define higher-risk buildings under design
and construction as including buildings which contain at least two residential units (the Building
Safety Act defines a residential unit as a dwelling or any other unit of living accommodation, for
example, a flat or rooms in a university hall of residence where amenities are shared), care
homes, and hospitals.
Consultation point 3: It’s proposed to include care homes and hospitals in response to concerns
raised during pre-legislative scrutiny from stakeholders, particularly around design and
construction. Including hospitals and care homes ensures high-rise buildings which may be
occupied by those unable to evacuate quickly, or without assistance, are designed and
constructed by the new regime.
Consultation point 4: The government proposes to exclude from the definition of higher-risk
buildings secure residential institutions (for example, prisons) and temporary leisure
establishments (e.g. hotels) as the new regime is focused on providing proportionate rigor where
most necessary.
Consultation point 5: The government proposes to exclude military premises as the Ministry of
Defense has its own building and fire safety arrangements and specific security considerations
which need to be considered. The MOD will be applying the key elements of the new regime in
their arrangements, and the government expects to set up appropriate liaison arrangements
between the MOD and the Building Safety Regulator.
Consultation point 6: The current focus of the in-occupation regime is on domestic buildings.
It’s therefore proposed to exclude other types of buildings that are wholly subject to the
Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (the Fire Safety Order) when they are in use.
Consultation point 7: It’s proposed to exclude temporary leisure establishments and secure
residential institutions, as these buildings are likely to be subject to requirements under the Fire
Safety Order.
Consultation point 8: It’s proposed to exclude military premises as the MOD have their own
building and fire safety arrangements, given the specific operational needs of their buildings.
The MOD will be applying the key elements of the new regime in their arrangements, and it’s
expected that appropriate liaison with the Building Safety Regulator will be set up.
Consultation point 9: The government is proposing to define ‘hospital’ – which it’s proposing
to include in the design and construction part of the new regime – as meaning a building which
is a hospital within the meaning of the National Health Service Act 2006 and has at least one bed
intended for use by a person admitted for an overnight stay.
Consultation point 10: It’s proposed to include care homes in the design and construction parts
of the new regime. The Care Standards Act 2000 defines a care home as providing
accommodation, together with nursing or personal care, for people who are or have been ill, who
have or have had a mental disorder, who are disabled or infirm, or who are or have been
dependent on alcohol or drugs.

1. How could you define higher-risk buildings?

2. What do you think about the government proposing?
3. In this sentence, “The types of buildings designated as higher-risk may not be set in
stone,” What does the author refer?
4. How can the buildings be covered?
5. In this paragraph, “Consultation point 2: The government is proposing to define
higher-risk buildings under design and construction as including buildings which contain
at least two residential units,” What does the author mean?
6. In this paragraph, “Consultation point 4: The government proposes to exclude from
the definition of higher-risk buildings secure residential institutions,” What does it
7. In this paragraph, “Consultation point 9: The government is proposing to define
‘hospital’ – which it’s proposing to include in the design and construction part of the
new regime,” Could you explain?
8. Is this text according to your career? Why?

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