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My Entire $10K+ Youtube Automation Strategy in 1 PDF

I want to share with you a write-up of the YouTube Automation Strategy I’ve
developed that’s helped me scale my business to 7 Figures & earned my
clients over $100M+ views to date!

Ultimately success on YouTube comes down to 4 Main Things:

- Picking the right niche

- Setting up your channel for long-term growth
- Hiring And Automating a High-quality reliable team
- Making a long-term upload schedule with high potential videos

Message me “DFY” on Twitter if you’d like me to personally build you a fully

automated YouTube channel CLICK HERE
When you can maximize each of these key points your channel will see the
most success & the highest overall return!

That’s why I wanted to make this PDF, to show you exactly how to reach the
Right People, how to Target them the Right Way & Craft Videos that are
Scientifically designed to keep people watching! (making you more money in
the long run)

Sit back, and take notes, because this is going to be a Full Value Post of
Exactly what to do.

1) So, let's start with the basics. (for anyone that has no
clue with Youtube automation is yet)

With YouTube Automation, people can outsource investment and commission

video creation to various freelancers, who take on the creative challenges.

That means outsourcing all of the video work: getting narrators, scriptwriters,
editors, etc. This way, you set yourself up so that you yourself don’t have to be
the main person doing the work or

The idea is for the video content to go viral and generate passive income
equivalent to hundreds of thousands of dollars in profit—that’s what I’ve
achieved, and what we’ve helped lots of our clients achieve, as well.

The main way this can make money for you:

You can enter into the youtube partner program, and once accepted you can
put advertisements on your videos.

you get paid an X amount (RPM) for every 1000 views your videos generate.

This amount is usually between $3-$10 for every 1000 views.

The Potential:
Outsourcing video’s to a team will cost around $40-$60 per video.

Message me “DFY” on Twitter if you’d like me to personally build you a fully

automated YouTube channel CLICK HERE
While this one video can get hundreds of thousands of views over the months
and years to come.

Basically, giving you unlimited earning potential and one of the higher Returns
on investments possible compared to other online business models.

As an example:

YouTube receives $14 for every thousand views on your videos from
advertisers. (CPM)

Of this $14 around $7 goes to you. (RPM)

This is for every thousand views (average) so imagine having 1.000.000

views a month then you would make 1.000 * 7 = $7000

The benefits of this model are:

- Not having to put your own face in the videos
- not having to spend time scripting and recording videos yourself.
- outsourcing the “hard work” to online freelancers
- long-term cash flow from (ad revenue) videos that get views for months or
even years
- build up a brand with subscribers you can sell for a 12X multiplier
- multiple other ways to monetize your audiences like brand deals, affiliate
marketing, sponsorships, merch, and much more…

Now let’s explain really quick: IS THIS ALL LEGAL?! Yes, it is!

You see, we make use of the “fair use” policy of youtube. we use existing
content shorter than 7 seconds and use existing stock material. If you pair this
together with a nice soundtrack and a unique written script and voiceover.
You create something that “Adds value” in the eyes of youtube, something the
viewers on youtube actually WANT TO see and keeps them on the platform
(because that is youtube’s ultimate goal).

2) Picking a niche that gets views for long-term growth



If you pick a niche with no demand, you won’t get many views. If you don’t get
many views, you won’t make much money. It's crucial to consider the following
when choosing a niche:

➢ You need an evergreen niche to build long-lasting cash flow.

➢ Make it efficient by choosing a high CPM niche.
➢ Put your own spin on it to make it unique.

Finding YOUR Niche

Brainstorm what you are interested in and write it down. Write down all
topics and look at your Search History (start with something you like)...

Next: find out which of these topics has a big enough audience (search
video keywords and see how many views the videos get)

Look in Google Trends if your keywords are going up in search. (YouTube

Search) -> compare multiple keywords. Decide on 2-3 main keywords.

Search them up in the YouTube Search. Filter on view count and this year
(don’t count in Shorts)

See if videos get enough views, what topics the videos are about, and if you
can add in a sub-niche that isn't talked about much yet

Like I said in the beginning… Your first channel you start should be in a niche
you are OBSESSED about. Don’t start a rap channel for example if you don’t
understand rap culture. Doesn’t make sense.
Here are some example niches that are making $10K+ a month

1. Wealth Vault (Luxury niche)

2. Wyngx (Aviation niche)

3. NakedCriminal (Crime niche)

Message me “DFY” on Twitter if you’d like me to personally build you a fully

automated YouTube channel CLICK HERE
4. Just In (Celebrity)

5. FieldFlix (Sports)

6. New Money (Business / Finance)

Message me “DFY” on Twitter if you’d like me to personally build you a fully

automated YouTube channel CLICK HERE
3) Doing SEO so your channel and videos get found

SEO is very important on youtube because it is an organic reach machine. If

you don't have a channel with an audience you need to rely on SEO to be
found when starting out and going viral.

Vidiq -> is a very useful software that links to your youtube channel and
shows you insights on keywords. You can also use it to make a list of
competitors and get video ideas and upcoming trends.

In the search bar for keywords. type in your keyword for your niche. filter at
the “overall” button by clicking 3 times and it will show the best overall
keywords you can use. These have high search volume and low competition.

1. try to find 3 main keywords for your niche here and focus on these 3.

2. Make a list of keywords that you input in your channel tags and your
video tags.

3. Make a list of your main keywords and competitor channel names

for your “similar metadata”

Other ways to find keywords:

Competitor Research -> in the list of your competition channels see

what SEO keywords they use in their: title, description, channel tags, and
video tags.

!! Youtube / Google Search -> in the youtube search bar write your
keywords or channel niche names/ideas in an incognito window. see what
SUGGESTIONS come up there. This shows what other youtube viewers are
looking up in the search bar. (this is probably the most important technique)

Message me “DFY” on Twitter if you’d like me to personally build you a fully

automated YouTube channel CLICK HERE
4) Finding Unlimited Viral Videos Ideas

I want to show you some secret method that not a lot of people know about.
For this, you need the VidIQ Plugin and go on a competitors channel…

There you go to "TRENDING" and there will be the videos with the highest
velocity (views per hour).

Copy the videos that are getting the most views per hour and change them up
a little bit. Chances are very high that these videos will also work for YOU!

YouTube Automation is not about being innovative... you don't want to

reinvent the wheel. We all copy each other and no one cares..

Message me “DFY” on Twitter if you’d like me to personally build you a fully

automated YouTube channel CLICK HERE
5) Team hiring + Managing workflows

The “juicy part” of YouTube Automation is the fact that you can outsource
almost all the heavy work from the start if your budget allows it.

If you hire a full video production team you only need like 3-4 hours a week to:
- Find video ideas
- Give them to your team
- Review them
- Upload / schedule them

That is the beauty of youtube automation….

What you will need for your youtube automation business:

Scriptwriter -> Voice artist -> Video Editor -> thumbnail editor (hire them
separately, and merge them for communication)

Websites to hire :

● ! twitter + FB groups in a niche can contain good people too.

Communication team: Discord

How much do you pay your team?

It depends on niche and competition. but general starting guidelines.

8-12 minutes Videos

script: $10-$15
voice: $10-$15
editor: $20-40
thumb: $3/$7 per thumb.

On average and on the low end hiring a team costs anywhere between
$50-$60 per video.
If you do not have the budget available I advise doing the scriptwriting and
voice-over acting yourself.

this way you only pay $20-$30 per video made.

After that, you can analyze your data and see if you can start earning money
with your channel.

Now once your team is hired and the channel is set up, you don't want to
waste time sending back and forth links all day from one team member to the

That is where our automation process comes in.

We want to make our business run like a well-oiled machine.

And we will be using for that: Google sheets - Zapier - Asana/Trello

So create a Google Sheets file with your video titles, competitor links,
thumbnail style, and editing style + special notes.

Make a zap that connects your sheet with Asana. and once you input all the
info, the information will automatically form as one single video block in asana.

Now your team members just input the drive links in there with the respective
files and you don't have to send anything back and forth anymore

Message me “DFY” on Twitter if you’d like me to personally build you a fully

automated YouTube channel CLICK HERE
6) Creating a video backlog

Now that the integration is done, all you have to do is look for viral title ideas
and input their data into your excel sheet.

(make sure each row is filled chronologically since zapier can be buggy if you
don't do this.

We want to create a long-term consistent video production supply chain. So

what I always advise people is to create around 10-20 videos FIRST. and
input 30-50 video ideas in your excel sheet.
once your 15/20 videos are done.

start scheduling them ahead, so everyday or every other day. Now once that is
done, you can start working on the second bulk of videos.

this way you won’t have to stress over videos being made on time (because
yes this is really a thing and the freelancers you hire sometimes get sick,
leave you, or do not deliver on time)

So: to keep consistency, make a video backlog,

Once it's uploaded, start making new videos.

read the analytics of batch one -> double down on what works in the coming
batch. improve on your video and team quality,
and now just have patience and wait to go viral. That is the game of youtube

Message me “DFY” on Twitter if you’d like me to personally build you a fully

automated YouTube channel CLICK HERE
7) Buy promos

By buying End Screens you can speed up the whole process of growing
a channel and give it a kick start.

The End Screen appears in the last 5-20 seconds of a video. YouTubers can
use their end screen to promote videos, playlists etc.

Try to find big YouTubers who can't monetize their videos due to reused
content (for example compilation channels)... their end screens are usually
pretty cheap since that's the only way they can make money.

Message me “DFY” on Twitter if you’d like me to personally build you a fully

automated YouTube channel CLICK HERE
Now it’s time to build your first faceless channel!

With my Done-For-You (DFY) program, we will create a step-by-step action

plan for you.

As part of the DFY program, you will receive a pre-monetized channel, which
means it will be set up and ready to generate ad revenue from day 1.

You will have access to my experienced content creation team, which includes
editors, voice overs and thumbnail designers…

The goal of the DFY program is to help you build a successful, self-sustaining
faceless channel that can generate $10k+ per month. I'm excited to work with
you on this journey and help you achieve your goals!

Here are some of our client results:

Message me “DFY” on Twitter if you’d like me to personally

build you a fully automated YouTube channel CLICK HERE

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