Грамматический справочник ЕШКО для нач

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Vnaxaevtrre cry4eHrrr!

Baure 3HaKoMcrBo c .a3brrou 6nrlo <<xt4Bblu>>,

An-fl roro, vto6rt ttyxuo

LICIIOJIb3OBaTbero, pa3roBapvlBafl, cJIyIIIas, I{vITas. vl vrcwafr el.o

ft crp oft .
rp aMMarI4.recKr,T

Ilelr AanHoronoco6us - cllcreMarr{3l{poBarb

Marepuan n o6tevre Kypca NIs,lna'uuHaloulnx,rIpeAIaIaeMoIo E[IIKO.

"fpauuatpr'{ecKl,Iil clpaBor{HnK" roropr.ft Brt 4epxure n

Kpoue roro, ,
pyKax, 6y4er IIOJIe3eH He ToJIbKO cTyAeHTaM, 3aBepIxaIOUIpIM KypC
"AHmUfiCKvIi1 II3) {aTb
1.ng. HaqI4HaIOUII4X", HO VI TeM, KTO 6yler
"Asrrrufi cr<vri4 "
An-flcpeAHero ypoBH.s .

B ypoKax Kypca p;1fl, cpeAHero ypoBHfl B pa3Aenax, cBq3aHHbIX c

"ynpaXHeHl4e", Bft HaIlAeTe
"fpauuarr4ilecKoro c[paBorrHl4Ka".9ro osHaqaer,rITo
cHocKI{ Ha [yHKTrt
rrepeABbrnoJrHeHr4eM [poquTaTb
) Heo6xoAI4MoBHI4MareJIbHo
"IpaUUatHrIeCKOIO clpaBOqHI4Ka", TeM
caMbrM [oBTops-fl Te cBeAeHr4rr,KoTopble floHaAo6srcs. AJUIBbIrIoJIHeHI4fl
AaHHOTOylrp&KHeHtrs., a 3aTeM CTaHyI OCHoBOfrAIq ycBoerl.Ils. HoBOTO

Xelaevr Bau rnoAorBopHoft pa6oTbl HaAocBoeHlleM Iqpca u ycnexoB

B yqe6e!

1 . 1 .H e o n p e A e n e H H b I f t a p r l , I K J I b y n o r p e 6 l x e r c B
t AByx @opuax :

an )[eH] - nepeAcyrUecrBl{Te,'tbHbtMvvnwilpl4JlararenbHblMl4,HarIHHaIol{HMI4cflHa
r,{acHyro unv HeMYrc h,uanP.:

an apple [eu snn] q6roro

an entrance IsH eHrpeHc] BXOA

an hour [eH ayep]
an interestingfilm [eHuHrpecrraH:$unru] uHrepecHstfitpulsv

a >[e] - B ocrzulbHblx cJI] Iasx, Harlp.:

a car [s xa:p] asroN4o6LIrr

a building [e 6r.r,r4rau:] .(oM

a usefultool [a rc:c$y,r ry:n] nore:Hsrri 14HcrpyMeHr

vc'q.ucJIfleMbIMI'{ cyulecT-


A bicycle is cheaperthan a car. Belocunen ae uleBneantopro6ulq.

1.3. HeonpeAe,ressni.taprr4KJrb ynorpe6lrercrr nepeA cyxIecrBI4reJIbHbIMH, o6osua-

qarcunMll n p o O e c c vIIo, Be p y r4nu H a Ir I4o H a JIb H o c r b :

My brother is a doctor. Moti 6par - eplLt.

He is a baker. On nercapa.
He is a Roman Catholic. On rcamorurc.
Her husbandis an American. Ee vyx- alilepuKoHeLl.

Apruxlr H e yII oTp e 6l se Tc q, KofAaper{bHAeTo rroJtoxeH}rr4,KoTopoe

MO)Ker3aHI4MaTb roJlbKo oAHo nl{qo:

Who is President of Ukraine? Kro npesngeHr VrpanHst?


2.1. fluruercs BcerAarar the, Ho IIpoI43HocI,IrcflAByMqcloco6ann:

> [33H] - nepeA cyuecrBr.rreJrbHbrMuvnv lpl4JlararenbHbIMI4, Haql{HaIoil-U,IMI4ct
Ha rJIacHyro vrrr HeMYrc h, HanP.:

the apple [33u en-r] (ero) a6,roro

the entrance [33uernpsHc] (oror) BXoA

the hour [33u ayep] (eror) vac


>[33e] - B ocr€l,rbHbrx
the car [33s xa:p] (eror) asrovo614rl
the building [33s 6nnaun:] (eror) 4orra
the usefultool [33s rc:c$ynry::r] (eror) no:resHnrlr,rHcrpyMeHr

2.2. Onperc.nennrttl aprnK;rb yrlorpe6lxercx nepeA cyrrecrBilreJ'rbHbrMr.{


The house was opposite the church. (9ror) )ou 6r,wtHanporr,rB(rorZ) rleprnra.

The streers are empty. (Oru) y,tuqarflycrbr.

H e yn orp e 6 t s et c s,'.

a) nepeAHassaHuqrr,rr4 nuuu, ynorpe6leHHbrxB o6qev cMbtcJ're,

npfier\.{os Hanp.:
I shall not wait for dinner. ,fl He 6yay )KAarb o6eAa.


I did not like the dinnerwe had MHe He IIoHpaBXJrcso6e4, xoropsrfi rr,rlr
there. TaM CibeJII4.

6) nepeA HaseaHraqldfinperueHroAa, ynorpe6,reHHblx B o6urerr cMbrcJre,Hanp.:

Do you like summer? JIrc6niur irv rbr -irero?


The summer of 1990wasgood. (To) nero 1990roaa6uro npurrHsrrr,r

(doc,t.: xop orurarra

B) ilepeA cyuecrBr4TeJIbHbIMH,
H a 3 B a H M A M 14onpeAeJTeHHHx
34an n il, raKh x KaK:
TlopbMa, uepKoBb, rrlKoJra,6o:nHnqa,- ecJlr4B npeAno)KeHr.{upeqb HAer npe)Kre
ecero o6 HcIIoJrb3oBaHvrrr
cofJracHoefo npeAHa3HaqeHnro,Hanp. :

On Sundayswe go to church. flo nocrpeceHbrM Mbr xoAr,rMB uepKoBb.

Thesechildren are going to school. Oru Aern r4AyrB rxKony.


The school is a tall building. 9ra urrola - BbrcoKoe

We went to the prison to visit him. Mrr norulv B TlopbMy,.{ro6btHaBecrttrL,

r ) n H e K o r o p b r xB b r p a ) K e H u q x :
She wasdressedin white. OHa6rr,raoAeraB 6e,roe.
We went by car. Mrr noexa.nuHaasroNao6nre.
He will be in town on Tuesday. OH 6yaer B ropoAeBo BropHHK.
They are at work now. Onu cefiqacHapa6ore.

3.1. a) Jlnqsue MecroI{MeIIHr ynorpe6lsrorcfl,, KaK }I B pyccKoM fl3blKe, B ponl4

n o A n e x a u t e f o t I A o n o n H e H H A , t r p r 4 n e p e B o A ec o o T B e T c T B ypsy c c K h M
Mecror{MeHnqM,orBer{aloilIuM Ha Bortpocbt rcmo? qmo ? u rcouy? ueny ?

l{rrreunreruHsrft naAex O6rexrHsui rtaAex


I I fl me MeHfl, MHe

2 you TbI you re6s, re6e

he OH him eMy, efo

J she oHa her ee!,Hefi

it oHo, oH, oHa it efo, ee, eMy,eu

MnoxecrseHHoe r{14cJro

I we MbI us Hac, HaM

z you BbI you BAC. BAM. BAMI,{

they OH}I them Llx, vM, LlMl{, I4X

She is a nurse. Ona rrleAcecrpa.

I met hirn yesterday. fl acrperul ero Bqepa.
We havegiven the booksto them. Mu Aala (eru) rHuru uu.

6) JlpursxrareJlbllble MecrollMeHl{fl
flpuuxareJrbHbre MecroI4MeHL{flBbrpaxarcT fiprzHaAnexHocrb ],r orBeqa]or Ha
eonpoc whose? 'aefi?.flpuraxare,rbHble MecroI4MeHI4quMelorA e e $ o p M br : oAHa
ynorpe6,rxercq ilepeA cyuecrBure,'IbHbtMl4,aApymq - caMocrosreJtrHo. Paccuorpuu
nepByro 6opnay.

JIuuo EruncreeHHoe qncJlo MHoxecrseHHoe qr4cno

I my MOu, MOq, MOe, MOII our Hatu, Ha[ua, Haule, Ha[t]4


his efo

5 their
efo, ee
its (omuocumenbHo)tcusomHbx
u npednemoe)

flepe4 coueraHr,{eMrlpl4Tt)KarenbHoro MecrovueHus. v. cyuecrBXTeJIbHoro

aprr4KJrb He ynorpe6l fl.e'rcfl.'.

His watch is on the table. Eeo 'aacotHa croJle.

Where is my new dictionary? fle ntoil noeotrtutoeapa?

BoseparHneMecror,rMeHna o6pa:yrorcsnyreMnpn6aueuuq K MecroI4MeHI4qM my,
our, your, him, her, it, them r4cnoByone oKoHqauras (r ltecroulreuutu e4.u.)
ra-selves(x uecrouueHuqM uH.u.)

JInuo ElrancrneHHoe qxc,'Io MHoxecrseHHoeqncro

1 myself ourselves
z yourself yourselves
3 herself themselves

Bsmlanue! B orluque orJrr4qHbrxMecrouueHI,tft, 2-eluuo oo3BparHblx MecrouueHnft

pIMeer orAeJrrHrte Soptnlbl Ar.s eAI,IHcrBeHHoroI{ MHo)KecrBeHHoro qHcra.

3.3. AlluuitcKr,re Bo3BparHbreMecrokrM.eHrds. coorBercrBylor B pyccKoM q3blKe r{acrl4lle

-ca (-ca), Koropafl npucoeAl4Hsercrr K ularoJry, rroKir3blBag,,{ro Aefrcrsl4e rlepexoAur
Ha cauo AetZcrByloureeJII,{qo:

He defendedhimselfbravely. OHxpa6posaurr,rurancs.
Go and washyourselves, floftAureu yuoftrecl, reru.

flocle rnaroJloB:
to wash yMblBarbcq to bathe Kyrarbc-fl

to dress oAeBaTbcg to hide rp.flrarbcq

to shave 6purrcr
MecToI,IMeHfifl r{acToonycKaloTcs, Haflp. :

I washed"dressedand shaved. -fl noN,tsucq, oAeJIcqu no6pnrcq.

He likes to bathe in the sea. On lrc6un Kynarbcq B Mope.

3.4. BosnparHble Mecrol4MeHI4l Moryr raKxe coorBercrBoBarb Bo3BparHoMy

MecrorlMeHurc ce6a (cede, co6ort) o pyccxotr't x3blKe:

He bought himselfa new coat. OH rynu-rr cedeHosoeriulbro.

She spokevery little of herself. OHa o.{eHrManoroBoputa o ce6e.
3.5. BosnparHbreMecrot4MeHr4q cyil{ecr-
ynorpe6.nnnrcq raKxe Ar flycvIreH].1.s.3HaqeHuq
Br4TeJrbHoro coorBercrByq
t{Jru Mecror4MeHr4g,, pyccKoMy MecronMeHu\o caM (caaa,
caao, cattu\.
I myself have given it to You. fr cau re6e ero aal.
She has heard it from the doctor gro or caMoeoAoKTopa.
Oua yc.rrrturarrra
We shallplough the fieldsourselves. Mt; cauu BcrlarleMilo:ls

B erOv Cnyqae BO3BpaTHbIeMeCToI{MeHI,It MOIyT CTOqTbKaK B KOHUe npeA,'IO)KeHHfl,

TaK H noc.rle cJloBa, 3HaqeHue KoToporo oHI4 ycI4JrI4BaIOT:
You yourselfhavedone it. TH caua 3To cAe,rtua.
You havedone it yourself. Tu clelala gro caMo.

O6osuaqaer ilpeAMerI'torBeqaer Ha Bonpoc rcmo?wmo?Hanpl4Mep:
aWoman XeHlUI,lHa
water BoAa

4.1 . O6trqno Sopna r'lHoxecrBeHHofo r{r4cJraI4MeHcyilIecrBl4relluttx o6pasyercq nyreM

Ao6asreFrxfl -s
oKoHr{aHL{t K cyxrecrBl{TenbHoMy B eAuHcrBeHHoMqucre, Hanp':
building AoM buildings AoMa
door ABepb doors IBepr4
tower 6auruq towers 6a':usu
book KHI,IIA books KH]4TI4

4.2. Ecnu cyulecrBhre,'IbHoe B eAI'IHcrBeHHoMt{i{cre O K A H I { I 4 B A C T C ' I H A TJIYXY}O

c o r J I a c H y I , o , o K o H q a H u e- s n p o H 3 H o c L I T cTqa r u K euyxo )[c], Hanp.:
streets [crPu:rc] ynr{ubr
shops [uroncl Mara3uHbI

4.3.EclucyulecrBr4TeJrbHoeBeAr4HcrBeHHoMqI4cJIeoKaHql'IBaercqHaIJ'IacHyIo HJII4
H a 3 B o H K y I o c o r , 1 a c H y l o , o K o H q a H I , I e- s n p o l 4 3 H o c n T c l 3 B o H K o ) [ : ] , Hanp.:

cars Ixa:pr] aeroNao6r.,utr.r

trains [rpsfiu:] no%Aa

4.4. Ecttu cyuecTBr4Te,'lbHoe B eALIHCTBeHHOM qI4CIe OKaHrIUBaeTq Ha OyKBy -y, nepeA

xoropoii crol4Tc o r,'t a c H a g., -y
Ha rIL{cbMe 3aMeHqercl ua -ie, Hanp.:
country cTpaHa countries cTpaHbr
baby pe6eHor babies AETT4
factory $a6pnxa factories $a6purn
boy MiUIbqI{K boys MIUIbq]4KH

day AEHb days AHVI


4.5.kluesa cyuecrBl4TerbHbre,oKaHqr{Balournecq B eAHHcrBeHHoM rr14creHa -ss, -x,-

sh, -ch, o6pasyror MHo)KecrBeHHoerrnciro nyreM npn6aereHnr oKoHqaHlar -es K
$oprrae eAHHcrBeHHoro r{r4cra.
OroH.raHue -es npou3Hocr.{Tcrl
KaK ) [n:] , Hanp.:

bus anro6yc br-rses [6acu:] anro6yclr

church rlepKoBb churches Ivdpvu:] uepKBr4

Kar Iu:] npofi3Hocr4TcqraK)KeoKoHqaHrdeMHoxecrBeHHoro rrHcJ'ra 14MeH

cyxIecTBI4TeJIbHbtX, r{HCJIeHa -e C
npe/].uecrByroutefi6yreorl s, c) z) g, Hanp.:

horse Jrolra,4b horses [xo:pcl.r:] nouanr4

place MCgTO places [nneftcn:] Mecra
pt'rze npr43 pnzes Inpair:us] rrprr3br

K eruu cyuecrBure,rbHblM Bo MHo)KecrBeHHoM Ao6asrqerctr rorbKo -s.

4.6. MHoxecrBeHHoe qucJlo cyr{ecrBr4TeJrbHbrx man MyncquHa,.teno6eKh woman }rceH-

u , p n a o 6 p a z y e r cnf ,y r e M I 4 3 M e H e H u f l K o p H e B F , I X r , ' l a c H b r x : B 3 T f i x c J r o B a x
r,'IacHaga MeHgercfl Ha e. CoorsercrBeHHo MeHgercq 14ux npou3HorrreHhe:

one man [yaHueu] oAuH qeJ'roBeK,oAI4H MyxquHa

five men ISaftausu] rqTb qeroBeK, |It{Tb MyxrIHH

this woman [33uc nyu:n] 3TA XCHUIHHA

thesewomen [33n:snnusH] 3TI4 XEHIUI4HbI

9rornpnuqr4npacfipocrpaHgercsraK)KeI{ Ha cJI ol<H ['r e cy u e cr B 14r eJI b -

H bI e , OAHL{MI{3 SJTeMeHTOB men I4,.II4W0men, Hanp.:

a postman [oqraJrboH oostmen [oqrarlboHF,I

apolicewoman )KeHilruHa-no,ruueficrcafi policewomen )KeHrrr4Hbr-no:rnuerTcrue

4.7. flyrelr r{3MeHeHrrflKopHeBbrxfracHbrx Ha 11[cbMeLrB rrporl3HoileHHr{ o6pasyercn

C N E A Y I O t I I 1 4 X C Y t q C C T B 1 4T C J I b H b I X :
1 4M H O X E C T B C H H O C I { P I C J I O

foot [$yr] crona feet [6n:r] cTonbl

tooth lryCCl 3y6 teeth [rra:CC] :y6u

goose [ry:r] rycb geese [ru:s] fycrl

mouse [uayc] Mb[t]b mice [uafic] Mbttllt4

4.8.lrll.r.eua cyxrecrBr4TeJrbHbre,oKaHql4Balouuec.flB eA.r{.ua -f ulu Ha -fe, o6pasyrcr

MHo)KecrBeHHoe ilyreM u3MeHeHuqf n fe ua -ves:

loaf 6ylxa loaves 6ynrn

shelf noJIKa shelves nO,'lKI4

wife )KeHa wlves XCFIbI

life XI,I3Hb lives )KH3Hil


ql{Cne Ha -O, BO MHO-

gercq oKoHr{aHI4e -es' Harlp' :
xecrBeHHoM'{ucre Ao6aBn

potato xaproseruHa potatoes rapro@e,rl

lomato IIoML{AOp tomatoes nOMUAOpL'l

tII4C,'IeOKaHqHBaeTCflHa -eil'
4.10. HecronbKo cyuecTBI4TeJIbHbrx BOMHO)KeCTBeHHOM
child pe6eHor children aeTn


tbOpt'lyKaK B eAIIH-
4,11. onpeaereHHaq rpynila CyulecrBr4rerbHbrxl{Meer oAI',IHaKOBy}O
TaK n Bo MHO)KeCTBeHHOM ql4cre, Hanp':
one deer oAIIH onel{b five deer nsrloleuefi

this sheep 3ra oBqa thesesheep 3rt{ oBubl

4. 12. Heroropble cyqecrBl'treJrlbHbleyn orpe6,'txlorcx a SoPtrle T O J Tb K O MHOXECT-

B e H H O t o q t 4 cr a , H a r l p . :

wages 3apnnara riches 6oratcrso

contents cor,epxaHlle thanks 6,raro4apHocrt

oats oBec surroundings oKpecrHocrl4

proceeds BblPYqKa savings c6epexeuul

Oats are eatenby horses. Koun noeAatorosec.

Theseare nice surroundings. ero rpacnnse oKpecmHocmu.

Has he earnedhis riches? Ou :apa6ortu cBoe1oeamcmeo?

I gave them mY thanks' (dout.: fl lata

fl. vx no6nazodaputa.

qr4cna I4MeloTcylqecTBt{Te.IlbHble,Ha3bIBaIOU-lUenpeAMeTbl'
4.13. <Dopvy MHOXeCTBeHHOIO
KOTOpbIecocTorrT t43AByX qacTefi, cocran:r-fl1gulllx ueJIocTHOCTb'

trousers 6Pnru spectacles Or,lKH

SClSSOTS HOXH14IIbI glasses ottK14

binoculars coeAl'IHeHHbIeBMecTe)
6nHox,'rt (dout.:yBeInquTenbHbleJI14H3bl,

ECnn nepeA CyilIeCTBL{TeIbHbIM3TOIOTurta CTOI4THeo[peAeneHHstfiaprnxls uln

rIHCJ,II4Ter,tbHOe, nepeA
TO HefiOCpeAcTBeHHO 3Tl4M CyUlecTBhTei'lbHblMAO6aBIgerCq
Bo MHoxecrBeHHoM qI4cJIe K cnoBy pair ue r,o6asrqercg
o6opor pair of napa.
oKoHqaHHe -s,Harlp.:

I want to buy a Pair oftrousers. .fl xouy KynHrb 1ptorcu.

My brother has five pair of trousers. Y voero 6para namanaP 6Prcrc.
You need a pair of glasses. Te6e HyxHlt ot'rKu.
She bought two Pair of glasses. Oua rcynn,radeenaPoro'{Ko6-

4. 14. Ectu nepeAgrl4MI,IcyulecrBl{reJlbHbIMI4croqr Apyrne cJroBa,

ro o6opor pair of ne
ynorpe6:raercfl, Harlp.:
Where are my scissors?| can't fAe uou HoxHuuu? -fl ue uory ux
find them. :g.aitru.
Shecannotbuy new spectacles. Oga ge Moxer Kyrrurb HoBbrxorIKoB.

4.15. Cnoso pair ynorpe6tsercs, raKxe B 3HaqeHr4ra napa,eeJrvorHocurcr K cyurecr-

BHTerbHblM,o6ogHa.rarcur4MorAenbHbrenpeAMerbr, coeAr{HeHHbre
nonapHo.B eronr
cnyqaec,ToBopair no MHo)KecrBeHHoM qucJ'Ie
ilonyqaer oKoHqaHHe -s, Harrp.:
She has eight pairs of shoes. V Hee socevl nap ry$e,'rl.

rpynna cyqecrBr.rreJrbHbrx
4.16. OnpeaeJreHHarr ynorpe6,r-aercrB $opnaeron bKo
eArr HcrBeHHof o ur.rcira n rpe6yer raK)KeeAr,rHcrBeHHofor{hcnafraroJ'ra,
business Aeno strength cuna
furniture ve6e:rr revenue AOXOAbT
information nH@opuaqux merchandise TOtsapbr
progress npofpecc property co6creeuHocrr

4.17 . Ecttu nepeA cyulecrBure;IbHbIMcrol4r q 14c JI vtr e Ir b H o e, o6o3uavarctuee qucno

To oHo cTaBpITcfl
cBbrlre eAr,rHr,{ubl, Bo MHOXeCTBeHHOM q14CIe,Hanp.:

We waited for one and a Mst x.qa.nn nonmopo uaca (doc,t.: uac
halfhours. u norounHy).

4. 18. Ec:ru peqbuAero cyu{ecrBnreJ'rbHbrx,

o6o:HaqarouuxH e c KoJr b Ko npeAMeroB
oAHoro Krracca, Qopua uHo)KecrBeHHoror{!rcJTa,Hanp.:
In that accidentthey lost their B srol,{HecqacrHoM cnyqaeoHH
lives. noru6ltz (dou.: norepsnucnouxu:uu).
We all drove our own cars. Msr sce ynpaBnqnucBorrMrr
They all bought their own KaxaruZ (nce oHra)Kynhn ce6eno
tickets. 6vtery.

4.19.8 aHuuricxou fl3brKecyrqecrBureJrbHoe rraAexa:o6unfr, ue unercuuri
cneur{zurbHbrx (po4ure,lsuttfi)
oKoHrlaHL{fi,unpurnxare;rrnrrfi nagex, uuercurnfi
oKoHqaHr,re-ts. CyruecrBureJrbHoe
B npnrrDKarenbHoM nanexe orBeqaerHaBoilpoc
father'soffice KoHropa(,aoaXorua
my sister'sdog co6ara (uaa) lroerZcecrprr

fl p u r n x a r e rTb H rr rZ n aA e )K cyilrecrBl,ITe,'tbHblxB e A 14H c r B e H H o M q I,tc -

n e o6pa:yercfl fr),TeMnpn6asleHurr K cyurecrBr{TeJrbHoMy oKoHqaHH.q-'s (r.e.sHara
anocrpofia u 6yrnrr s).3ro oKoHqaHHerpou3Hocr4rcr KaK [:], [c], [ncl corracHo
TeM )Ke npaBlr,'raM, qro 14 oKoHqaHI4e -s npl4 o6pa:onaunu MH.r{. nneiH
cyurecrBureJr bHbrx (cv. auule).

flpuraXare-nr,nrrfr naAex Cy[IecTB].ITeJIbHbIXBO MH oX e CT Be H H o M r.l lI cJI e

o6osHa.{aercf oAHr4MToJIbKo 3HaKoM anocrpoQa, Hanp.:

the boys' books KHIITU M€UIbTILIKOB

the workers'tools rrHcrpyMeHrrrpa6ovr.rx

4.20.flp:znnxare:u,uttti (po4nrenluurZ) na4ex yIIorpe6l flerc-a, KaK npaBl4Jlo,c

KoTopbreorHocrrTcrrK nI,I UaM, BKJI}oqafl.r4MeHaco6crseH-
HbIe, HaIIp.:

my friend's car asroN{o6r4rl Moero Apyra

Galina'smother rr,rarrfa,ll.rutt

4.2l.Ec1u ra1lqco6crseHHoeoKaHql,IBaerclHa111 Ian q ilI y 16, poAyrellnufi naAex

o6pasyercxIryreMnpu6aueuu fl s vrvr flpocro anoctpoSa <<' >.
B o6oux cnyqasxoKoHqaHI{snpol43Hocsrc.[
Charles'sfriend [.ra:p:r':6peHAl apyr 9aplma
Charles'friend Iua:p,r'sQperuJ Apyr 9aplma

4.22.Polu1eluusrrZ nalex qacro y rt o r p e 6:r fler c fl Ans o6osnaqetrflTaKnx3 4auuit ,

KaK IIepKoBb, AoM, rocrl'IHr{ua, [IKoJIa, KOHTOpa,Mara3I,IH,Ha3BaHUeKOTOpbIX
noApa3yMeBaeT cfl , Hanp.:
I saw him at my brotheros. fl, sureJrero y Moero 6pama(n aoue).
We buy breadat the baker's. Mrr norynaeu xre6 y nercapa(v
Have you evervisitedSt.Paul's? Tsr xorAa-nra6ylr 6r,r-rry Ce. [Iaena (v

4.23.PopreltnrrrZ rraAe)Kyrrorpe6.rrercxvacro c cyrqecrBI4TeJIbHbIMI4,
KOBpeM9HI,{U paccTo-sHuIo,Harlp.:
Did you hear last night's news? Tu clrrua,r 6 qepawHue l:'oBocrl,t.
There wasan hour's delay. Bl';'no 4acoeoe orro3AaHI4e.
The building was at a mile's Aolr saxoAlrrcrr or lnac Ha paccmonHuu
distancefrom us. MUJIU.

4 . 2 4 . K a x n p a B r { J r oc,y u e c r B l 4 T e J r b H bot6eo, s H a r { a r u i l r 1 4e n p e A M e r b I , H e
ynorpe6lrnrcq B npursxarerruou (pogure:rtuotrl) naAexe. B grolt cnflae
ynorpe6lrerc.fl KoHcrpyKul{flco cJIoBoM of, Haup.:
the windowsof the oflice oKHaKOHrOpbI

the month of the year Mecqurona

4.25. KoscrpyKur4flc of ynorpe6Jrs.ercs.
KOfAa OH eABa pa3nprquM lrpr4 npor43HeceHHLr cyuIecTBLITeJIbHOfO, He3aBI4CI'lMOOT
.uvrera, n xoropoll oHo yrlorpe6leHo, Hailp.:
the books of the boys KHI,ITI4 M'LIIbqI{KOB

the tools of the labourers r4Hcrp) ,reHrnpa6ouux

the pens of the girls aBTOpyqKLrAeBoqeK

4 . 2 6 .K o H c r p y K u h qc o f y n o r p e 6 , r . s , e t c s . c o 6 v p a r e J r b H b I M 1 4 cyurecr-
B I4 T e JI b H bI M H, nOApa3yMeBaIoU-u4MI4
The attemptsof the police flonr,rrxra nonurrr4r{6u:rr,rHanpacHu.
were in vain.


5 . 1 .1 4M . f l n p I { J ra r a r e , { b H o e o6osna.raer[pr€naK rrpe.s{erau orBeqaerHa Bonpoc

rcarcort?, Hanp.:
a red book KpacHan KHI4fa

a rich man 6ozamuiluy>t<uuua

5 . 2 . I 4 ' t n r e u a n p r 4 ; r a r a r e n b H b l e u M e l o r H a q a J l b H y lOo o p M y ( H a n p . :r e d r c p a m u f i ) u ,
KaK x B pyccKoM fl3brKe,o6pasynr crereH14 cp aBH eHlr's.: cpaBH[TeJrbrryrc 14

long longer the longest

dauuuani dtunuee dttuuueilutufi,cauwil
HaqarbHaq Qopua cpaBHUTenbHafl cTeneHL [peBocxoAHa.s cTeneHb

5.3.CpanHnrerbHaqI4flpeBocxoAHaflcreneHboAHocJro)KHbrx n pHJrarareJr bH brx,

o6pa:yercx,KaKrrpaBuJro,ryreu4o6aueHun cy$Qr4Kca-er BcpaBHr4reJrbHofi
r.rcySQlrrca -estn npenocxo.uuorZ
creneHtrK lpunafarenbHoMyBHa.ranrHo]Z

HaqarbHafl $opua CDABHNTEJIbHA' CTCIIEHb nDeBocxoaHaqcTeneHb

fast faster the fastest

canad 6orcmpoui,
6orcmpaui 6orcmpee
short shorter the shortest
cauofi rcopomrcufi,
rcopomKuu KOpOUe

B 6o:nuuHcrBe cryqaeB [epeA npl4nafareJlbHblM B npeBocxoAHotZ crenenpt

ynorpe6,uerc.fl o n p e A e JIe H H st Ii a p r u K JI b, Hartp.:
the coldest caurrfi xo,ro.[sutZ the hottest cautuZ xapxuil

5.4. flpllnararerbHbte, cocror{rrrr4eu3TpexvJrr46oree cJrofoB,o6pasynr cpaBHl{'renbHylo

r.{npeBocxoAHyro creneHu c rroMorubro B c n o M o I a r e JI b H bI x croe more n the
most, roropbre caMI4 qBrrrrorcq cpaBHuTeJrbnorilr flpeBocxoAHorZcreneHsMu or
crog much I4 many, MHozoHanp.:
expensrve moreexpenslve the most expensive
Aoporoii AOpoxe causrrlaopoforT
delicious moredelicious the most delicious
3aMe.rarerbHbIi 3aMeqareJrbHee caurrii 3aMe.{arerbHbIil

diflicult moredifficult the most difficult

rpy.uHntfi rpyAHee cavsrrirpy4uuit

c T e n e H l ,cl p a B H e H H fl ,l I H o | A a
5 . 5 . A B y X c n o ) K H b I e n p 1 4 J Ia I a T e J I b H l r e o 6 p a : y r o T
rryreM AO6asreFrHqcyS@nxcoa
-er u -est' a I4HorAanpl4 IOMOIII4 more n most'
Ha coqeTaHHg:
Cy$sr,rxcsr .er 14-est'.u,o6aej]ql.orcflK cJIoBaM'oKaHq},IBaIoxl},IMc'I
,,corracHaf * -le, -er, -ow, -Ytt, I4J'II4 K croBaM c yAapeHLIeMHa BTopoMcJlole' Hanp':

simpler the simplest

npocroi npoue canuii npocrofi

clever cleverer the cleverest

yMHee caustft yvtHutft
narTow narTower the narrowest
yxe caurtit y:xllfi
heavy heavier the heaviest
TqXEIEE cavttti Tqxerbuz
polite politer the politest
ge)c'uasbtil BEXJITTBEE cavutfisexrusrtl)i

5.6. llpu o6pa3oBaHI'Iu cpaBHnrellHoft I'I [peBocxoAHotz creneHH Ha [I'lcbMe

n poncxoAqr cJreAyIouII4eI{3MeHeHI{fl
efi npeAurecrByer yAap-
a) KoHeqHaflcorJ'racHarrnpunararenbHofo yABauBaercs.,ecrtt
HAflf.:.lACHAfl, Harlp.:

big h-^gger
ir the biggest
6olsurofi 6ollue cattltil 6onsuroii

6) xoHevnoe-y 3aMeHflerc.flHa -i , eQrv nepeA HIIM crour cofJlacHat, Hailp.:

easy easier lhe easiest
JIefqe cauutfi lexnfi

l:azy Tazier the laziest

,tenllsltil JIEHIlBEC caurrii:reHusttit

-e , rO npU6aUtleTgq TOnbKO -r' u -St'

a) eC,rranpt4J.lalaTenbHoe OKaHqUBaeTCgHa

large larger the largest

6orrruoii 6o:rurue cauuir 6oruulofi

wide wider the widest

uHpe cavrli t[I4PoKl4tl

cpaBHeHus H e n o -
5.7. OnpeaeJleHHaflrpynla [p]4nafarenlH['tX O6pasyer cTeneHu
many more the most
MHONO 6ollure 6orrure scero
(dna ucuucnaewuxcyu4ecmeumemnox)
much more the most
MHOTO 6ollure 6orbruegcero
(dna ueucuucnflewuxcyu,ecm*umemuwx)

Iittle less the least

6olrure MeHblue caunr)iMa-neFrE,ruit
bad worse the worst
n.noxofr xyxe canr,lil n,roxoii

good better the best

xoponuril rfrurlrfr, nyqure cal.mtti:ry.truuti,

far farther the farthest

ilaneKldh 6o,reeAarexuii cavsrrT.uaae<nfi

5.8. Cloaa, rrpeAuecrByroruue unv cneAyroulre3a HuM,HeBJrHrrror
ua QopmynpHJrararenbHoro,Hanp.:
My new suit. Mori uomrii KocrK)M.
This suit is new. Sror rocrrcv Hoesrii.

Thesenew suits. ern uosbreKocrroMbr.

Thesesuitsarenew. eru rocrrcnbr HoBbre.

Two new skirts. fiee uoar,rero6xu.

Many skirtsarenew. Muorue lo6xn uosne.

flpu,rarare-nbHbreB 9rr4x [pr.{Mepax ynorpe6,rflIorcq s HaqaJrHoft Qopue.

5.9. flpu xavecrBeHHoM cpaBHeHtlr{AByx cyuecrBr4TeJrbHbrx s aur,']r{rZcroMs3brKeraK

B pyccKoM, ynorpe6.nxerc-rrcpaBHL.ITeJ.IbHaq
xe, KaK tr.{ crerreHb rrpr4nafarenrsoro. B
TaKnx c,'ryqaflxrrptrnarrrenbHoMy-B cpaBHrrrenbHofi crenenu npeA[recrByer aprnKn b
the, uanp.:
This is the cheaperof the two cars. IrIs rex AByx aBToMo6n,reireror

Is this the taller of the two buildings? I4s rex AByx sAaHHit sto eatrue?

Sheis the clevererof their two children. Vls nx aeyx Aereti AeBor{KayMHee.

5.10. CpanHhreJ'rbHa-fl creneHb ynorpe6,raercq raK)Ke Anfl Bbrpa)KeHlr.s, v 3 M e H e HV A

r r n r e H c 1 4B H o c r f i K a K o r o - T o c u o t Z c r sHaa.n p . :

Petrol is becomingmore and more EeHsr4uvce dopotrcaem

n dopotrcaem.
It is gettingcolderand colder. Crauoenrcrr Bcexorodueeu xonodnee.
The weatheris gettingworseand floroAa Ae,raercrrBcexy)rcev xyJrce.
This becomeslessand less ero craHoeurcqBCet4eHee
n rreHee
important. BIDI(HbIM"

socnpunmufrBcetnaynorpe$llercfl Ilpluafare'lbHoe
5.1 l. floc.rreHeKoropblx 2Jxfl2ono6
BNrecroHape\{ul. ern maro:rll peKoMeHAyeuBau 3anoMHl4Tb'
to look: You iook tired. Trr sbtrr gAIalllb y cmaJxbtM.

to feel: He feelsguiltY. OH uyecrnyer ce6q luHosambtM.

to srnell: That smells good. ero naxHer xoporuo.

to taste: It tastessweet. 3lo cttadrcoeHa BKyc.

to sound:That soundsnice. 9ro npuamuo (doctr.: 3Byt{I4rnpulrno).

qacro ynorpe6lxerce cJIoBothan ueu, Ha[p':

5.12. Iloc.rle cpaBHnreJlbrtolicreneHl'I
The deskis heavierthan the table. flapra uxeree croJla.(doct.: flapra

I am youngerfhan mY sister. fI rr,loloxe ceoefi cecrpbl. ()out.: ff

MoJro)Ke, rleM Mot cecrPa)

This houseis cheaperthan that one. 9ror Aont Ae[IeRre, qeM Tor.

ABlx rpeAMeroB14crroJlb3yercn
5.13.I,IHorla npu cpaBHeHI4I4 Haq:L'ibHax$opua, Hanp.:

My car is asexPensive Nllos ntaruilua raKati xe Aopofaq, KaK 14

It is not so coid asYesterdaY' (Ceroarix) He raK xoloAHo, KaK Bqepa'

rJIafoJ'IoM,lt o6o:Haqaet o6c.IoflterbctBa,
6. I . Hapevr.reonpeAenqer.4eficrBr4e,BbIpzDKeHHoe
noueay? zaueuT n rcarc?;B fipeAnoxeHui4 Haper{HeorHo,Jl'ITcgK fnarony }'l flBJ'Itlerct{
He walks quickly" Ou 6t icmpo xcAt4r. (xorlrzr rcarc?6t'tcrpo)

Sheliveshere. OHa x:liser .:t?ece.(>t'.tlne:.e)e ? zleca)

K IIpnnalaTenLHDMy il:-lI4AplfOMy HapeqhlO'

yKa3blBag Ha flx IIpH3HaKH:

Sl-reis a very goodteacher. Oua owenuxapowuunPenoAaBarexb.

He speaksEnglishquite well. OH roropur no-asrrtnfrcKLlcoocem

-ly x npu,lararelb-
6.2.KaxnpaBHJro, Hapeqr{eo6pasyercx nyrerra4o6asJleHntlcy$tpnxca
HOI\{y,IIp14qacru]'ol4nx cyuIecTIluTeJIbHOMy' :

ShesingsbeautifullY. rtoer.
Ona rcpacueo
He visiisthe old man weeklY. nedenauo.
On Haeeuraercrapl4Kaetrce

6.3. flprao6pasouauunuapeuiai.iilpor{cxoAqrcneAyIO[IHeil 3M e He H 14e ri a n I4C bMe.

Ha -ll, Ao6aerflercfr To.lIbKo-y , Hanp.:
a) x npltnarare,.IEHsIM,oKaHr{piBaroLlll4t\icfl
full nojlHbtl4 fuily BIIOIHe, nOJIHOCTbIO

dull cr,wguil Cully cKyqHo


6) oroH.ranue -le, ttepeAKoropblM crour cor,TacHaE,3aMeHfiercqHa -ly, Hailp.:

simple npocrott simPly |Ipocro

n) Heuoe -e I,IHorAaonycKaercx,FIarIp.:
trlle npan4neurfr truly npaBAHBO

whole ueJiblu wholy r] rlejrocTpr

r) uexoroplre oAHocJro)KHbrenprIJlafareJrbHbre, ua -ly, MeHtlor

-i nepe.qao6aBneFI14eM
gro oKoHqaHl,z'eHa -ly, uanp.:

day AeHb daily CXC.TIHCBHO

4) raxoe >tteu3MeHeHuenpor4cxoAu'tu B cJlyrlgac MHorocJIoxHblMI4llpurarare-rtb-

HbIMn,3aKaHqnBaIorqL{Mucq Ha -y, Hanp.:

easy J]ETKPIH easily J'lefKO

happv cqacrltnslril happily CqACTJI14BO

6.4. Onpeae JreHHaflrpynna uapeuuk u aHriTt'IrlcxoMfl3blKe uMeer raKylo xe @opvy,

(tro ?I npurafarerbHoe c reM )Ke3HaqeHL{gM,Hailp.:

a monthlyvisit oeil oceue Hu e

She visits me monthly. OHaHaseuaer MeH.qtcalcdauiMecnu.

a late bus nosdnurtavroSyc

She came late. OHanpuu-r,ranosduo.

a wide street wupoKanynlrua

The door waswide open. lnepr 6wna wuporcoorKpbrra.

the earlyafternoon paHHeenacneilonyAeH

Sheleft early. Oua wuta parto.

a hard job mntrcenwurpyp,

We work hard. Mrt mntrceropa6oraelt.

6 . 5 . H a p e u u x o 6 p a : y r u r c r e l r e H r { c p a B H e H r { . s r a K X e , K a Ku r r p u " r r a r a r e : r b l r b r e .

a) oa H o c Jro )KH br e Hapeqn-fi,araKxe Hapeqmfloften qocmou early pauo o6pazynt

cpaBHnrelbHylo creneHb r y r e M n p t l 6 a n , r e u l l nc y r p Q i l r c a - e r , a
f l p e B o c x o A H y H ) c 1 ' er e u r , - c y Q $ n r c a - e s t .

Ilepeauapeswnwt4tsnpeBocxolnoilcreneHu onpeAe jIe Ij H br rt a prt4 KJ'tb He

ynorpe6,uercn (e or,riav14eor npeBocxo!,Holi cl'eneHt{ npl,tntifarentnulx):

fast faster fastest

6ucrpo 6urcrpee 6srcrpeercero (ncex)
late later latest
n03nH{) iro3IHee no3aHeeBcero (Bcex)
creneHb npH
6) nourraBceo craJr bH bre Hapequxo6pasyrcrcpaBHI4renbHyIO
rroMourt{ more, a npeBocxoAHylo rtpu novourn most'
clearly moreclearly most clearly
ttcHo ,ICHEE, ncHeeocero(scex)
6oree qcHo

correctly morecorrectlY mostcorrectlY

npaBr{JrbHee, rlpaBl,IrbHee ncero (ncex)
6olee npaeulr'uo

s) creAylouve p1apeygs.KaK 14cooTBeTCrByiouII4e uM IIpI4JIafareIbHble, o6pa:ynr

{ f ln o I l p a B n n y :
c T e n e H I 4 C p a B H e HH} e
well better best
ryrtue ,'IY(It'e BCefO
badly worse worst
xyxe xy)Ke Bcefo

much more most

MHOIO 6olrue 6olnue scero
little less least
MeHb[ie MeHblxe Bcero

far farther fartherst

AaJreKo .II€UIbUIC Aturbue Bcefo

6.6. CpaeHrareJrbHarr creneHb uapeuuil Mo)Kerynorpe6,rnrlca Anf B bI p a )K e H v fl

I , I 3 Me H e H H t r A H " t e H c L { B H O C T 1 4K a K O f o - T o c r o t T c t nHaa' n p . :
They worked harderand harder. v ffuDrcerlee.
OHn pa6oralv Bcemnucenee
They sangmore and more t KqacuBee.
Oun neru BceKpacusee
He rememberslessand less. OH notntullr Bce MeHbwe v MeHbwe.

6.7. Or lpl4nararenbHorogoodo6pa:yercr Hapeunewell:

He doeshis job well' Ou xopotuoBblnorHtlercnon pa6ory.

I know them well. fl. nx xopowo3Halo.

6.8. Cyufecrsyer rpy11ila ilpI4nafareJIbHbIX, o K a H T I H I ] a F o i l I u xucag - l y u

14Meloilrt{xry xe Soptnly' tITo 14Hapeqfie:

daily exeAHeBHbIIz fatherly oruoscrufr

weekly exeHeae,rsHstfr silly u1mrtil
lovely xpacunnttl,vY4ecurtll friendly ApyxecrneHHltfr

I'lnl4 manner' Ha
Hapeqnq OT3THX IIpLtJIalaTeJIF,Hblx O6paSyrOrCq B COqeTaHHH CWay

The chiid smiled in a lovelYwaY. Pe6eHox uydecuoytrl.;'6atcn.

He spoke to me in a fatherlYmanner. O u p a : r o a a p v B a rc o v H o i r o -

They laughedin a sillYmanner. Hc1,.

Onu zty n o cMettJ't

They receivedus in a friendlYwaY. Osn uac npi4Hqnil no-dPYtrcecrcu



7.1. CyurecrByer14Bropaqtfoprrranpur;r)KarelbHbrx Mecrottvluuir, ynorpe6lxrculnxct

caMocToqTe:[,Ho,6e3 nocneAyrouero cyuecTBl{TenbHoro.Kax npaBr4jto,oH]4
ynorpe6rxnrcq BMecrec Soprr.rauilruaro.nato be.

JIuuo Er rarlcrneuHoe r{I4cJ'to MHoxecrseHHoe yr4cJlo

I mrne MOI4, MOfl, MOe, MOI4 ours Hall, Halrra, HaIUe, Hatun

2 yours tnoft, tnod, TBox, TBOI4 yours Ba[I, Batua, BalUe, Ba[II4

his ero
J hers theirs I'IX

its ero, ee!

This bicycle is mine. Sror serocrlneryuoit.
Is that book yours? 9ra xuura meoa?

7.2. CawocrosrerrHolZ@opuu npl4TflxarenbHofo

its HecyruecrByer.


8.1. MecroraMeHuqthis smom,oma, emovthese emuynorpe6tt-slorcs

fieper cyulecrBurenb-
HbrMI{ An.fl yKa3aHI4q Ha IIpe.UMeTbI, H a X O A g rU V e C s. B H e rr O C p e A C T B e U n O il
6,r u s o c r pr K roBopqxrelry. l4x MoxHo ynorpe6,rxrb co cneAylournM3a Hr4Mrr
cyu{ecrBureJrbHblM vtru 6ezHero,Harlp.:
Thev often stav at this hotel. Ouu .racroocraHaBJrlrBarorcf
s emoi
This is a nice boy" I mo np ene crrrsrrZlra,'rrqu x.
Do you know thesepeople? Brr gnaere emux moleit?
Theseare bad times. Oro r.flxerrre BpeMeHa.

8.2. MecroprMeHr4r that mom,ma, mo tr thoseme ynotpe6irrrrorcq.4nfiyKa3aHl,z'fl, Ha

6 o I e e o r A a Jre H H br e rr p e A u e r u . I,Ix Mo)KHoynorpe6mrs co cneAyrorqraM
3aHr4Mr{ cyxrecrBr4TeJrbHbrM unv6es Hefo, Hanp.:
I think it is that bus. .f, 4yuaru, r{ro ero mom anro6yc.
That is a nice statue" To - xpacvvafl crarys,.
Those girls have waited for half an hour. Te 4evyutxu )KAanI4norrlaca.
Those are her books. To ee xttuxxpr.

who, whom, whose, what

K eroia rpynne Mecrol{MeHP{llorHocflTctt MecroI4MeHnR
ra which.

Mecrouuresnfr '
9. 1 . V n o r p e 6,1 e u u e Borlpocl4reJrbHblx

B K a q e c T B eB o I I p O C 1 4 T e J I b -
1. BonpoqaTeJ.rbHbreMeCTOI4MeHunynorpe6lgloTcf
H bIX cJI O B B BOnpocI',ITeJIbHbIXnpeAno)KeHut{x',
ynorpe6:rxrbcs co cneAyloulHM 3a HI4M
2. BonpocrareJrbHbte MeCTOr4MeHI4q MOfyT
I'{JII4caMoCTOflTeIlUO) Ult't
6e: cvuecreltreilbl'toro'
CneAylouluM OOpa3OM:
klrax, nOnpOCI,ITSIbHbIeMeCToI4M9HI4IMOXHOCl"pynn14poBaTb

Vnorpe6neHl,Ie Bo[pocI{TeJIbHbIxMecroIlMeHI{I{
B ponu ilpunarareJrbHofo C

dta lrcueomubxu nqeoMemoc

Who is that girl? Kmo sraAenyurxa?

What man did You meet? KarcozoMy)KquHYrlt ucrPerula?

What are you reading? Vmo tal.lilraerul?

What music do You like? KarcyrcMy3bIKyrlt ,lxr6tlul?

KaK K OAyIxeBJrieHHblM'
9.2. BonpoctIreJIbHoe MecToI{MeHuewhiChrcomopatfiorHocl4rcl
raK r4K HeoAyuIeBJIeHHblM npeAMeTaMn ynorpe6,rxercq' KorAa peqb uAer o nlt6Ope
r 4 30 r p a H 1 4 t I e H H O r o ' apyccrulZlsltx
q H c J I a n f l u I d n I {n p e A M e r o sH
no u MecTol4MeHVeM KAKOU
[epeBoAI4TCfi He TOJIbKO MecToI4MeHI{eM K\mopbtrt,
Kmo, Llmo) Hanp.:

Which of theseboYsis Your son? Komoputit I,I3 sTHXMzulbql4KoBeail cltH?

Which girl is taller, lrena or KarcaaI43AeBoqeKBbl[Ie, Vlpenauwt

Galina? fa-nuua?

Wrich is the cheapestof theseradios? KarcoilI,I3npt4eMHHxoecaN4ltIT


Which car is faster,Yoursor his? Uon(rcomopaa)ltauruua 6stcrPee,

rgos I4II4 ero?

who I4MeeT
Mecror4MeHne whoseu whom-
are droprr.ln:
9.3. Bonpocr,rreJrbHoe

9 . 4 .W h o s e( u e f i ) n w x e r c r r i l p v r f l . x . a r e J r b H b r M r r a A e x o M orwho; eilpeAnoxe-
nepeA cyuIecTBI4Ten
Hr{r4cTor4THenocpeAcTBeHHo bHbIM.

Whosecoat is this? Veil gro n,rau{?

Whosemotherhaveyou seen? Vuo lr'ars rur nu4er?
Whoseare theseshoes? Vau sro ryfilra?

9.5. Whom ynorpe6lxercl B l3blKe KaK n p t M o e I 4 r ' IKu o c B e H H o e A o n o n H e H H e ;

n peAnofaMu. B pa:ronopHoM
Moxer ynorpe6rxrtcq c rrc6rtN,{Ia f l 3 b r Kw
Whom (who) did you meet there? Kozottt rart ncrperul?
To whom (who) haveyou given it? Kouy rw sro Aan?
For whom (who) are you doing this? lSrn rcozorbr gro Aelaerul?

fl p e a.iro r qaqe Bceroynorpe6rsercq BKoHI{enpeAro)KeHul:

Whom (who) have you given it to? Kouy ru gro Aan?
Whom (who) are you doing this for? filx rcozomu oro Aeraerur?

9.6. MecroraMeHl4e whatynorpe6tg.etcsBB o c K n H u a r I r b H bt x npeAJroxeHnflx,

What a good filml Karcou xoporunri $ n,rll,r !
What beatifulbuildings! Karcuerp acwrrre sAaHuq I
What a nice man! Karcofiuy necHrrr.i.rerosex !
What heatl Karcaaxapal
Toltxo qr4cJ're
HcqhcrrreMoMycyulecrBlrreJrbHoMyB eAr4HcrBeHHoM npeAuecrByer

C q e u , . , 7 ' , " O u e M . . . ? ' , " 3 a q e M . . . ? 'n r . A . M e c r o u M e H u ew h a t

9 . 7 . B B o n p o c a xr I 4 i l a ' . ' o
crollr B Haqa[e, a npeAnor B KoHIIe flpeAno)KeHl4s,Haflp.:

What are you talking about? O .{er,{alr roaopure?

What have you done this with? 9ell srr sro cAeirann?
What has he done it for? 3a.reNa
oH 3TocAe,ra,r?
What are they looking at? Ha qro oHn cmorprr?

9 . 8 . T o l u r o r o f A a , K o r A ac n p a r u v B a e r c t ro M e c r e wJIu H an paBr e HlnV, Mo)KHo

F{arlarbBonpoc c Mecror4Meunr where, Hailp.:

Wherehashe got that expensive y Hero raKoeAoporoe ro,rrsuo'J

ring fiom?

10.1. MecroI4MeHlIe who rcmo,whom Koeo,whOseaefi, what umo, rcaKoti,which rcomopatu,

rcarcofi,Kmo, qmoynorpe6larorcfl He AJIflBoflpoca, a B KaqecTBecon3Hoeocrtoea'.rfl
c B r r 3 tq4a c r e f ic , ' ro x H o r o ( c n o x H o n o A q H H e H H o r o ) n p e A , ' I o x e H l l q .

l0.2. CaolrcaonodrtuaeHaoe npednatrceauecocrota"rvr3 HepaBHotlpaBHbIXrlpeAlo)<euufi, t.e.

OAHO,npr{AaToqHoe,flBJrfreTcfl3aBI{Cr4MbIM OTApyrofo, ruIaBHoro,H noqcHqeT elo.
flpraAarovHoe [peAJro)KeH],IecoeAl4HrreTcflc fJIaBHbIMrIpI4 rloMol]Iu oTHocl,ITeJIbHblx
Mecro14MeHtatl, sttnorF{qloulux ponb coIo3HbIXcJroB.
[I have found the book]' (which I was lookingfor.)
fJraBHo9 npeAno)KeHl4e IIp!IIaTOTIHOe

[.fl Harue.rImury], (rcarcyrc) (rcomopyto

n ucrca,t)

flpu4arouuoe [peAno)KeHye B KpyInbIX cro6xax orHocl,ITc-fl K oAHoMy cn6By
<<KHLtra>>,OlpeAenfleT eIO 14 OTBeqaeTHa BOnpOC rcarcyn? I[OerOlty TaKOe
rrpeAJroxeHr4e Ha3brBaercn npudamoqHr)tm onpedetumeabHbtw. Oupe4e,rnre,'IbHoe
flp]rAaroqHoe cneAyer HenocpeAcrBeHHo3a reM cyl{ecrBl,{renb uutll. (onpedetneratu,t
cttooou) B rnaBHoM npeAnoxeHurr, K KoropoMy oHo orHoct4Tctl. B npnee4eHHou
npl4MepeonpeAenseMoecJIoBo- <<KHI4fa)>.
OnpegerulrenbHoerrpnAaroqHoeBaHrJrnrZcrol{q3rtre o6lr.{uo orA enflercs.3 a n r o fr :
c oAH Oit CrOpoHbI, ecJrr4 n p n A a T o q H o ec T o L r Tn o c l l e f J I a B H o f o ,I 4 c A B y X
cTopoH, ec;rr4[pI,IAaTOr{HOeHaXOArlTCflBCepe.4I4HeIIaBHOfOnpeAlO)KeHUq. Ho
qaCTO3a[t{TSte S aFIUNf, CKUXCJIO)KHbIX I]peAJ'IO)KeHnqxOnygKa}OTCfl .

The books. fuhich are on the table), must be returned to the library today.

10.3. EqruonpeAenreMoecyilIecrBxTeJnHoeo6osF{aqaer,'tuqo,yllorpe6-lxnrcflMecroI,IMeHI'{q
rawhom (rcomopoeo)'.
who (rcomapard)
This is the man, who wanted 9ro ror qeJqo9erc,
roloplttZ xore;r
to speakto you. noroBopl4rbc Baltn.

10.4. EcnraolpeAenrreMoecyqecrBi{reJnHoe o6osHaqaer H e o A y IU e BJI e s s lt fi II p e A
M e r r4JrrixLI B or H o e, yfiorpe6nsercsMecTol{MeHue which rcomopaLil'.
He showedme the letter which he On noxasan MHe nucbMo,Koropoe oH
had receivedfrom his brother. lonyqr4n or cBoero 6para.

10.5. Burecro whom u which B onpeAennTeJrbHoMilpl4AaroqHoM Moxer ynorpe6larrcr

MecroHMeHnethat rcomopt'tti,Komopoeollo orHo[reHl{Io KaK K oAy[IeBneHHbIM,TaK
n K HeoAytileBJIeHHblM [peAMeTaM.

Take the book, that (which) is lyittg ) Koropattre)Kur Ha
Bosrvnre KHuzy
on the table. CTOJIE.
The doctor, that (whom) I visited .[orcmop, y Koropofo s 6ttr Bqepa,
yesterday,is a very good specialist. orreHbxopoitrtrit cleUualncr.

10.6. Mecrouuenne whopeAKo3aMeHqercq

The man, who (that) is standing t{eloaeK, xoropurT croHT y oKr-ra,-
at the window, is our teacher. HalUnpenoAaBaTeJTb.

10.7.MecroI4MeHvrewho uoxer ynorpe6lmbcfl raKxe BcBor{x@opvax:whomrcomopad

uwhoser'rcrt.Whom qaueynorpelnxelcsB nr.rcbMe H Hoii pevu.{,rrpa:ronop-
Horo crnrq 6o:reexapaxrepHowho.
The man, whomwe sawat the Myx.ruua, rcomopoeo
match, is one of my colleagues. Ha MaTqe, - OAHH H3 MOhX KOJIJIeT.

The man, whosecar waswrecked, Myx.rnHa, qefi aBTouo6ult pas6vncx,

wasvery angry. 6rrr o.{eHt cepAlrr.

cnyqae MecTouMeHI4e flBJIfleTCflI,I CO}o3HbIMCJTOBOM,
I,I nOAne)KauIHM, Haflp.:
Who comesfirst will be heloedfirst. Touy, rcmonpuAer nepBbtM,cpa3y
6y4er ora:aHa troMorub.
Who drinkstoo muchcannotdrivea car. Tom,KmoMHoronber, He Mo)Ker
ynpaBnqrb asrol4o6r,ure
What I have read is very bad news. To, wmo-qnpoq[Tar, - 3To oqeHb

what you sell is not worth looking at. To,4morbr npoAaerxb,He 3ac.lry)KuBaer
roro, qro6tr Ha Hero cMorperb.

Who - ynorpe6,uercq B 3HaqeHV,n"mom, rcomopuit(rcmo)", "ma, Komopafl"vrv

What o3Haqaer umo" r4rt4 " me npeduemat,Komopbrc".

10.9. B cJreAyrouluxcnyqaqx B Kar{ecrBeco}o3Hot-ocnoBa B oflpeAen[Ter'tr,HoM

npuAaroqHov ynorpe6lrrerc-fl roJrbKothat:
a) noc,re npprJrafarenbHoroB npeBocxoAHoficreneHra:
It is the best film that I 3ro cansril .nyurunfi$ulsv, rcomoputii
haveeverseen. .rIxorna-,'Iu6oBI4neJT.

6) noc,re everything,something,anything, nothing rar.4

Everythingthat you seeis his. Bce, vto rbr BHALltrIb,ero.
Tell me nothingthat is not true. He roropu MHeHuqe?o,qro He
All that we havebought is in the Bce, uro MbI Kynnrn, FlaxoAt4TcflHa
kitchen. KyxHe.

e) noc,le any u only:

Is there any inf<lnnationthat Ecta rcarcaa - u u 6ydt raHS op vaqul,
you can give me? KOTOpyrcTbr MO)Ketubuse Aars?
This is the only newsthat we have 9ro edurucmq eHHo-frHoBocrb. KoroDvro
heard. MbI ycnbrururr4.
f lJ I O ) K H b I M I 4 O T H O C I I T e n
C J I O B af l B n f l I O T C C bHbIMI{ MeCTO-

whoever - Kro 6rr ur'r (6lur)

whatever - qro 6lt rln (6ltlo)

whichever - xarofi (roropuft) 6lt uu (6ltl)

Whoeverbuys this will be satisfied. Kmo 6at gro He KyIII4JI,ocraHercn

Whicheverof thesecarsYouchoose, BbI He nst6Paln,

Karcyn 6at tlm,:-:-rutty
it will be an exPensiveone. ero 6yAer Aoporan (*rauruua).

10.17. OrHocprTeJrbHoe that MOXHOOnycTHrb, ecnu:
Aon onHeH he M f,IIafoJIaBonpeAeJluTenb-
a) onpe4e:rrreMoecjroBorrBJlrreTcfl
The match I sawyesterdaY Marv, roropttfr tr Bnrer Bqepa, He obIJI
wasnot interesting. Her4HTepeCHL'IM.

Do you like the book You have Hpanurcx tute6e KHU)(Ka, KoroPYFo
read? rst noo.Il4ran?

6) onpelenrreMoe cJrroBoflBrfieTCfl AOrr oJI H e H LIe N{ c n peAn o f o M
rllar.ony B oilpeAenl4Te,lbHoM IIpeAno)KeHl{I{; [peAnof cTaBI4TCgnOcJIe 3TO|O

He is the man I havelooked for Os ror Mpt(quHa, Koroporo q Be3Ae

everywhere. pIcKZrn.

Who are the peopleYou are Kro ern JIIoAI4,Ha KoroPbIX TbI
lookingat? cuorpnurs?

n) Onpe4elleMoe CnOBOqB,rlleTCtl O 6 c r O l T e JI b C T B O M' xapaKTepI43ylOUI'lM


lt happenedthe day we bought 9ro clyru,'locb, B Tor Aellb,

our house. KOfAa Mbi KynunH HaIx AOM.
What is the time he usually gets up? B roropotr,t qacy oH o6ltqHo ucraer?

r ) o n p e g e l r e M o ec J I o B Of i B r r s e T cqf a
l cTbto r.1
MeHHOIO CKa3yeMoro
onpeAen[TeJl bHoM [puAaTotIHoM ; fnafonaM14xe, KaK IIpaBn,
qBrrliorcq to be u,rn to become.

Breadis no longerthe food X-ne66o:rsue He qBrlerct{ reM npoAyK-

it was fifty yearsago. ToM,KaKI'IMoH 6st;rntrbAecqr ner

c there is ulll
4) onpele:rr{TerbHbre [pr4AarorrHbre rlpeAnoxeHI4l Har{uHatorcq
are (there was, there were B npoureAueM npeueuu):
This is the only book there 9ro ennHcrBeHl{afl KHI4fa Ha 3Ty reMy.
is on the subject.
It wasthe secondoPPortunitY 3ro 6rt.;raBTopatlBo3Mo)KHocrb,
there was that year. npeAcTaBl'lBrraflctl B TOMfOAy.

omnocumelbHoe MecmouMeHue, c Komopozo HaqaHaemcfl anpedea

npudamoanoe npedaotrcenue,aarcoedaHe MoJtcem6umt onyqeuo!


some ynorpe6rxerc.a, KaK rrpaBxJro,

11.1. Heonpe4e,leHHoeMecrouMeHr,re
y T B e p A I 4T e J ' It , H b l X n p e A n O X e H I ' Iq X , H a I p . :

J'hereare sometools in the shed. B capae HaxoAurcq HecKoJrbKo


11.2. B sroM cnyqaesomeMoxHo 3aMeHHrb a few, Hanp.:
There are a few tools in the shed. B capaeHaxoAr4rcq

11.3.B Borrpocr{renbHbrx 1 4o r p 1 4 u a r e J r b H b r x [ p e A n o ) K e H n rqx a u l e B c e f o

Are there any tools in the shed? B capaeecrb KaKr4e-Hra6y4r
There are not any tools in the shed. B capaeHer HrrKaKuxHHcrpyMeHroB.

CoqeraHne not any Moxer 6rtm :aueueHo Ha no, HaIIp.:

There are no tools in the shed. B caoae Her HI4KaKux14HcrDVMeHToB.

I 1.4. HeonpeAeJreHHoeMecrouMeHl4esomebody,KaKnpaBl4no,ynorpe6lqercl B
y T B e p A v r e I I b H b Ix n p e A n o ) ( e H u q x , H a [ p . :
Somebodywill buy it. Kro-sra6yal 3ro Kynrrr.

1 1.5. B B o rr p o c r,rr e n b H bI x I{ o r p LIu a r e JrIb H bl x npeAno)KeHnflxqarqe Bcero

ynorpe6rrerca anybody,Harp.:
Will anybodybuy it? Kro-uu6ylr sro rynnr?
There isn't anybodywho will buy it. Her ruxoro, KTogro Kynr4T.

not anybodyMoxer 6stm:aueseHo Ha nobody,Hanp.:

There is nobody who will buy it. Her guxoro, KTo 3To Kynr4T.

11.6. HeonpeAeneHHoeMecroLIMeHI{e something,KaKfipaBnno,ynorpe6laercl B

y r B e p A vrr e Jrb H bI x npeAJloxeHutx, Haflp:
There is somethingI want to Ecrs He.{ro, rlro .flxo.iy re6e cKa3arL,.
tell you.

1 1.7. B B o il p o c u r e J'lb H EI X 14 o r p 14u a r e Jrtb H bI X fipeAnoxeHllttx qailre Bcefo

ynorpe6lnerct any'thing,
Is there anything I can do for you? Ecrr,rn vro-nu6y4s raKoe, qro fl N{ofy
nlsre6s, crelaru?
There isn't anythingyou can do. Tst Huqero He cMoxetttb c.Ile,'rarb.

CoqeraHne not anything Mo)Ker6slrl :alteHeHo cJIoBoMnothing, Hanp.:

There is nothing you can do. Trt Hnqero He cMo)Kellb cne,.rarb.
1 1 . 8 . H a p e . { n e s o m e w h e r e , K a K n p a B I 4 J I o , y n o r p e 6 : r xBe rycr .Bqe p A H r e J I b H b l x
n p eIn o)KeHil tl x, Hanp.:
I have left it somewhere. .fI aro rue-ro ocratsiln.

I 1.9. B s o n p o c 14r e Jrb H br x n o rp lr rI ar e JIb H bt x npeAnoxeHHqx qaule Bcefo

Haveyou seenit anywhere? Trr rAe-uu6yAboro snAer?
I can't find it anywhere. .fl Huue He Morv sro uaiiru.

Co.{eraHraenot anywhere Moxer 6strr :alte HeHo orplluarellu o fi @optvtofr

nowhere, Hanp.:
I cant find it nowhere, fl. uvrne He Mory ero Haliru.

11.10.C:rosa: Lny,anybody,anything,anyone,anlwhere- MoxHo ynorpe6rlrl u

y T B e p A 14T e Jr b H bI X rlpeAno)KeHutlx B cneAylolql4x 3HaqeHntlx:

anybody - KaxrsttT, Henaxuo KTo

anyone - Kaxgstfr, HeaaxHo rto
anlthing - ecd, HeBaxHotlro
anywhere - Be3Ae,HeBDKHofAe

Anybodycan tell you that. Kalc)wri (nn6ou) Moxer re6e ero

You can give it to anyoneyou meet. Trr voxeurL, oro Aarb ttto6ouy, xoro
Thosepeoplewill do anything 9ru lroau c,qenalor ecri za AeHbfH.
for money.
You can put that chair an)ryhere. Tr,r lroxerur nocraBr4Tberor cryl zde

11.11. C.noso one qacro Hcno.trrryercs, qro6u 3aMeHI{r[, paHee ynoN{qHyroecJToBo.

Hacro erouy cnoBy npeAlrecrByer npr{nafareJlbHoe l,{nu HeonpeAe,resutt il aprnKJIb,
I have two red chairs aud a white one. V NaeHqABa KpacHblx cryna H oAI'IH
6ersrfi (cryr).
He wants the big one. OH xo.{er Bor ror 6oluutotZ (uanp.,
Give me the black one. flartre lrHe vepnltfi (uanp.,cnurep).
Which summerwasthat? B xaroe rero 3To6rr,ro?
The onewe spenttogether. B ro, xoropoe MbInpoBenuBMecre.

1 1.12. ery xe $yurrluo B['Il]oitHflerSopva one Bo MHoxecrBeHHoMr{hcre, Harlp.:

Haveyou everseencheaperones? A rsr xorAa-Hn6y4s IlHAenAetrtentte?
I like the black ones. M H e H p a s r r c f l q e p H b t e (. u a n p . .H o c r n )
Pleasereturn the empty ones. fI oxalylicra, nycrble Bo3Bparure.

11.13. B cne.qyrcull4xIIpI4Mepaxone He ynorpe6,rxerc.fl B 3HaqeHr4rrx,onr4caHHbrx


a)nocre own,Hailp.:
I won't giveyou my pen. .fl ue Aav re6e nolo py.rKy.
Use your own. Ilnurra (docn.'.nonr,syft
cr) csoefi.
He doesn'tneedyour car. OH ue Hy)Klaercqs rsoeri Ma[rr4He.
He hashis own. Y Heroecrb cBoq.

6 ) n o c l e q i l c r t r r e t r b Hb r x , Hailp.:
Sheboughttwo coatsand OHa rynu,ra ABa narTbro, a yKpana rpr4.
They sank one ship, but we OHu noronvnv orLrHropa6ls. a l,rtr
sankfour. qerbrpe.

n)nocre poAurerbHoro (n pursxareJrbH oro ) n aAexa, Hanp.:

My car being out of order, Tax xax Mofi asroN{o6ull no,roviurca,
I usedmy father's. fl B3sJtoruoBcKilI.
It was not her mistake,but 9ro 6tlra He ee oruu6Ka. a cecrDbr,
her sister's.

r) n o c Jre some,any,these,those,ualp.:
If you want cigarettesI can Ec,ru xoqeub cl4raper,rr Mory Aarb
give you some. re6e Hecxolr,xo.
He waslooking for cheap OH ncra-l AeureBbIe
Ho He
curtains,but he didn't seeany. HAIIICN HI,IKAKI,IX.

I knowthosebatteries are -f :Han, qro re 6alapertrcwxopotrrHe,

good, but I want these. HO rr xoqy 3Tu.
If I had enoughmoney for Ecln 6u y MeH.s6sl.lo Aocraro.rHo
shirts, I shouldbuy those. AeHer ua py6auru, ro I 6tr Kynr4r re.

e ) n o c n e n p 1 4 na r a r e J rb H o r o I p e tso c x oA H o U CTeneHr,r,
Of all the carswe havethis LI: scex Ma[rr.{H,qro y Hac ecrb,
is the fastest. 3Ta - caMarr6trcrpal.
He wasaskedmany questions. Err,ry6lrrio 3a,qaHoMHoro nonpocon. OH
He answeredthe easiest. OTBETI4JI HA CAMbIE J'IC|KUC.


12.1. B HacroqilreM npocroM BpeMeHr4 Bonpocbr o6pa:yrorcfl rlpv rroMou_lr4

BcnoMorareJIbHbIX r J t a f o r o B d o u t u d o e s . O c u o s F { o rxze f J r a f o J t
r 4 M e e rS o p u y u n $ u H 1 4T v r B a , H a r r p . :
Does he want to go? On xo.rer vt\tu?
Does she live in Kharkov? Ona xuser n Xaptxoae?
Do you like music? Trr lrc6urut uy:trrcy?
12.2. EcttttB BonpocHTeJrbHoM lrpeAnoxeHl4lr e0TbApyfue M o A a JI b H bI e I J'la r o,l
un do, nu does,HaIIp.:
Hanp.:can, may, to have,to be r.rAp.,To ue ynorpe6ns.eTcs
Can you come? Tsr voxeuu npviltu?
Has he seenyou? OH re6q slaAer?
Havethey (got)a car? Y uux ecrt uauruua?
Is he at home? Ou lorr,ra?

I 2 . 3 . B B On p o c 1 4T e r b H o - o T p r 4q a r e n b H b rx r I p e A n o ) ( e H t ' I x o r p H u a r e j r b -
Haq qacrr,r[a not crasiarcq HelocpeAcrBeHHo nocJle rJIafoJIoB to have u to be u
fnalona dO. B pa:TOBOpHOM q3blKe 3TI'l ABa CnOBa
flOg,[e BCIIOMotaTeJ'IbHOfO
ynorpe6,unrcqB coKpau{eHHoM B X A e ' H a r l p . :

Havenntthey seenus? Pa:se oHrl Hac He suAert{?

Isn't he there? PagseoH He rav?

Don't they know? Passe oHIa ue sHarcr?

Can't shewait? Pasee oua He Moxer noAoxrars?

12.4- Ecnw B Bonpoce BonpocnTeJrbHoeMecTol4lv{eHHe fBrfleTcfl noA,'Ie)KauII4M'To B

npearoxeHuu raxofi )Kerrops.qoKc;roB, KaK 14B noBecrBoBare,'IbHoMnpeAiloxe-
Who is this man? Kmo grol.{erosex?
Who knew about it? Kmo o6 sroNasHit'I?
What hasbeen done? Vmo6l'vtocAe:rano?

12.5. TaxHa3brBaeMbrfircoceeu$utilsonpocro>KeI4MeernopqloKcnoByrBepAhTenbHoro
Ha[p. :
<Why do you go?,> <,floseuy'r;r uAeu n?'>
I ask you why you go. -.fl cnpaurnnarc re6q, noqeMy rbl i4Ae[Ib.

<,Wheredid it happen?> <,lAe gro cryv n,loct?,>

They want to know, whereit -Ouz xorsr 3Harb, fAe 3To cnyqllocb.
<,Howlong haveyou usedthat room?>> <,Kar 4olto BbI nollb3oBa-lucl eroil
They were askedhow rorrHarofi?>>
long they had usedthat room. -IrIx cnpocuJrru,KaK Aonro oHh
rroJrb3oBa,'II4cl sroil rolrHaro it.

1 2 . 6 . B O T B 9 T a X H a B O I I p O C b I , I I O C J I eC n O By e s I 4 I r 4 n O , K a K n p a B H n On' O B -
ToprrrorcrrrroAne)Kaulee14rJraroJ't(uln nonpoct4TeJlbHoe c,lono), ynorpe6,leuHlte n
Borrpoce. Ecrn e nonpoce 6luto cyruecrBr4TeJrbHoe, To B orBere cneAyer ero 3aMeHI4Tb
cooTBeTCTByIOl{I4 M nUqHbIM MeCTOI{MeHUeM, Hanp. :

Must we do this? Yes, we must. Msr AorxHrt gro Ae,rarl? Aa, Ao,TxHst.

Are they at home?Yes, theYare. Aa, (aoua).

Osra Aorraa?

Have they (got) a dog?Yes, theyhave. V Hux ecrl co6axa?Aa, (ecrs).

Are they in time? No, theYaren't. OHu npuru,rnnonpeut?Her.

Do they often visit you? No, they don't. OHH.{acrore6s noceruarcr?Her,

(ne vacro).
Can you do that for me? No, I can't. Trr uoxeurl oro AJ'IqrrleugcAe-naru?
Her, He uory.
Has sheseenthe car?No, shehasn't. Oua ua4e,rauauruuy? Her, He Blrp.eJra.

Is that car new?Yes, it is. era uauusa Hoeas?[a, uonat.


13.1. ompuqameat'nue npefutouceHugB n p o c r o M H a c r o r rr e M Bp e M e H 14 qacro

o6pa:yorcx ilpu rroMotql,I
BcrloMorareJlbHofo rJrarolado n orpnuareltHorl qacrnubt
not. B pa3foBopHoM.fl3r,IKe ynorpe6,rxroTc.rr coKpauleHHble BapuaHTbr 3TI4XCIOB.
OcHonuorl rJraroJrcror,rrz uu$u nuruBe, Hanp. :
He doesn'twant to go. Os He xoqer uArH.
She doesn'tlive in Kharkov. OHa ue )Kr{Bern Xaptrcone.
They don't like music. Onu ue rrc6qr My3brKy.

13.2. EcrH e orpl{IrarenblroMrlpeAnoxeH}.rr4

ynorpe6neu M oA an s H u rZ rrafor'r,ro
do ue ynorpe6nxercn,Hanp.:
They can't come. Ortu ue Moryr npurtrw.

13.3. B orpr4uarenbHoM
rrpeAnoxeHuvs aHrrr4l;cxoM rr3brKeMoxer 6trtt roltro
O A H O O T P X I { A H 1 4E , H A I I P . :

We know no farmers. Mrr ue 3HaeMHuKaKux$epnrepon.

We don't know any farmers. Mu ue 3HaeMHHKaKr4x



BbIpa)KaeT IlpI,IKa3 vIIIvt COBeT LI
uMeerraKyroxe @opuy,uro u nHSuHtrrr4B(neonpe4e,reHHar{ Soprvrauaro,ra).
3 a n p e r BblpaKaerc-fl
nyreM Ao6aBneHt{-fl
don't x HarlanySpaslr, Harrp.:
Go! tr4tul
Leaveme alone! Ocrasr MeHsB noxoe!
Besilent! Mo,{.IIare!
Dressyourselfwarm! OAeurcsren:ro!
Don't go there! He xo4u ry4a!
Don't tell him! He ronopuevy!
15. iloP.flAOK ciroB B rIPEAnox(EHr',II4

BpeMeHu ' To6oree

1 5 . 2 .E c r u e [ p e A J I o ) K e Heucr r' Ib A B a o 6 c r o q r e r b c r B a
(roHrperHOe)cronr nepeAMeHeeKOHKpeTHbIM' HaIIp':
OHu npnulLl B *ocewb BeLIePa.
They came at eight o'clock
in the evening.
I shall seeyou at six on Monday' fl ysuxy Bacs wecmbs noHeoe'lbHuK'

il p o cT bIM c Ka3ye MbIM, Hanp':

He often getsup late' Os qacro Bcraerrlo3aHo'

She neverforgetsher purse' Ona snxorAa He ga6nsaer Ko[IeJIeK'

Do you know if he eversteals? Tn He3Haelub'oH KorAa-Hu6ylt' uopyer?

They sometimeslose their money' Onu uHorAarepnlor 'IIeHbrI4'

They alsogo to Kiev. Onu raxxe eAyr B Kuee'

cJIoBacraBqrcq rr o c Jre $oplr riraroJlato be' uanp':

15.4. OanaKoBblrrreyfloMflHyrble
He is often late. Og qacmo oIIa3AbIBaer.

It was alwaYscold at the office' B xoHrope ecezda 6ut-rtoxoloAHo'

She is neverlate. O:g.auurcozdaHe ona3AblBaer'

Ask her if she is ever in a hurry' Cnpocu ee, crelul{r JII4oHa rcoeda-uudyda'

It is sometimestoo crowdedhere Jluozda 3AecbcJII{luKoMMHoro HapoAy'

to work" AJrflToro, qro6st Pa6orarl.

ltlsecrFlstfr nucarerb'
Ona marctrce
She is also a famouswriter'


1 6 . 1 . M a n y M H o e o o 6 o s s a q a eor i l p e A e n e H H o e KoJrnqecrBo J r r 4 ur , r n r 4
MeroB tt ynorpe6,r-flercrrrt e p eA u cqh c rr s.eM brM ]4 cyxlecrBr4TeJrbHbrMr4 Bo
qZCIe, Hanp. :
I seemanysheep. fl vuxy MHozo o6e4.
They have many books. Y nzx tilHoeo KHu?.

I 6.2. MecrouMeHnemanyo6pasyer c T e r r e H 1 4c p a B H e H r f l "

many more the most

p e A H e n c q il c Jt fl.e M br M I,t cyuIecTBHTeJIbHbrMr4

16.3. Much MHoeoporpe6tsercs.ne

He eatsmuch bread. On ecr MHoro x,re6a.

We could not get much Mrr ue MoTJII{nonyr{r4TbMHoro
information. nuQopruaqnra.

i 6 . 4 . M u c h o 6 p a s y ecrr e n e H u c p a B H e H v t r :
much more most

16.5. Kax many,rax u much3aMeHrrercq

a lot of, uanp.:
I seea lot of sheep. fl Yvxy MHoeoo6er4.
He eatsa lot of bread. OH ecr MHozoxne6a.


17.7. Few Ma,qo ynorpe6,rxercn c v.cI{u cJ'I qe MbrM14 CyUIeCTBt4TeJIbHF,lMr4

r{UCJIe,Hanp. :

There were few children in the Ha y,rnue6*ro uaro aererZ.

He has only few tools for the job. V uero 6tt.noscero HecKoltbKor4Hcrpy-
MeHToB, .{ro6tr clenarb ery pa6ory.

1 7 . 2 .F e wr 4 M e e r c n e A y r o r cqrueen e H 1 4 c p a B H e H r 4 s . :
few fewer the fewest

ynettpe6JrxerclcHeHcq14cJrfleMbrMu cy[IecrBnTe,'rb-
17.3. LittleMlr/lo,HeJrtHozo

We have little money. Y Hac Mono reHer.

There is little doubt that E es couu euua (dou.'.rrtzLnocov Hen uR),
he will succeed. oH npeycneeT.

17.4. Barrar little o6pasyer c T e n e H A c p a B H e H M t r "

little less the least

4 cr 4T b A B a O 6 C r O ' r e J l b c r B a B p e M e H I 4 , r o 6 o n e e
1 5 . 2 . E c : r Hs n p e A n o ) K e H r e
roqHoe (rourperHoe) crour nepeA MeHeeKoHKperHbIM,Halrp':

They came at eight o'clock OHU npnnuvr B ooceMbseqeqa.

in the evening.
I shall seeyou at six on Monday. .fI ynraxy BacB ruecmae nonedettauurc'
qaule Bcelo craBqrcq nepeA
15.3. C,'roeaoften, always,never, ever, sometimes,also
n p o c r b I M C Ka 3 y e M b I M ,H a n p . :
He often getsup late. Os qacro BcraerrIo3AHo'

She neverforgetSher purse. OHauuxorAa ne sa6ngaeTKo[IeJ'leK'

Do yOuknow if he everSteals? Tr,t ne 3Hae[Ib'oH Korl\a-Hu6ylt nopyer?

They sometimeslose their money. Onu usorAa repqlor AeHbrI4.

They also go to Kiev. Osu raxxe eAyr B KHes'

oraBflrsfl n o c J]e $opr,,lfJIafoJIato be, uanp.:

15.4. oasaKo Bbr[reyroMf,HyTbre
He is often late. O*l qacmo oIIa3AbIBaer.

It was alwayscold at the office. B xoHrope ecezda6lno xoloAso.

She is neverlate. Os,a nurcozdcHe o[a3AblBaer.

Ask her if she is ever in a hurry. Cnpocra ee, cne[II4T Jrfl oHa rcoeda-nu6y0u.

It is sometimestoo crowdedhere 3AecbcJII4trIKoMMHoro HapoAy'

to work. Arrr roro, .Iro6Et pa6orarl.

She is also a famouswriter. O na marcuceLrssecrrlltia nucarel b.


o 6 o s H a q a e r K o J r l r q e c T B O V I I r Mi l o p f l A o K [ p e A M e T o B [ p ] 4c q e T e .

Irlueuaqtrc.rlr4TeJrbHble iro3HageHt{}oAengrctlHa KoJ'II4q e crBe H H bl e (oreeuarcrHa

. :n e o d u u , t w o d o a l 4 n o p f l I K o n u e ( o r n e v a t o r
B o n p o ch o w m a n y ? c r c o n a r c o ) , H a n p o
Ha Borrpoc which? rcomopuil), Harrp.: the first nepeotfi,the second emopoti.

1 8 . 1 . K o , ' I t 4 q e c r B e H H b I e q i l c J I l ' I T e JbIH b I e

1 one
2 two l3-19
3 three 13 thirteen
4 four 14 fourteen
5 five 15 fifteen
6 six 16 sixteen
7 seven 17 seventeen
8 eight i8 eighteen
9 nine 19 nineteen
l0 ten
I1 eleven
12 twelve

20-90 100 u Aaree

20 twenly 100 a (one) hundred
21 iwen!y-one i01 a (one) hundredand one
22 twen!y-two 200 two hun<lred
2J twenly-three 300 threehundred
30 thirtl i.000 a (one)thousanC
40 fo4y 1.00i a (one)thousandand one
50 firlv 1.25A one thousandtwo hundredand fifty
60 sixly 2.000 two thousand
70 sevenry 1.000.000. a (one) million
80 eighly a (one) milliard
90 ninety

06parure BHI'IMaHIae , qro,

1) nepea qncJrr4reJrbHuuhundred, thousand, million craBurcl HeolpeaeneHHblfr
apT[Knb a r4lrkrqncrvlTeJlbH0e one;
2) e VuclnreJIbHbIX, COCTO-fllIl{Xu3 H9cKOJI6KI{X COrcSand;
3) unc;lureJlbHf,Iehundred, thousand, million He IpuHrIMa]or oKoFIqaHI4e KorAa
nepeA HI,IMI4CTOUTApyroe rII4cIL{TeIbHoe ;
4) po4r,rreltHttfi naAex pyccKl4xcyqecrBl4renb1-ibIXHe cneAyeTnepeBoAl{rt'
cvtuecrBl{reJtbHbrMc rlpeAnoroM of (uacrax oruu6xa yuauuxcl):


ABeCTn CO,'lAaT two hundredsoldiers

(a ue:two thousandof soldiers)
rph rbrcqqu lrcAerZ three thousandpeople

1 8 . 2 . I 1 o p q A K o B b r e q u c r 1 4 r e J l b H b re
O6pa:ylorca (sancx-lrnueHr4eMrrepBbrxrpex) orcoorBercrByrourr4x KoJrr{qecrBeH-
Hbrx r{ucrr4reJrbHbrxn-vreM Ao6asJreHlaqcyrf$urca -th. llepea noprrAKoBbrM
BCefAa ynorpe6:rxerc-f, onpeAenesHrrrTaprl4Klrb, He3aBhcnMo or

l-ir - l?-rt 13-1 - 19-fi

lst the first 13th thethirteenth
2nd thesecond 14th the fourteenth
3rd the third 15th the fifteenth
4th the fourth 16th the sixteenth
5th the fifth 17th theseventeenth
6th the sixth 18th theeighteenth
7th the seventh 19th thenineteen
8th the eighth
9th the ninth
10th the tenth
11th the eleventh
I2tn the twelfth

20-ir - 90-nr 100-frn Aarree

20th the twentieth 100th the hundredth
21st the twenty-first 101st the hundredand first
22nd the twenty-seco4{ 102nd the hundredand second
23rd ihe twenty-third 200th the two hundredth
24th the twenty-fourth 201th the two hundred and first
30th rhe thirrieth 300th the three hundredth
40th the fourtieth 400th the ibur hundredth
50rh the fifrieth 1.000th thethousandth
60th the sixtieth 1.00lth the thousandand first
70th the seventieth 1.002ndthe thousandand second
B0th the eightieth
90th the ninetieth

qro fipil npn6aueHnu cyS@r.rxca

O6parrarer:nr4v'a:nr4e, -th roue.{Han6yrna -y
MeHqercqua -ie:
twenty twentieth
thirty thirtieth

o6o:Haqaer Kojltrq g C T B O U J . I I {I 1 o p f l A o K [ p e A M e T O B n p Hc q e T e .

lzltUeUaqI4C,rII4TeIbHbte IIO3HarIeHUIOAeJIt{TCfl Ha KO,{ Uq e CT Be H U lt e (OrnetIaIOTHa

B o n p o c h o w r n a n y ? c r c o , ' t o r c o ) , H a l j p . :o n e o d u u , t v t o d e a l 4 n o p q A K o s l t e
Ha Borpoc which?rcomoponi),Harrp.:the first nepeaui,the second emopoti.

1 8 . 1 .K o , ' tn q e c T B e H Hb I e q u c n u r e J I b H b I e
I one
z two 13-19
three 13 thirteen
t four l4 fourteen
Iwe 15 hfteen
6 SIX 16 sixteen
7 SEVEN t7 seventeen
8 eiohf l8 eighteen
9 nlne 19 nineteen
l0 ten
11 eleven
t2 twelve

20-90 100 n aaree

2A twenly 100 a (one) hundred
21 twenly-one 101 a (one) hundredand one
22 twenly-two 200 two hundred
23 twenly-three 300 threehundred
30 thirly 1.000 a (one)thousanC
40 forly 1.001 a (one)thousandand one
50 ftfly 1.25A one thousandtwo hundredand frfty
60 sixly 2.000 twothousand
70 sevenly 1.000.000. a (one) million
80 eighly a (one) milliard
90 ninetY

O6parure BHt'IMaHI4e,
1) nepea qucrurerbHtrrll hundred, thousand, million craBl4rctl HeonpeAe;reualtft
apTl{Knb I vJwr Lll4CrIdTeJIbHOe

2) vuwUtureJIbHbIX,COCTO-flU1I4X I43HeCKOnbKuXCJIOB.cTallHTCflCOn: and;

3) vuc-nureJlbHblehundred, thousand, million He npyHl4Malor oKol-iqaHl4e Kol'Aa
rrepeA HI4M14 Apyfoe ql'lcIHTeIbHoe ;
4) po.qure1sslifi nalexpygcKux cyuIecrBI4TeIbFIbIX FIecneAyer llepeBoAI4rb
cyurecrBurerEHt'tM c npeAnoroM of (vacrax orul'i6xa yuaurnxcl):
XpoHo.loruvecKue Aarbl
KOIHqecTBeHHbrMI4 qr,rclr4TejlbHbIMHCneAyIoilII4MO6pasou :
g3blKe: [uatZHru:H oy oy]
1900 - nineteen hundred ' B pa3roBopHoM
hundred and four, n
1904 - nineteen four ( n o$nuualbHoM tl3blKe: nineteen
rroBceAHeBHoft pevu: [uafiHru:H oy So:p])

196l - nineteen sixtY one

C.noro year nocle o6otuaqerr4fl roAa He ynoMI'IHaerctl'
bI M 14 rltIcrI4TeJIbHbIMI4:
Aarut o6osHaqalorcfl il o p flAK o B

or q14CJII,ITCJ]bHbIX.
18.3. HaPeuux,o6Pa:oBaHHble
- threetimes Tpr{ pa3a
once P?3,OAHaX.4bI
four times qeTbrpepa3a
twice - ABaxLbI

18.4. [raSPa<0>.
B anuuficxoM q3blKeuuope <t0'> cooTseTcTByl'oT

a) Her telephonenumberis 9201. )[HaitH ry: qy yaH] E'eHoMep

rereSoHa -9201'

6) The resultof the match is Cqer s Marqe- 4:0 [So:p :r'rpoy]

four to nil.
e) lt is six degreesbelow zero. lllecrl fpaAycoBHlnxe Hynn'

r) Two minus two leavesnought' flna ltuuyc rsa 6yher nora'

a) All her work was for nought. Bcq ee pa6ora 6t;na uanpacuoi


( Present(Simple)Indefrnite Tense)

HacToglleM BpeMeHH:
19.1. CnpmeHfie frafoJla to look cMompembB [pocToM
- we look - MbIcMorPI4M
Ilook flcMorplo
- you look - Bbl cMorpl{re
you look TbIcMorpulxb
- they look - oHl4cMorpffr
he looks oHcMorpur

she looks - oHacMorPI4r

it looks - oHo cMorPHl

B 3lraue eAuHcrBeHHoro she'it u'lu cyutecruu

qucra (c necronlteH]/IAMrrhe'
Moryr6umynorpe6leult nlrecTo MecTol'IMeHnt7,
3Tt{X uanp':
oH, KywtaoHa, repeBoouo)x rJraronyAo6asrnercsoKoHqaHI4e
she looks
it looks

Bbicrynaer r $oprr'reuH$uHlrrnna' ro nepeA HHM

19.2. EcttufJlaron B npeAno)KeHI4I4

to go t4ETVl

to enter BXOAHTI]

to walk fyrsTb, xoAI4TbrIeuKoM

to see BU.{erb

19.3. oxonqaHr4e -s, npu6aeneHHoe K rJraronye 3;1uue 9ALIHCTB9HHOfO
npon3Hoctrrcr rJ,tyxo,ecnr4ilpeAruecrnyquft 3ByK I n y x o fi cor:racHutz,
shelooks [rura:nyrc] oHa cMoTplIT

he walks [xu: yoxc] oH fyrqer

he visits [xn: nusr,Irc] oH rroceulaeT

19.4. EcnunpeA[recrByrouuft 3ByK 3rO f JIaCHbI it uttu 3BO H rcn ft cor,racnltil,
ro npu6auseMoe oKoHqaHI'Ie npol43Hocp{rcq3BoHKo)[s] , uanp':

shesees [urra:cra:s] oHa BUAI{T

he opens [xN: oynen:] oH orKpblBaer

sheenters Iruu: eHreps] OHA BXOAI4T

quc:rafJraroJlto have I4Meer Oopr'ly ltx5 )[xe:l , Hanp.:

19.5. B 3:ruue eAI,IHcrBeHHoro
She has a new car. V Hee Hoaaq MarrluHa.

19.6. K rJ{aIOJIaMtOgO ulmu u tO dO de"tamae 3Jll{qe eAI{HCTBeHHOIO
npn6amnercg oKoHr{aHHe-es.

He goesto Kiev. [xu: roys ry ruen] OH esAnr s Kues.

She doesall [uru:Aaso:ir 33e yepr] Osa Ae,raerncropa6orY

the work.

19.7. ECnunu@vuurunoKaHqUBaeTcql{a11114n f u-tu ft cor-nacsllll, toe 3 JrIaUe

e.IllrHcrBeHHoroql4cra [pu6auaercx -es.

He teachesEnglish. Ou npenogaerasuufi crufi .

Shewashesher hands. OHauoer cBoI,IpyKI4.

19.8. Ec-rruuri@unurunoKaHql{BaercrHa6yxny-y,nepeAKoropoficroI'ITfIacHaq
-s, Harp':
TO -y3aMeHfrercfl,HA-ie, sareuAo6asrqercq

She often flies to London' Ona qacro neraer s JloHAoH.

Every eveninghe hurrieshome. Kaxlsrft BeqepoH cneruurAoltoil.

19.9. Hacroflrree flpocroe BpeM.fly n o r p e 6 I fl.e r c s, B r]erblpex cnyqalx:
a ) r o r A a o i l L r c b r B a e r cog6 r t q H o e I 4 J I I q4 a c r o r I o B T o p q I o u l e e c q Aerl-

He goesto church on Sundays. Ott xodumB uepKoBbno BocKpeceHbqM.

We havebreakfastat eight. Mr't saempaKaeM
B BoceMb.

i oHcrararrv.tr KaKof o - Jrn6o QaKTa,Hanp.:

6 ) n p u n p o c r o fK
They live in Warsaw. Orm mueyma Bapurane.
I like music. f nrc1tn My3brKy.
Snow is white. CHer6elurZ.
e) xorAarosopr{Tcso roM, rrro npor.rcxoAut(ecmu)B H a c r o rr ru u fi uouesr.
x a p a K T e p l , r 3 y r o r u u e y M c er BH H b I e c n o c o 6 H o c r u , H a n p . :
We see him through the window. Mu eudun ero qepe3 oKHo.

I hear the radio. fl. c,totwypagr,ro.

r) rorgaBbrpaKaercqAeiicrsue, e6r raxaft ur eu

6 y a y ur e M, KaK3apaHee Harlp.:
Tomorrow I go to Warsaw 3anrpa x edyv Bapruaey,.rro6lr
to meet my friend. BcrpeTurbc.sc ApyroM.
My mother comesfor the Moq Naalaa


20.1. CnpnKeHr{er:raro:rato be obtmbB Hacro.rrqeMnpocroM BpeMeHH:

1. Iam l. we are
2. you are 2. you are
h e \
3. shs - i5 3. they are
i t /

20.2. B pa3roBopHorlpevn qarue Bcero yuorpe6,rnrcrcqcoKparqeHHbre

xoropn ii coeAnHrrercsc rroAnexaulr4M:
1. I'm 1. we're
2. you're 2. you're
3. she's 3. they're



21.1. Bor raK cilpqraercquraroJr to have uwembB HacrorrxreM npocroM BpeMeHlr:

1. I have l. we have
2. you have 2. you have
3. she- has 3. they have
it ,/
21.2. B pa3roBopHoMrr3brKeqaue Bcero ucnonb3yercqcoKpaqeHuaa$opvra 3roro
c nonne)KailIz
1" I've 1. we've
2. you've 2. you've
3. she's 3. they've


22.1. Bor raKcnp.flraerc.fl

uraror to do dettambB HacroqilIeM npocroM BpeMeHH:
1. Ido l. w ed o
2. youdo 2. you do
3. she _ d6sg 3. they do
i r /


2 3 . 1 .T o d o a p o , r uB c n o M o r a r e J r b H o r o r r a f o r a .
Kpoue rofo, qro BcnoMotare-urHr,tri
rJlaroJrdo ficnorlsyercs, r\nfl o6pasonaHua
14orpnuarenbHbrx[peAnoxenuit B HacrofluleM[pocroM Bpe_
M€HI{' oH TaPKe hcrloJlb3yeTcfl' Anfl' fioAqepKl4BaH[tr B a x H o c T I{ y T B e p x A e -
Hprfl rtrrv Bonpoca. B STOMCnyqae do srrAe,'rsercfl yAapeHlreM, Harrp.:

Do listen to me! !,a noclyurarZ xe vess!

Do sit down! {a cagurecr xe!
You tell me you don't know, Tu ronopnrub MHe, rITo He 3Haeulb,
but what do you know? a qTo Tbr suaertlt?
You sayyou know him, Trt ronopumb, r{To 3Hae[lb ero,
but do you know him? a Tbr npaBAa ero sHaertrl?
23.2. fr.aro.nto do I4cnonb3yercn:
a)s cBoeM o6rr.IHoM 3Haqerruu detamb,Hanp.:
She will do her homework. Ona cdenaemcBoeAoMauHee 3aAaHue.
What can I do for you? 9ro q Mofy Anq re6s, cdenama?

6 ) . q r q 3 a M e H b IA p y f o r o r J r a r o J r a , H a n p . :
Sheworks as hard as you do. Osa rarxe MHofo (dou.: rqxero)
pa6oraer, KaK I{ rbl (pa6oraerul).
Who knows this man? I do. Kro sHaer ororo qeJloBexa?fl (snarc).

B erux cJryqaflxdo no.Irl4 He BblAerqercflnpv rpot{3HolueHuH.

s).qrq ccbIJIKI4 Ha paHee yIIoMqHyTbr14 f JIaIO,'I ,HO CAOIOJIHIITOJIb.

a\ueit, HarIP.
norZuu@optr.l :
I askedhim to repair the car, .f, nonpocu-n efo orpeMoHTI,IpoBarb
and he did so. MalrI{Hy, r,roH 3To cAenan.
She told him to wait, but OHa crasana eMy noAo)KAarb, Ho oH He
he didn't. clrerzu 9Toro.
B rarnx cn) {a.nx ua $oprvry do Ae,'laercq curbHoe yAapeHl4e }t ularoJr HeJIb3t


(Past Indefinite Tense)

24.1. IlpoureAuee [pocroe BpeMqAnrr tr p aBvrJrbH bIX rJlafoJtoBo6pasyercx,

nuSunnrnsa oKoHqaHua -ed, uanp.:
nyreu 4o6aBneHI,Igx @oprvre
walked ryrrrn looked cMorpen
entered BorreJr lived )KI,I,1

visited rrocerr4Jr waited xniln

24.2. llpuo6pasonauul'Inpocrofo or il p aB1aIr b H bIX r

H)rKHoco6:rnAarr cneAylotul4enpanr,rna
a) r,laro,lu, oKaHqI{BaIouII4ecqvuuSunuruBe Ha HeMoe-e, Teprlor 3Ty fn
npu npu6an re:ntrvroKoHqaHI4t -ed, Hanp. :
to live lived
to hope hoped
to die died

a nu@uHurnBeHa-y c npeAuecrnynruetZ
6) uarolu, oKaHquBalouluecq
-y -i,
Hofi, MeHtltor Ha uanp.:
to study studied
to copy copied
ecrn )Ke nepeA y crol{T uracHafl., To y coxpaHflerc.tt:
to play played
to stay stayed

a) eclu oAHocloxur'lr,i f r a r o r n u H Q u H n r I 4 B eo K a H q n B a e r c l s a o A H y
c o I n a c H y K, nepeaKoropoi4crorero A H a r Jra c H a tr, To KoHer{HaflcofJracHat
to stop stopped
to ship shipped

r ) A B y C n O ) K H b r e V M H O f O C n O ) K H b r e L ' r a r o J r bO
r ,K a H q r r B a r o i l I H e H
c rar
o A H y c o r,'r a c H y ro , repeA xoroporl cror4T o A H a I Jra c H a q , yABalrBaror
KOHeqHyro cornacHylo roJlbKo ts ToM cJry{ae, ecnr4 yAapeHHe naAaer Ha
n o c i r e A H r , r f rc l o r :
to equip [uryrn] equipped

Ec.nn r,qarol oKaHrrr{Baerc-a ua -1,ro I yAsanBaerc.sHe3aBuchMoor roro, [a.4aer

y n a p e H H eH a n o c l e a H H r Zc , r o r i l r h H e r :
to travel travelled
to compel compelled

fipocroro npoureAuefo BpeMeHrr -ed npou:Hocr4rcfl r p e M fl

24.3. OrcoHr{aHr4e
a ) x a x ) [ r ] n o c r er n y x r r x c o r J r a c H b r x , Hanp.:
talked [ro:xr] pa3rcBaphBaJr
walked [yo:xr] ry.nsn
stopped [cronr] ocTaHoBr4Jtcff

6) xar )[4] noc-rre

rJI ac H a fr. wtruse o H r o rZ couracHorz,
opened [oyneual oTKpbrJr
lived hnsal )(I4JI

stayed [crefial ocTaHaBJI14BzL[cq

n) rax )[ra4] nocre t u noc:red, nanp.:

wanted [yoHrua] XOTEJI

visited [nu:rarn4] IIOCCTUJI

added [eaual Ao6asur

24.4. B rporxeAueM npocroM B p e M e H IO4o p ; u a f J r a r o r a A n q B c e xn l l r l o A t 4 -

I walked we walked
she walked they walked

24.5. TlpottteAueenpocroeBpeM.flynorpe6rq,ercs.,fJraBHbrMo6pasov,4-urrnepeAaqu
Aefictsr4q, coBeprulrBuJerocflvnh coBepuaB[rerocrr B nporunoM. !ll nupaxeunt
BpeMeHI4 coBepIIIeHHs Aelicrsus B rlpeAno>t<eHr'rr4 qacro ynorpe6r.rqr.orct
o 6 c r o l r e J rbr c r B a B p e M e H H , H a n p . :
yesterday Br{epa

last week ua npou:rorZHeAe.rTe

an hour ago qac ToMy Ha3aA
at six o'clock B IIJECTb qACOB

the other day HA AH'X

on Monday B [OHeAeJIbHI,IK U T.A.

I spoketo him yesterdaY .fl ronopu:r c HUM eqepa.

I receiveda letter from him last .f no,'tyvtt,'tor Heto nficbMo ua npowttoil

week. uedene.

qacro H ep e anb-
24.6. flpoureAuee npocroe BpeMflynorpeorxercfl !.Irs,BblpaxeHHq
HO f o npeAn oJI o)I(e HI,Ifl. VIIILIn oxe JIaHI4s. B tlpI|.lAaTC,\tHOM [peAnoxe-
nun. B sroM Cny{ae rnalon B npocToM npottreAueM BpeMeHH ynOrpe6lxeTcq noO,Ye
raKr{x rnpaxeHulz xax: this time, I wish, if, if only, imagine, fancy, suppose:

It's time you went. Te6e nopaulru ()oc,'t.'.'Iro6lt ru loruel).

I wish I had good friends' fl. 6otxomen hMerb xopotrlt4xnpyreil.

If only there was enoughtime. EcLtu 6ot manbKo xBart4J'to(doc't:.6sttto

AocraroqHo) npeueuu.
Imagineyou had no money. Ilpe)cmaea ce6e, uro y re6l se 6luto 6rt

Fancy the man you Saw was your llpednonoxuM,MyKquHa, Koropofo rbl
father. BnAer,6ltr rsoHlv{oruoM.

Supposehe cametonight. ou nPuurel 6u


flpeA.noxeunf sroro rHIIa npI{HaAJIeXar Ko amopoMy muny ycrrooHbtx


24.7. flpoute.queefipocroeBpeMrr uHorAa yn orp e 6:r fl erc tl ,KoraaroBopqulnilxoqer

cKa3arb r{ro-To s sexnunoii (toplre, Hanp.:

I cameto tell You that Your f npuutet cloAa, qro6st cKa3arb te6e, uro
father wantsto seeYou. reofi oreu xoqer re6s elaAerl.

Could you give me some Bat ue Moa'tu 6tt vtte Aarb HeKoropylo
information? uH$oprr,rauuro?

24.8. CnpnxeHl4g rJraroJlato be 6umas npolxeAlxeM ilpocroM BpeMeHH:

l. I was 1. wewere
2. you 2. you were
h e \
3. she -was 3. theywere
i r /
24.9. CnpsxeHr4e rjrarojra to have uMembB npolxeAlxeM npocroM BpeMeHI'I:
1. I had l. we had
2. you had 2. you had
h e \
3. she - had 3. they had
i r /

24.10. CnpnxeHue rJlafo.t1ato do denambB npo1lleAlxeM npocroM BpeMeHlI:

1. I did 1. we did

2. you did 2. you did

h e \
3. she - did 3. they did
f i - /


BcloxgorunpeAnoxeHr4I{ s aF{r,rl4llcxoMfl3blKe 4etZcrnyer npaeuJtocozrtacosaHun6peMeH.

OHo saKnloqaerc.gB cneAylouleM.
Eclu cxasyeMoe rnaBHofo [peAno)KeHr4rrBbIpDKeHo rJlaronoM s oAFIotZ us tpoptut
n p o 1 1 1 e A r x e r o B p e M e H n( o 6 l r . r H oB n p o c r o M n p o u e A l x e M P a s t l n d e f i n i t e T e n s e ) ,r o
rnaro,rr-cKa3yeMoe rrppr.{aror{Hofo npeAno)KeHnqHe Mo)Ker ynorpe6lqrbcq B Sopue
H a c T o q U l e r o 1 a6 y A y U I e r o B p e M e H H ; B 3 T ocM n y q a eI J I a r o , ' l - c K a 3 y e M o e y n o r p e 6 -
Jtflercfle oAHoft rasSoprnrvlrr[rtporrleArrle xo uttv6yAyxle f o B n p o lu eAttre M
(Future in the Past).

flpra ntr6ope HlucHoit npeueHnoft $oprr,tr BaxHo yril{rbrBarb, ttBr-sercl ,rH Aeficreue u
[ p r 4 A a T o q H o Mr r p e A n o x e H H uo A H o B p e M e H H b I M , I l p e A i ] l e c T B y ] o u I u M L l J r t 4
n o c Jre A y Io uI t{ M no orHoilIeHI4Iox Aefrcrsl4lorJIaBHoronpeAnoxeHprq.
I knew that Petrovlived in Kiev. f sHa,'I..iro llerDoe xhBer B Kuese.

np edutecmsyrcu4
ee deitcmeue
wassurethat he had left Moscorv" -fI6rr-rrysepeH,qro oHyexaJru: Mocrsrt.

I hoped that I shouldfind her at home. fl, nailegncl, r{To3acraHyero AoMa.


(Present Perfect Tense)

2 6 . 1 . 3 a v e p r r r e H H o e B p e M f l r , r l a r o n o B o 6 p a s y e r c fcl n e A y l o t u u M o 6 p a : o n ah:a v e / h a s +
rrpuqacrue coBeprrreHHoro Br.rAa.Ha pyccrcnfi r3blK aHr,rt{ticxoe sanep[teHHoe BpeMe
rrepeBoAuTcf nporxeAuuM BpeMeHeM,xoTq aHlJll4r{aHeefo ct{HTaIoTHacToquII4M
He has cut his finger. Omnopesa,t[aneu (doc,t.:14Meer
ceiiqac(yrre) nopesanHlrfrna,reu)
She has doneit. OHa ero cdenata(Bor ono).

coBepueHHofo BuAao6pa:yercri raKnr,l

26.2" Q.apua npt{qacrr4fl [paBr{Jrr,HbrxrJ.rafoJroB
xe o6pasou, qro u npocroe nporueArrreeBpeMrr,T.e. n)TeM npu6anleHnl oKoHqaHI4q
-ed x r,tr@ltHI{TI{By.(Cnucox HenpaBu,'tb}IbIXrJraroJtoBcMorp}'t na c. 43, 56)
26.3. 3aueplileHHoeBpeMf, y ri o r p e 6 t s.e r c :
B npOunOM H npOAOn)KaeTCq
a) ltts BbIpaXeHXq l:eil,CrzttX, KOTOpOeHaqZUIOCb B
MoMeHr peuu. B oroM cnyqae orreHoK Hacroq[Iero BpeMeHL{Bblpaxalor
o6croqrertcrBa BpeMeHr{,qacro Har{I4Ha}ouluecqco croa for uln since'
I have known himfor years.
lt has rained since two o'clock. Aoxal nqer c deyx vacoe'

6) A:rs fiepeAaqu geftctural, KOropOe pKe IrpOI43ollIJIo' Ho pe3ynbTarbl Koropolo

orHocrrrcfl K Hacro-flureuy. B rarux cnyqatx B [peAno)KeHI4I4Her o6crosrelr-

Look [t has snowed! flocvrorpn! Boma"lcuee!

She has bought manY books. OmarcynwtaMHoroKHur.

S).qlrq flepeAarlu AeftCtSHq, KOTOpOenpOI{3OUnO B eUIe He 3aKOHTIeHHOM

I have written manY letters -f cero.[Hq HanucanMHofo rrltceM.

They have worked hard this Oslr uuoro pa6omanu B sroM Mecflue'

r) s o 6 c T o f, T e Jrb c TB e H H br x fr p r{A aTO q H bI X n p e An o x e H }',I x
nepe,{ar{n geitcrvut., Koropoe MoxeT 6uru sarouveHo (cocroflHvIfl,
uoxer 6rrrlAocrr,rrHyro) nepe4onpeAeneHHbrM
cnyvanx 6y4yrqee BpeMrrBbrpaxeHoB r,{aBHoMrrpeAnoxeHuI,I,a 3aBepueHHoe
I shall listen to you when I fl rc69 BbrcJry[lalo, KotAa 3aKoHt'Iy
have finishedthis letter. (nucars) ilncbMo.

Shewill write to you as soon Ona uanuruet re6e, KorAa npuedemr

as shehas reachedher MecTyHa3HaqeHvfl.

26.4. CtpxxeHl4e fJlaroJlato be 6umos 3aBepilreHHoMBpeMeHI4:

1. I havebeen 1. we havebeen
2. you havebeen 2. you havebeen
he has
3. she has-fssn 3. they havebeen
it has /

26.5. CnpnxeHl4e fJIaroJIato have uMembB 3aBepueHHoM BpeMeHu'

l. I havehad 1. we havehad
2. you havehad 2. you havehad
he has
3. shehas-had 3. they have had
it has /

26.6. CnpxxeHlre rrafoJla to do denarnoB 3aBepIrIeHHoMBpeMeHh.

1. I havedone 1. we havedone
2. you havedone 2. you havedone
he has
3. she has - flens 3. they havedone
it has /


o6pasyror H e n p a Br,rJrb -
Kporvrer,raror os to be, to haveu to do, MHoro.qplrHx rJraroJroB
ur,re @opMbr npowedwezonpocmoeospeMeuu,arapKenpuqacmunnpowedweeoopeJueHu
Bor Hecxolr'Korrpr4MepoB:
Heonpedenenuaa gpeMeHu
Ilpoweduteenpocmoe (co6epweHHozo
Qopua euda)
to become became become CTaHOBIITITCfl

to build built built c'rpolITb

to eat ate eaten ecTb
to grow grew grown pacTr.l
to leave left left noKI{naTb
to lose Iost lost TepsTb
to meet met met BCTpeqaTb
to sell sold sold npoAaBaTb
to speak spoke spoken roBopr{Tb
to write wrote written IIHCATb


f,rarol;i can (could), may (might), must, ought, need ornocrrce K rpynne raK
Ha3bIBaeMbIX M o A a n b H bI x LTafoJIos. OHu Heynorpe6,rrrrorcrcaMocrorrrerbHo,
a roJIbKo B coqeraHnNc uu@nHI4TI4BoM cMbrcJroBofo rnaro,[a. 9rn r-rraro,rlr
o 6 o s n a . { a nBr o 3 M o ) K Ho c r b , c n o c o 6 H o c r L , , B e p o q r H o c r b ,
g e o 6 x o.ur{ M o c r b coBeplrIeH wx Aeitcrsug,BbrpilKeHHoio un(xHur}tBoM.


(Past PerfectTense)

29.1. Bor rax oSpasyercsilporrreArtree BpeMq:had * npuqacrue


yn orp e6t s e rcr:

29.2. llpouteAtrree3aBeprrreHHoeBpeMr
a ) u t s n e p e A a \ rrry4e i l c r s u fKl ,o r o p o e HaqaJ'rocb B npoLUJroM ri,
3 a K O H r { r 4 J r O C bK r r O C J I e A y } O X I e M y M O M e H T y B npOlJr'roN{,Hanp.:
He had worked for an hour Mu pa1omana(yxe) qac, KofAacreMHero.
when it got dark.
When she left it had KorAa oHaye3xana,yxe secxollro Aneft
rainedfor days. wer do)tcdb.

6) ms nepeAaql4Aeitcrsus,Koropoe coBepurr4nocb, Ho nocreAcrBns Koroporo

npo.flsl4rucrg 6oree nogAFruft
s nporlroN4.
When shelooked out of the KorAa oHa BbrurqHyra B oKHo, oHa
window shesawthat it had yBkrAena,vto Bbtnarlcuez. (Cuer BbIraJr
snowed. nepeA TeM, KaKoHa Bbrf.lrrrHy,ra
n oxHo).

When I enteredthe room, I saw KorAa q Bouen B KoMHary, fl 3aMerI4JI,

that my pen had fallen from the qTo Moq pyqKa ynara co cTona.

n) 4.n.aonucauuq co6nrrr.rfl,Koropoe HMeJroMecro, lr.rrnAelicrsr{fl, Koropoe cocroqrcb

e npourot\,{ npe)KAe, .{ev oxoHqilrcq onpeAe,.IeHHttii orpesox gpelr{eHH g
Three accidentshad happened B ror Aenr npou3orano
that day. Cn) {aq.

Many of our friendshad died MHoro HattlHX apy:efi y.MepnoB ror ron.
that year.

r) a o6crorrreirbcrBeHHbrx rIprrAaroqHbrx npeAno)KeHvnx rIrfl

nepeAaql4 Aefi.ctsufl. r4rH cocro.flHl4q, Koropoe N{otto 6uts locturHyto g
[ocneAyroueMMoMeHTeB n p o lxJr o M, Harrp.:

Shetold us that shewould OHa cxasa,raHaM, gro Harlull]er, KaK

write as soon as shehad ToJrbKodo6epemcaK Mecry Ha3HaqeHHr.
reachedher destination.
He saidhe would help when Ou cxasa-n,qro roMoxer, KofAa
he had repairedhis car. ucnpagumcBoro MalxHHy.

[) ltrs n epeAaqI,IAeir.crsv A, 3aKOHqI4nOCbne TCM. KAKHAIIZUIOCb

AeIlcrsNes npor[ro]u, Hanp.:
In his letter he said that he B csoeN.{nr4cbMeoH Hannczur(docLt.:
had sold his old car the crasa-n), uro npodan cBoro crapylo
weekbefore. MalxuHyHeAenro Ha3aA.

That morning we heardthat the B ro yrpo Mbr ycJrbrtutulu,rITo Ha

war had startedat dawn. pacc BereHaqonacb soil Ha.

e ) s o 6 c r o - f l T e J I L ' c r B e H H b I Xn p l t A a r o q H b I X n p e A n o ) K e H n f l x I n f l
nepeAar{r4HeocyqecTBreHHoro unu HepeullbHofonoxeJlaHhq, npeAIIonoxeHI4tl
?IJ.IHcoBera, orHocquefocg K MoMeHTy B npou,'toM. Taxue [peAnoxeHl4t
Ha3brBalorcrrycroeHrtN4l4npeAroxeH[sN{H III-ro runa (cr'4.n. 30)
I should have done if I had fl 6n gro cAeJIzuI,ec,rn 6rt y MeHfl
had the necessarytools. 6u,ru geo6xoAi.rMbre HHcrpyMeHTbt.

Shewould haveshownthe office OHanoxasana6u re6e KoHropy,

to you ifyou had askedher. ecJrHobr Tbr ee ilonDocHla.


CroxHrre npeA;roxeHr4q,Koropbre cocro.rrrr43fipuAarorrHoro npeA,'ro)KeHue,BbrpoKa]oulero

ycJIoBI{e,14tIIaBHOT npeAlOXeHI4q,BbIpAKa}OqefOnOCneACTBI4fl 3TO|OyCnOBHt,Hil3bIBa}OTCtl
y c,aosHbril u np edaotceauxmu.

Cyrlecreyror rpr.{ ocHoBHbrx rr{ ra y c n o B H b r xn p e g r o x e H u r Z :

Tun Bpervrx IJasHoe rrpeAJrox(enr{e Bepoxrnocrs
I/We shall come if l/we know when
I 6yayuree CHJ'IbHafl
He will come if he knows when

HacTogulee H I/We shouldcome if Ilwe knew when

II M'aratl
6yayuee He would come if he knew when
lAVe should have come if l/we had known when
He would havecome if he had known when


BcnovorareJlbHble cJIoBashall, should ynorpe6lxlorcr{ B nepBoM nHue eAnHCrBeHHofo14

MHoxecrBeHHoro qncra (I, we); will, would - B ocraJTr,Hbrxn14uax.


31.1. f,raro-tst nauuuftcKoMs3blKe Moryrynorpe6rsrtcq n(lopuax4 e r.icr B 14re J'rb -

H o ro (ActiveYoice) u crp ar\areJr L,Ho ro (PassiveVoice)3ilrloron.

KorAa noAlexauee quqercqrnqoiu (npe4rr,rerou),c o B e p m a Foul H M .nrr ii c r B H r

rJraror ynorpe6llerct a tpoptre Ae fi crBLtreJr b H o ro 3arofa:
The workers build the houses. Pa6oqne cmDo_nmD,oMa.

KorAa noAnexauee flBJrflercflnr{rroM (npe4ueroir,r), u c n brrbr B a }o trlH M H a

c e 6 e A e fi c r e u e co cropoHblApyfofonr4t\awnr4 [peAMera, fJraforrrynorpe6laercl
n @opue c r p a A a r e JI b H o t o 3a;Iora, roroprrii oGpa:yercx cneAyr.orrluMo6pa:on:
to be * npwracmue cosepweuHoeoeuda c*tbtcrtonoeozJxaeota'.
The houses are built by the workers. lonra cmponmcnpa6o.{uN.{r..r.

31.2. Bornpnuepblcnpr)KeHuanwfivtnurugatobe
1. I am seen l. we are seen
2. you areseen 2. you areseen
3" shs i5 - sssn a
J" they are seen
it is ,/

B JIto6ou
31.3. Ilaron -cKa3yeMoeBcrpaAareJrbHoMszl,'IoreMo)KeTyuorpe6rlrcg
you are seen (uacmoar4ee
npocmoe) Present Indefinite

you wereseen (npowedweenpocmoe) Past Indefinite

you havebeenseen (uacmoat4ee

saoepwenuoe) PresentPerfect

you had beenseen (npoutedw eesaeep w euuoe) Past Perfect

31.4. Bper'leHacrpaIaTeJIbHOIo3zutOralmOrpe6,r.sloTc.flcO1;IaCHoTeM
I,IcoorBercrBylou{ne I4MBpeMeHaAetlcrsxrerbHoro 3ztrora'

31.5. CpaeHltre ABanpeAnoxeHl'lfi(o6opora).

,Leficmeumenmuit o6oPom Cmpadame'nanoui o6oPom

Popov inventedthe radio in 1895. The radio was inventedby Popov in 1895.

Il o A n e x a uI e e AericrsnrelrHoro o6opora (Popov) craHoBHTcqB crpa'qarenbHoM

o6opore A o rr o n H e H r4e M c n p e A n o r o M by (by Popov), o6osnauarculgM
coBep1r1arcr11ee Aeftcrsue, BbIpaXeHHoeIJIaIoJtoM cKa3yeMbIM.B pyccxou rsure
p b H o tr't(oreevaerHa
AorroJrHeHurccbycoornercrByerAorroJlHeHue B T B o u r e,'l
Bonpoc rcen?ueu\ rI aAexe 6es lpeAnofa.

I'I COorBeT-
31.6. Bor HecKoJrbKonpr4MepoBnpeAnOXeHUit n crpaAaTeJrbHoM3il{ore
crBytourl4x t4MnpeAno)KeHuI?s AeIUcrBI4TeJIbHoM

.Leilcmeumenauurtsazott cmpadamertutaui sa",toz

a) n p x M o e A o n o Jr H e H H e IIpeAno)KeuHq s AetfcTBI4TeIbHOM 3aJIOIe

flBLrIeTCq n o.{ n e )K a uI H M npeAllo)KeHxg B cTpaAaTeJIbHOM 3aJIOre:

I give the book. The book is given bY me.

fl. raw KHuey. Kuueataiitctt MHoIo.

II O I H e H 14
6) nperuiOXeHqe sAeftCrsI4TeJIbHOM 3anole I4MeeTK O C B e H H O e A O
B erouc:rytaeBo3MoXHbI A B e K O H c r p y K U I4 14 1lpeAnoxeuufi BcTpaAaren
HOM 3UUIOI9C pa3HbIML{ nOAJIe)KaUII{M}I, BbIpaXeHHbIMI'l U,Iu 6rtsxJUM flpflMblM'
uril 6ErsuruM KocBeHHbIM

He givesme the money. Ou Aaer MHeAeHbft{.

The money is given to me Os Aaer MHe AeHbrH(docn.: .II,eHsru

by him. Aarorcl vue nv).

I am given the moneY .fl nolyvarc (docn.: ecrt Aaeae\astl\a)

by him. .IICHbTI,I OT HE|O.

ynorpe6url npqMoe AononHeHue,

31.7. HerOropr'Ie IJIaIoJlbI,Ilpu KoTopbIXHeo6xOAntt'to
noqrl4 BcerAayilorpe6lnnrcn B crpaAarenbHoM 3ilJlof e :

Many people were killed Muoro nloAeftnoeu6,to(docn.:6amu

in the accident. cnyqae.
y6raru) BHecrlacrHoM

Her sisterhas beendrorvned. EecenpaymoHyna.

The ship was wreckedin the Kopa6lr samoHyltBoBpeMeyparaHa.
The hre was blown out. OroHr 6:.;rnnomyuten.
Three houseswereburnt down. czoperxu.

31.8. EcnuilocJregrr4xfJrafolronynorpe6l.rlercqrI p r{ M o e A o il oJI H e s Iae (nsorAa

3tulore I{ I4MeI,OT Hanp.:
He killed his brother. On y6u,tcBoero6pata.
The man drownedhis dog. (9ror) Myxqr4HaymonuJx
cnon co6ary.
He haswreckedhis father'scar. Ou pasduttMaur.rHycBoefoorrla.
The wind blew the hat out. Berepcdynmtnny.

npr4MepaxKoHcrpyKur{ru"to be * npuqacmuecosepweHuoeo
31.9. B npune4euHbrx
KaK[pr4MepbrrrpeAloxesufi BcrpaAarenL'HoM
euda" ttetb3qpaccMarpr.{Barb
We are tired. Muycma"tu.
That shop is closed. Mara:uu 3aKpbttt.
The bus was gone. Anro6yc omaexart.
This seatis taken. 9ro uecro 3aHnmo.
The work is done. Pa6oracdenaua.
Bo scex ernx cnyqarxilpego)KeHrre BbrpaKaercocroqHLre.flpnuacrae coBeplxeHHoro
Br4AaBbrrroJrn-rrer3Aecb $ysruuro npnnafareJrbHofo, a $opnra to be qB,'iqercq


(Present Continuous Tense)

3 2 . 1. n n w r e J r l H o eB p e M qy n o r p e 6 l s e r c l A , ' r fol n L l c a H l r . s A e i r c r s u f l I, IBp o q e c c e

e r o c o B e p r r r e H 1 4 n , 6 e z o n p e A e n e H ] 4ef lr o H a q a J ' Iial K o H u a , B b I p D K a fTl a K I 4 M
o6pasou HualcoHqeHHoedaumeataoe deilcmeue.

3 2 . 2 . [ r n v t e J r b H o eB p e M - so 6 p a 3 y e r c t r n p v n o M o u r u B c n o M O f a r e J I b H o f o
r J r a r o J r a t o b e s F { a c r o r u r e M B p e M e H N ( a m , i s , a r e ) u n p 1 4 . q . a cH
r va. cr lr o s u - t , e f o
Bpe Me u u (coKoHqaHI4eM -ing),uanp:

She is cleaningthe room. Ouay6upael??KoMHary.

3 2 . 3 . 1 4 s N { e H e H 1 4H
f l a r I 14c bM e npuoopa3oBaHr4h npuqacTr4fl HacTotulefo
a ) s o a H o c J I o x F I b Ix rJI a f o J'Iax yABanBaeTcq KOHeqHag corJ'lacHaq, Hanp.:
sitting getting
6) rouevHaq HeMax-e BbrnaAaer
oKoHqaHHq -ing, Hanp.:
smoke - smoking make - making change- changing
32.4. Bot raK cnpqrael'ci{ L'rafor fall nadama B HacrosureM AnnrenbHoM BpeMeHH:
1. I am falling l. we arefalling
2. you are falling 2. you are falling
h e \
3. she -is falling 3. they are falling
. , /
f i t

32.5. IlpearoxeHi4xcnpllrlacrueMHacrotrueroBpeMeHrrMoxHoynorpe6,r-art B pa3Hbrx

BpeMeHax,roAcraBr.rriqto be e $oprralr AaHHoro Bper\4eHu:
I am falling. I havebeen falling.
I wasfalling. I had been falling.

32.6. H acrorriree ilnr4r eJIbHoe Bpel{tr(hesentContinuousTense)ynorpe6txerca:

a) uta BbIpDKeHI4sAJIureJIbHorcAeficrsnq, coBepualourerocg B MoMeHmpequ.
3Aecr Heo6q3are,rlbHonpt{cyrcrBne o6cto.srellcrBa BpeMeH14,
r.x. ynorpe6leuue
Present Continuous Tense yxe roBoprar o Hacro;{uleM BpeMeHr,r,Hanp.:
We are working. Ml.t pa6omaen.
They are waiting. Olnwxdym.
He is srnoking. On rcypum.

6) Ms o6o:lHa.reHraxgefi.crB14rr B 6 y a y u e n r , K o r A ap e q b H A e ro 3 a p a H e e
I am dining witl-r my friends fl ceroAns o1edarcco cBouMl,rApy3brMt4
He is leavingthis afternoon. Ou yestrcaem
ceioArrr Ar{ervl.

B ) A n [ B L , I p a ) K e H r94M
f l O L ( L T O H a JbIH O r O O T H O T U e T { Hs K A e H C T B T ,H{ rt O
co6urnrc (nerepneHze r{J'ul3i'rocrb), Hanp.:
He is always reading the paperl OH ecerAa rtumaemrasery!
They are always talking aboui Ouu ncerAapa3zasapuzaromoloruaAsxl
Wiiy are we stopping? I-[oueny Mbr ocnnH a 6J1
u aa eu ca?

3 2 . 7 11porueArre e Anv re,'i L'lroe BpeMr(PastContinuousTense)ynorpe6,rnerc

A/.rqilepeAaqprAeiicrgi4q.Koropoe !. n 14Jro c b B o tr p e A e r're H u rr i.i u o M e H T
npotUJl 0M)Hanp.:

He wasworking when I entered. Ou padamatt, KorAa -qBoureJr.

It was raining an hour ago. t{ac HasirA ue/t ilox'nb.

She was visiting us last week. Owa noceryata Hac Ha npour,ror.'irreAene.

32.E. flpotueAtuee A,.u4TerbHoe

npocmbLvtttpowedwum epaweHun:
It rainedall day yesterday. Bvepa ue,'isrfi.[eHb rrleJ]Aoxrb.

g e i l c ' r r t n nK
, OTopoe
epeMtlynOTpe6:i neTCA TaKXeA,'Iflnepe!,aqu
3 2 . 9 . i l t u : | e . I l b H oB
cJr yLr vrr c fl B 6,,'rfi x aii iu e e Bpe M x . [\ltx3Tofo Hcnorb3yercfl cneAy]oulafl
",turtuefl (tapua to lte going to + unfiuaumus ocHosHo?ozrtozoJra"'.
I am going to visit my brother fr. co1uparccbHalecmumb Moero 6para.

Their were gaing to ciose that shop. Cuvr co6upc'tucb3aKpbtmbror Mara3uH'

32.10.C,reeyrculr4enpeAnoxeHr.ln,HecMorpqHa{jopv;'r:raroJ]oB, He
-ing He
ynorpe6,reHurr ItJlr,rrerbHorGBpeMeHH,TaK KaK fJlaroJl c oKoHqaHr'lelt
B b i p a x a e Tg e f i c r n u e , a B b r I l o J l H t e T ilpHnaIaTe,lbHoro,
BcnoMofareltnltt7 rJIafoJIto he serqerct{ c Bx:xo [:
The job is exhausting. Pa6cra u:jHypumenbHan.

The differenceis striking. Pa:lilque nopasumerbHo.

The news is surprising. Horocru yd uBumeJlbHue.

That story is interesting. 3ra ucropx fl uHmepecHa.

33. I'BPYIIAIIIZ (Gerund)

33.1. iDopvarrqaroJra,KoTopar{oKaHqr{Baercaua-inguI{Meernpn3HaK}'lcytuecrB}l'rerb-
HO|O H fJIaf,OIa, Ha3L,IBaeTCq OTIJIa f OJI bH biNI CyLueCTB14TeJt bH bl M,

Smokingis bad for you BpeAHo.
Before leavinghe wrote KoporKoe
flepea oorxodonoH HaI]]'{ca*rl
a shortletter. fI14CblUO.

They went on talking. OHlr n po4o,rxatvr 6ecedy"

a a
JJ 2.fepvrraufiy n orp e 6l tl er ctl :
a) e porta Ir oAJi e x a iq e f o B npe,4no)KeHl4l4:

Walking in the woods is nice. lytnuue ir necy oqeHb lrpt4xrHo.

Eating too rnuch is rtot good {trepeedauueBpeaHo Arg re6q"
Ior you.

6) nporu n pfi M o f o Aorl oJI He Hfi fl B npeAno)KeIJI4h:

I like reading. -fl -uto6,rra qlnelLte.

She doesn'tlike waiting. Osa se iiro6rr uwudouuc.

s ) r p o : r n o K a 3 Y e M o r cBlilpeAjlo)Kef {14lt:

Reading is knowing. Vmenue - ore 3HaHue.

Seeingis trelieving. BuAerr - 3Harrl4rBepl4lb (doc't.: Budeuue

33.3. PaccttorptlM tt p t{ 3 H a K 14 fepyHAl4fl:

He likesdriving/ail. OH rrr:5ur 1arcmpo€3Aurb (Ha HlaullaHe).
You can help by listeningquietlY. Bi,t tr,roxerefioMottb, ec,rlr 6yrere cJlyularb
o 6 c T o f T e JI b c T B O'
6) rax )Ke, KaK 14UaroJry, repyHAl4IOMOXeTCOnyTcTBOBars
oHa ,rrc6ur .tumamo(doc,'t:
She likesreadingin the evening.

He likes smokingafter dinner. On rrc6nr Kypumb(docLt.:xypeuve) nocte


MOXeT I',IMeTb II p fl M O e
s) rax xe, KaK r,r fJraIoJI, OTrJIafoJIbHog cyuIecTBI'ITeIbHOe

I like driving afast car. ,fl -nro6:rnaoduma6ucrpyrc MawuHy'

gpesuepHoo6u,rlsoe numbeeodatvpeano'
Drinking much waler is harmful.

33.4. Om:raronbHblg cyluecrBureJlbHlte ynorpe6Jlltorcfl
a) n o c:r e ilP eAn o ro B' HaIIP.:
Afterwriting a letter he left. floc,le roro, KaK oH HalLIcaJI rll4gbMo' oH

He spoke without looking at me. Ou ronoPu:r, He ul-sAl Ha MeHfl'

BeforeleavingtheY thanked us. flpexge veu yfttlt, oHu uac no6:raroAapvnv'

xypcunolt )' Hanp' :

6 ) n o c , ' I eH e K o r o P b I Xr Jra r o JI o n (oHIaBbIAeJreHbl
It has stopPedsnowing' flepecral rlaAarb cHer.

I /ikelisteningto music. fl nrc61rc cJlytrrarb MY3bIKY'

Has shefinishedeating? OHa sarou'l vlaecta?

They went on talking. OHn npo4olxa-nn 6eceAoBarb.

.f, oqenr lrc6lrc rynqrb B necy.
I enjoywalking in the woods.
She hasgivenuP smoking. Oua 6pocula KYPI4rb'

Many children hategoingto bed. Msorne Aeru or{eHbne Jlro6qrJloxHrbct


He prefersleavingearlY. Ou npe4novl{raer YxoAHrbPaHo.

They continuedwatching. OH u npoAol xaqu Ha6l rcaeH!4e.

e )n u e K o r o P b I X B b I P a > t ( e H l a f l ' x :
It is no use talking to him^ BecnoresHo c Hl'lMPa3foBaPHBarb.

The book is worth reading. (9ry) rHNry crol4r flPotll4rarb.

We saw them busYrePairing Mtt sIaAerI4,tITo oHl4 6sun 3ar-rgrlt

the car. no.il4urofi Ma[InHbl.

It is like walking for the first time' 3ro rar )Ke, KaK crenarb nepnlttl ruar'

I don't mind waiting. -fl ue npornB rloAoxaarb.

She couldn't helP laughing' Oua He Moula cAepxarbcfl or cMexa'

Do you mind driving? Tsr ne npori4B noBecru *lauruuY?

ee nepey6egurs'
It's no goodtrying to persuadeher' Her cuttc,la nb,lrarbcs

34. EynyIUmE BPEMEIIA (FutureTenses)

34.1.ByAyu{ee npocroe BpeM-fl (FuturelndefiniteTense)o6pa:yercxnpuroMouIH

B c n o M o f a r e J r b H b r x r J r a r o J r o B s h a l ln w i l l u N H $ n u n r l l B ao c H o B H o f o
rJraroJla6e: to:
1. I shall go t nofiay 1. we shall go t'.lunollAelt
2. you will go rlt notiAeurl 2. you will go slt noftAere
he \ o H \
\ \
3. she -will go oua -noilaer 3. they will go oHn nofigyr
i t / o^o /
B pasronopuoMx3blKe3arracryloBo Bcexnuqax ynorpe6.llercq will.

3 4 . 2B y A y u I e e r rp o c r o e B p e M f l B b r p o K a ecr cr oo s . H u e v r v t L e f r c r B ] 4 e , K o r o -
poenpor,I3oilAer e 6 ya y ru e M, Ha[P.:
I shall leave next month. fft yedy B cneAylouleM Mecque.
The match will be played Maru 6yaer cuzpaH\ocne3aBrpa.
the day aftertomorrow.
She will be twenty-five next Friday. B cne4ytoutylonflrHt4uy ert ucnonuumcn
ABaAUaTb rIflTb.

3 4 . 3 . 6 y A y u I e e B p e M r r B n p o u r e A u r e r ' r( F u t u r e i n t h e P a s t ) o 6 p a : y e r c x i l p n n o M o -
rrrtrBc noMorarer bHoro rJraf oJIa should/would rarauS n H v'ttrBa ocHoB-
HOfo tr'laroJla 6e: tO:
1. I shouldgo 1. we shouldgo
2. you would go 2. you would go
h e \
3. she -would go 3. they would go
i t /

3 4 . 4 . B y A y u I e eB p e M f l B n p o t r r e A r r e M q a c r o y r r o r p e 6 t s e r c f l n r f l n e p e A a q n
6yayuero aeircrswnno orHolreHr,rro K ApyroMyMoMeHry(aer1crnnro)B npounoM.
They saidthey would leave Onu cxa:alw, qro yeAyr B cneAyou{eM
the next month. Mecflue.
I said I should let them f cxasala,uro coo6uy I4MKaK MoxHo
know as soon aspossible. cKopee.


flpuvacrne g aHr,'ruftcroM [peAcraBnqercoboit$optr,ryr,larora, Koropat coorBer-
CTByeTBpyCCKOMq3blKenpH .t TutO (nemau4uti,zoeopuewuuL
AQ ) ne e n p h q a c T I ' l I O
(nema, eatzoeopue).OrAellsoil $optr.ltI, coorBercrBytouefi pyccKoMyAeenpl4qacrulo, B
agr,'rnIZcrou tt3blKe Her.

35.1. flona6,'rrcAaiire 3a KoHTeKcroM,B KoropoM qacTo ynorpe6lnercl npl4qacrue

HacTofllllefo BpeMeHH:
(When I enteredthe room,) Koraa q BouuraB KoMHary,ryBrrena
I saw him on the floor. ero Ha frojry.
II p u a a T o q H o e npeAnoxeHr4eB CJIOXHOM (OUOSaUrcr{eHo B Kpyuute cxo6xt'l)
uoxer 6rnt saMeHeHoKoHcrplxuuefi c n p H q a c T pI e M H a c r o tl uI e I o B p e M e H I{
(npuuacmuuu,t o6oPomon)'.
Entering the room, I saw him on Bxoda a KotilHamy, q yBI4Aenaelo Ha ilony.
the floor.
KaKAIq entering, TaKII !.Jrfl
B o6oux ilpeAnoxeHusxl ssrsercq [OAIe)KaLIIl,lM

p LIAaroq Hblx
35.2.IlpttuacrHslrl o6opor Moxer ynorpe6lxrcq raKxe BMecro n
npeAno)KeHnfr n P u q I{ H bI, HanP.:
Being poor, the man could not buy Eydywu6edruam, My)KtIHHa He MoI Kynl4rb
Being tired, I shall staYat home. Tarcrcarcfl ycmcm, q ocraHycb AoMa.
Bepuyewucanosduo (dout.'. flocxollxy r
Returning verYlate,
BepHyncflnos4no), q He cMor nocMorperb
I couldn't seethe match.

raK)Ke MoxeT 3aMeHflrb

35.3. KoncrpyKur4s c npuqacrr4eM Hacroqulelo BpeMeHH
InaBHoMy B cocTaBecloxHoro
tr p l Aa T O tI H O e IIpeAnoxeHI'Ie'flpeAuecTBylouee
[peAno)KeHl4.fl , Ha[p. :

Leavingthe house,we forgot to Kozda uat eaffiodu,'Iuus doua, wsl

closethe door behind us. sa6rtrl4 3aneperb :a co6otZABePb.

Listening to the news,we CnyruanHoeocmu,Mbl rlblrillr14cb

tried to hnish the letter. 3AKOHqI4Tb II14CbMO.

Rising from his chair, Bcmaean co cmyra, oH cKa3iLIl,tlro BpeMfi

he said it was time to stop. ocTaHoBnTcq.

qacTo B Tgx CJlyqaflx,

35.4. B aHr:rnrlcrov q3brKenpnqacTHbtit o6opor ylOrpe6lleTct
Putting on his coat, he left On uc)en [zLIIbro It 6btluer, He cKa3aB HI4
without sayinga word. CJIOBA.
Closing the book, the girl rose .{enouxa gaKpbma KHnry u lcmarla,
to leavethe room. srnZrr4.
Switching on the radio, OH ercrnqurpanilo n npodotttra'lrlHcarb'
he continuedwriting.

eA en uren b H Of
35.5.llprauacrssrfio6opor MOXeTynorpe6,urbctl BMeCroo np
npu,uaToqHofo B c o cr a B e c JIO)KH OI O npe'4noxeHl'Ls'

A man living in this street was 9e:roser, rcomopotuucutem Ha smou ynuue

injured in an accidentlast week. 6slr paueH B HecqacrHoM cnyqae Ha

The pictureshanginghere will KapruHtt, Komopblesdecueucam' 6yAyr

be sold. npoAaHbl.

The pen lying on the table is mine. Pyura, Komopanrnrcum Ha cmor'le'Motl.

3 s . 6Cyruecrayer
. KoHcrpyKr\vrfl ilpvqacrHoro o6opora, Koropaq HMeer cBo
peqb [IJ]a BbIIII
n on Jre x a il{ e e . OHa ynorpe6lxercq B KoHTeKcrax' o Koropblx

a) sN{ecro flpeAllecrByloilrero rJIaBHoMynpeAno)KeHI{Io npuql4Hbl, Harlp. :

My brother having no time, Tarcrcarcy Moezo6pama ue 6umo 6peMeHu,
I had to asksomebodyelse. MHenpr4unocb nonpocl4Tb Kofo-To Apyfofo.
The sun being very hot, we Tarc rcarccoJqH4qcultbHo npuneKaro, Mbl
werenot wearingjerseys. cHsJrvrcBLITepbI.
Our plane flying low, we could TarcrcarcHaru caMonemnemerqHLt3Ko,HaM
seeeverythingvery well. 6srro sce oqeHb xopotilo BlIAHo.

6) nlrecro npeAlxecrBylouero rJIaBHoMy [peAnoxeHnlo npuAaroq Hof o

Their children still being at school, florca ux demu ece ewp 6atnu 6 lttKo"ee,
the parentsmade everything poAuTeIH npr4loToBnnu Bce K LIX
readyfor their departure. orbe3Ay.
Dark clouds appearingin the Koeda edartu noaou'rucb LtepHuemyqu,
distance,the sky over our ue6o na.uHatttI,IMLIfonoBaMI'I exl,e
headswas still blue. ocraBa,'Iocbro.ny6rttnt.
My wife pouring out the coffee, IIorca uos ilceHa Harulana rcoQe, n
I went looking for more chairs. ro[reJr nolIcKaTb eilIe cTynbeB.


Corosthat qacro onycKaercfl.,

I know he is here. .fI ssalo, qro oH 3Aecb.
Does she rcalizethere is no more time? OHa nognuaer, qro uer npeveHn?

37. TOO

Croeo tooqacroynorpe6lflercrr maK)rce.B erou clytae oHo crouT

B KOHUe npeAJIoxeHvflj f{anp. :

He wasthere too. Ou motrceralr 6sut. (I4 ou rau 6tt,'t)

Will you come too? Tst motrcenpu4eur? (lrl rtr npnaeIrrt?)

38. OWN

Ec:ru nepe4 cyulecrBprreJrbHbrMB npeAno)KeHm crokrr n p 14r q )K a r e r b H o e Mecro-

14MeHr4e,TOHenocpeAcTBeHHofiepeA 3Tr4McyIqecTBI{TeJIbHbIM yn0Tpe6lqercr cJIoBoown,
I use my own tools. .f, nom:yrocb cBor{Mr,rco6crseHHrtr\,II4
She wants &erown glass. Osa xoqer r{Merb csofi co6crseuHruZ

She has a car of herown. Y Hee csog co6crseHHas. MauluHa.

We have a garden of our awn. Y uac csorZco6crseHF{r'tfi can.

39.1. Already nrtpaxaer yA rI B,'le HI4 e foBopquero no noBoAy Tofo,

r{To HerITo
npou3olxno cJll4llIKoMp a H o, Harlp.:
She has come alreadY! Ouayucenplrrula!
The room is clean alreadY! Kotnttlata y trce'auct agt

3 9 . 2 . Y e t y n o r p e 6 l t e r c f l B B o n p o c a xO r o M , t I r O y x e 1 4M e J I o M e c T o , H a I I p . :
Have you read it yet? Trr ero ywenpouurat?
Has shebought new shoesYet? Ona yuceKyrII4Jra

39.3. BrrpaxeHl4enOtyet Mo)Ker6lrm pa:opnauo.B raKoMcnyr{aeyet crour B K o H II e

I have not yet talked to him. A eute c HnM He pa3foBapl{Ban.
I have not talked to him yet. fl eu4ec Hr4MHe pa3roBaphBan.


BpeMeHHEIM c o r o 3 0 M .
40.1. WhenflBJrflerctr
Don't leavethe doorsoPen He ocras,Tqfi4nepetl orKpbITbIMI,t,KorAa
whenyou go. TbI BbrxoAl{llrb.

4 0 . 2 .l f - y c n o B H b I i . fc o t o s .
If you go I shall go with You. Ecrtu mu nol?Aeltl, s notZAy c ro6oft.


41. 1. Cnosohow qacro ynorpe6lxercq B H a q a Jl e B o c K,'I il u a r e JI b H bl x npeAnoxe-

How good of you to come and Karcnrc5esmoc reoefi cropoHbl npuit"tu
visit me! nasectl4rt i\.{eug!
How they work! Karcosvtpa6oraror!

4 1. 2 . E c r / . V . I T o c r e h o w y n o r p e 6 t s . e T c s I T p r l n a I a r e J r b H o e , r o r l o c , ' l e H e r o c n e A y e r
HeoilpeAenenHttri aprnKnb r4cyilIecrBp{TeJrbHoe. Ilepea npunafareJlbHbIMapruKnb
He}irlorpeontercq :
How nice a man he isl Kaxori oH npuflmHurtqe'qoeercl
How fantastica weekthat was! ruede'tnl
Kaxaq ero 6rura daumacmu,tecrcoa


a) We work at anotheroffice. Mlr pa6oraewe dpyzotiKoHrope.

6) Do you want another cuP? Xoqeur euqeuavteuxy?
,l:t --'

Ilpe4uoru - gro c Jry x e 6 H br e cJroBa,cB.tr3blBalouluecyuIecrBI4TeJIbHbIe 14Mecrol4MeHufl
cApyfl4Ml,rcnoBaMr,r B npeAno)KeHnN.flpe4norn rr o 3 H arI e H 14Io AeJlrrcqHaHecKorbKo
rpyrr: npeAnorrM 4 e c r a ( i n , o u t ) , n p e M e H u ( a b o u t ,a f t e r ) ,H a r I p a B J I e u u . a ( t o ,

Bor npuneprr ynorpe6:reHI4flnpeAnofoB B rlpeAnoxeHt{I4:

They were there beforesix. Ouu 6rurn ratv^nepedurecrblo.
The dog is underthe bookcase. Co6ara nod xnuxHrru ruxa$ou.
He is Polish by birth. Ou no HauuoHulrlbHocrr4
They live acrossthe street. OHUxuny'r ua moil cropoHe(vepes)ynuubr.
Where haveyou come from? Omrcydar'tlpuexa.n?
The plane is over the town. Calroler (reraer) ruadropo4orvr.
Will you come with us? Trr nofi.uerusc Hauu?
He cannot do that without tools. Ou se Mo)Kersro cl.etara 6es
Put those chairsagainstthe wall. flocrasl re crynbq nod ctetty.
They had to drive along Oun Ao:rxust 6rr,nn exarb no nJtoxr{M
bad roads. AoporaM.

43.1. 3aqacryFooAI4Hr.{Tor xe npeAnor Mo)Kerr,rMerbHecKonbKo3Haveuufi, Hanp.

He lives in Kiev. OH xnser s Kl.rese.(uecmo)
They will come in July. OHn npraegyrB r4lone.(epeua)

Vnorpe6,reuHe roro uJr14

r4Horofipegnora B Kaxr,oM KoHKperHoM cnyqae

43.2. Mnorlre rJraroJrblI,t3MeHqIorcBoe 3HaqeHueB gaBl4cr4Mocruor npeAJrorac

to look at cMoTpeTb
to look for , ilcKaTb
to look after sa6orr4rlcs


Late o:Ha.{aer no3ilce, qeJiln"laHupo9atocb trilv no3}rce,qeMyc/tosJ,IeHo,Hailp.'.

We were late for the match, Ms onosdanu HaMarq h rro3ToMy He
so we didn't seethe first goal" BnneJrr'tnepBofo rona.
They had to wait for a long Mrt Ao:rxgst 6r,tnu )Krarb oqeHb AoJtro,
time becausethe bus waslate. TaK KaK anro6yc onasdbrca,l.

I got to the bank too late.
It wasalreadyclosed. OH yxe 6ru :axplrr.
She got to the bus stop too late, and saw OHanpnuna HaocraHoBKycnuwKoM
the bus disappearingin the distance. nos)uot yBLrqera,vro anro6yc ncr{e3aer

be was/were been -6urs

become became become -craHoBnrbcq

begin began begun -HauuHars(cn)

blew blown -AYTb


broke broken -JIOMATb


brought brought -npl{Hocr.rrb


built built -cTpoI4Tb


bumt bumt -)Keqb


buy bought bought -noKyrrarb

caught -JIOBHTb
catch caught

choose chose chosen -nrr6nparl

come came come -rrpHXoAI{rb

cost cost cost -cTot{Tb

cut cut cut -pe3aTb

dug dug -KOtIaTb


did done -AeJraTb


drew drawn -pr4coBaTb, TflHyTb


dreamt dreamt -cHI,ITbCf , MeqTarb


drank drunk -NHTb


drove driven -Becrl4 (rraal]ruHY)


eat ate eaten -ecrb

fall fell fallen -ra,u,arb

fed fed -KOpMr4Tb


feel felt felt -uyocreonart(cr)

found found -HaxoAHTb


flew flown -JIETATb


forbade forbidden -3anpeularb


forgot forgotten -sa6ltsart


freeze frose frozen -3aMOpDKr4BaTb

get got got -AOCTaBaTb,


Yv gave given -AaBarb


go went gone -I4ITU, exaTb

grind ground ground -MOJIOTb

gow grew grown -pacTu, BblpailInBaTb

hung/hanged hung/hanged -BI4CeTb, Be[IaTb


had had -HMETb


heard heard -CJ'IbIl]laTb


hide hid hidden -npararu(ca)

hit hit hit -yAaptrb

hurt hurt hurt -paHLrTb,


keep kept kept -aepxarb,coaepxarb

know knew known -3HaTb

lay laid laid -KJIACTb

leap leapt(leaped) leapt(leaped) -cKaKaTb

learn leamt (leamed) learnt(learned) -ylrrl(c.a)

leave left left -rroKr4AaTb

lend lent lent -oazurx14Bar;


lia lay lain -J'IC)KATb

lose lost lost -TeprrTb

make made made -AenaTb

mean meant meant -3Har{urb

meet met met -BCTpeqaTb

overtake overtook oveftaken -onepexaTb, AofoH_qrb

pay paid

put -KJIaCTb, cTaBl'lTb

put put

read read>[pst] read>[psA]

ring mng rung

nse rose risen

run -bexarl
run ran

said -cKa3aTb
say said
see saw seen

sold -rrpoAaBarb
sell sold

sent .IIOCbIIATb
send sent

set -noMe[IaTb, 3axoAl4Tb

set set

shorn -cTpKt{},
shear sheared

shone -Qrlfl'fb, cBeTI4Tb

shine shone

shown -noKa3bIBaTb
show showed

shut -3aKpblBaTb
shut shut

sung -neTb
sing sang

sat -cL{AeTb
sit sat

slept -cnaTb
sleep slept

smelt -rIaxHyTb
smell smelt

sown -ceqTb
sow sowed

spoken -roBopI4Tb
speak spoke

spent -TpaTI4Tb
spend spent

stood -cTaTb, cTotlTb

stand stood

stolen -KpacTb
steal stole

struck -yAapqrb, npoI43BOAI4Tb

strike struck

swear SWOTE

swim swam swum -NJIABATb

take took taken -6parr

teach taught taught -yqnrb (<oro--rru6o)

tell told told -foBopt4Tb,


think thought thought -AyMarb

throw threw thrown -6pocarr

understand understood understood -IIOH}4MATb

wake woke woken -6yaurs

wear wore worn -Hocr{rb(o6oaexae)

withdraw withdrew withdrawn -BbITfl fnBaTb, cHH MaTb,


write wrote wntten -nhcaTb

1. HEOilPEAEIEHHL,Ifi APTI4KJIb ............ 4
2 . O I P E A E I E H H b I I ZA P T I 4 K J I I , .................4
3. MECTOI4ME,HI4E........ . . . . . . . . . .6. . .
4 . I 4 M qC y U E C T B I 4 T E j I b H O E . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8. . . . .
5. I4MflIPVJIArATEJIbHOE,......... ............. 13
6. HAPEqnE ........1 . .6.
7. CAMOCTO,flTE,JIbHbIE NPUT,qXATEJIbHbIE MECTOI4MF.HVlfl,.............. i9
9. BOIPOCI4TEJIbHbIE MECTOIIMEHVIfl. ................ 20
10.oTHocp{TEJI[,HbIE MECTOI4MEHI4.TI ...................22
11.HEOIIPEAEJIEHHbIE MECTOI4MEHIfl .................25
1 2 .B O n P O C r 4 T E J r b H bnrpEE A n O X E H r 4 s ..................27
13.OTPTTUATEJTbHbTE ilPEAJTOX.EHr{fl .....................29
15.IOP_flAOKCJrOBB TTPEAIOX.EHWLT .................... 30
1 6 .M A N Y U M U C H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3. 1
1 7 .F E T V VL I T T L E . . . . . ...................31
18.t{M_rIqnCJII4TEJIbHOE, ......32
19.HACTO-flUIEE nPOCTOEBPEMT(Present Indefinite Tense) ......34
24. nPOIEAIIEE IIPOCTOE, BPEM.fl(PastIndefinite Tense) ..........38
2 5 .C O | J I A C O B A H TB' IPEE M E , H ...................4r
26.HACTO.TIUIEE 3ABEPIIEHHOEBPEM.fl(Present Perfect Tense).................. 41
27.HE|IPABI4IbHbIEfJIAfOJIbI ................43
2 8 .M O I A J I I , H b I Ef J I A f O J I b I .."....................4
29.nPOUEAIIIEE3ABEPIJ,IEHHOE BPEMfl(PastPerfect Tense)..................... 43
30.ycJlOBHbtEnPEIJIOXEHI,Ifl ...............45
31.CTPMATEJIbHbltaeAnOfGhe Passive Yoice) ..........45
32.AII4TEJIbHOE BPEM.tl(Hacroaulee, npoueArree) .............. ........... 47
33.fEPyHAnI4 (TheGerund) .....49
34.EyAyUII4E BPEMEHA(FutureTenses) ..... 5l
35.[PI4TIACT[,1E,. IIPLIT{ACTHbrI4 060pOT... .............. 5l
3 6 .C O I O 3T t U T . . . . . . . . ...................53
3 7 .T O O . . . . . .5 3
3 8 .O W N . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5. .3. .
39.ynoTPEElIEHI4EHApErrI4Iz ALREADYVT ygT........... ............. 54
40"yIIOTPEEJIEH14ECOIO3 W0HBE N U l F . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................54
42. ABA3HAqEHI4flMECTOT4MEHI4,fl ANOTHER .......54
4 3 .[ P E A J r O f r ,.{. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5. .5. . .
44.LATE14TOOL4T8......... .........55
KYPCE<AHTJII{ITCKTIuINIflHATII,{HAIOIUI{X> ...................... 56

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