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GST 121

1. in the early days human interaction was mainly through

(a) Telephone (b) Mobile phone

(c) letters (d) oral communication

2. The graphic devices used in earlier days for writing was

(a) Pen and paper (b) Clay tablet and papyrus scroll

(c) chalk and board (d) marker and cardboard sheet

3. The methods of writing in the early days arecunciform and


(a) true (b) false

4. What constitute the bulk of library materials in the the early

days (a) Traditional books (b)Library and information books

(.c) Subject books (d) Religious books

5. Typesof library in the middle age are

(a) Monastic and Islamic libraries (b) Traditional and cultural


(c) Modern and digital libraries (d) State and natural libraries

6. Before 1946 the only place in Nigeria where one could find few

libraries are (a) Enugu (b) Kano

(c) Lagos (d) Jos

7. Studying is a personal skill which you can develop and improve

(a) True (b) False

8. .........could serves as memory jogger at a date (a) Skill (b) Steeps

(c) Notes (d) Time

9. The purpose for referencing is to give .............. To the original

author of the idea.

(a) money (b) Respect

(c) Right (d) Credit.

10. Adding bibliography enables the reader of written document

to ........ Further in your document

(a) buy (b) drop investigate

(d) read

11. Your writing skiils will improve with time through ............. as

with other personal skill

(a) reading (b) document

(c) running (d) practice

12. To develop effective time management skills is part of (a) useful

work (b) planning your time

(c) reference services (d) writing skills

13. Information materials are roughly of two kinds ----------and ——


(a) books and pen (b) reserve and reference

(c) abstracts and yearbooks (d) primary and secondary

14. The reference materials that write about peoples life is

(a) map (b) atlas

(c) yearbook (d) who's who

15. When you want to find out the latest information on a given

subject you must refer to

(a) reference book (b) text book

(c) periodical index's (d) dictionary

16. ....... is the summary of what the articles and essay contain

(a) government document (b) pamphlet

(c)special subject (d) abstract

I 7. The migration of information from print to electronic format is

made possible through

(a) air (b) communication

(c) audio video (d) ICT

13. Three major categories of e-resourccs which are of great

importance with the context of higher education are e-books, E-

journals and e -database

(a) True (b) False

19. Copyright developed out of the same system as royal patent

grants by which certain authors and printers were given exclusive

right to publish books and other materials. (a) true ( b) false

20. According to laws of the federation 1990 an amended copyright

is the right given to

(a)manufacturer (b) industrialist

(c) Tanner (d) literary men

21. In copyright, what is protected is ________

(a) the author's wife (b) the author

(c) expression of the idea (d) the Idea

22. The purpose of copyright is not to give monopoly or economic

reward to the authors but to promote the betterment of society by

encouraging the creation of and the public access to useful work

(.a.) True (b) False

23. The only authorized library to make photocopies of copyright

works are

(.a) national Ubrary (b) state library

(c) private library (d) library operating in the school

24. There are three types of copyright infringement direct, vicarious

and contributory

(a) True (b) False

25. List of books, document and other literary or academic work in

a library is

(a) classification (b) catalogue

(c) ex (d) proforma invoice

26. The information that describe author, title, date of publication

and place of publication is

(a) index information (b) Journal information

(c) bibliographic information (d) book information

27. There are many types of library catalogue, which one is adopted

in ESUT library (a) card catalogue (b) book catalogue

(c) Sheaf catalogue (d) Open public access catalogue

28. A book catalogue list bibliographic record in alphabetical order

by various entries or by classification number

(a) True (b) False

29 .The types of catalogue that comprised of set of slips held in

specially manufactured loose leaf bind is

(a)book catalogue (b) sheaf catalogue

(c) card catalogue (d) online public access catalogue

30. Modernizing the library in actual sense means the use

of ........... And .......... In performing certain activities of the library

(a) books and journals (b) reference and audio visual

(c) CD Rom and chart (d) electronic and other electronic devices

31. Which of the classification scheme arranges knowledge in a

chronological order

(a) LC (b) DC

(c) DDC (d) BC

32. Library of congress classifies knowledge with

(a) numbers (b) alphabets

(c) numerals (d) computers

33. The type of computer that looks like a scale, which make use of

a pointer or guage that is continually moving over the scale is

(a) digital computer (b) modern computer

(c) analogue computer (d) hybrid computer

34. —------ Are types of computer that have the features of both

analogue and digital computer

(a) mainframe computer (b) lowbred

(c) First generation computer (d) hybrid computer

35. —----- is the part of computer that contains the coded and

encoded- mformation and the computer instruction

(a) computer software (b) computer hard ware

(c) minicomputer (.d) laptop

36. Books that can be consulted for some definite information

rather than for consecutive reading are

(a) general index's (b) magazines

(c) daily newspaper (d) text books of economics

37. A dictionary of places that provides information about history of

a place, population, trade, industry, cultural institution and natural


(a) Gazeucer (b) encyclopedia

38. Wondrous materials on earth, are kept in

(a) sea (b) volume

(c) barn of knowledge (d) store house

39. None book materials include computer, film and Gazetteer

(a) True (b) False

40. Information start life with

(a) book(b) magazine

(c) working and thinking process of people (d) library

41. The material in the library include both book and reference


(a) True (b) False

42. Book materials are

(a) fiction and nonfiction books (b) computer

(c) tape recorder (d) reference method

41. The materials in the library includes both book and reference


(a) True (b) False

42. Book materials are

(a) fiction and nonfiction books (b) computer

(c) tape recorder (d) reference method

43. Chart and map can be grouped under

(a) traditional materials (b) book materials

(c) non book materials (d) computer

44. Books that can be read cover to cover are

(a) year book (b) atlas

(c) encyclopedia Britannica (d) subject book

45. ---------- deals with a single topic in detail at a fairly high

academic level

(a) text book (b) treatise

(c) monographs (d) monograph

46. —----- Merge out the large handbooks, often written by several

experts under a general editor

(a) textbook (b) subject books

(c) manual guides (d) treatise

47. The easiest way to locate a book is by

(a) author, title and subject (b) size and colour

(c) by network and E-resources (d) none of the above

48. —------- is the publishers description of the content of the book

(a) dust jacket (b) spine

(c) publisher blub (d) cover

49. The correct title of a book is that given on

(a) spine (b)boot jacket

(c) middle of the book (d) title page

50. ISBN means ________

(a) international sound bind number (b) internet standard book


(c) international book standard name (d) international standard

book numbere

64. Digital library are library in which collections are store in

(a) ware house (b) natural library

(c) digital formats (d) academic library

65. Project, thesis and dissertation work are kept in which section

of the library

(a) binding section (b) serial section

(c) project section (d) acquisition section

66. Serial section of the library stocks book materials such as

(a) year book (b) encyclopedia

(c) journals (d) thesis

67. The maintenance unit in the library, where worn out book are

sent for repair is

(a) cataloging and classification unit

(b) librarians officer (c) circulation (d) binding unit

68. The responsibility of acquiring both books and non-books

materials reside with

(a) collection development (b) bindery unit

(c) readers service (d) reference unit

69. A library without a wall is

(a) USA magic library (b) national library

(c) virtual library (d)India library


1. The birth and development of libraries can be traced to various

trends in ___

(a) development of economy

(b) the history of man

(c) nature of libraries available

(d) quality of library lecturers in the university system

2. In the earliest days, human interaction was mainly through


(a) Paper writing

(b) Reading

(c) Oral communication

(d) Non –verbal communication

3. The oldest form of use of symbols to communicate was

expressed in the story as told in ________

(a) Libraries

(b) Wikipedia

(c) Bible

(d) NOTA

4. The mark God inscribed on the forehead of Cain for his killing

his brother Abel is a form of _______

(a) Communication

(b) Library keeping

(c) Culture

(d) NOTA

5. Ideas can fully be understood through _______

(a) Reading

(b) Signs and symbols

(c) Non –verbal communication

(d) all of the above

6. In ancient days, clay tablets and papyrus scrolls are forms of


(a) Communication

(b) African Artifact

(c) Cultural devices

(d) All of the above

7. The ancient use of clay tablets and papyrus scrolls was

popular in _______

(a) Macedonia

(b) Britain

(c) Australia

(d) Mesopotamia

8. The method of writing known as cuneiform and hieroglyphics

were native to ________ and __________

(a) Britain and America

(b) Israel and Egypt

(c) Babylon and Egypt

(d) France and Russia

9. A place set apart for reading or reference is called ________

(a) Book keeping

(b) Library

(c) School

(d) Information store

10. The idea of libraries began with ________

(a) Books

(b) Pen

(c) Stationeries

(d) Clay tablets

11. Which of the following is correct

(a) Library preceded book

(b) collection of clay tablets, papyruses and scrolls were kept

in libraries before the idea of the book was born

(c) Library connotes an idea of a place set apart for reading or


(d) all of the above

12. A collection of recorded or documented information

which are organized for use is called ________

(a) Elocution

(b) Wikipedia

(c) Libraries

(d) Book stores

13. The function of library is ________

(a) It serves for collection and preservation of information

(b) It serves for organization of information

(c) It helps in the dissemination of information to people that

needs them

(d) all of the above

14. Librarians are _________

(a) Academicians in the library department

(b) Members of staff that work in the library

(c) IT students serving in the library

(d) NOTA

15. The earliest libraries consisted mainly of _______

(a) Printed materials

(b) Published work

(c) Unpublished works

(d) NOTA

16. The unpolished works of ancient libraries were kept in


(a) Museum

(b) Archive

(c) Book store

(d) Schools

17. The most popular book found in private collections was


(a) The book of life

(b) The papyrus book

(c) Archimedes’s book

(d) The book of the dead

18. In the very early days, _______ and _______ were known

for their interest in knowledge

(a) Russian and China

(b) Greece and Rome

(c) Babylon and Egypt

(d) Jordan and Palestine

19. Schools such as primary and secondary were already well

established by ___

(a) 60 BC

(b) 500 AD

(c) 5 BC

(d) 10 AD

20. Tertiary institutions were birthed by ________

(a) 5 BC

(b) 4 BC

(c) 10 BC

(d) 20 BC

21. One of the tertiary institutions that thrived at the early

days was founded by __________

(a) Aristotle

(b) Plato

(c) Socrates

(d) Charles Darwin

22. Aristotle founded an academy in the year ________

(a) 336 BC

(b) 4 BC

(c) 385 BC

(d) 500 BC

23. Epicum founded his academy in the year ______

(a) 385 BC

(b) 4 BC

(c) 336 BC

(d) NOTA

24. The library of _________ was considered as the finest

private library

(a) Plato

(b) Aristotle

(c) Epicum

(d) Socrates

25. The greatest Greek library and the largest library in the

world at the time was the library at ________

(a) Alexandria in Egypt

(b) Lexicon library in Rome

(c) Lyceum library in Greece

(d) Plato’s library at Mesopotamia

26. The great library at Alexandria in Egypt was destroyed by


(a) Adolf Hitler

(b) Hussein

(c) Julius Caesar

(d) Lyceum

27. Plato’s library was founded in _______

(a) 385 BC

(b) 380 BC

(c) 47 BC

(d) 50 BC

28. The Romans came to limelight (popular) for their _______

(a) Economical prowess

(b) Military prowess

(c) Cultural inclination

(d) Business

29. The library of ________ was more of archival in nature

(a) Ancient Rome

(b) Ancient Greek

(c) Ancient China

(d) Ancient Greece

30. The primary purpose of the library in Ancient China is


(a) storage and preservation

(b) cultural display

(c) dissemination of vital information

(d) NOTA

31. In ancient China, books were written on _______

(a) bamboo strips and silk rolls

(b) printed materials

(c) non –printed materials

(d) Julius’s literary material

32. Middle ages refer to the period from _________ to ________

(a) The fall of soviet union through the British era

(b) The fall of Roman empire through Mesopotamia

(c) The time of Greek to Renaissance

(d) The fall of roman empire through the Renaissance

33. The originators of knowledge and pioneers of tertiary

institutions were the ______ and _______

(a) Greek and Romans

(b) Britain and USA

(c) America and South Asia

(d) NOTA

34. Libraries in the middle ages is dated by to ________

(a) 500 years

(b) 1000 years

(c) 2000 years

(d) 2000 years

35. The developing and use of codex or book, animal skin

(vellum) as writing material was popular in ________

(a) Libraries in Asia

(b) Monastic libraries

(c) Libraries in India

(d) NOTA

36. The Muslims established their own libraries in the


(a) 7th century

(b) 9th century

(c) 6th century

(d) 8th century

37. The Abbasid Caliph, Hanun al –Rashid founded a library

in _______

(a) Cairo (b) Hongkong

(c) Baghdad (d) New delhi

38. The first public library in Arab world is known as


(a) Arabic library

(b) Islamic collections

(c) House of Wisdom

(d) House of knowledge

39. The first public library in Arab world was established by


(a) The son of prophet Mohammed

(b) Harun –al –Rashid al ma’ mun

(c) Alhaji Bawood Mohammed ma’ mun

(d) NOTA

40. The modern library evolved as from ________

(a) 16th -19th century

(b) 17 -18th

(c) 20 -24th century

(d) 9th century

41. Education was pioneered in Nigeria and most African

countries by _______

(a) Literate colleque

(b) Elite class

(c) White missionaries

(d) The government

42. A remarkable development and interest in education in

Africa started in the year _____ and ________

(a) 1940 -1965

(b) 1950 1980

(c) 1930 -1970

(d) 1931 -1944

43. Mass education program in Nigeria started in the year


(a) 1980

(b) 2000

(c) 1925

(d) 1965

44. As at 1965, the only reasonable library in Nigeria was


(a) Lagos public library

(b) Julius Onah’s library at UNN, Nsukka

(c) The old library at Owerri

(d) NOTA

45. The earliest and best stocked and organized library in

Nigeria was _______

(a) Henry Carr memorial library in Lagos

(b) Abbasid’s Caliph library

(c) Ndukwe’s library at akure

(d) Julius Onah’s library at Nsukka

46. The national library of Nigeria started with _______


(a) 20

(b) 44

(c) 12

(d) 30

47. Prior to 1946, the only place where one could find few

libraries was ______

(a) Abuja

(b) Enugu

(c) Calabar

(d) Lagos

48. The university college, Ibadan was established in


(a) 1940

(b) 1948

(c) 1950

(d) 1980

49. The university college Ibadan became a full-fledged

university in ________

(a) 1980

(b) 1962

(c) 1965

(d) 1966

50. The university of Nigeria, Nsukka was established in the

year ________

(a) 1961

(b) 1980

(c) 1960

(d) 1959

51. The university of Ife was established in the year _________

(a) 1961

(b) 1960

(c) 1965

(d) 1977

52. The university of Lagos was established in the year


(a) 1962

(b) 1979

(c) 1963

(d) 1984

53. The university of Zaria was established in the year


(a) 1952

(b) 1962

(c) 1983

(d) 1979

54. Apart from the university college, four most oldest and

prominent universities in Nigeria are _________

(a) University of Akure, University of Lagos, University of

Nigeria and university of Zaria

(b) University of Lagos, university of Ife, University of Nigeria

and University of Zaria

(c) Federal University, Owerri, University of Nigeria , University

of Akure and University of Zaria and University of Lagos

(d) NOTA

55. In Nigeria, the universal primary education program was

established in ____

(a) 1953

(b) 1967

(c) 1980

(d) 1971

56. The first regional seminar on the development of public

libraries in Africa was held in _______

(a) 1953

(b) 1967

(c) 1980

(d) 1971

57. The Nigerian state capital chosen for the first regional

seminar on the development of public libraries in Africa is


(a) Ibadan

(b) Enugu

(c) Kaduna

(d) Lagos

58. Which of the following international bodies was involved

in the development of libraries in Africa


(b) WHO



59. The region selected to be the first area for public library

experiment in Nigeria is ________

(a) Western Region

(b) Northern Region

(c) Middle Belt

(d) Eastern Region

60. As at 1958, a mobile library was launched in _________

(a) Enugu

(b) Abuja

(c) Lagos

(d) Port -Harcourt

61. The building for the Regional Central library was opened

in the year ______

(a) 1959, Enugu

(b) Port –Harcourt, 1958

(c) Lagos, 1980

(d) NOTA

62. The first mobile library in Nigeria was launched in the

year ________

(a) 1960

(b) 1959

(c) 1958

(d) 1971

63. The following cities in the old Easter Nigeria were referred

to as ________

(a) Afikpo

(b) Nsukka

(c) Nnewi

(d) Calabar

64. The early libraries in the old Eastern Nigeria were

referred to as _________

(a) Study centers

(b) Regional central library

(c) Reading rooms

(d) NOTA

65. The establishment of the Western Regional library was

prompted by ______

(a) A seminar on the development of public libraries in Africa

(Ibadan, 1953)

(b) A seminar on the development of public libraries (Lagos,


(c) A symposium on the development of public library (Enugu,


(d) NOTA

66. The Western Regional library was inaugurated in Ibadan

in the year ______

(a) 1957

(b) 1959

(c) 1960

(d) 1980

67. The committee on library development in Western Nigeria

was established in the year _________

(a) 1962

(b) 1987

(c) 1992

(d) NOTA

68. The Western Regional library was granted a legal deposit

status in the year _

(a) 1953

(b) 1952

(c) 1960

(d) 1958

69. The Northern Regional library was established in the year

______ at Kaduna

(a) 1952

(b) 1958

(c) 1979

(d) 1982

70. During the world war II, the northern libraries were

earlier referred to as ___

(a) Reading rooms

(b) Public information centers

(c) Public libraries

(d) Islamic libraries

71. The regional structure of the Nigerian library system was

disrupted in the year ________

(a) 1967

(b) 1970

(c) 1982

(d) NOTA

72. The western regional library was granted a legal deposit

status in the region in the year _______

(a) 1952

(b) 1958

(c) 1960

(d) 1981

73. The early days of Nigerian librarianship witnessed


(a) Clear lack of standards

(b) increase in staff

(c) decline in staff

(d) NOTA

74. In the early days, a major problem faced by Nigerian

librarians was _______

(a) lack of government approval

(b) lack of interest by users

(c) inactivity of a professional body or association

(d) NOTA

75. A collection of source of information and similar

resources, made accessible in a defined communities for

reference or borrowing is called _______

(a) book keeping

(b) book stores

(c) school

(d) library

76. A collection of print and non –print materials organized

for learning and research can be best described as _______

(a) library

(b) study centre

(c) media store

(d) NOTA

77. Building housing books and other educational materials

can be regarded as library because ________

(a) it falls below the standard of a main library

(b) it is a low staff strength

(c) library has a systematic way of organizing its collection for

easy retrieval of information

(d) it is not an organized structure

78. Universally accepted definition of library was made by



(b) WHO



79. Which of the following can make the library incomplete

(a) professional librarians

(b) library lectures

(c) library students

(d) state -of –art building

80. A library that is established by the government and

maintained using public fund such as tax, levies, rates or

through other communal levies is called ___

(a) national library

(b) private library

(c) academic library

(d) NOTA

81. The role of public library is ________

(a) stimulating the imagination and creativity in children and

young people

(b) provision of educational development for all categories of

wholesome recreations and positive use of leisure time

(c) positively support the citizens and cultural activities of

groups and organization

(d) all of the above

82. The benefit of public libraries includes ________

(a) research assistance

(b) reference assistance

(c) provision of classroom and meeting space

(d) all of the above

83. Library services are considered satisfactory when ______

(a) library users pay up their registration fees before using the


(b) library users expectations are actually being reviewed

(c) there are qualified professional librarians

(d) NOTA

84. A library established by the government of the country to

serve as the pre –eminent repository of information for that

country is called ______

(a) public library

(b) private library

(c) national library

(d) academic library

85. The library established by an act of a country and is

maintained from the government funds of that country is

called ______

(a) national library

(b) public library

(c) academic library

(d) private library

86. Books cannot be borrowed in ________

(a) national library

(b) public library

(c) academic library

(d) public library

87. ISBN means _______

(a) international state book number

(b) international status Bureau name

(c) it should not be sold

(d) international standard book number

88. The benefit of national library is _______

(a) provision of ISBN

(b) provision of ISSN

(c) bibliographic control

(d) all of the above

89. The library attached to a higher educational institution

like university, polytechnic and college of education is known

as __________

(a) academic library

(b) private library

(c) public library

(d) national library

90. The following are benefits of academic library except


(a) provision of research information

(b) provision of reading accommodation

(c) provision of security to information resources available

(d) assigning standard codes

91. A library that provides specialized information resources

on a particular subject is called _________

(a) national library

(b) academic library

(c) public library

(d) NOTA

92. Libraries maintained by individual corporations,

associations, government agencies or learned societies is

called ________

(a) national library

(b) special library

(c) school library

(d) academic library

93. Which of the following statement is wrong

(a) national library issues ISBN

(b) the bibliotheque national library is at Paris

(c) academic library is the same as school library

(d) books cannot be borrowed from the national library.

94. A library within a primary or secondary school is called


(a) academic library

(b) school library

(c) public library

(d) private library

95. A library whereby there is:

Access to resources at all times, provision of reference services

and enhanced reading habit is called ________

(a) private library

(b) school library

(c) church library

(d) public library

96. A public institution functioning as a library is called


(a) hybrid library

(b) multi –media library

(c) public library

(d) NOTA

97. Libraries containing a mixture of traditional prints and

hiring resources and the growing number of electronic

resources is called ________

(a) multi –media library

(b) hybrid library

(c) private library

(d) school library

98. A collection of resources available on one or more

computer system is called ____

(a) virtual library

(b) multi –media library

(c) computer library

(d) academic library

99. A library which contains only books and e –books is

called _______

(a) Virtual library

(b) digital library

(c) school library

(d) computer library

100. A library that provides users assistance services such as

reference, interlibrary loan, technical assistance is called


(a) virtual libraries

(b) digital libraries

(c) school libraries

(d) computer library

101. A special library with a focused collection of digital

objects that can include text, visual materials and audio

materials is called ________

(a) special library

(b) hybrid library

(c) computer library

(d) digital library

102. The following are characteristics of E –resources except


(a) it reduces list of paper work

(b) hyperlinks lead users quickly to the required information


(c) the resources are mostly organized

(d) E –resources do not require physical space for storage.

103. A package of e- journal or a database of abstracts and

indexes that include the full text of some or all article

referenced is called ______

(a) virtual library

(b) hybrid library

(c) computer library

(d) e –resources

104. Slides, cartoons, radio, telephones, pictures, charts and

globes qualify as ________

(a) book materials

(b) non –book materials

(c) printed materials

(d) NOTA

105. The easiest means of bringing real –life situations into

the classroom is through the use of _________

(a) Slides

(b) Audio

(c) Telephone

(d) Charts

106. Pictures that are able to communicate emotional

experience are called ____

(a) Slides

(b) film stripes

(c) motion pictures

(d) TV

107. Audio aids are instruments that can be heard. They

include the following except _____

a) Radio

b) Gramophone records

c) Tape –recorder

d) Slide

108. Audio –visual aids are instruments that can be heard and

seen. They include the following except _______

(a) Televisions

(b) Films

(c) Slides

(d) Computers

109. _______ is concerned with the collection, processing,

storage and dissemination of recorded information.

(a) Curriculum

(b) Library

(c) Elocution

(d) Library services

110. The following are library services except ________

(a) Circulation

(b) Transmission

(c) referral services

(d) special services

111. Registration of library users, loaning out of books, recall

and renewal are all under _________

(a) lending services

(b) circulation

(c) special services

(d) referral services

112. Changing and discharging of text books to users are

under _______

(a) circulation

(b) special services

(c) lending services

(d) referral services

113. The process of recording some important information

about books borrowed from the library is called _______

(a) processing

(b) circulation

(c) NOTA

(d) AOTA

114. Reservation of library materials is very common in


(a) school libraries

(b) academic libraries

(c) special libraries

(d) hybrid libraries

115. The ultimate aim of fixing a loan period is to _____

(a) ensure that the professional librarians do their work

(b) ensure that books and other materials in the library are

regularly available for use

(c) ensure that the books are neatly kept

(d) to ensure maximus satisfaction of users

116. The books places on the reserve section of the library is

to be used in _______

(a) the library

(b) used at home

(c) taken to the classroom

(d) a quiet place

117. If a library seeks the assistance of another library for a

needed material (s), is called ______

(a) Reservation service

(b) Interlibrary loan service

(c) Referral services

(d) Special services

118. There are situations in which a reader might be directed

to another library/to an alternative source of information. This

is called _______

(a) referral services

(b) special services

(c) current awareness services (CAS)

(d) reservation service

119. The services rendered occasionally to assist the readers

in the area of research is called _______

(a) referral services

(b) reservation services

(c) special services

(d) current awareness services (CAS)

120. Photocopying services, inter library lending, are all


(a) referral services

(b) special services

(c) circulation

(d) reservation services

121. The process of making the users to be aware of all library

materials that are newly acquired in the library is categorized

under _______

(a) referral services

(b) special services

(c) circulation

(d) reservation services

122. When libraries try to cater for the information needs of

the individual, it is called _________

(a) selective dissemination of information (SDI)

(b) Circulation

(c) Referral services

(d) NOTA

123. ________ is usually offered to new library users in order to

familiarize them with the materials and services available in

the library

(a) selective dissemination of information

(b) reference service

(c) library instruction

(d) NOTA

124. The directory, encyclopedia, yearbook, handwork and

bibliography are under _________

(a) reference services

(b) library instruction

(c) photocopying services

(d) NOTA

125. Reference services are of _______main types

(a) 4

(b) 2

(c) 3

(d) 5

126. The process of assigning keywords or concepts to

documents is called ____

(a) indexing services

(b) abstracting services

(c) reference service

(d) NOTA

127. The process of preparing a summary presentation of a

text document is called ______

(a) index service

(b) directional services

(c) long -range

(d) abstracting services

128. A complete list of items is called ________

(a) library

(b) catalogue

(c) elocution

(d) referencing

129. The library catalogue ensures that library collections are

arranged according to some definite ________

(a) standard

(b) style

(c) documentary activities

(d) NOTA

130. The process of assigning keywards or concepts to

documents or the process of determining what the subject

matter of a document is all about is called _______

(a) abstracting services

(b) electronic reference service

(c) long –range reference service

(d) index services

131. The list of all the elements which are required to describe

and identify all types of material which are likely to appear in

library collections is called _______

(a) indexing

(b) cataloguing

(c) abstracting

(d) bibliographic description

132. The following is not a type of catalogues

(a) card catalogue

(b) book catalogue

(c) slide catalogue

(d) shelf catalogue

133. The most common and most used type of library

catalogue is _____

(a) card catalogue

(b) book catalogue

(c) shelf catalogue

(d) machine readable catalogue

134. The card catalogue is made up of _______

(a) 7.5 CM * 12.5 CM

(b) 5.8 CM * 3.7 CM

(c) 8.7 CM * 4.3 CM

(d) 3.8 CM * 4.5 CM

135. Which of the following is a disadvantage of card


(a) card catalogue occupy much space

(b) card catalogue present a decent and orderly appearance

(c) the cards can be easily guided

(d) card catalogue has ease of use

136. A catalogue that lists bibliographic records in

alphabetical order by various entries or by classification

number is called _________

(a) book catalogue

(b) shelf catalogue

(c) computer output microform catalogue

(d) online public access catalogue (OPAC)

137. The following are advantages of book cataloging except


(a) there is ease of use

(b) it is compact in size

(c) it has a high cost

(d) there is flexibility

138. A type of catalogue that is comprised of sets of slips held

in specially manufactured loose –leaf binders is called _______

(a) online public access catalogue

(b) ordinary preliminary access content

(c) offset pack accredited control

(d) online port access card

139. The full meaning of OPAC is________

(a) Online public access catalogue

(b) ordinary preliminary access content

(c) offset pack accredited control

(d) online port access card

140. Advantage of MARC include the following except ______

(a) the catalogue can be used online and offline

(b) very easy to update

(c) it is fast and efficient to use

(d) it cannot be projected on a screen

141. A library catalogue accessed via a computer terminal for

the benefit of library users is called____________

(a) online public access catalogue

(b) machine readable catalogue

(c) shelf catalogue

(d) book catalogue

142. _________Has made world wide web to be accessible

anywhere in the world

(a) slide

(b) projector

(c) television

(d) internet

143. A collection of data elements organized in a logical way is


(a) MARC

(b) OPAC

(c) Bibliographic record

(d) catalogue

144. MARC means ___________

(a) material acquisition referenced center

(b) machine readable catalogue

(c) motor arc resonated concept

(d) NOTA

145. A formal catalogue sorted alphabetically according to the

editor’s name is called__________

(a) title catalogue

(b) dictionary catalogue

(c) author catalogue

(d) keyword catalogue

146. A formal catalogue sorted alphabetically according to the

article on the entries is referred to as __________

(a) author catalogue

(b) title catalogue

(c) dictionary catalogue

(d) keyword catalogue

147. Systematic catalogue can also be referred to as __________

(a) shelf list catalogue

(b) dictionary catalogue

(c) author catalogue

(d) classified catalogue

148. A formal catalogue with entries sorted in the same order

as bibliographic items are shelved is called___________

(a) shelf list catalogue

(b) title catalogue

(c) author catalogue

(d) NOTA

149. The organization of information resources by describing

them in a way that makes them easily accessible is


(a) Indexing

(b) Referencing

(c) Cataloguing

(d) NOTA

150. If you create entries for a particular catalogue, it is


(a) Referencing

(b) Indexing

(c) Cataloguing

(d) NOTA

151. The physical description of material so that it can be

identified with any of the following information namely:- call

number, entry or access point, etc is called __________

(a) classification

(b) cataloguing

(c) collection

(d) subject heading

152. The intellectual description of academic materials for the

assignment of a call number that places the academic

materials in order by subject is called ___

(a) cataloguing

(b) classification

(c) subject heading

(d) NOTA

153. The key to all the materials contained in the library is

called ________

(a) classification

(b) cataloguing

(c) library catalogue

(d) NOTA

154. Library catalogue provides the following information


(a) Author

(b) Title

(c) imprint

(d) printer

155. Importance of library catalogues include the following

except ________

(a) it provides multiple access points to the library collection

(b) it gives a comprehensive record of materials

(c) it can waste the time of users

(d) it helps users find information on things they want and


156. A record that shows all that a library has in it's stock at

any given time is called ____________

(a) shelf catalogue

(b) library catalogue

(c) book catalogue

(d) MARC catalogue

157. The grouping of things according to their degree of

similarity and differences is called ___________

(a) catalogue

(b) cataloguing

(c) classification

(d) AOTA

158. The act of organizing the universe of knowledge into some

systematic order is called _________

(a) cataloguing

(b) classification

(c) schemes

(d) NOTA

159. The arrangement of library information resources (book

and non -book materials) of a library or group of libraries into

classes according to their similar characteristics is called


(a) Author catalogue

(b) library classification

(c) information casting

(d) NOTA

160. Library classification entails the following except


(a) The division of the entire array of library

(b) the subsequent arrangement of such groups or classes into

preferred sequences

(c) creating mechanism of their easy retrieval and when


(d) the arrangement of various forms of entry resources

161. The main reason for carrying out classification in the

library is to ______

(a) ensure satisfaction of end -users

(b) to ensure optimum utilization of information

(c) creating mechanism for their easy retrieval

(d) ensure authors and users interface

162. The first subject classification scheme was developed in

the year ________

(a) 1876

(b) 1862

(c) 1966

(d) 1971

163. Until 1876, when the first subject classification scheme

was developed, the arrangement of books was by one of the

following except___________

(a) size of a book

(b) colour of a book

(c) date of publication

(d) date of purchase

164. People who carry out classification are call__________

(a) editors

(b) referencers

(c) classifiers

(d) NOTA

165. The following are importance of library classification

except __________

(a) it helps to enhance and proper guiding of the holding of the

library using the call numbers on the books

(b) it helps to save the time of the user by ensuring quick

location and retrieval of library resources

(c) it enables books to be inserted into organized groups and

allows for the return of such books

(d) it ensures that each librarian undergoes certain training

that will better equip them for the work

166. The logical arrangements of subjects plus a system of

system of symbols representing knowledge into classes is

called ____________

(a) cataloguing

(b) library classification schemes

(c) subject heading

(d) NOTA

167. A system of symbols representing the subjects is called


(a) classification

(b) notation

(c) elocution

(d) classified catalogue

168. When two symbols are used to represent a subject in

classification, it is called _____________

(a) pure classification

(b) pure notation

(c) mixed notation

(d) cataloguing

169. When one symbol either alphabet or number is used to

represent a subject, it is called ___________

(a) pure notation

(b) mixed notation

(c) Deywey classification

(d) NOTA

170. The most commonly used classification schemes is


(a) notation

(b) dewey decimal classification scheme

(c) library of congress

(d) bibliography

171. Dewey decimal classification scheme was founded by


(a) John Hopkins

(b) Melvil dewey

(c) Glasgow

(d) Herper Collins

172. Dewey decimal classification scheme was founded in the

year _______


(b) 1987

(c) 1876

(d) 1972

173. The Dewey decimal classification scheme was first

adopted in _________

(a) Britain

(b) United States

(c) Russia

(d) Japan

174. The most widely used classification scheme in the world

is _________

(a) DDC

(b) LCC

(c) LC

(d) DC

175. The Dewey decimal classification scheme is mostly used

in the ________ And __________

(a) public and academic libraries

(b) private and national libraries

(c) public and school libraries

(d) academic library only

176. The type of notation adopted by DDC is ___________

(a) pure notation (b) shelf notation

(c) book notation (d) card notation

177. The second classification scheme commonly used in the

Nigerian libraries is the __________

(a) Dewey decimal classification scheme

(b) library of congress classification scheme

(c) national congress scheme

(d) NOTA

178. Library of Congress classification scheme (LCC) was

originated by the_______

(a) LCC

(b) LC

(c) DDC

(d) DC

179. The two individuals primarily responsible for design and

working of the new library of Congress classification were

_________And __________

(a) Hanson and Cartel

(b) Charles Martel and Innoson

(c) John Cliff

(d) J.C.M. Hanson and Charles Martel

180. The library of Congress classification consists of ________


(a) 21

(b) 22

(c) 54

(d) 3

181. _________Is used to indicate location of books on the

shelves in the libraries

(a) shelf card

(b) shelf guide

(c) shelf indicator

(d) reference number

182. The art of listing of reading materials is called__________

(a) citation

(b) bibliography

(c) reference list

(d) reference number

183. The two bibliography are ________ And __________

(a) citation and referencing

(b) descriptive and analytical

(c) APA and MLA

(d) Chigalo and UK Bibliography

184. A type of bibliography which is a simple list or listing of

bibliographic entries is known as _________

(a) enumerative bibliography

(b) analytical bibliography

(c) pure bibliography

(d) annotated bibliography

185. A type of bibliography that involves annotations which

describe bibliographic items in few sentence is called


(a) enumerative bibliography

(b) analytical bibliography

(c) pure bibliography

(d) annotated bibliography

186. There are three major citation orders. They include the

following except _________

(a) APA format

(b) MLA

(c) Chicago format

(d) British format

187. The most commonly used citation format at different

levels in many academic institutions is called _____________

(a) MLA format

(b) APA format

(c) Chicago format

(d) British format

188. The full meaning of APA is___________

(a) American Physiological Access

(b) African Physiological App

(c) American Psychological Association

(d) Asian Psychological Association

189. MLA means _____________

(a) Macmilean Language Access

(b) Material Land Association

(c) Modern Languages Association

(d) NOTA

190. A type of citation that uses an author-date style of

referencing with details entered in round brackets is called


(a) APA format

(b) MLA format

(c) Chicago format

(d) NOTA

191. ( Eysenck & Keane, 2010). The type of citation above is


(a) MLA format

(b) APA format

(c) Chicago format

(d) British format

192. When a work has two authors, ___________

(a) Cite only one author

(b) cite the two authors

(c) cite the two authors at every time

(d) cite one author every time

193. When a work has three, four or five authors, _________

(a) cite all the authors the first time and in subsequent

citations, include only the surname of the first author followed

by et al

(b) cite all the authors but put the et al at all time

(c) cite all the authors the first time and in subsequent

citations, include only the surname of the first and second

authors followed by et al

(d) cite all the authors

194. Which of the following agrees to the rule of reference list

(a) it should contain full details of the sources in the text

arranged alphabetically

(b) it should contain full details of all the sources but but must

not be arranged alphabetically

(c) the reference should contain details of important sources

from the text

(d) NOTA

195. Citation begin with___________

(a) Title of work

(b) year of publication

(c) Authors Name

(d) Publishers name

196. Http:// The type of

book with this kind of referencing is _______

(a) Government publication

(b) Electronic book

(c) Journal article

(d) Thesis or dissertation

197. I'm MLA format, your list of works cited should__________

(a) Begin at the beginning of the paper

(b) Begin at the end of the paper on a new page

(c) Begin at the center of the paper

(d) NOTA

198. Which of the following is wrong

(a) When reports were written on typewriters, the name of

publication were underlined because most typewriters had no

way to print italics

(b) if you write a bibliography by hand, you should still

underline the names of publications

(c) if you use a computer, then publication names should be in


(d) all MLA citation should not use hanging indents

199. To indicate title of short works appearing within large

works, use_______

(a) Quotation marks

(b) Semi -colon

(c) colon

(d) citation

200. The most commonly used citation format by professional

historians when they write and publish their work is known as


(a) MLA format

(b) Chicago format

(c) APA format

(d) Nigerian format

201. UBC means __________

(a) universal bibliographic control

(b) united basic concept

(c) united states broadcasting center

(d) NOTA

202. The complete world bibliography project was initiated in


(a) Belgium, 1895

(b) Germany, 1986

(c) Indonesia, 1988

(d) China, 1965

203. The international office of bibliography is located in


(a) London

(b) China

(c) Belgium

(d) United States

204. The universal bibliographic reportery is called ________

(a) database

(b) dossiers

(c) Belgian project

(d) congraphique front

205. The repertoire encyclopegue desb dossiers was developed

in the year ____

(a) 1908

(b) 1907

(c) 1960

(d) 1966

206. which of the following correctly specifies the difference

between references and bibliography

(a) reference is used in non –print materials while bibliography

is used in printed materials

(b) a list of references contains only the source that a writer

specifically cited within his/her paper or essay while

bibliography on the other hand can contain sources on author

read and which readers might find valuable to know about

even though the author didn’t specifically list them within the

body of the writing

(c) bibliography option doesn’t give one of the opportunity to

show how much background reading that informed the write –

up but reference does

(d) NOTA

207. The following can be used to improve study skills except


(a) schedule work and topics you have to cover over a period of


(b) set a personal objective that you want to attain as a result

of undertaking the learning programme

(c) prepare a formal timetable for the duration of the learning


(d) studies must be done at home

208. The main purpose of referencing is to ________

(a) ensure the book is of standard

(b) ensure credence is given to every reader who comes across

the book

(c) give credit to the original author of the idea

(d) ensure the author expresses his idea

209. The purpose of bibliography is to ________

(a) give credence to readers of a material (book)

(b) ensure the suitability of the study material

(c) ensure credit is given to the original author of the material

(d) NOTA

210. _______ can distract you from using time efficiently

(a) lack of focus

(b) failure to share the work load because you have focused on

your work

(c) being tired

(d) all of the above

211. You can plan your time through ______

(a) minimizing the time wastage

(b) being assertive

(c) delegation of work

(d) all of the above

212. Library material are roughly of ________ kinds

(a) 10

(b) 2

(c) 5

(d) 7

213. All major reference works such as encyclopedia and

almanacs are part of __________

(a) primary library material

(b) secondary library materials

(c) tertiary library material

(d) NOTA

214. A book to be consulted for some definite information

rather than for consecutive reading is called ______

(a) E -book

(b) Electronic book

(c) Reference book

(d) Academic book

215. The logical place to begin research is the _______

(a) shelf catalogue

(b) card catalogue

(c) encyclopedia

(d) general indexes

216. One of the limitations of the card catalogue is that


(a) it affects readers comprehension

(b) difficult/expensive to purchase

(c) requires governments approval

(d) it generally includes only the main subject matter of the


217. If your work involves prominent people then begin your

search by compiling ______

(a) Bibliographical data

(b) Bibliographical data

(c) reference data

(d) year books and almanacs

218. A dictionary of places that provides information about

history of a place, population, trade, industry, cultural

institution and natural resources in called ______

(a) yearbook

(b) Almanac

(c) Gazetteer

(d) Pamphlets

219. When you want to find out the latest information on a

given subject, you must turn to _______

(a) general index

(b) periodical index

(c) abstracts

(d) book index

220. A brief summary of the articles and essay is called


(a) Periodicals

(b) Abstract

(c) Biography

(d) Bibliography

221. ________ serve the important function of budging a time

gap until researchers can gather current information on a

given topic.

(a) pamphlets

(b) catalogue

(c) periodicals

(d) abstract

222. Modernizing the library means ________

(a) the use of only modern print materials

(b) the use of the state –of –the art books

(c) the use of electronic devices

(d) the use of digital cameras in libraries

223. The network of all networks is called _______

(a) URL

(b) HPPT

(c) World Wide Web

(d) internet

224. A collection of both book and non –book materials is

called _____

(a) cataloguing

(b) library

(c) networking

(d) inducing

225. Which of the following is a major stimulus to modern


(a) increase in librarians

(b) training and re –training of library staff

(c) tedmology

(d) information

226. The three electronic instruments of information

technology are _____, ________ and ______

(a) slide, computer and laptop

(b) computer, international network (internet) and the satellite

(c) CD –ROM, slide and computer

(d) projectors, slides and cameras

227. The following are parts of library technologies except


(a) microphones

(b) projector

(c) printer

(d) silicon

228. An electronic device that brings out the information as

you input or send it to it is called ________

(a) library

(b) computer

(c) CD -ROM

(d) NOTA

229. The type of computer that looks like a scale is called


(a) Analogue computer

(b) Digital computer

(c) Monologue computer

(d) internet

230. A type of computer that is used for calculation is called


(a) digital computer

(b) hybrid computer

(c) micro computer

(d) mainframe computer

231. The type of computer with both features of analogue and

digital computer is called _______

(a) Digital computer

(b) microcomputer

(c) hybrid computers

(d) mainframe computers

232. The smallest range of computers is called ________

(a) microcomputer

(b) mainframe computer

(c) hybrid computer

(d) digital computer

233. Mainframe computer is also referred to as ________

(a) hybrid computer

(b) digital computer

(c) minicomputer

(d) max computer

234. A computer that can support large number of peripherals

attached to it is called ________

(a) mainframe computer

(b) micro computer

(c) hybrid computer

(d) digital computer

235. Desktop, mobile phones, minitower and notebook are all

parts of ___

(a) micro computer

(b) mainframe computer

(c) digital computer

(d) NOTA

236. 1st generation computers were produced in the year


(a) 1958

(b) 1953

(c) 1960

(d) 1971

237. The set of computer that used vacuum tubes or valves is

called _____

(a) 2nd generation

(b) 1st generation

(c) 3rd generation

(d) 4th generation

238. The 2nd generation computer was produced in _____

(a) 1956 and 1963

(b) 1950 -1963

(c) 1938 and 1941

(d) 1958 and 1973

239. The computer designed to use transitors is _______

(a) 1st generation

(b) 2nd generation

(c) 3rd generation

(d) 4th generation

240. The 4th generation of computer used _______

(a) transitor

(b) integrated circuits

(c) chip

(d) vacuum tubes

241. Intergrated circuits were used by ________

(a) 1st generation

(b) 2nd generation

(c) 3rd generation

(d) 5th generation

242. The 4th generation of computers were produced between

____ and ___

(a) 1965 and mid 1979s

(b) 1967 and mid 1970s

(c) 1982 -1985

(d) mid 1966 and 1969

243. The collection of the physical components that constitute

a computer system is called ________

(a) software component

(b) hardware component

(c) graphic card

(d) hard disk drive

244. The present day laptops, palm tops, Ipad and iphone

belongs to _____

(a) 1st generation of computer

(b) 2nd generation

(c) 5th generation

(d) 4th generation

245. A piece of semi conducting material on which an

integrated circuit is embedded is called ________

(a) 1st generation computer

(b) chips

(c) graphic card

(d) hard disk

246. The part of computer that contains coded and encoded

information and the computer instructions is called _______

(a) operating system

(b) computer hardware

(c) computer software

(d) NOTA

247. The software is always written in an easier and _______

language for easy understanding

(a) French

(b) British

(c) American

(d) Natural

248. A software that uses the computer system to perform

special functions which are beyond the operations of the

computer is ________

(a) computer software

(b) application software

(c) operating system

(d) device drivers

249. _______ is used for documents that involves calculations

(a) spreadsheet

(b) Microsoft access

(c) device drivers

(d) internet

250. Which of the following is an example of spreadsheet

(a) Microsoft Word

(b) Microsoft excel

(c) Microsoft slide

(d) NOTA

251. The software that is developed to harm and disrupt

computers is called _______

(a) virus

(b) malicious software

(c) operating system

(d) device drivers

252. The software that provides common services for other

software that runs “on top” of them is called _________

(a) system software

(b) application software

(c) device drivers

(d) operating system

253. A software that operates the computer hardware directly

is called ___

(a) system software

(b) operating system

(c) the computer software

(d) application software

254. _______ are computer programmes designed to assist

users in the maintenance as well as caneik of their computers

(a) operating system

(b) utilities

(c) device drivers

(d) NOTA

255. _________ enables the storage of documents with several

gigabytes for easy evaluation and assessment

(a) operating system

(b) device drivers

(c) utilities

(d) CD -ROM

256. The following are used for the storage of data except


(a) CD -ROMS

(b) Diskettes

(c) flash drive

(d) keyboard

257. __________ helps in storing official documents as files and

can be transferred to a universal system

(a) diskette

(b) flash drive

(c) floppy disk

(d) file transfer protocol (FTP)

258. Which of the following has a back up at the universal

system that will give access to retrieval of the information

when needed?

(a) floppy disk

(b) flash drive

(c) CD -ROMS

(d) file transfer protocol

259. _______ is a world –wide system of inter connected

computer networks

(a) internet

(b) flash drive

(c) floppy disk

(d) file transfer protocol

260. IP means ______

(a) internet prop

(b) intra -project

(c) internet provider

(d) NOTA

261. The full meaning of ARPANET is _______

(a) Advanced Research Provider Agents Network

(b) Advanced Research Project Agency Network

(c) adverse Real Projection Agency Network

(d) NOTA

262. ARPANET was created in the year _______

(a) 1969

(b) 1962

(c) 1961

(d) 1970

263. Universities can connect to the library of other

universities through __

(a) floppy disk

(b) CD -ROMS


(d) MARC

264. A network of network is called _______

(a) Web

(b) internet

(c) multimedia

(d) chrome

265. A vast hardware and software infrastructure that enables

computer interconnectivity is called _______

(a) panel control

(b) internet

(c) web

(d) Mozilla

266. A massive hypermedia database is called ______

(a) panel control

(b) internet

(c) web

(d) internet

267. A myriad collection of documents and other resources

interconnected by hyperlinks is called ________

(a) internet

(b) web

(c) multimedia app

(d) Chrome

268. The following are browsers except _______

(a) Google

(b) Chrome

(c) Mozilla

(d) fox -fire

269. ________ enables the user to switch from one document to

another just by clicking on market text

(a) network control panel

(b) network

(c) mozilla firefox

(d) world wide web

270. ________ is introduced to allow computers running on the

same network to communicate with each other

(a) Google

(b) network control protocol

(c) Mozilla firefox

(d) web

271. The connection of network within an organization be it

institutional or otherwise is known as _______

(a) internet

(b) intranet

(c) web

(d) ntranet

272. The networks between one organization, institution, etc

and another is called _________

(a) intranet

(b) entranet

(c) email

(d) NOTA

273. Hindrance to information and communication

technologies usage in libraries include the following except


(a) poor funding

(b) lack of personnel

(c) adequate power supply

(d) lack of patronage

274. The primary purpose of modern academic library is


(a) to make library business lucrative

(b) to bag sophisticated certificates on library science

(c) to make current and relevant information resources readily

available to researchers, lecturers and students at all level

(d) NOTA

275. The advent of ICT and electronic information resources

has ________

(a) changed the pattern of lecture schedules in library


(b) changed the landscape of research in universities

(c) resulted the merging of the information section of library

department and polytechnics

(d) reduced the accessibility of library materials

276. An information resource or material that is accessible

through ICT facilities is called ________

(a) E -resource

(b) online media

(c) e -journals

(d) search engine

277. Any information source available in electronic format

which can be used to meet the information requirements of

users is called ________

(a) e -resource

(b) e -book

(c) online public access catalogue

(d) digital libraries web

278. A resource which requires computer acess or any

electronic product that delivers a collection of data is called


(a) database resource

(b) library resource

(c) social media resource

(d) e -resource

279. _________ constitutes the second main division of non –

print library resource

(a) e -book

(b) e -resource

(c) library resource

(d) social media resource

280. The following are characteristics of e –resource except ___

(a) no defined user guide

(b) access to every document by anyone from any location

(c) easy to search the text

(d) retrieval of e –resources is slower than print resources

281. The following are advantages of e –resource except


(a) it saves physical space

(b) it is very convenient to use

(c) it is very mobile

(d) it costs time and energy

282. The following are disadvantages of e –resources except __

(a) it requires special electronic devices or personal computers

(b) e –resources sometimes have reliable life span

(c) e –resources reading devices are surely more expensive

than printed books

(d) many titles that are available in traditional print books are

not yet available in an electronic book format.

283. The following are types of E –resources except _______

(a) electronic book (e-book)

(b) electronic journal (e-journal)

(c) electronic database (e-database)

(d) electronic access point (e –access point)

284. A book publication made available in digital form is

called ________

(a) e -book

(b) internet -book

(c) I -book

(d) NOTA

285. The following are types of e –books except _______

(a) multidisplinary e -book

(b) reference e -book

(c) audio e-book

(d) access point e-book

286. The e –book published in various subjects are called


(a) multidisplinary e -book

(b) reference e -book

(c) audio e-book

(d) access point e-book

287. An e –book that contains useful facts or specially

organized information is called ______

(a) Multidisplinary e-book

(b) reference e-book

(c) Access point e-book

(d) audio e-book

288. The type of e-book which comprises a recording of a book

being read aloud on a compact disk (CD) or made available on

the internet is called _______

(a) Visual e -book

(b) e-journal

(c) Audio e-book

(d) NOTA

289. A scholarly journal or intellectual magazine that can be

accessed via electronic transmissions is called ________

(a) Internet journal

(b) e-journal

(c) e-magazine

(d) NOTA

290. Toll access journals are also called _______

(a) Subscription based e-journal

(b) open access journal

(c) Reference e-journal

(d) audio e-journal

291. A scholarly journal made available free of charge to the

public through the internet is called _______

(a) e-journal

(b) Toll access journal

(c) Open access journal

(d) NOTA

292. A full text, bibliographic and numeric database that

holds a wide variety of information in one product/platform is

called ________

(a) e-book

(b) e-journal

(c) Reference book

(d) e -database

293. Full –text database contain the whole content of an

article such as the following except _______

(a) Citation information

(b) text

(c) Illustration

(d) publication

294. Bibliographic database contain the following except _____

(a) Journal title

(b) publication data

(c) page Number

(d) place of publication

295. Online information retrieval means ___________

(a) Accessing obsolete information

(b) traditional style of re -engaging library information

(c) finding materials of unstructured nature that satisfies an


(d) NOTA

296. A web application designed to hunt for specific keywords

and group them accordingly to relevance is __________

(a) E-resource

(b) search box

(c) search engine

(d) online information retrieval

297. An information retrieval process begins when ___________

(a) a user accesses the while data base

(b) a user enters a query into the system

(c) a user eetrieves already inserted information

(d) all users are connected at the same time

298. A model of information retrieval in which terms are

combined with the operators is called ____________

(a) query (b) booleam retrieval model

(c)online information retrieval (d) NOTA

299. An information model that views each document as just a

set of words is called...

(a) query

(b) database

(c)Boolean retrieval model

(d)online information retrieval

300. ________ Is what the user conveys to the computer in an

attempt to communicate an information need


(b) Boolean retrieval model

(c) database

(d) NOTA

301. The following are three broad categories of web search

queries except___________

(a) information queries

(b) navigational queries

(c)transactional queries

(d) communicative queries

302. _______Queries seek general information in a broad topic

such as materials or politics

(a) information queries

(b) navigational queries

(c)transactional queries

(d) communicative queries

303. ________ Queries seeks the website or home page of a

single entity that the user has in mind

(a) navigational queries

(b) transactional queries

(c) information queries

(d) communicative queries

304. ______Query is a prelude to the user performing a

transaction on the web such as downloading a file, purchasing

a product or making a reservation

(a) transactional queries

(b) information queries

(c) navigational queries

(d) online search tips queries

305. A software system that is designed to search for

information on the world wide web is called _________

(a) online search tips

(b) search engine

(c) single Asterik

(D) system software

306. The search results from search engines are generally

presented in a line of resultsboften referred to as__________

(a) search relevance

(b) search engine result pages (SERPs)

(c) query

(d) non -print query

307. The following are types of search engines except________

(a) Crawler –based search engine

(b) human –powered directories

(c)Hybrid search engine

(d) Automated search engines

308. A type of search engine that make use of automated

software programs to survey and categorize web page

(a) Human –powered directories

(b) Meta search engine

(c)specialty search engine

(d) crawler –based search engine

309. The use of both crawler -based results and directory

results is called_________

(a) Meta search engine

(b) Specialty search engine

(c)Nybrid search

(d) NOTA

310. _______ Is a search engine that transmits user -supplied

keywords simultaneously to several individual search engines

to actually carry out the research

(a) Meta search engine

(b) Specialty search engine

(c)Crawler –based search engine

(d) Hybrid search engine

311. Copyright developed out of same system as ________

(a) Royal society in England

(b) American society of copyrights

(c) British association for prohibition of copyrights

(d) Royal patent grants

312. France extended her copyright laws to protect all authors

in the year ________

(a) 1852

(b) 1962


(d) 1982

313. The legislative of copyrights in the United States of

America began in the year _______

(a) 1952

(b) 1976


(d) 1992

314. The right given to artists, literary men, musicians and

performers to exclude others from substantial copying of the

material form of their works is called ________

(a) Book laws

(b) Copyright

(c) Patent

(d) NOTA

315. The sole right granted to the original author or creator to

copy, produce, distribute, perform, translate, adopt or arrange

a work in material whatsoever is called _______

(a) Book laws

(b) patent


(d) protective laws

316. The origin of copyright protection in Nigeria emanated

from _________

(a) France copyright, 1852

(b) American copyright, 1976

(c)British copyright laws, 1887

(d) Chinese copyright laws, 1990

317. The copyright system of most other countries are similar

to that of the United States of America in part because of


(a) Harmonization effect of the Beijin conference

(b) All member countries of the World Trade Organization are

required to establish minimum level of copyright protection

(c)All of the above

(d) None of the above

318. The only exception to the copyright ACT is _________

(a) the right to make photocopies by libraries

(b) the right to issue ISBN

(c)the right to sell author’s books

(d) the right to re –write author’s books

319. There are three types of copyright infringement. They

include _________

(a) Direct

(b) Vicarious


(d) Denial

320. A privilege for someone other than the copyright owner to

use a copyright work without seeking for permission is


(a) Copyright exception rules

(b) Principle of neglect

(c)Doctrine of fair use or fair dealing

(d) doctrine of copyright

321. For infringement of copyright work, the judge

ascertains/investigates the following factors except _________

(a) the purpose and the character of the use

(b) the amount the book (material) was used

(c)whether the use was for commercial or non –profit

educational purpose

(d) the nature of the copyright work


S/N 1. B

2. C 15. C

3. C

4. A 16. B

5. D

6. A 17. D

7. D

8. C 18. B

9. B

10. D 19. C

11. D 20. B

12. C 21. B

13. D 22. A

14. B 23. A

24. B 33. A

25. A 34. B

26. C 35. B

27. A 36. B

28. B 37. C

29. C 38. C

30. A 39. B

31. A 40. A

32. D 41. C

42. A 51. A

43. D 52. A

44. A 53. B

45. A 54. B

46. C 55. A

47. D 56. A

48. B 57. A

49. B 58. C

50. C 59. D

60. A 69. A

61. A 70. B

62. C 71. A

63. C 72. B

64. C 73. A

65. A 74. C

66. A 75. D

67. A 76. A

68. D 77. C

78. D 79. A

80. D 89. A

81. D 90. D

82. D 91. D

83. B 92. B

84. C 93. C

85. A 94. B

86. A 95. A

87. D 96. B

88. A 97. B

98. A 107. D

99. D 108. C

100. A 109. B

101. D 110. B

102. C 111. B

103. D 112. C

104. B 113. A

105. A 114. B

106. C 115. B

116. A 117. B

118. C 127. B

119. B 128. B

120. B 129. D

121. A 130. D

122. C 131. C

123. A 132. A

124. B 133. A

125. A 134. A

126. D 135. A

136. D 145. B

137. B 146. D

138. A 147. A

139. D 148. C

140. A 149. C

141. D 150. B

142. C 151. B

143. B 152. C

144. C 153. D

154. C 155. B

156. C 165. B

157. B 166. B

158. B 167. C

159. D 168. A

160. B 169. B

161. A 170. B

162. D 171. C

163. C 172. B

164. D 173. A

174. C 183. A

175. A 184. B

176. B 185. D

177. B 186. B

178. D 187. C

179. A 188. C

180. B 189. A

181. B 190. B

182. B 191. C

192. A 193. A

194. C 203. A

195. B 204. B

196. B 205. B

197. D 206. D

198. A 207. C

199. B 208. D

200. A 209. D

201. A 210. D

202. C 211. B

212. B 221. C

213. C 222. D

214. B 223. B

215. D 224. C

216. A 225. B

217. C 226. D

218. B 227. B

219. B 228. A

220. A 229. A

230. C 231. A

232. D 241. A

233. A 242. B

234. A 243. C

235. B 244. B

236. B 245. C

237. A 246. D

238. B 247. B

239. C 248. A

240. C 249. B

250. B 259. C

251. D 260. B

252. A 261. A

253. B 262. C

254. D 263. B

255. D 264. B

256. D 265. C

257. D 266. B

258. A 267. D

268. D 269. B

270. B 279. D

271. B 280. D

272. C 281. B

273. C 282. D

274. B 283. A

275. A 284. D

276. A 285. A

277. D 286. B

278. B 287. C

288. B 297. B

289. A 298. C

290. C 299. A

291. D 300. D

292. D 301. A

293. D 302. A

294. C 303. A

295. C 304. B

296. B 305. B

306. D 307. D

308. C 315. A

309. A 316. C

310. D 317. A

311. A 318. D

312. B 319. C

313. B 320. B

314. C


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