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International Journal of Research and Review

Vol. 9; Issue: 2; February 2022

Research Paper E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237

Factors Affecting Audit Delay with Reputation of

Public Accountant Office as a Moderating Variable
in Manufacturing Companies Listed on the IDX in
Gabriel Abdillah1, Iskandar Muda1, Erwin Abubakar1
Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business at Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia.
Corresponding Author: Gabriel Abdillah


The demand to present financial
This study aims to determine the effect of audit reports promptly faces several obstacles.
tenure, audit opinion, firm size, and profitability One of them is that a public accountant must
on audit delay in manufacturing companies
audit the financial statements. Constraints
listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. In
due to this audit process are usually called
addition, this study also aims to determine
whether the reputation of a public accounting audit delays or, in other studies, stated by
firm can moderate the effect of audit tenure, audit report lag. Puspitasari and Latini
audit opinion, firm size, and profitability on (2014) define "audit delay as the time
audit delay in Manufacturing Companies Listed difference between the end of the fiscal year
on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. and the date of issuance of the audit report."
This type of research is causal associative The longer the audit delay, the
research. The location of this research was longer the auditor will complete the audit
carried out on Manufacturing Companies listed work. Audit delay is the most crucial
on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2009-2020. determinant of timeliness in earnings
The number of samples in this study was 33 announcements and will ultimately
companies, so the number of observations
determine the market reaction to earnings
amounted to 396 data. This research uses the
regression analysis method and interaction test announcements. The time difference
with the help of Eviews software. between the date of the financial statements
This study indicates that audit opinion, firm and the date of the audit opinion in the
size, and profitability have a negative and financial statements indicates the length of
significant effect on audit delay in time to complete the audit work (Habib et
Manufacturing Sector Companies Listed on the al., 2018). So that delays in the submission
Indonesia Stock Exchange. Meanwhile, audit or publication of financial statements. Naimi
tenure does not have a significant effect on audit et al. (2010) explained that the length of the
delay. Other results show that public accounting audit delay that occurs would affect
firm reputation can moderate the effect of audit
investors' decision-making because delays
tenure on audit delay. Meanwhile, on the effect
of the audit opinion, firm size and profitability
in informing investors can affect investor
are not. confidence in the capital market.
Delays in submitting financial
Keywords: audit tenure, audit opinion, firm size, statements can be a problem for companies
profitability, public accounting firm reputation, and lead to negative responses from capital
audit delay. market participants, especially investors.

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Vol. 9; Issue: 2; February 2022
Gabriel Abdillah Factors affecting audit delay with reputation of public accountant office as a moderating
variable in manufacturing companies listed on the IDX in 2009-2020.

Therefore, audited financial statements have in the form of written warnings; fines,
significant benefits in measuring and namely the obligation to pay a certain
assessing a company's performance for amount of money, restrictions on business
decision-makers. The audited financial activities, freezing of business activities,
statements contain a report on the revocation of business licenses, cancellation
company's financial position, the company's of approvals, and cancellation of
results of operations, and changes in the registration. However, despite the
company's financial position, which are stipulation of rules regarding the annual
intended for internal and external parties reports of issuers or public companies and
(Dewangga, 2015). their sanctions, there is still a phenomenon
The information contained in the in which some companies are late in
financial statements will be valuable if reporting financial statements every year. It
presented accurately and on time; that is, it was recorded that in 2015, 2016, and 2017
is available when the users of financial many companies were reported to be late in
statements need it. Timeliness of financial reporting their financial statements and were
statement presentation (timeliness) and subject to sanctions.
length of audit completion (audit delay) as a In 2015, the Indonesia Stock
measure of the success of a company are the Exchange gave warnings to companies that
main prerequisites for improving company had not submitted financial reports on
quality (Azizkhani et al., 2018). The timely December 31, 2014. The number of issuers
presentation of audited financial statements that received warnings was 52 companies.
to the public signals helpful information for Of the total 52 companies, 12 of them are
investors and other users of financial manufacturing companies. There is even
statements for decision making (Puspitasari one company that, until 2017, was recorded
and Sari, 2012). as always late in submitting its annual
On the other hand, the longer the financial reports, namely Eterindo
delay in presenting a company's financial Wahanatama Tbk (ETWA). The following
statements to the public, the more the is a table of the phenomenon of delays in
possibility of developing issues and insider submitting financial reports to
information about the company. The longer manufacturing companies listed on the IDX:
the time for publication of the annual
financial statements since the end of a Table 1. Manufacturing Companies That Are Late In
Submitting Financial Statements
company's financial year, the more likely No Delay in delivering financial statements
the information will leak to confident 2015 2016 2017 2018
investors or even cause problems for the 2 AGII ALTO SCPI
company on the stock exchange. 3 AISA ARGO
Since July 29, 2016, Financial 5 ALTO ETWA
Services Authority issued Regulation 6 BRNA PBRX
Number 29/POJK.04/2016. It states that 7 ETWA SKBM
issuers or public companies whose 9 MYTX
registration statements have become 10 SCPI
effective must submit annual financial 12 VOKS
reports to the Financial Services Authority Source: Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)
no later than 4 (four) months after the end of
the financial year. The phenomenon regarding the
If it is found that there are parties delay of manufacturing companies in
who violate the provisions of Financial submitting financial reports above indicates
Services Authority regulations, the that at the end of each year during the
Financial Services Authority has the closing period, public companies are still
authority to impose administrative sanctions constrained in submitting annual financial

International Journal of Research and Review ( 382

Vol. 9; Issue: 2; February 2022
Gabriel Abdillah Factors affecting audit delay with reputation of public accountant office as a moderating
variable in manufacturing companies listed on the IDX in 2009-2020.

reports and causing audit delays. However, audit delay can be caused by short audit
on the other hand, it turns out that the tenure (Obradovic et al., 2018).
number of manufacturing companies that The research results conducted by
are late in submitting their audited financial Dao and Pham (2014) show that audit
statements continues to decrease in number tenure has a negative and significant effect
from year to year. So this must be on audit delay. Habib and Bhuiyan (2011);
maintained so that there will be no more Mariani and Latrini (2016); Michael and
companies that are late in submitting their Rohman (2017); and Wulandari and
financial reports in the future. Wiratmaja (2017) state that audit tenure can
The delay in the submission of significantly affect audit delay.
financial statements indicates the Furthermore, factors that are thought
importance of knowing what factors can to affect audit delay include audit opinion.
affect audit delay in companies. Factors that The auditor's opinion is a statement
are thought to affect audit delay include resulting from a judgment. An audit opinion
audit tenure (Dao and Pham, 2014; Habib is a report given by a registered public
and Bhuiyan, 2011; Mariani and Latrini, accountant due to his assessment of the
2016; Michael and Rohman, 2017; and fairness of the financial statements
Wulandari and Wiratmaja, 2017), audit presented by the company (Muhammad,
opinion (Apriliane, 2015; and Amani, 2020). The auditor's report is a means for
2016), firm size (Khalatbari, et al., 2013; the auditor to express his opinion, or if
Febrianty, 2011; and Indriyani and circumstances require, to disclaim an
Supriyati, 2012; Kartika, 2009; and opinion. Suppose the auditor expresses an
Apriyana and Rahmawati, 2017) and opinion or disclaims an opinion. In that
profitability (Soedarsa and Nurdiawansyah, case, he must state whether the audit has
2017; Miradhi and Juliarsa, 2016; Murti, been carried out following the auditing
2016; and Apriyana and Rahmawati, 2017). standards set by the Indonesian Institute of
Audit tenure is the period of work Certified Public Accountants.
engagement between the auditor and his In doing so, the auditor must collect
client in examining the report (Singh et al., evidence of the fairness of the information
2019). The long tenure of a Public contained in the company by examining the
Accountant Office can increase the auditor's accounting records that support the report.
understanding of his client's business (Giri, The auditor's statement of opinion must be
2010). Indonesia is one of the countries that based on the audit carried out based on the
stipulates a time limit for the engagement of auditing and its findings (Astuti and
the Public Accountant Office. The limitation Darsono, 2012) so that the auditor's opinion
is intended to keep the Public Accountant on the audited financial statements becomes
Office from being too familiar with the a benchmark and is used as the basis for
client because excessive familiarity is users in making decisions (Akingunola et
considered to reduce the independence of al., 2018). The audit opinion consists of an
the Public Accounting Office. The time unqualified opinion, an unqualified opinion
limit for the engagement of the Public with explanatory language, a qualified
Accountant Office in Indonesia is regulated opinion, an adverse opinion, and a
in the Regulation of the Minister Finance of disclaimer.
Republic Indonesia Number Apriliane's research (2015) results
17/PMK.01/2008. show that audit opinion significantly affects
To understand the client and the audit delay. Companies that receive
industry being audited, auditors need more qualified opinions will experience an
time in the early years of the audit increasingly longer audit delay. The audit
engagement, which causes longer audit granting process will involve negotiations
delays. So it can be concluded that the long with clients and consultation with more

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Vol. 9; Issue: 2; February 2022
Gabriel Abdillah Factors affecting audit delay with reputation of public accountant office as a moderating
variable in manufacturing companies listed on the IDX in 2009-2020.

senior audit partners. In contrast to (2014) explained that profitability is used to

companies that receive an unqualified analyze management performance. Investors
opinion, audit delay tends to be shorter in the capital market are very concerned
because the company will not delay the about the company's ability to generate and
publication of financial statements increase profits; this is an attraction for
containing good news. It is also supported investors in buying and selling shares;
by the results of previous research therefore, management must meet the
conducted by Amani (2016), who stated that targets that have been set.
audit opinion significantly influenced audit The company's ability to earn a profit
delay. depends on the efficiency and effectiveness
The next factor that is thought to of its operations and the available resources.
affect audit delay is firm size. Firm size is a Companies with a higher level of
scale where the company's size can be profitability need time to audit financial
classified according to various ways, statements more quickly due to the need to
including total assets, stock market value, deliver good news as soon as possible to the
number of employees, and others. public (Dong et al., 2018). They also give
According to Brigham and Houston (2014), reasons that auditors who face companies
firm size is the size of a company indicated that experience losses have a response that
or assessed by total assets, total sales, total tends to be more careful in carrying out the
profits, tax expenses, and others. The size of auditing process (Estrini and Laksito (2013).
the company is only divided into three If the company produces a higher level of
categories, namely large companies (large profitability, the audit delay will be shorter
firms), medium companies (medium size), than companies with higher levels of
and small companies (small firms). Pourali profitability- lower profitability (Yuliusman
et al. (2013) stated that the management of et al., 2020).
large companies would have an incentive to The results of previous research
reduce audit delays and delays in submitting conducted by Soedarsa and Nurdiawansyah
financial statements, which is because these (2017), Miradhi and Juliarsa (2016), Murti
companies are monitored closely by (2016), and Apriyana and Rahmawati (2017)
investors, capital supervisors, and the show that profitability is proven to have a
government. significant effect on audit delay.
In this study, the company's size is In this study, the reputation of a
proxied by the total assets owned by the public accounting firm is used as a
company. Total assets were chosen because moderating variable for novelty. Public
they describe their size more than revenue. Accounting Office is a form of public
Total assets show the wealth managed by accountant organization that is licensed
the company since it was first established, following the laws and regulations, engaged
while income is only the result obtained by in providing professional services in public
the company in one period. accounting. The classification of Public
The results of research Ashton et al. Accounting Offices carried out by the
(1987); Khalatbari et al., (2013); Febrianty Indonesian Accounting Association
(2011); and Indriyani and Supriyati (2012); operating in the territory of Indonesia is
mentions that large companies report faster divided into 2, namely the big four Public
than small companies. Thus, it can be said Accounting Firms and non-big four Public
that firm size is a factor that affects audit Accounting Offices.
delay. Likewise, Kartika's (2009) research The categories of Public Accounting
states that firm size significantly affects Offices affiliated with the big four in
audit delay. Indonesia are:
The next factor that is thought to 1. Public Accountant Office Price
affect audit delay is profitability. Pham et al. Waterhouse Coopers collaborates with

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Vol. 9; Issue: 2; February 2022
Gabriel Abdillah Factors affecting audit delay with reputation of public accountant office as a moderating
variable in manufacturing companies listed on the IDX in 2009-2020.

the Public Accountant Framework

OfficeTanudiredja, Wibisana & Following the description of the
Partners. background of the problem, literature
2. Public Accountant Office KPMG review, and previous research, a conceptual
(Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler) research framework is prepared as follows:
collaborates with the Public Accounting
Offices Siddharta and Widjaja.
3. Public Accountant Office Ernst &
Young, in collaboration with
Purwantono, Suherman, and Surja
Public Accounting Offices
4. Public Accountant Office Deloitte
Touche Tohmatsu, in collaboration with
the Public Accountant Office Osman
Bing Satrio.
The reputation of the Public
Accountant Office is shown by the high Figure 1. Conceptual Framework
quality resulting from its services, which
will affect the audit completion period. Fast H1: Tenure Audit has a negative effect on
audit times are one way for Public Audit Delay in Manufacturing Companies
Accounting Offices with high quality to Listed on the IDX in 2009-2020.
maintain their reputation (Puspitasari and H2: Audit Opinion has a negative effect on
Sari, 2012). Audit Delay in Manufacturing Companies
This study uses the reputation of the Listed on the IDX in 2009-2020.
Public Accountant OfficEbecause it is H3: Firm size has a negative effect on Audit
considered capable of strengthening or Delay in Manufacturing Companies Listed
weakening the influence of audit tenure, on the IDX in 2009-2020.
audit opinion, firm size, and profitability on H4: Profitability has a negative effect on
audit delay. Public Accounting Firms with a audit delay in Manufacturing Companies
high reputation usually have more Listed on the IDX in 2009-2020.
employees, better control systems, and H5: The reputation of the Public Accountant
resources to work more effectively and Office as a Moderating Variable
efficiently. Based on the results of previous Strengthens the Effect of Tenure Audit on
research conducted by Murti (2016), the Audit Delay in Manufacturing Companies
reputation of the Public Accountant Office Listed on the IDX in 2009-2020.
is considered capable of moderating audit H6: The reputation of the Public Accountant
delay because a good Public Accounting Office as a Moderating Variable
Office's reputation will work more Strengthens the Effect of Audit Opinion on
professionally to overcome problems in the Audit Delay in Manufacturing Companies
audit process. Listed on the IDX in 2009-2020.
Based on the above background, the H7: The reputation of the Public Accountant
research entitled "Factors Affecting Audit Office as a Moderating Variable
Delay with the Reputation of Public Strengthens the Effect of Firm size on Audit
Accounting Offices as Moderating Delay in Manufacturing Companies Listed
Variables in Manufacturing Companies on the IDX in 2009-2020.
listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in H8: The reputation of the Public Accountant
2009-2020" becomes interesting to do. Office as a Moderating Variable
Strengthens the Effect of Profitability on
Audit Delay in Manufacturing Companies
Listed on the IDX in 2009-2020.

International Journal of Research and Review ( 385

Vol. 9; Issue: 2; February 2022
Gabriel Abdillah Factors affecting audit delay with reputation of public accountant office as a moderating
variable in manufacturing companies listed on the IDX in 2009-2020.

RESEARCH METHODS 396 units, namely 33 companies x 12 years

This type of research is causal of research.
associative research to determine the factors
of whether audit tenure, audit opinion, firm RESULT AND DISCUSSION
size, profitability as independent variables Estimation Model Selection
affect audit delay as the dependent variable Three methods can be used for panel
with the reputation of Public Accounting data in this study, namely the Common
Firms as moderating variables in Effect (CE), Fixed Effect (FE), and Random
Manufacturing Companies listed on the Effect (RE) regression models. The Chow,
Stock Exchange in 2009-2020. Hausman, and Lagrange multiplier tests
The causal associative study aims to were carried out to determine the best
analyze the relationship between one estimation model in this study.
variable and another to know how one
variable affects other variables (Sugiyono, Chow Test
2011). The data collection method used in A Chow test is carried out to
this research is the documentation method, determine the most appropriate fixed-effect
namely in the form of reports that have been or standard effect model used in estimating
published in the observation period and then panel data. This test aims to determine
collected, recorded, and reviewed. The data which model is the best between the two,
analysis method used in this study is a namely fixed effect (FE) or common effect
statistical analysis method using the Eviews (CE). The determination of the hypothesis
application. Data analysis performs by used in the Chow test is as follows:
testing standard assumptions and testing H0: then, the best estimation model used is
hypotheses. the common effect rather than the fixed
The population of this study effect.
consisted of manufacturing companies listed H1: The best estimation model used is the
on the Indonesia Stock Exchange as many fixed effect rather than the common effect.
as 178 companies. The sample selection in The stipulation is that if the
this study was conducted using the probability is 0.05, then H0 is accepted,
purposive sampling method. Purposive meaning that the common effect (pool least
sampling is a sampling technique using square) model will be used. However, if the
specific considerations (Sugiyono, 2011). probability value is < 0.05, then H1 is
Samples were selected using the following accepted, meaning that this research is
criteria: better off using the fixed effect approach.
1. Is a manufacturing company whose
shares are listed on the IDX in 2009- Table 1. Chow Test Results
Effects Test Statistic d.f. Prob.
2020. Cross-section F 4.555218 (32,359) 0.0000
2. Had an IPO before the year of the study, Cross-section Chi-square 134.946704 32 0.0000
Source: Results of data processing with Eviews9
namely 2009.
3. Published the Annual Report and
Based on the Chow test, it can be
Audited Financial Reports during the
seen that the probability value obtained is
2009-2020 research period.
0.000, which is smaller than 0.05 (<0.05), so
4. Manufacturing companies that display
the best model to use is Fixed Effect (FE)
the profile of the Public Accountant
rather than Common Effect (CE).
Office and the Public Accounting Firm.
The researchers obtained
Hausman Test
manufacturing companies that became the
After performing the Chow test and
research sample based on these criteria. So
determining the fixed effect's best estimate,
the number of observations in this study was
the next step is to perform the Hausman test

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Vol. 9; Issue: 2; February 2022
Gabriel Abdillah Factors affecting audit delay with reputation of public accountant office as a moderating
variable in manufacturing companies listed on the IDX in 2009-2020.

to retest the better model between fixed Based on the selection of the
effect (FE) or random effect (RE). estimation method, it is known that the
Following are the test results to choose result of selecting the appropriate estimation
whether the best estimate is a random effect method for the panel data regression
(RE) or a fixed effect (FE) with the equation in this study is a random effect so
Hausman test. The hypothesis used in the that in this study, there is no need to test the
Hausman test is as follows: classical assumptions on the data used
H0: then the best estimation model used is a (Gujarati and Porter, 2009).
random effect
H1: The best estimation model used is a Research Hypothesis Test
fixed effect. Regression Analysis With Panel Data
The analytical technique used in this
Table 2. Hausman Test Results study is multiple linear regression analysis
Test Summary Chi-Sq. Chi-Sq. Prob.
Statistic d.f. with panel data to describe the effect of
Cross-section random 4.487455 4 0.3440 audit tenure, audit opinion, firm size, and
Source: Results of data processing with Eviews9
profitability on audit delay. In the selection
of the estimation method in the previous
Based on the results of the Hausman
section, it can be seen that the best
test in this study, it can be seen that the P-
estimation method used in this study is the
Value of the Random Cross-section is
random effect (RE). So that the results of
0.3440, which is greater than 0.05 (0.3440 >
multiple linear regression analysis of panel
0.05). Then H0 is accepted, which means
data using random effects can be seen in the
the best method to use is a random effect
following table:
rather than a fixed effect.
Table 4. Panel Data Regression Analysis Results
Lagrange Multiplier Test Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
C 117.2596 13.65748 8.585741 0.0000
To determine whether the best X1 0.358517 0.404387 0.886568 0.3759
estimation method is a random effect or a X2 -11.20593 2.383918 -4.700635 0.0000
common effect, the Lagrange Multiplier X3 -1.776340 0.899809 -1.974130 0.0491
X4 -0.503214 0.109860 -4.580503 0.0000
Test is carried out. The Lagrange Multiplier Source: Results of data processing with Eviews9
test is a statistical test to choose whether the
common effect model or the random effect Based on Table 4. above, it can be
model is more appropriate in panel data seen that the multiple linear regression
regression (Gujarati, 2012). Tests are equation is:
carried out with the following hypotheses: 𝒀 = 𝟏𝟏𝟕. 𝟐𝟔𝟎 + 𝟎. 𝟑𝟓𝟖𝑿𝟏 − 𝟏𝟏. 𝟐𝟎𝟔𝑿𝟐
1. H0 = Common effect − 𝟏. 𝟕𝟕𝟔𝑿𝟑 − 𝟎. 𝟓𝟎𝟑𝑿𝟒
2. H1 = Random effect From these equations, it can be
explained as follows:
Table 3. Lagrange Multiplier Test Results 1. Constant (a) = 117.260 indicates a
Test Hypothesis
Cross-section Time Both constant value, where if the value of all
Breusch-Pagan 97.13990 3.704299 100.8442 independent variables is equal to zero,
(0.0000) (0.0543) (0.0000)
Source: Results of data processing with Eviews9 then the audit delay variable (Y) is equal
to 117.260.
Based on the Lagrange Multiplier 2. Coefficient of audit tenure (X1) = 0.385,
test results in this study, it can be seen that meaning that if audit tenure has
the P-Value of the Breusch-Pagan Cross- increased by 1 unit, it will increase audit
section is 0.000, which is smaller than 0.05 delay by 0.358 (35.8%). The coefficients
(0.000 < 0.05). So that H1 is accepted, value is positive, indicating a positive
which means the best method that must be relationship between audit tenure (X1)
used in this study is the random effect. and audit delay (Y). It means that if the

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Vol. 9; Issue: 2; February 2022
Gabriel Abdillah Factors affecting audit delay with reputation of public accountant office as a moderating
variable in manufacturing companies listed on the IDX in 2009-2020.

audit tenure increases, the audit delay effect on the dependent variable. In that
will also increase. case, this regression model can be continued
3. The coefficient of audit opinion (X2) = - by performing a t-test. On the other hand, if
11,206, meaning that if the audit opinion it has no effect, then the t-test (partial test)
increases by 1 unit, it will affect the does not need to be carried out because all
audit delay of 11.206. The coefficients independent variables do not affect the
value is negative, indicating a negative dependent variable.
relationship between audit opinion (X2) The simultaneous test results
and audit delay (Y). If the audit opinion conducted in this study indicate that the
increases, the better the audit delay will value of Prob. F-Statistic is 0.000, which is
decrease. smaller than 0.05. The results of this F test
4. The coefficient of firm size (X3) = - indicate that all independent variables
1.776, meaning that if the firm size together (simultaneously) have a significant
increases by 1 unit, it will affect the effect on the dependent variable, namely
decrease in audit delay by 1.776. The audit delay. T-test (partial test) was
coefficients value is negative, indicating conducted to see what independent variables
a negative relationship between firm affect audit delay,
size (X3) and audit delay (Y). It means
that if the company's size increases, the Test Statistics t (Partial)
audit delay will decrease. The t-statistical test shows how far
5. Profitability coefficient (X4) = -0.503, the influence of one independent variable
meaning that if profitability increases by individually in explaining the dependent
1 unit, it will affect the decrease in audit variable is. The hypothesis is formulated as
delay by 0.503 (50.3%). The coefficients follows:
value is negative, indicating a negative 1. H0: Xi = 0, meaning that the
relationship between profitability (X4) independent variable has no significant
and audit delay (Y). It means that if effect on the dependent variable.
profitability increases, audit delay will 2. H1: Xi 0, meaning that the independent
decrease. variable significantly influences the
dependent variable.
F Statistic Test (Simultaneous) Acceptance or rejection of the
hypothesis in a study can be done with the
Table 5. Simultaneous Test Results following criteria:
Weighted Statistics
R-squared 0.115964 Mean dependent 36.21606 1. If the statistical significance value is >
var 0.05, then H0 is accepted. It means that
Adjusted 0.106920 S.D. dependent var 18.67639
R-squared an independent variable individually
S.E. of 17.64973 Sum squared resid 121801.6 does not influence the dependent
F-statistic 12.82240 Durbin-Watson stat 1.239778 variable.
Prob 0.000000 2. If the significance value of t statistic
Source: Results of data processing with Eviews9
<0.05, then H0 is rejected. It means that
an independent variable individually
The F test is used to simultaneously affects the dependent variable.
see the effect of audit tenure, audit opinion,
Table 6. t-Test Results (Partial)
firm size, and profitability on audit delay. Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
This effect needs to be tested to see whether C 117.2596 13.65748 8.585741 0.0000
X1 0.358517 0.404387 0.886568 0.3759
this regression model can be continued by X2 -11.20593 2.383918 -4.700635 0.0000
performing a t-test (partial) or not. Suppose X3 -1.776340 0.899809 -1.974130 0.0491
X4 -0.503214 0.109860 -4.580503 0.0000
the results of the F test conclude that all Source: Results of data processing with Eviews9
independent variables have a significant

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Vol. 9; Issue: 2; February 2022
Gabriel Abdillah Factors affecting audit delay with reputation of public accountant office as a moderating
variable in manufacturing companies listed on the IDX in 2009-2020.

Based on Table 6. above, the results interaction with the research model in the
of the t-test state that audit opinion, firm following table.
size, and profitability partially have a
significant effect on audit delay. Table 8. Regression Results With Moderating Variables
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
Meanwhile, the audit tenure variable does C 109.0702 17.62482 6.188442 0.0000
not significantly affect audit delay. X1 1.893485 0.718823 2.634146 0.0088
X2 -13.64967 3.139034 -4.348367 0.0000
X3 -1.218788 1.182218 -1.030934 0.3032
Coefficient of Determination Test X4 -0.786290 0.198689 -3.957398 0.0001
Z 0.488752 25.03021 0.019526 0.9844
The coefficient of determination X1*Z -2.200455 0.877066 -2.508883 0.0125
(R2) essentially measures how far the model X2*Z 7.066595 4.577102 1.543902 0.1234
can explain the variation of the dependent X3*Z -0.299459 1.639367 -0.182668 0.8552
X4*Z 0.430288 0.233061 1.846245 0.0656
variable. If the value of R2 is small, it Source: Results of data processing with Eviews9
means that the ability of the independent
variables to explain the variation of the Based on the table above, it can be
dependent variable is minimal. Vice versa. seen the interaction between the moderating
variable, namely the reputation of the Public
Table 7. Coefficient of Determination Results
Weighted Statistics
Accountant Office, with each independent
R-squared 0.115964 Mean dependent 36.21606 variable, namely audit tenure, audit opinion,
var firm size, and profitability on audit delay.
Adjusted R- 0.106920 S.D. dependent var 18.67639
squared These results explain that the interaction
S.E. of regression 17.64973 Sum squared resid 121801.6 between the moderating variable and audit
F-statistic 12.82240 Durbin-Watson 1.239778
stat tenure significantly affects audit delay
Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000 because the significance value is less than
Source: Results of data processing with Eviews9
Based on Table 7. above, the value
of R Square (R2) in this research model is
Based on the results of data analysis
0.116, which means that the independent
and research discussion, the following
variables, namely audit tenure, audit
conclusions can be drawn:
opinion, firm size, and profitability, can
1. Audit tenure does not significantly
explain or describe audit delay in
affect audit delay in manufacturing
manufacturing companies listed on the
companies listed on the Indonesia Stock
Indonesia Stock Exchange. Of 0.116 or
11.6%. While the remaining 88.4% is
2. Audit opinion has a negative and
influenced or explained by other variables
significant effect on audit delay in
not included in this research model.
manufacturing companies listed on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange.
Moderating Test
3. Firm size has a negative and significant
The relationship between the
effect on audit delay in manufacturing
independent variable and the dependent
companies listed on the Indonesia Stock
variable, there is a possibility that can be
influenced by other variables not included in
4. Profitability has a negative and
the statistical model, which are called
significant effect on audit delay in
moderating variables or moderating
manufacturing companies listed on the
variables. The moderating variable used in
Indonesia Stock Exchange.
this study is the reputation of the Public
5. The reputation of the Public Accountant
Accounting Office. In seeing whether the
Office can strengthen the effect of audit
reputation of the Public Accounting Firm
tenure on audit delay in manufacturing
can be used as a moderating variable in this
companies listed on the Indonesia Stock
research model, it can be seen based on its

International Journal of Research and Review ( 389

Vol. 9; Issue: 2; February 2022
Gabriel Abdillah Factors affecting audit delay with reputation of public accountant office as a moderating
variable in manufacturing companies listed on the IDX in 2009-2020.

6. The reputation of the Public Accountant the profitability it has will be able to
Office cannot moderate the effect of reduce the audit delay of the company
audit opinion on audit delay in so that the resulting audit delay will be
manufacturing companies listed on the shorter.
Indonesia Stock Exchange. 2. The results in this study indicate that the
7. The reputation of the Public Accountant reputation of the Public Accountant
Office cannot moderate the effect of Office can strengthen the effect of audit
firm size on audit delay in tenure on audit delay in manufacturing
manufacturing companies listed on the companies on the Indonesia Stock
Indonesia Stock Exchange. Exchange. At the same time, the partial
8. The reputation of the Public Accountant effect of audit tenure on audit delay is
Office cannot moderate the effect of not significant. It shows that the
profitability on audit delay in company should consider the reputation
manufacturing companies listed on the of the Public Accountant Office to
Indonesia Stock Exchange. minimize the audit delay of the
company. Companies are advised to
LIMITATIONS OF THE RESEARCH prefer to use the Public Accountant
This study has limitations that can be Office already affiliated with The Big
taken into consideration for future Four because of its reputation. Of
researchers in order to get better results, course, the quality of the audit produced
namely as follows: is much better than other tiny Public
1. This research was only conducted on Accounting Offices, so using the
manufacturing companies listed on the services of a reputable Public
Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2009- Accountant Office will help the
2020. company to shorten audit delays.
2. This study only uses measurements and 3. Future research is expected to re-
formulas that the researcher knows only examine the effect of other variables that
so that the research results may differ can affect audit delay in companies
compared to different measurements and other than those used by researchers in
formulas. this study. Several variables that can be
studied include audit switching,
SUGGESTION solvency, audit quality, and financial
Based on the conclusions in this distress.
study, some suggestions can be made as
follows: Acknowledgement: None
1. In the study results, it can be seen that
audit opinion, firm size, and profitability Conflict of Interest: None
are proven to have a negative and
significant effect on audit delay in Source of Funding: None
manufacturing companies listed on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange. It is REFERENCES
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Terhadap Lamanya Wktu Penyelesaian Audit
(Audit Delay) Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur How to cite this article: Gabriel Abdillah,
Yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Iskandar Muda, Erwin Abubakar. Factors
Jurnal Akuntansi & Auditing. 9 (1). affecting audit delay with reputation of public
29. Puspitasari, K. D. dan Lartini, M. Y. (2014). accountant office as a moderating variable in
Pengaruh Ukuran Perusahaan, Anak manufacturing companies listed on the IDX in
Perusahaan, Leverage, dan Ukuran Kantor 2009-2020. International Journal of Research
Akuntan Publik Terhadap Audit Delay. E- and Review. 2022; 9(2): 381-392. DOI: https://


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Vol. 9; Issue: 2; February 2022

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