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Prepositions of time

in - at - on

Exercise 1

Write at/on/in

1. 6 June 11. Christmas

2. the evening 12. the morning
3. half past two 13. Friday morning
4. Wednesday 14. Saturday night
5. 1987 15. night
6. September 16. the end of the day
7. 24 September 17. the weekend
8. Thursday 18. winter
9. 11.45 19. 8 o’clock
. Christmas Day 20. the 20th century

Exercise 2

Write at/on/in

1. Goodbye! See you ____ Friday.

2. Where were you ____ 28 February?
3. I got up ____ 7 o’clock this morning.
4. I like getting up early ___ the morning.
5. My sister got married ____ May.
6. Diane and I first met ____ 1979.
7. Did you go out ____ Tuesday?
8. Did you go out ____ Tuesday evening?
9. Do you often go out ____ the evening?
10. Let’s meet ____ 7.30 tomorrow evening.
11. I often go away ____ the weekend.
12. I’m starting my new job ____ 3 July.
13. We often go to the beach ____ summer.
14. George isn’t herself ____ the moment.
15. Julia’s birthday is ____ January.
16. Do you work ____ Saturdays?
17. The company started ____ 1969.
~ 1 / 3~
18. I like to look at the stars ____ night.
19. I’ll send you the money ____ the end of the month.
20. I’m visiting my parents ____ New Year’s Eve.

Exercise 3

Write sentences with in…

1. It’s 17.25 now. The train leaves at 17.30

The train leaves in five minutes.

2. It’s Monday today. I’ll phone you on Thursday.
I’ll _______________________________________ days.
3. Today is 14 June. My exam is on 28 June.
My _______________________________________
4. It’s 3 o’clock now. Tom will be here at 3.30.
Tom _______________________________________
5. This year is 2016. Next year I’ll be 18 years old.
I’ll ______________________________________________

Exercise 4

Write at/on/in if necessary. Sometimes there is no preposition.

1. I’m leaving ____ Friday.

2. I’m leaving ____ next Friday.
3. I always feel tired ____ the evening.
4. Will you be at home ____ evening?
5. We went to France ____ last summer.
6. Laura was born ____ 1975.
7. What are you doing ____ the weekend?
8. I phone Robert ____ every Sunday.
9. Shall we play tennis ____ next Sunday.
10. I can’t go to the party ____ Sunday.
11. I’m going out. I’ll be back ____ an hour.
12. I don’t often go out ____ night.
13. We went out for dinner ____ last Wednesday.
14. The class is ____ 9am ____ Monday mornings.
15. John is going to buy the presents ____ this afternoon.

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Exercise 1
1. on 11. at
2. in 12. in
3. at 13. on
4. on 14. on
5. in 15. at
6. in 16. at
7. on 17. at
8. on 18. in
9. at 19. at
10. on 20. in

Exercise 2
1. on 11. at
2. on 12. on
3. at 13. in
4. in 14. at
5. in 15. in
6. in 16. on
7. on 17. in
8. on 18. at
9. in 19. at
10. at 20. on

Exercise 3
1. The train leaves in five minutes.
2. I’ll phone you in three days.
3. My exam is in two weeks.
4. Tom will be here in half an hour. / … in 30 minutes.
5. I’ll be 18 years old in 2021.

Exercise 4
1. on 9. -
2. - 10. on
3. in 11. in
4. - 12. at
5. - 13. -
6. in 14. at, on
7. at 15. -
8. -

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