E-Book Business BluePrint

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E-Book Business BluePrint

How to make 6 figures selling AI Generated Books

Alex Suzuki

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1) Telegram link
2) Text me for help anytime
3) Message my students too. Help each other out. Some are making $300 daily.
Few make $1000 daily. Ask them for help.

Chapter 0: Introduction And My Story

- Selling AI generated E-Book
- What does this mean?
- Generating books using AI ( because fast ) and then selling them online
- Why is this a good business?
- Because Not very many people are doing this.
- The following are oversaturated and overrated OR Incredibly difficult:
- Dropshipping, SMMA, Amazon FBA, day trading, Tik Tok Creative
- But selling AI generated book:
- Uhhh… I don’t see anyone else doing this. Even on youtube, tik tok.
Barely anyone is doing this.
- Tens of Billions $$$ of ebooks are sold EVERY MONTH
- Yet, how many people do you see doing this on Youtube? Tik Tok?
Exactly. Almost NO ONE
- And guess what? For normal people, it takes 3+ weeks to write A single book.
- I will teach you how to write up to 100 per day lol ( of course quality
>>> quantity ) but you get the point. I will teach you how to write
10000% more efficiently and quickly. ( hint: you won’t write ) . This
way, you are already ahead of 99% of all ebooks sellers.
- I think that this is the easiest business to make money in.
- After 1 year of working on this business everyday, I make 4 or 5 figures daily.

- Check out my social media channels where I show my daily progress, results, etc.
- Tik Tok : name is Alex Suzuki
- Instagram : name is Alex Suzuki
- Twitter
- Username: mnight_maid
- name : Alex Suzuki
- Telegram : XXXmillionaire_official
- Disclaimer:
- If you think that this is going to be easy money, I want you to leave now. This will require
work on your part. Please know this.
- Only Continue if you are serious about:
- Paying for your college education
- Paying any debt you may have
- Giving back to your loved ones
- Being able to afford your own place to live ( or buy your own car )
- Etc Etc.
- Disclaimer 2: I’m not going to waste time explaining information and tutorials that already exist
on YouTube ( they explain better than I ever could )
- Instead, I am here to give you Valuable Information that exists no where else online
that allowed me to become successful at age 20.
- There are many valuable resources and information available online that exist.
- For example, on how to use Shopify, Etsy, and Youtube. How to set up facebook
ads, how to set up pinterest ads, how to set up google ads, etc.
- Disclaimer 3: Remember that it took me a few months of doing this business before I started
making lots of money.
- After all, I tested 200+ topics and niches.
- I spent 3000+ hours working on this to figure out how to become successful in this
- For the 100 things I tried, I failed at 99 of them. And for the 1 that worked, I am giving
that to you.

- I genuinely want you to WIN and help you make a lot of money. Why for
- When I was in my teens, I was fortunate to pick up many mentors. They helped me a lot.
Obviously, I wouldn’t be able to pay them. After all, I was poor. They are extremely rich
and skilled and knowledgeable. Now, I asked them why they were willing to mentor me.
Here is what they told me AND my reasons for why I want to help YOU succeed.
- Reason 1:
- Cycle of mentorship. I cannot give back to my mentor. So how do I give back? I
give back by mentoring and teaching skills to my mentees. This creates a
perpetual cycle of helping people over generations. This is something that is very
- Reason 2:
- Personal fulfillment. I will tell you that after making a certain amount of money,
happiness does not increase. So…. How do I plan on becoming happier? By
mentoring people to success ( which I can also brag about )
- “Look, I helped my students: Henry and Stella make $1000 today” feels
- When I started off trying to make money, all I wanted was 1) to have a place to
live 2) food to eat 3) to spend time with the people I love and 4) have freedom
with all my time ( not work corporate 9-5 job )
- Now, I spend approximately $3000 monthly on housing. $2000 monthly on food.
And $5000 on miscellaneous stuff. So my monthly spending is around $10,000
give or take. But I make that in a day. If my daily expenses are $300 per day, then
there is no difference between making $10,000 and $20,000 per day. Does that
make sense?? Because it does not affect my life in any way. That is what I mean
when I say that after making a certain amount, it doesn't make me any happier.
- Reason 3:
- Doing business will make you lonely
- Why?
- Because you need to cut off people who are lazy, unmotivated, not
working hard, not knowledgeable about business, etc. And sadly that is
99% of people. ( at least in my case that was )
- Because you are the sum of 5 people you surround yourself with. So you
better surround yourself with 5 of the most successful people.
- This will force you to cut many friends and make you extremely lonely. (
it did for me)
- So I want to fix this loneliness by adding successful people into my life. ( kinda
selfish of me ) but it’s much nicer to be surrounded by 10 of my students, all
successful, whom I helped, rather than me being alone. No amount of money
solves loneliness. Many people don’t seem to understand that until it hits
- I know many people who have more than $50 million but some of them are
s*icidal and some of them are in such a dark place. Look at the creator of
Minecraft. He is extremely lonely and depressed and living a miserable life, ever
since he became a billionaire.
- Reason 4:
- My parents spent too much money on my college education. Although we didn’t
have much, they have spent their last dollars just for me to feed my ego of going
to a prestigious private college.
- When I discovered that they were struggling to make ends meet paying
for their own home, I was shattered emotionally.
- After this, I took business seriously. I stopped hanging out with many
friends. I cut many people off. I began making money.
- After I made a lot of money, I waited a few months before I told my
parents. When I showed them, they began crying ( I did not expect ) and
this was the best moment I had in my entire life.
- I want to help you do the same.
- Reason 5:
- A few years ago, a person very close to me developed a disease. This is a person
whom I loved so much. I spent my entire life with them. We shared so many
precious memories together. If only I had enough funds to pay for her treatment,
her life would have been saved. But I didn’t. These shattered me and made me
incapacitated. Hopeless and unable to get out of bed or eat for days. It made my
world extremely dark and painful.
- Now, this could happen to your siblings, parents, or best friends. Now, you might
think this kind of thing would never happen, especially not this year. But that is
exactly what I thought too.
- Life is very unpredictable. In such a case, I don’t want you to go through the
same experience I went through. That is another reason why I want to help you.

- I am happy to help you whenever.

- Just shoot me a text or message. You have my number. I want to help you succeed.
Obviously this is free.
- Even if you are struggling with motivation. I will help you. I am always here for you and
rooting for you.
- Also, just FYI I don’t pick up phone calls most of the time.
- I apologize that my responses may be delayed. I am a very lousy texter so please be
patient with me.
- Other reasons why I wanted to make money:
- 1) I remember my friends asking: “Alex, let’s go to Chik fil A”
- I made up some excuse and said that I already ate.
- In reality, I hadn’t eaten the entire day and I only had $7 in my bank account.
- 2) I went on a date with a girl I really loved. We were at a restaurant.
- I offered to pay at the end.
- The waiter came back and told me that the card had declined.
- This was incredibly embarrassing.

Now, beyond this point, you will get information that is available nowhere else on the entire internet.

This is because I discovered these secrets and this business model.

Please absorb all of this, which I have spent 3000+ learning and perfecting, combined with all my failures
and mistakes.
This business model is surprisingly very simple.


Now, here's the beginning to you making $10k USD per month.

Chapter 1: Picking a Book Topic

Many people on YouTube will tell you that you can make lots of money selling planners, digital
art, and childrens books on Etsy. This is absolutely false.
- Here is why.
- Reason 1: Go to Etsy or Amazon for example. You will see that there are hundreds or
thousands of books in these categories ( digital planners, children's books )
- Even though there is a big demand for these, there are just way too many competitors.
- Demand is not the key indicator of whether your ebook will sell well. The best indicator
is the ratio between Demand and the competition you have.
- For example, It is better to sell books on topic A that has demand from 1000 people with
2 competitors than to sell digital planners that has demand from 10,000 people with
1000+ competitors.
- I made this mistake early on. Just because something has huge demand doesn’t mean that
it will sell well.
- Reason 2: Etsy, Amazon, and other platforms want to show buyers the best books at the
top of search results because they want to maximize profits and allow users to have the
best experience.
- 99 times out of 100, they will NEVER show your product on the first page especially if it
has many competitors, even if it has a huge demand. Your ebook will never be shown
until the 50th page where no one will ever look.
- Solution:
- Don’t work hard. Save your energy and time. Choose book topics that have decent demand and
little to no competitors. For example, you will never see digital books on tanks or warfare on
Etsy. Even though most shoppers on the platform are women, and even though there is little
demand on such kinds of topics, if there are no competitors, you will do better that way than if
you were competing in a saturated space with large demand. ( I won’t guarantee that books tanks
or warfare specifically will sell on Etsy )
- How To Find Best Book Topics:
- You can get a general idea by simply searching books for the specific topic.
- many ebooks with that topic show up vs not very many. You can kind of
see how much competition there is based on the search results.
- That will show you how many competitors you have.
- To see the demand, some platforms or app extensions will show you the demand.
- Google trends show the search volume for each search term.
- But again, use everbee for Etsy, to see exact demand and competition.
And shopify, and Amazon KDP have very similar platforms and
extensions where you can see the demand and competition. Just search
online. There are many.
- But the best way to find best book topics is to keep testing.
- I personally spent months testing 200+ book topics.
- So I know exactly which topics and niches are popular, and which ones are not.
- I know the exact demand and competition for each category.
- There are books I thought were going to be popular. Seemingly lots of demand and little
competitors. I spent hours writing books. AND boom!! No sales.
- And there are books that I thought wouldn’t sell. But they did! I was surprised by many
of them.
- Text me if you want the exact page rankings of best and worst selling topics. ( list
ranking, my revenue, numbers sold, etc, all revealed ) .
- Method is revealed in next module ( Link to it is at very bottom of this
document )
- But let me tell you what is most important.
- Pick a topic that you absolutely love.
- This way, you will keep writing and be less likely to give up.
- Let me tell you that you will enjoy life better failing ( at making money ) at
something you love more than making lots of money with something you dislike.
- Pick a topic you love >>> picking a topic that has high demand and little competitors.

Chapter 2: Making the Ebook

● There are 2 ways to do this:
● 1) Use an AI book generator
● Sites like aiebooks.xyz will allow you to generate 50+ page books
● How to use:
● Input book topic
● What it does:
● Generates 60+ ebook. Has 5+ chapters, with few subchapters
in each. Each subchapter has many paragraphs.
● Costs $1 per book generation
● 2) Use Chat GPT
● Choose a topic
● Input: “come up with 5 different chapter titles for a book about XXX” where
XXX is some topic.
● Then input “come up with 3 different subchapter titles for chapter YYY” where
YYY is each chapter
● Now, you should have 5 chapter titles with 3 subchapters in each chapter. ( 15 all
together )
● Now, ask chat GPT to write 10 paragraphs per each subchapter.

● Once you have everything together, format it.
● Make sure that each new chapter begins at the top of the page.
● Add page numbers ( Start on 2nd page, after Book Cover Page )
● Add:
● Awklowledgments page
● About the author
● table of contents

Book Cover
● I use either DallE or Midjourney or Canva
● DallE or Midjourney ( both very similar )
● Input topic of the book. Prompt it to generate a book cover ( and specify not to include
any words or text ) because DALL-E is incapable of generating text or words.
● Canva ( Highly Recommend if you haven’t used DallE or Midjourney )
● This is my personal favorite because there are already premade book covers
● So all you have to do is add Title, Subtitle, Author name ( you ) and maybe a quote
attached that makes it look more professional.

Try to make them look like these below

- Your book may have extremely interesting and valuable information or stories.
- But if you never tease these in the product description or subtitles, people won’t
- Make sure to make the title interesting.
- This is obvious but 99% of people don’t know how to make their titles
- For example, if you are writing a book about how to play with cats, 99% of
people will have book covers like this below:
- No sales. Zero. Don’t make book covers like this above. No one will buy this.
Especially when 1000 others are making the same exact looking book.
- At least make it interesting like this below:

- Have fun making book covers. JUST MAKE IT STAND OUT and make it look
- Personal Tip: Sometimes, it just helps to get drunk and you start doing weird
dumb shit.
- And these are the times when you do the funniest, most interesting things
- Perhaps, you, too, may come up with the best, most interesting and
unique looking book covers when drunk or high.
- There is the famous saying that says: “don’t judge a book by its cover”
- But the thing is that everyone DOES judge a book by its cover.
- So just make it look interesting.
- Now, platforms like Etsy and Pinterest are mostly full of women in their 20s or
- So in some circumstances, it’s best to make book covers that women
would like and make it look cute, pretty, aesthetic looking
- A lot of people will spend very little quality time writing the book.
- Many people will just focus on marketing and getting sales. But then, if the
readers are disappointed in the book after having read your book, that would be
- Of course, you already got the sale so it shouldn’t matter right?
- This is an ethical / moral question.
- Here is why you should make the quality of the book good:
- If the book is actually good, the reader will recommend it to 2
people. Then 2 people would recommend it to 4 people. Then to
8 people. Then to 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024… so on. You
get the point.
- I will tell you that QUALITY > QUANTITY
- I used to generate 100+ books per day and sell all online. 100
books published on Amazon KDP, 100 books published on each
of my 5 Etsy stores. ( 500 total on Etsy ) , 100 on shopify, and
100 on my personal website.
- I thought that the more books published, the more sales.
- And sure, I was getting approximately anywhere between 2 to 8
sales per day. But that’s only $20 to $80 for all that effort.
Definitely not worth it. Save your time and energy and work
smart. That way, you will also make more money. ( shitty books
won’t get recommended to friends )

Chapter 3: Selling the E-Book

● I recommend a few platforms to sell on:

● 1) Amazon KDP
● 2) Etsy
● 3) Shopify
● Your own website
● Amazon KDP:
● Normally, publishing a book takes so many weeks. Many rejections, until they finally approve
● But Amazon KDP is so easy. Fill out a page of basic information and a book published in 2
● Just include pricing and boom! Your ebook is listed on amazon. Again, avoid saturated topics.
● Etsy:
● Etsy is amazing because Etsy will automatically bring many visitors to your page.
● It’s almost impossible to not get a sale on Etsy if you have written book on the right topic.
● Big Tip:
● Make multiple Etsy stores. I have 5 Etsy stores = 5x more traffic = 5x more sales
● Setting up your store
● Etsy store just takes some time to set up. Expect to spend 30 minutes setting up your
● You will need to put in your ID, SSN, and Tax information.
● Huge tip:
● Use https://app.everbee.io/
● This website will give you the following information:
● What products are selling best.
● How much each store and product are making. ( revenue )
● Show you demand of every product and category
● I think it was like $15 or $20 per month so if you’re willing to spend, this is
● There are many scammers who will try to contact you.
● You will probably see DM messages from Etsy support
● These look legit. Legit looking profile picture, legit looking name ( Etsy Support
) with verified ticks
● BUT THESE ARE SCAMS. They will lie and say that your store is temporarily
shut and say some excuse and request you to verify your card number or
● Please please please do not fall for these traps.
● Otherwise, Etsy is a perfectly safe place. If you have any questions, contact the real Etsy
support. They usually respond within a few minutes and are extremely helpful.
● Just know that Etsy support will NEVER ask you for SSN, card information, etc.
● Now, there are many many tutorials on how to use Etsy. I will ask you to search YouTube videos
on getting familiar with Etsy, keywords, SEO, etc.
● I ask you to do this because those videos explain much better than I ever could
● And there are already so many on YouTube. Just become familiar with the platform.
● Once you know what you are doing, you will get sales.
● Shopify
● Shopify is good with many things built inside, such as payment processors, inventory
management, ecommerce website templates, etc.
● Shopify is $1 per month for the first month and then I think like $20 or $30 after that first month.
● Hidden TIP: You can ask to extend your free trial. EXTEND YOUR FREE TRIAL!!
● Just make up an excuse and say you need extra time to set up. They will be happy to
extend for you.
● There are thousands of tutorials on how to set up shopify stores. So if you are unfamiliar with how
to set up shopify stores, I recommend you learn from the many YouTube videos available that
explain how to do this much better than I would be able to. ( I am only here to explain to you my
unique secrets that no one else knows )
● Your Own Website
● This is a good option because there is a lot of flexibility. But this is the most difficult to do.
● I only recommend this option if you are very experienced.
● I personally use my own personal website. But Etsy, shopify, and Amazon KDP are good for
● I like this option because I sell books in BUNDLES.
● Here is my secret:
● Sell books in BUNDLES
● For example, let’s say that you are targeting swimmers who want to become faster.
● First, make sure that there are few competitors ( not many ebooks written about
swimming ) and make sure that there is decent demand.
● Then, I would write several books:
● 1) best diet for swimmers
○ Talk about what foods are best for swimmers.
○ For example, XXX foods are good during training, but eat XXX foods
5 days prior to swimming competitions.
○ Make sure to eat XXX foods during competitions.
■ Explain why these foods are good. Explain the science of this.
○ Include secrets of Michael Phelps. Include secrets that no one knows
but extremely valuable information and interesting facts. ( TEASE
● 2) Biography of Michael Phelps
○ Now, biographies are generally very boring.
○ But tease some interesting things in this.
○ For example, talk about:
■ 1. His 10 minute routine before every race
■ 2. Reveal his exact food diet
■ 3. Reveal the story of when his coach deliberately smashed his
goggles right before an international competition race.
■ 4. Reveal how Phelps won 8 gold medals in 2008 despite
having broken his shoulders right before
■ 5. Write stories and example of his personality to make the
reader feel really close to this world Olympic Champion (
make reader feel extremely close and emotional attached and
motivated by this book )
● 3) Book that explains how to perfect swimming technique
○ Again, title is very important. Don’t title it “best swimming drills for
■ Name it something like 10 secret drills used by the US
olympic swimming team. Anything that makes it sound more
○ Or like exact set practices and gym training set regiments used by
Michael Phelps. People would be curious about this kinds of stuff.
■ Where else would this kind of information be available?? No
where else.
■ Now, of course, for these kinds of valuable and interesting
information, you would have to do your own research. But
again, quality > quantity
● You get the idea. Selling one book for $9.99 is not very attractive.
● But sell book bundle 7 books for $9.99 where each book seems really interesting
and valuable, Now, we’re cooking! People will want to buy THIS kind of stuff!
○ Tip: Mark it on sale. Cross out $20.00 and write SALE $9.99
■ This makes it look more attractive. Just a dirty little sales
● My rankings of 4 selling sites
● Amazon KDP is generally the worst in my opinion. Without any marketing, I have never gotten
any sales. But Amazon KDP takes 1 minute to publish a book. That’s the part I like. I don’t use
this anymore. Not my favorite.
● Etsy is great! I love it. The only thing I complain about is their small fees ( 20 cent fees bothered
me at first )
● If you are a beginner, Etsy will bring traffic to your store. This is awesome. No marketing
necessary for a few sales. But, of course, you will get 10x or 100x or 1000x more sales
with the right marketing.
● Also I don’t like that you can get banned easily on the platform. But as long as you aren’t
doing anything really bad, you should be fine .
● Shopify is alright. Takes a lot of time to set up, lots of details to care about. I’m just a lazy person
but Shopify is great otherwise.
● Own store:
● I recommend you move on to having your own store when you become more experienced
in this business.
● This is because you can customize however you want.
● Upsell
● Downsell
● Customize Sales effects, Banners, Collect emails of all visitors, Sales
countdown, customize your sales funnels, etc.
● You have complete control over your website.
● When you have your own website, you have no competition.
● Of course, this is by far 10x more difficult than the other 3 options. But at the same time,
probably not as complicated as you might think.
● Once you become more experienced, I’ll teach you how to make your own webiste.

● But the selling location of the ebook really isn’t all that important. It doesn’t matter too much whether you
sell on Etsy, Amazon KDP, shopify, or your own website.
● What matters most is the next chapter below.

● Big Big Big tip:

● Offer free ebooks to incentivize people to give you their email.
● IF you give out free content, then thousands of people will be more than happy to give you their
● Now, with these emails, you can send messages frequently, urging them to buy your content.
● In my case for example, I offered to give out a free ebook about how to make money running a
clothing company ( I actually do own a clothing company ) and I got 20,000+ email signups (
because free ebook )
● And then I sent advertisements to those 20,000 emails 2 times per week.
● Now, a few hundred of them actually bought the things I advertised.
● From those people alone, I made more than $30,000 USD. Not too bad, right??

● Another big tip:

● Thank your customers personally after they buy it. They will feel happy for your expression of
● This will make it way more likely for them to buy your books again in the future.
● I tried this and I grew my sales by > 20% ( surprisingly a lot!!!! )

● Bonus big tip:

● When writing a novel, consider its potential for expansion into a series. If a reader purchases the
initial installment and likes the story, they will get this natural desire to continue reading the story
which will create an opportunity to sell subsequent books. ( sell more books this way )
● By building a compelling series, you can take advantage of readers' investment in your story,
driving further sales.

Chapter 4: Marketing

● Here’s the harsh truth.

● You could have the world’s best product–– so amazing and so cheap.
● But if you don’t market, you will get ZERO sales. Even if it’s an amazing product.
● Without Marketing, you will get near Zero sales. ( although Etsy will automatically bring you lots of traffic
● This is why Marketing is the most important part of this business model. Marketing is the heart and soul.
● Now, there are a 2 options for marketing:
● Paid ads
● facebook ads
● google ads
● pinterest ads
● tik tok ads
● And more
● Organic (non paid ) ads
● Social media following
● Videos, posts
● podcasts
● SEO ( Don’t rely on this. Tiny bit of help but definitely won’t get you to $300 daily )
● My ( Alex’s ) Secret Technique
● How to run paidads ( FB ads, Pinterest ads, 2 organic methods )
● I generally use facebook ads, google ads, and pinterest ads
● Again, I recommend that you watch free YouTube videos on how to set up these ads.
They are already available on YouTube and I’m not going to repeat their videos. ( they
also explain better than I ever could )
● Pinterest ads are good because there are lots of women on pinterest. And most of Etsy are
women too. So the audience syncs up.
● On pinterest, people will click on anything that looks nice.
● This means to make your book cover look very nice. Then I guarantee that
people will click and come to your website. Not very difficult.
● Just make sure that your CTR is at least 1% when starting off. Then increase to 2% then 3% and
● CTR is percent of those who click on your ad out of all who view it.
● Disclaimer: Facebook ads, pinterest ads, and google ads are very difficult. ( It took me 10 months
to learn and become profitable with these paid ads
● IMPORTANT SECRET METHOD: I know a dirty secret method to send direct messages to 10,000
people PER DAY for free. ( takes one hour to collect all contacts )
● For example, If I wrote a book about dieting and how to lose weight, I know how to send direct
messages to 10,000 people today who are all interested in how to lose weight and dieting.
● Now, this marketing technique is something that I discovered a few months ago. ONLY I KNOW
● Here is how it works. I spend 1 hour collecting my 10,000 contacts ( all who are interested in book
I wrote about )
● Then, I send messages to all 10,000 people.
● Half of them (5000 people) open the message.
● Then 20% of them will click on my link and go to my store ( 1000 people click and go to
my store )
● Then 3% of those people will buy ( conversion rate ) so that means 30 people will buy.
● 30 PURCHASES!! And ZERO spent on advertisements.
● That means $300 made in one day ( 30 sales x $10 books = $300 daily )
● Now, if you want to know how to do this, text me and I will reveal the secret to you.
● Again, let me repeat that I discovered this and only I know how to do this. I will run
through step by step ( if you’d like a video tutorial, I can give it to you or watch me do it
live in front of you )
● THIS IS BIG BIG BIG. Most important part of this entire blueprint.
● Method is revealed in next module ( Link to it is at very bottom of this
document )
● Now, this is the best option for beginners. Because paid advertising is very very difficult.
● If you are a beginner in advertising, I will guarantee that you will have a very difficult
time making a profit. But I WILL guarantee that you will make money very easily using
this secret technique.
● Of course, it is not limited to 10,000 contacts. You could probably go up to 20,000 or
30,000 or maybe even 50,000 per day. This would mean $1500 USD per day solely from
this method.
● I will teach you which platform I use for this. What the message looks like. How to
collect these contacts and emails very quickly.
● Then there is the 2nd method that I will teach you. This is a little more difficult but will get the
work done.
● With this second method, It is also easy to get 20 to 30 sales ( $200 to $300 ) daily if you
do it right.
● Disclaimer: setting up will take a few days so you will have to be patient with me.
● This second method involves making an automatic DMer that will DM to thousands of
people for you daily ( without you doing any work )
● So for example, if you’re selling an ebook about fitness, DMing to 5000 people
who are interested in fitness. Even if 1% buys, that is 50 purchases. ( $500 )
● So i will show you how to make this automatic DM.
● Ask me how to do this and I will show you.
● Remember, once you set it up, you will spend no work or time on this. It will be
done for you automatically, daily.

● You have two options: You could spend 10+ months becoming familiar and experienced
with paid ads such as facebook ads ( this is what I did lol )
● Or you could ask me for the secret technique to get 10,000 contacts ( which I
discovered a year after starting this whole ebook business ) that would have
allowed me to become profitable ( making $300 daily ) from the very first day if
only I had known ( I wasted lots of time lmao )
● So again, you could try to learn how to do paid ads and become profitable or
learn from me this technique and become profitable from DAY 1.
● Your choice.

Chapter 5: Branding

Now, Let me talk about something that is most overlooked in ecommerce and sales… Branding.

- Let’s say that you are competing with 1000 other authors writing ebooks about dieting.
- Now, it is possible for you to beat all 1000 of these authors and for YOU to stand on top as best
- And branding is absolutely necessary ( prerequisite ) for this.
- Here is why branding is important:
- You trust your closest family members and friends because of trust.
- Branding is the exact same. It creates customer loyalty and allows for premium pricing.
- Think about Louis Vuitton. Or Gucci. The only reason why they are able to charge
ridiculous prices is because of branding. Because of the image they have behind the
brand. Because of their reputation.
- It is impossible to charge such prices if you do not have a brand.
- You think a bag that costs $20 to make could sell for $1000 without
branding?? Not even a chance.
- Another example: imagine that you bought a shampoo. And the shampoo was really
- Then, you would probably buy it again, and again, and again, and again (
assuming that it has a brand ) . You would even recommend it to your friends
whenever they ask you for shampoo recommendations.
- Ebooks are the exact same. If someone reads your book, and they like it, they
will buy your other books, even if there are 1000000 other competitors writing
books about the same topic. All because of trust and reputation.
- But imagine if that shampoo had no branding ( just a white container ) . Then
what? Next time you buy shampoo, you would buy just any shampoo that you
find next. You wouldn’t feel as emotionally attached to that white brandless
shampoo. You would be less likely to repurchase.
- How to brand??
- Your brand is YOU.
- No one can be you. So if you become extremely successful, no one will be able
to compete with you because no one else can be you. Can anyone compete
against Tolkein or JK Rowling for those books they right? Hell No. Because of
their own personal branding.
- Now, you can and will do the same.
- Now, to build an authentic brand,
- You will need to be yourself. Just be yourself. Be authentic and transparent. And
bring out your personality. Do not have a filter.
- Build strong brand:
- The easiest way to do this is:
- 1) Be your true self. Be authentic.
- 2) Book Content should be of very high quality.
- This way, they will expect extreme high quality from the rest of your
books and will want to buy more of your books. This is how you win in
the long term.
- In my case, I have built a brand and 1000+ people have bought more than
10 books from me. Why?? Because of the brand. The same reason.
- If I had not had a brand, then the 1000+ people would not have bought
more than 1 book from me.
- This is why Branding is SOOO IMPORTANT.
- How to create high quality content?
- DM and message your customers. Ask for feedback. They will
criticize you. But those criticisms are FEEDBACK for you to
improve and make better and better quality ebooks.
- My personal branding
- More than 50,000+ people have bought ebooks from me.
- And guess what? A few thousand of them have become repeat customers. They buy my
books every week or some every day.

Chapter 6: Miscellaneous Resources and Tips

- See, I told you that this business model is pretty simple.

- But don’t expect results immediately. Like building muscle at the gym, this takes patience.

- I recommend several YouTubers that are there to give you valuable information and help you
grow as a businessman and are not there to take advantage of you. These people provide valuable
information for free on youtube ( very underrated )
- Sam Ovens
- Naval Ravikant ( check out his famous tweet thread )
- https://pimpmymoney.net/
- I use this site to pirate any business courses.
- This is kind of illegal but everyone does it ( I do everyday ) and no one really
- Free valuable information.
- Each course usually takes 1 hour to stream ( download ) but they provide valuable
information that helps you learn how to do business and make more money.

1) Pretty Soon, you’ll win. Put your head in the game and you will achieve your goal in
2) Remember this: people often overestimate how much they are able to accomplish in a
day. But they heavily underestimate how much they are able to accomplish in a year.
Think long term.
3) I don’t care if you are 15 years old or 20 years old or 40 or 70 years old. TODAY is the
youngest you’ll be for the rest of your life. You have two options:
a) Play it safe and let life pass by
b) Grab life by the balls and get after it every single day.

Chapter 7: Personal Assistance and Mentorship

- Let me help you. Feel free to message me anytime.
- I’m always here for you.
- If you are not getting the results you want, I will help you reach your goals.

Access 10k method

200+ Best to Worst Topics and Niches below

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If you are interested in a mentorship,

Click and access here

- But this way, you may join and networth with my other students making 4 figures daily.
- All of my mentee students are now making $500+ daily ( on most days, as of March 30th
2024 )
- I will guide you until you are making 4 figures daily.
- I will show you the direction of the treasure. But you have to do the work of walking to it.

Thank you for having read all of this. It means a lot to me.
With much love,
Alex Suzuki

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