ЕШКО - Английский для высшо уровня - 1992. Урок. 19-20

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PSI MIOG OL CON@L 0, MIMI bs BbICIUETO YPOBHA KAK HCIOJIb30BATb COMMIHbIM PYHIAMEHT Ha stor pas s xoren Gur noqmepxkars Tex cTynesTOB ELLIKO, KoTOpste Ye Haart MOMKIORATHCH TonyseHHEIM B XONe Hamliero Kypca sHaxHEMM. Hapeproe, onmt YacTo TlonaNAIOT B cHTYANUNH, ‘TpeOyiomtnte sHaKoMCTHA ¢ OTOTHHTENBEBIMH CHORAMH Ht BEIPAXCHHLINGL, KOTOPHIE He BETPEYATHCE B HAIIHX ypoKax. YpOKH - 9TO COMMAND QyHAMeHT, Ha KOTOPOM Bbi caMit CMOXxeTe MocTaBHITD HLH POCKOWHDH OM, HI HeGobIIO!t npeMertHbrit OMT. Tostomy ne orvansaitrecs, ecm Ba He XBaTHT SHaHHA KaKOTO-To cob, BOMbINMHCTBO 13 HAX MOXHO SaMeHHTE OTTHCAHHEM, KAKHM-HHOYTk NOACHEHHEM, TIPI YeTORITH, HTO MIpOGes w aMsITH HOM SHAHHSX He OKAXET sleMopamHayIOMtero BosselicTBHS. CTpoHTeNECTEO TOMA Ha HanlteM ynmamentte Gyrer anwTbeH ete HeKoTOpoe BpeMs, MOSTOMY CTOMT sanacTHeb sHaHNAMN BO NaGexAHHe CTPeCcOB TaKOTO posa. OHA H3 MeTOK, KoTOpyIO MBI Bam HactosrTesHo PKOMEHITYeM, SAKMONETCA B MCTIONESOBAHHM A3bIKA TIPH JOGO! BOSMOXxHOCTH. Onttaxo, neposito, # o1fa He TIOMOXeT HaM coxpaHHTE a6coMOTHOE cTIOKOHICTBNE B cHTyaLtHAX, CRS3AHHEX C HcTIoTEsORAHMEM saKIKa, TloSTOMy cTOHT ceGs MoTpeHMpoRaTs B WcKyccTBe OCTIPKCHH BaaHMONOHHMAHTS “Ges cTpeccos”. SI mIpesvaraio Ba BpeMs OT PENH BEIMOMHATS crenyiontee: BuIGepHTe npoHsKOMBHOS MperTOxeHMe 13 OBAaCTH, KOTOpas Bac MHTepecyet, I rrompoGyitre OGBaCHIHTS ero conepxKAHHe BOOTPAKAEMOMY COGECEAHHKY, TONBSYSICb TeMit CTOBAMEL, © KoropsiMH Bul nosHaKoMMINch B Xe msy"eHHA Kypea. Tpuypoune oto ynpaxuenne x TrocrenHeft "act Toit YeTRepTH ‘aca, KoTOpyio Bat EXeMHEBHO TOCRAIIAeTe Kypcy aHTTNHtcKOTO ‘ABHIKA [UIA BBICUIETO ypoBHs, Bot XopoIto pasoBbeTe CBO AIBIKOBLIC YMCHMA H SHAIHTEADHO PACITHpHTe CROKE KOMMYHHKATHBHKTE BOSMOKHOCTH. ‘Takxe cront H36aBiTbes OT HYBCTBA BHEBL, KOTOPOE B Hac 3aTOKeHO araTbHOMt UIKOAAPCKOI cuctemoll. Han Bamw He crour cyposbilt yunrem, C Banwt corpyknvaer noHMMaiouitt Mperiomapatemb, KoTopbilt AbaseTeA MapTHePOM, H eMlMHCTBeHHOM UeTbIO KoTOpoTO sBAACTeA Yka3aHHe CaMOro TIpocToro H GbieTpOro NYTH K OBTANEHINO aHTAMAICKKN ABKIKOM. THOPYECKHA ToaXon K y'e6e, KOTOPBIE MbI MIPeALIAraeM H PEKOMCHAVEM, OMMMpAcTeA Ha BLITCACHHTC CHOAHBIX MOMeHTOB Ml YMeHHe HX TpeoronesaTs. Braronaps STOMY BOSMOXHO OcTInKeHMe sdipexra ckayKOOGpasHOrO YAYYINEHHA, © KOTOPOM MBI Y2XC FOBOpILA. CaMOe BILKHOC - HCMON3OBATS conuatiit byrimament, KoTopstit stor cTPOHM BMecTe, yack To MeTommMKe ELKO, Bau npentonasaremt, © Cobyright by €iforwickan Wikara Kobpecrondenmnctor Ofylenns, 1992 ISBN 966-7019-10-1 5 SG y SG j CRC WE SS NS SG YPOK 19. YACTb TIEPBAA Kak o6b14H0, HauHHeM ¢ MO BTOPEHMA SHAKOMBIX COB H TpaMMaTITMeCKHX MpaBHt. ‘Carona, KoTopste Mb 6yem nopTopsTb B OGOMX YPOKAX, FaBHLIM O6pazoM OTHOCSITEs K MeAMMMHCKOH TeMaTHKe: A. ononmwreanraniicxne npeatoxenns HenocraroLinnnt cnoBaMit: ‘AA uyscrByio cHAbHYW0 Oomb, TaK Kak —_-I’m in great >pain because my tooth is ‘Mofi 3y6 iaraeres. loose. Hawa npenynpexneams6sim umm = -Our >warnings were ignored by them. pourHopnporatEs. Ero cepaue ocraxositoce HecKaBKO MuHyT Tomy Haga. Dro He Gtu10 noxoxe Ha yenoBe- ‘ecknii 4epen. AA ne Mory ocmoTpeT» ero ropi0, TaK Kak O11 He XO4eT OTKpEIBATL Por. Tena connar 6si1H HalteHbt B secy. Yyyyy Yj yyy \<« \ - His >heart stopped beating afew minutes 7 -It didn’t look like a human >skull, \ \N ~ \ ~ \ \ \ \ NS ~ \ \\ \N\ jj << -I can’t examine his >throat because he doesn’t want to open his mouth. ~The >bodies of the soldiers were found in the forest. Yy Yy Yy Ero yM yxe He Tor, ur0 Gxin Korna-ro. (On ywep, Tak Kak ero serkHe G5UTH ToBpe:xNeHsI BABTONOOHLTBHOH aBApHN. 51 He Mory HM¥ero esaTs Ha NyCTO! 2KENYHOK. Al ue aaio Haspanue sToli KOCTH, B 970m ckenere He xnaTaeT HECKOMBKHX xocreit. Ws vero cocrowt most? Ero GombHas pyka mioxo BbirasauT. Tlovemy rt mens He mpenynipeanr Boupems? ro - sx0ponsiit oGpas xusHH. Sro Mexonoe nanbro sautMuiaeT ee or xonona. Hecmorps Ha To, 4T0 OH crap; ¥ Hero aopossie 3y6si. A ne Mory (ylepxarbes, ¥T0GR!) HE poraarsisars (nity) GomBusisen His >mind doesn’t work as well as it used to. He died because his >jungs were damaged ina car accident. -I can’t do anything with an empty >stomach, -I don’t know the name of this >bone. This >skeleton hasn’t got a few bones. -What does the >brain consist of? His >sore hand looks bad. -Why didn’t you >warn me in time? ~This is a >healthy way of living. This fur-coat >protects her from the cold. Although he is old, he has >sound teeth. -I can’t help >swallowing big pieces. xycKaMit. 51 ne ory Te6e rioMows, TaK KAKA -L can’t help you because I'm all >it? jy CaM neck oKoWeHeN. yy Ckonbko bob caeayer BbikeNaTb M3 - How much water needs to be >pumnped yy nompata? out of the cellar? jj Y Sry nay tHkex0 nepeBapHBard. “This food is hard to >digest. yy Tipoxyii sro xopouro. ->Chew it well jj Ox cnenoii neveu. -He is a >blind singer. \\“ \ \\NN SS AK D.’DRA_NS a oe @ Bs ij vy] 8s a 5 é g g & a6 iit Hy Hy eas 23 ehi z 2 a ® aig By aly easy ify 1 ti 4} he 3 oe | sb: fi; 2 | fii a i a] aba 7 Uae. 3 hit mt 4H é| fee 5 B.-8 aus ‘ai rad : a] GbE e 2 2 if ia] 1 ) "tds x La oe q 5 Zs a a eB Bo a i Pig ia a Rly 2 3 3 s 3 bg i i z 2 3 Re BEE ogee zl | 5 2 i ; : i a ed Hi ba dl pil nal eigiog bea: Bpeg on | idl a Gay : zg igi gs gus: = ppg a ae 8 tn abeaG illy geg2 5 pied g Phapilagall Beg poe B33 a 2 ee a: cailibia Hite bad Z cibElaay ne B& iit é Abiaiiaial Sean Sia ees Yacts nepaas Tlosnaxomstecs Tenepsc HOB MH C10BaMM ,KoTOpSIe BCTDewaIOTes B TlepBOM JLMaLiOre STONO YPOKa distracted to chase to sneak in/into to share toyell to sue havoe walking stick heap weed weedy to hoe to rake sensible to sort out squabble >[di'straektid] >ltfers] >lsnick in/‘int >ljeal >ljell >lsu:} >I'havak] >[waikap stik] >(hicp] >{wid] >fwicdi] >{hai >lreik) >I'sensabi] >[so:t aut} >l'skwo:bi] -cGuratli ¢ voaKy, pacetpoetsiit “THatsea, npecmenosars 2] -nomxpaaeiparscs, BoliTH Yypaakoli ~nestnTbes (1EM-T0 € KeM- ‘To), paaieslaTs (HanpmMteD, ‘ue-To MHeHHe); BMeCTE TonEsoBaTEcA -KpHYaTS, BORHTS -nonars B cya -onycrourene, pasopenite, paspyurenne ~nanka, rpocT® -Kysa, rpyna -copHax, copHas TpaBa ~sapocutnit copaiakamit ~BbInambrEaT MOTHITOH -rpectu rpa6aamn, ~Gnaropasyausti, omrytiewoili, Meritt -3deco: peaynpenwts, mpeaorspatvt», pewiirs ~ccopa, nepeGparika Tipowrure npesuioxenia, KOTOpEIX ynorpeGieHbI HOBBIe cOBa: I couldn't talk to him because he was very distracted, Dogs usually chase cats. | didn’t notice how he sneaked into the house. I couldn't hear you because he was yelling She wants to sue me her property for damaging The country has to be rebuild after the havoe of the war. -Al Me Mor ¢ HMM rlorosopHTs, Tak KaK OH Gbis Ove Hb pacempoen. ~CoBaku oGpisxo npecaeaytor Koros. “Al He saMeTHa, Kak OH gowen _ykpadKo B OM. “AA Me cabiuiian Te6s, TaK KaK OH pw Bo Beck roa0e. -Oxa xover nodams na ena cyd sa noapexaermte ee cobcrBe:HocTH. ~Crpatia zomkva Gurr wocera- HoRTeHa Tl0cae HoeHHOIt asp. YacTb nepsan 6 I share the kitchen with two other tenants. I'm not that old to use a walking stick. ‘There is a heap of paper in your room. Thave never seen so many weeds in one garden. The garden is neglected and weedy. How often do you hoe your garden? I need to rake all the leaves into a pile. She is a sensible person. I need to get my problems sorted out, ‘Who sorted out this squabble? -$1 noassyroce Kyxnell amecme ¢ nByMA ApYrHMit KBAPTHPOCDEMLLMKAMH, -81 we TaK crap, 470Gb NomBsoBATHCH ‘mpocmsio.. -B-Tpoeit Komiiare (ecTs) kywa 6yMar. ~Al Hora He BHMEN TAK MHOTO copmaKoe ‘BORHOM cay. -Sror ca sabpouleH « 3apoc copHaKom. -Kak acto Tat nponiansisaews (morssroil) cpoitcan? “AL nomken cepecmu rpaGnasu Bee nHeTLA B yyy. -Onia paceydumeasnoit ven0BeK. -AnOMKeH peuume chow TIpOBAEM -Kro npenorsparna ary ccopy? Saxpenure Honsle calona, JONOAHAR HMM AHTAMiiCKMe MPELTOKEHUA: SL nuxorna He Buen TaKolk KyaH Mycopa. PeGeKom #1 m0GHN Gerarb 3a uBINUaTaMH H YTKAMH. ‘AA nuxorga He 3ta1o, Korma oH BKORNT YepasIKOH B CrIANbHO, Ott He ymeer pasrosapypart, off Boerna pus, ‘Tpyanio oSuiaTscH ¢ HUM, TaK KaK OH ‘oerna paccrpoert. Tlovemy ox xower momar Ha Bac 8 cy? Onycromenne 8 cary Gst10 orpoMEiN. ToruMeeutb Kakoe-nnGyme mpencraste- He 0 TOM, Kak H3GaBHTLCH OT COpHAKOB? Kaxoit apocumii copnaxon can! A nenapwoxy nponoaKy. Tlouemy 161 He erpe6 poe aveTia? Sl Nory NlonenHTECs ¢ TOGOK HGIOKOM. Moi enyuika HuKoraa He BbxoaT Ges cBoeti namkx (rpocra). (Ora crmurkom Garopasymea, «T0681 TOBEPHTE B TAKYIO OX. Kro peur ara mpoGnens? ‘Tol He OKeH BOHOBATECA H3~3a 3TOIt ‘cops. ~T’ve never seen such a > heap of rubbish. -As a child I liked to >chase chickens and ducks, sneaks into the dormitory. He can’t speak, he always > yells. -It’s hard to communicate with him because he is always > distracted. -Why does he want to >sue you? ~The >havoc caused in the garden was tremendous. Do you have any idea about how to remove the > weeds? What a > weedy garden! -I hate >hoeing. Why haven’t you > raked all the leaves together? I can >share the apple with you. ~My grandfather never goes out without his >walking stick. She is too >sensibie to believe such lies. Who'll get the problems > sorted out? -You shouldn’t be worried about that > squabble. \ YacTb nepsas . - \ \ yj . \ Yj Tpourure sumwaremHonammep aul aManor. Tom and Jane are talking about their dog and their neighbours’ cat. J: You look distracted. What's the matter? Did Chappy chase our neighbour's cat around their garden again? T: _ Yes. He always sneaks in when they leave the gate unlocked. And then driven by his natural instinct, he runs after the cat which sometimes enjoys provoking him. | suppose both of them have a lot of fun running round the garden, J: But the neighbour doesn't seem to share your opinion T: _ No,he doesn't. Today he waved his walking stick, yelling: “I'lsue you and your J: Sue us? T: Yes. He claims that since we moved in here last year, our Chappy has caused havoc in their garden, and now it looks like a heap of weeds. J: Butit has always been weedy. Within the last year I've never seen the neigh bour removing weeds or digging. As far as | remember, he has never hoed or raked his garden. No grass has ever grown there. What about his wife? ‘She seems to be quite a sensible person. T: Yes. Actually, she sorted out the squabble between him and me. But let's change the subject. What are we doing tonight? CO YacTb nepBaa é Bror AMalor LoBoNbHO TpysHbIH. TlepeBeneM HeKOTOpBIe NpeAIOKeHMA Ha PyCCKHiE aSbIK: ‘Youlook distracted. Did Chappy chase our neighbours’ cat around their garden again? He always sneaks in when they leave the gate unlocked, But the neighbour doesn’t seem to share your opinion. Today he waved his walking stick, yelling: “P'll sue you and your wife”. Our Chappy has caused havoc in their ‘garden, and now it looks like a heap of weeds. But it has always been weedy. He has never hoed or raked his garden. She seems to be quite a sensible person. She sorted out the squabble between him and me. > Tot spiraiaamute pacerpoeHi bint > Yan criona ronan xova Haumsx cocenest M10 wx cany? >On noerma Mpockanssbisaer, Kora OF ocranamior popora nesanepreintt >Ho, kaxerca, covet ne paleaser rwoero erat. >Ceromua oH pasmaxnsan csoeit ranKoii, xpuva: “Sl nonam » cya Ha Bac « Bauty xeny.” >Haus Yan yerponn mepenouox & wx cany, H cefivac oH abirnsumT xaK Kya Mycopa. >Ho or scerma Goi sapocunm copHnKawn Ox Huxoraa He mponanbinast ero M He erpeGiaa rpaGuinn (wycop) 8 coeM cay. >Onta, xaxcTen, aososbto paccysTeabitth enopex. >Ovsa npeadroparinna copy Meany HIM nll Orwetsre Ha HECKONBKO BO 1p OC OB , HCHOsIb3yA JeKCHKY AKaTOrA: ‘What does Tom look like? ‘When does Chappy sneak in the neighbours’ garden? ‘What does he do when he is driven by his natural instinct? ‘What did the neighbour do and say today? ‘What does the neighbour cl Has any grass ever grown there? ‘What is the neighbours’ wife like? ‘What did she do today? >He looksdistracted. >He always sneaks in when the neighbours leave the gate unlocked. >Driven by his natural instinet, he runs after the neighbours’ cat. >Today he waved his walkingstick, yelling he ‘would sie Tom and his wife. >He claims that since they moved in here last year, Chappy has caused havocin hisgarden, and now it looks like a heap of weeds. >No griss has ever grown there. >She seems to be quite a sensible person. She sorted out the squabble between himand Tom. YacTb nepsan \ \ \ \ g 5 3 E 2 Ft = g 5 5 2 & B < : : 3 z = : a g g ze 2 é 5 3 a a = : : i sl 5 & ~ WA As \\ \ _. \ >to look distracted ~~ \ \ \ >to chase a cat \NS WON >to leave the gate unlocked ‘ocTasiTs Bopora Hesaneprbinit natural instinet mpuponustii mucraHKT \ ~ \ >to have a lot of fun Xopoulo paspneKan.en . CX \ \ >to shate one’s opinion asides Ybe~TO MHEHHE >to cause havoc [BBISBATE paspyuleHHsy, epertos1ox ~~ \ w \ \ >to remove weeds YHHYTOKaTE COPHAKH ~ >to change the subject ‘cNeHUTE Temy (pasroopa) ede B o60ux ypoxax mo nosaxomum Bac c yemoiwuevimu eupaxcenuanu, @ Komopex \ AWC WK AKC AK ~~ \ Jnompe6iantomcn npedaozu. B amoti wacmu ypoka Mei nosHaKoMuMca C abipanceHUAMu, ‘nompeCassomca npedaoeu at u below: AT . ~ \ -Hepxar wTo-s1H60 Ha orHe to keep something at the boil cleat 470-160 M10 BbIGOpy \NN \ \ -culenare 470-70 moGoii ueHoi \ \N \\ -GhiTh 8 YbeM-n1Go pacrlopsxeHHTH to be at someone's disposal \ \ ~\ \NN Ha paCcTOAHHM, Ha HEKOTOPOM paccTosHMH \ ~6b1Tb (uyBcTBOBaTL ce6a) cBoGOMHEIM, LITE to be (feel) at ease ackpertouleHHbIM ~CilenaTh 47O-HG0 3a Yeit~T0 cHeT to do something at someone’s expense -c mepsoro ssrasa, cpasy \ — -m10n pyKort \ ~GuITs Bo raBe Yero-1n60 to be at the head of something ~fapaTs AeHErH B3aiiMé! TOK MPOUCHTB! at leisure ~Ha nocyre, He Toporisc “Tpogars wro-r0 c yGuITKoM/c BuIronOlt to sell something at a loss/at a profit at random ~Haynay, nayramt Ha Mope ~GxITb K UbMM-TO Yenyram to be at someone's ~omenare 40-70 cpasy (B KOpOTKHe CpOKK) to do something at short notice -c Tlepsoro Barista, cpasy i § ag ce eo ‘ é 5 : SPN a eo ee | ‘ : ea: t tite ti bb fe.dbaabitadl a oe a faa abd B 8 Piedad ie ga: 2: B G8e GbS BoE fabpetei a4 Bae egeeg Abed Gl a PRERE eR REE gs a,b Pe Gb Sos ga FERS ESET EEE SE biG PSTPRE ELE df ag2 Libaiadiaeiy fa: PEERGLiqaeedds eieledisdey ti bo 8 esgSsiaieseaie géisaqdaqatg? Tlostaxomprect ¢ npunepamn npexioxeHHit, WunOCTPUPYIOUIKMH yroTpeGreHHe NpeA- sroros at 1 below: Iv'll be impossible to get a passport at such -[onyyntTs nacnopr 3a TaKoe copomkoe ‘You can have this car at your disposal. He is at the head of a big political party. ‘He selected a phone number at random. T recognized at first sight that he wasn’t the person I was looking for. T could tell at a glance that she was ill. Why didn’t you keep the soup at the boil? She married at choice. Nobody forced her Now it’s cold. ‘We must keep him alive at all costs. Tam going there at the headmaster’s He was at ease with the students. picked up a book which happened Yesterday there was a storm at sea. to be at variance with someone He lends money at interest. can read at leisure. 1am always at your service. I sold the house at a profit. I saw him at a distance. AK CX CNC \ WC OO—™—U\[R?C OOo ~« \ << \\ << << \ << \\\ \ A <« ~ A AC \ AC \\ YacTe nepsaa 11 He drove the car at a speed of forty miles per hour. She is very malicious at times. We have been at variance on this issue for many years. How long have these countries been at war? BELOW below average below freezing-point a blow/to hit below the belt below sea level -OH Ben aBTOMOGHTE co ckopoemvio COOK Mut 8 wae. ~Onta epestewanu onerte aaa Mbt ne cozsawaencs (y Hac pasnere He us) m0 TOMY BoMpOCY B TeYeHHE MHO- Tux ner. -Kak aonro 31H crpatibt naxodamen 6 cocmonnuu eotines Mey COBO? -1¥pxKe cpeantero ~HIDKe TeMmIepatypbi saMepsaHHs ~ynap/ynapiTs HiExe nosica -HibKe yponiis Mops: TlonaGmonaiire 3a ynorpeGreriem npenmoros ia npuNepe npenmoxernit: His language skills are below average. ‘What happens to these liquids below freezing-point? You shouldn’t have said that. It was a blow below the belt. ‘This area is below sea level. -Ero astikonste crroco6HocrH muowe cpedueeo. “ro mponexomnT ¢ oTHMH aRMUIKOCTAMI nuoice mowxu samepsanux? -TeGe ue cnenosasto atoro rouopurs. 30 6811 ydap nuace nosca. -Bra oGnacTa AeXUT nUDKe ypoeHa Mop. ‘Tenepp nepeseanre npeanoxeHis a aHrauiieKii ASbIK, HemOsbsys IpHBEeHHBIe BEI urpaxenna: Muorna ¢ nnn rpyaito pasrovapipars. Jiysute ocranaties Ha weKoTopoM [PACcTORHH OT STHK XKHBOTHBIX O6sIaHO OH He TOporIAc (cnOKOHHO) alenaet cBoW pabory. Ou sui6pan ory Kiury Hayraa. Ero snanns o naueit crpane HiDKe cpeaero. J He Beplo B s0G0BS ¢ nepBoro Barna, Sl scerna B TBOEM paclopaxeHHH. JhoGoF weno He noswonaltre emy BCTYMATb B KONTAKT ¢ HHMH. Mp1 Ob10H Ha Mope yxe Gombe AByX MecaIeB, B rakoil KopoTKHii cpox s He Mory 9TO sw TeGA comenaTD. > At times it is hard to talk to him, > You'd better stay at a distance from these animals. > He usually does his work at leisure > He chose this book at random. > His knowledge of our country is below average, > I don’t beleive in love at first sight. > Lam always at your disposal. > You shouldn't let him contact them at all costs > We've been at sea for over two months. > Lcan’t do that for you at such a short notice, YPOK 19, SACTh BTOPAA t “Touching your >forehead I can see that you have a fever. He is such a >muscular man! ->Perspiratjon isone of afew things I can’ ‘cope with. ~There’s something wrong withthat >joint -What is his >skin covered with? Tipmxacasce K rsoemy AGy, # BIDKY, ‘uTO y Te6a Kap. O¥ TaKoit Myckyauernili MyxuuHal Tlotampoers - ona wis HecKomKnx ‘euteit, © KOTOPEIMHL He MOTY ‘Yro-To He BMopatKe ¢ Te ‘enpaniracs. cycrazom. Yen moxpsrra ero Koxka? rid of your This lotion will help you get Stor xocbor nosvosiT (Aoca.: loMo~ >keT) TeGe HaGaBUTECA OT Mop. wrinkles. hypertension, -Hiseyes must be >inflamed because they are red. What does he >suifer from? The >iimibs of the cat were broken. -Pvenever seen sucha bad >inflammation. ~The food you eat isn’t >wholesome -Toften >perspire, He suffers ftom rheumatism, This food gives him >indigestion. -When did this >fever start? You shouldn’t eat eggs if you have ~This illness can soon be >cured. -How long did it >bieed? -He should soon >recover. Ero rasa, 1omkHO GxITs, ocnaneHst, ‘Tak Kak OHM KpacHBIe. A uniKorna He Buen TakorO T=xeROTO TeGanossueHHoe aasneHHe. Kax ronro To Kpoxorowt10? On nomxex soxope suisnopovers. Sry GomesHib BoKOpe MOxKHO GyzeT BALTeUiTE. Tawa, xotopyio Ts urs, HesmopoBas. Konesnoct# Kora 6u1k cnoMatis ‘TeGe ne cneayer ects nitta, ecm y Ontctpanaer pesmariamom. ‘Dror KOpM BbISBIBZeT y Hero. Korna wavanosxap? AL sacto noreso. é 2 -This injection is going to be ‘Bra webeKuns Gyrer GesGonesHeHHol. ~You need to be >examined by a doctor. -Her skin is incredibly >smooth Ee xoxa Henpantoriono6it0 r1ankast. Y Hero Takoe MopuutHHeToe MUO. TeGe HyKHo oBcxenoRATECH Yy Bpava. Yacte BTopan 13 Tlostopum nentonbaonaHine KoHeTpyKuHH "donoanenue + undunumus ¢ uacmunett to”. Tlepeveamsre na anirmiicxni aabix: SI ckasan elf orpemontuponaTs sto, -I > told her torepair it. ‘Onm mexts nonpociiaH npousHecrH pep, A noanomwa aM npHATH. y J yyy : i Yyy _ “They > asked me todeliver a speech. y GY y Yy ly ly, I> permitied them tecome. Yy ALxouy, 97068 OH MHe MosBOHNH. (Onn npukasasi Ham npexparur Goppby. ‘On nosso MHe nloronopitTs ¢ Heit. ‘AA xowy, 70Gb TH HeMHOrO (MHIIYTKY) rronyma 06 9T0M, 51 xoves Obi , YTOGBI TI MeHA oceTHA. A okW1a10, TO OHH BCKOpe MpHOYAyT. ‘A npuxasan eit a10 npowecr». (On xorea Get, uToGe Te Hava yuNTECH. A npeanosuraio, sTo6sr Bes celiac He yxOnHTH, A repriets He Mory, Korma THI pasro- BapMBacils ¢ Heit TaKHM O6Pa30M. -1 > want him tophone me. -They > commanded us tostop fighting. -He > allowed me toralk to her. -[ > wish you tothink about it fora while. would like you tovisit me, =I >expect them toarrive soon. -[ > ordered her to read that. He > would like you tostart studying. -[ >prefer you not toleave now. =I >hate you to speak to her like that. Teneppre pe Beane HeckombKo “acto yroTpeGisieMBIx BoIpakeHil ua O6M1ACTH Mea UWB, ORK HeMOmEsyIoTeA B KOPOTKHX NpemTOKEHMAX: 5A naMepio TeGe TeNMepatypy. Y mens see Goamr. ‘AA naneioc, Hnviero cepsesHoro? ‘Tersckope nonpasuuibcs. AA uyperayio ceGst yxxacto. Y nee poipsann 3y6. Y peGenxa nerxnii «ap. Tipodwaaktuxa nyume, Yew severe. >I'll take yourtemperature. >I'maching everywhere. > Nothing serious, I hope? >You will soon pull through. >I feel wretched. >She has had a tooth out. >The child is a litle feverish. >Prevention is better than cure. 14 TloskakoMereck c HOBBIMH CJ10BaMM ,CKoTOpSIMH Bui BoTpe- ‘THTeCH BOUEPEAHOM 11a Ore . HECKONBKO pa3 MPOYTHTE HX: barbecue >t bikju: -HeAUKOM 3axapeHHas ‘TYLA; NHKHMK, Ha KOTOPOM Focreli yroutaior Mstcom, saxapeHiibia Ha pepTere dreary -nonypeti, Mpasiii, semi-detached -nonyormenbititl nom hhouse cottage “HOM, KOTTEIDK (KaK ‘mpawiia0, 3a ropono™) up front >Lap'tra ~sapatiee, repent aBaricont (nanpusep: naar) mortgage -unorexa, woressi saline to loathe >[loud] -MeHaunaers, syverwositr omppauiesine to pay off >ipet of] -BoITTHET toforeclose (on) >[{o:'klouz ~nuuarrs pasa 1Os1bs0Ba~ oa, wars nai wotKyTIa swioxeHHoro uMyIecTEA homeless > ~Gesnowsilt Teneps nostiakombreck ¢ npHMepaMt Hx HCTIOTSSOBAHHA B peMMOxeHUSX: This weekend we're going to -B Gripxaiiumnit yaxersa wot have a barbecue in our garden. coGupaenicx oprartnsobatt B autem camy ruxnur (c wacom, capensoum 1a sepmene). This is a dreary place. -Br0 ~ newasenoe mecto. Tam having a semi-detached “Al cxpoto (does.: npuKasstBa10 house built. crpours) noayomdensiettn0M. I don’t want to live in a cottage. -#1 He Xouy HTD B KoMmedaKce, Why did you pay him up front? -Tlowenry rst sarnnaria emy sapanee (asancom)? We can’t get a mortgage. -Mbr He Moxem rrony4nrs unomeunyio ceydy. Hoathe the very thought of talking 81 ayecmeyro omepauenue or to him. uHOM TOABKO MBICAH O Pasronope c HMM Will you manage to pay off the ~CMoxeuii mit Tot guumaamum foan? ssaiox? When did they foreclose on you? -Korsa ont aumautu Te6a npasa Gouxyna saxr03¥ceHHoeo usyuecmea? In this country there are a lot of | ~B sroit crpaxe Moro homeless peopic. Gesdomntix monet YacTe BTopan SakpertnM HoBbIe cHoBa, HONONHAA HMM aNrauiicKHe MpenNOKeHHA: Kax gasno Tsou GaGyuiKa 4 neayunKa KMBYT B 9TOM KoTTemKe? SL xouy HeMenTeHHO MOKHHYTE 9TOT YRDUTBIH HOM. Korsa » nocaenmit pas ut yerpannant TIUKHHK € MICOM Ha BepTene? Al xoren Goi Kak Moxkito Gklerpee BEITITa- ‘THT Bce cBOH NORTH. ra upma tpebyer, wro6u1 Tol Berna mavan errepen. Y Te6s Her uraHicos Moay4NTe 9TOT wmotesnbilt sala. Ona ckasana, 470 HeHABHANT Mens. Hacrenyioutell Hexene mut nepeesxaem BrloayoresbHBilt 10M. ‘Balik 1MuLWOT WC NpaBa NoMKIOBAHH | HMylecTBOM, TaK Kak OHM TIPeKpaTHiAHt How long have your grandparents lived in this >cottaze? -Iwantto leave this > drcary house immediately. -When did you have your last >barbecue? -T’d like to >pay offall my debts as quickly as possible. -The company demands that you always pay >up front. -You don’t have a chance of getting this > mortgage. ~She said she >joathed me. -Nextweekwe're movingtoa>semi-detachied house ~The bank > foreclosed on them because they stopped paying their instalments. BEINLAATY BBHOCOR. ~~ \ Yro Mii MoxKem cnenaTb, 4To6bI NOMONS GeauoMHbIM io? -What can we do to help >homelesspeople? ~ Bo propos stMasiore HautM repou,, Tom wJLxelin, pasrosapunator © OKYNKE HoBOTO oma. BHuMarenbHo npodTHTe Hx 1M AaLOr. yy J _ j/7 Y Y yy YYyyyy ‘Tom and Jane are talking about buying a new house. T: Darling, what would you say to buying a big house? We could have barbecues in the garden. You love them, don't you? J: That'd be great. | don’t fancy living in this dreary flat any longer. T: I'd be happy if we could move to a semi-detached house. J: That's fine with me, But what about money? Now we can't even afford to buy a cottage. T: We don'tneed to pay up front, We could arrange a mortgage from our bank. J: Iwouldn't like to do that. | loathe the idea of that at the very least. | wouldn't be able to stand it if we couldn't pay it off and the bank foreclosed on us. | don’t want us to become homeless. But darling, we have steady jobs, so we will be able to pay off the mortgage in instalments in five or ten years. J: Still, think we need to discuss it more carefully. \\ a << \\ 6 1 YacTb BTopas \ \ wna Boi nonsan nnanor? TMponepsTe ceGs, nepeness mpesvIOKeHMs ¢ HOBKIMIC CTORA: YCCKHH s13biK: >B cay bi MOrIN Gbi OpraKaoBEIHaTS: ‘We could have barbecues in the garden. TMKHMKH ¢ 2kapeHBIM MacoM Ha Beprene. I don't fancy fiving in this dreary flat any >Me ne ynuiGaetca Gomsure 2k117b @ 3TH longer. yeteioit keaprape, Pal Gbin Gui cuactans, ecm Gxt Mut Mora Hepeexar» n romyorme busi 20M I'd be happy if we could move to a semi-detached house. >Cefisac mbt He MoxeM tlosBoAMTS ceGe KyRuTs marke censcKuit noMT. Now we can’t even afford to buy a cottage. DM He noma narieT» anepen. We don’t need to pay up front. Mt Morait 6bt BsATb HTtoTeHHBIit 3aiiM B autem GaniKe. We could arrange a mortgage from our bank. >OronHoM MBicAH OG 9TOM Mite CraHOBHTER ypHO. I loathe the idea of that at the very least. MOTH BEITLIATHTE ero M Gank AMMEN OBI Hac npasa noaBsoBaHus KMyLIeCTEOM. pay it off and the bank foreclosed on us. Dl He xouy, wroGe1 mii cram Gesnomebin, I don't want us to be homeless. Ornerure Ha HecKOmbKo BoMpOCOB, OTHOCALLIMXeA K COMepIKAHHMIO JHaTOTa: >Tom suggests buying a big house. longer? >jane doesn’t fancy living in their dreary flat, ‘What does Tom suggest buying? ‘What doesn’t Jane fancy doing any any longer. detached >Tom would like to move toa semi house ‘What house would Tom like to move to? >They can’t even afford to buy a cottage. buy? ‘What can’t they even afford to ‘What don’t they need to do? >They don’t need to pay up front. NK 1 Yacts Bropat -onHoKoMHaTHas KnapTupa (Cc ManeHD- oii kyxtefi) (British English) -oHOKOMHaTHas KBapTHpa (C MasIeHD- ‘nana (8 paay Apyrnx ¥ mwerouttit ¢ oii kyxnefi) (American English) -OHOKBaPTMpHEBIF OM TeppacHoro HMM OOULMe cTeHBI) -o1enbiocrosumit 20M couldn't pay it off'and the bank foreclosed ‘on them, instalments in five or ten years. homeless. bank. > They could arrange a mortgage from their > Jane wouldn't be able to stand it if they > She doesn’t want them to become >They could pay off.the mortgage in >to arrange a mortgage from a bank > That'd be great >to pay up front >I don’t fancy living >to have a steady job >to pay off mortgage >in instalments ~sanepenneit ~eoneyemo >[dr'teetft haus) >l'teras haus} >I'stjurdiau fet) >i'stjucdiow a'pa:tmant] Tlepeweaue npemmoxenus u cHosoco¥eranis Ha aHraMiicKHfl 351K: How could they pay off the mortgage? Mute ne yruiGaetes HT. SaiiMeMon elle HeMHOTO TEMOMt XH MMOSHAKOMUMCH C HeCKONDKUMM HOBBIMH Tipodoxxcum uayrenue yemoiluuencx ssiparcenuiic npedaozamw. Bamoti xacmu ypoKa nosnaxomuwen co cioeocovemanuanu c npedocanu beyond u by. ‘What could they arrange from their bank? ‘What wouldn't Jane be able to stand? ‘What doesn’t she want them to become? ‘Bro Gei0 Goi mpeKpactio. ruaarHTt Brepes, Merb nlocrosHHy10 paGory ‘BBINTATHTS MOTeNHEt aii rowacTaM nonysitrs nnoTesntit saiiw B GarKe cexosam: detached house terrace house studio flat ACA?KR ~BHe O6cyauIeHHA, He MOsuIeKHT obcyKIeHitI0 YacT BTopan DKJYXLO” WW ane Gombe, 1M MOKHO GELTO OKHNATS -Bite mpesesion (sHiaKiHii, oGasaHHocTeit) Bue Moero/saulero/ero NOHHMAHHA: -GesMepHO, cBepx BoAKOM MepbI -sro mepectaer GIT saGaBHbIN -BHe BeaKoro COMHEHHA ~GesHanexHEtit, GesHaneKHO ~Bite BoAKOTO COMHEHMS, ~sie nocsraemocrH CC N Mory /aBi He MoxeTe /OH He MOxKeT 970 \ \\ \N\ \ ~ TOHsTS Vicrionssyem 37H BIpaxeHHa B MpemTOxeHMAX: Beyond the village you can drive faster. -3a depeaneii 751 MoxeULe exaTE GuteTpee. -To, To sarem cayuuoce, Hesepoamno. What happened then is beyond belief. eeoaMomeno onucams. A ObIN cBMMeTeTeM aBapHHt, KoTOpyIO ‘The issue is beyond dispute. I witnessed an accident which is beyond ~Br0r Bonpoc He nodrexcum oBcyncdeHUO. ~ Bue commenus, sbi 3aKOH4HM 970 s10 KOHUA. ‘We'll finish it by the end of the week enenn man ‘The plan succeeded beyond our expectation. ~Bonpexu nawum oxcudanuam, yBeHtavies yortexoM. Hem nuxcaxux wancoe na ux criacene. ‘They are beyond any hope of being saved. (@oca.: ix cnaccnne Gesanexno.) Ww ~41 Gu 9THM Geamepno paccepxeH. I was irritated by that beyond measure, His stupidity is beyond question. -Ero raynocts ne nodaexcum commento. ~Crnmuxit 20sDkHbI GAIT aite LAC ‘The matches should be beyond their reach. \ \~ Oocseaemocmu. -310 He exodum B mon oGxSAHHOCTH It is beyond the scope of my duties. ~Bee ato eno nepecmaem Sumo sabasnvia, The whole issue is getting beyond a joke. -Al ne Mozy noname, KAK OH 9TO cnenaL. ‘How he did it is beyond me. 9 £ Yacre Bropaa ~eXeMecstuHo (Mecsi 3a MecsIieM) -m10 xycouky, mrocTerteHHo month by month bit by bit \ \ OME 38 apyruM 8 z g \ ~~ ~~ A WW “Tak WH HHIaNe, HeSABHCHMO OT -T10 3emte/n0 Mopio/no Bosnyxy -o4eH5 GticTpO, GonbuN raraMn -Gonbunit raapa merpa/Hianonopnny -nofimate/exsatirs Koro-11160 ‘9a pyky/ruie40 cam (npomusonoroaxno wmecte) -¢ POXICHMA, No poxEHTIO ~GbiTb 3axBaYeHHbIM BpACrUIOX -cayualinio ~seKoM -pGomuroti creer ~atneM/tHoI0 “Ha cay -Hansycrs ~HM1KoHN Opasom -nionpupone -nompoipeccint -no panto -enzsa-ena, ene-ene ~nocrenieHHo, aran sa 9Taniom -nonposecci -Ha pee -moxaraMit -KOMHATA ITH Ha TAT by leaps and bounds by the skin of one’s teeth greater by two meters/by hall to cateh/grab someone by the hand/the byland/sea/air by no means A « AW \ \ 20 Yacte sropaa Tot Moxeurs cxenart 970 nocmenenno. Tlostiaxomsreck c mpusepamn npentoxesnit: You can do it bit by bit. HOUDIO- oer B HOdHOM Kye. cpemtemy Knacey. Toi saruiarna Hannsiorwn nar weKom? Bee ruraHbt ¢ Gonsioit cmenenu Guu1K peaTHsobatibt. ~AInew ox paSoraet TakcucTOM, -O# no pooedenuo npuraMexHt K -Al nctperun ero caysaituo. All the plans were by and Jarge achieved. By day he works as a taxi driver, by night he sings in a night club. He belongs by birth to the middle class. Did you pay in cash or by cheque? I met him by chance. Amory Heb Ha Mute He Hago irate HOTS, I don’t need to read notes, I can sing by ear. penne Sl uuKoraa He BbIy4y 9T0 CTHXOTBO, T'll never fearn the poem by heart. auegyems. “91 nonysy (9rv) KHNATH sro6ius nymen. “Al nikoraa He nyretecTeoBaN no 60adyxy. I'll get the books by hook or by crook. I've never travelled by air. ‘mpo craHoDuTes ~91a Mauna oven The machine is gaining popularity by leaps and bounds. ‘TOT NeNOBeK, KOTOPOTO MBI HUIEM. mronyasipHolt -B10 cogcem He osnauaem, WTO OH MMEHHO -O1 no npupode cpoelt crpaHiHbii Yenopex. -Kro ott no npodbeccus/? Iris by no means certain that he is the person we're looking for. He is by nature a strange person. ? What is he by profe mpouece nocmenenno, eadyame @ymos. anonosuny. paduo. -On edea-edea cnan stot 3K3aMeH. -Torxoten Ob1 KHTE oduN B oro KBaprHpe? Moi zomxnbinerynure c HUM B KOHTaKT 70 - 310 YTOMHTEBHO ~ BHITONHATS ITOT Ts roopumn, ur0 on Boia saxeaven -Moii asia - mioTHUK no npopbeccutt. But npogaere 610K wa sec? -Komiara meet pasmepbi dsaduams na Mos saprunara sospocna teniep -Moituait ero 3a nozy. We must get in touch with him by radio. It’s boring to carry out the process stage by stage. He passed this exam by the skin of his teeth. Are you saying that he was taken by My uncle is a carpenter by trade. Do you sell apples by weight? The room is twenty feet by twenty feet. ‘My salary is greater by half now. Would you like to live in the flat by ‘Catch him by the leg. N YacTb BTopan \ \ MN K.WC A \ i t > ‘These questions are beyond the scope of my knowledge, >What we saw in this country is beyond belief. >I know beyond question that we shouldn’ Saxpenute ynotpeGiienue cnovocoueTaHMil, © KOTOpDIMH Bot NosHakomuiAKcs. Tepe launch the campaign now bemHTe MPSIOKEHHA Ha AHEAMNCKUH ABKIK: ‘9m wonpocss (docs.: 3a npeaenantt) MBI He O2KHEI HaHHAT® 9TY KAMTAHHIO, To, wo Mbi BiutesH & STO! crpaHe, SI copepureHHo TONHO 3HaI0, so ceitiae ‘BBIXOMLT 3a Nese MOHX 3HAHHI. on \ ~~ >These problems are beyond me. SI ve Mory nonaT» oT mpoGnewss. > I've been told that my grant will be reduced by half “Mie Gx170 cKasaHo, 470 Mos CTHTTETULHE GyreryMenbureHa HanonoBHHY. >Ourcompany gets bigger month by month, >I must move out of this dreary house as Quickly as possible. >Ihoe mygarden when | have little fre time. >I hope the bank won't foreclose on me if T >The dog has again caused -havoe in their pay this instalment later. house Ero noxyotmenbHbiii 2oM Gynet BErKpauieH >! lis serni-cdetached house will be painted B Genbiit uper. >They are falling asleep one by one. >Did she travel by air by herself? >By birth she is an aristocrat. >Who can sort out this squabble? >Why does she loathe me? >I don’t like removing weeds. cottages. white, Tipuctynua x nroropomy ynpaxteHmo, Mepesenite npemioxenns Ha aHniicKwtl 31K, HCTIONB3ys1 AKTUBHYIO AEKCHKY, H3YYEHHYO B STOH YACTH ypOKA: Tlovemy ova Mera HeHaBnouT? Tlonyotaenbibie toma Gonbure xorremeeli. >Semi-detached houses are bigger than ‘A oueHb xorex Obi yBHETE LEHTP Topoga >| Xl Jove (o see the city centre by night. On aceraa orkasbipaetes naTHTb Bepen. >He always refuses to pay up front. HOYBIO. Nipapa nombsonarita uMyulecTBOM, ecm Sanaayy 3TOT BsHOC NOsKe. ‘4 sanumatocs npononkoli B cBoeM cally, Konia y MH ¢CTb HeMHOTO CBOGORHOTO AA nokeH Kax MOKHO GbIoTpee BBIEXATH [BpeMeHtt, Ona cama nyteuiectbopama camomeToM?: ‘A nageweb, ¥To GaHk He AMIIMT MeHa 133T0r0 riewanbH070 LOMA. Kro Moxer npenorsparirs sty ccopy? ‘A He 06m (yHHuTOXaTS) NOOTH copnaKn. Tlo poxsienmto ona apucroKparka, (Co6axa cosa spisnaza nepenion0x ‘Hawa bupma c KaxkqbiM MecaueM 1B MX OMe. cranonires nce Gombe. Onn sacbinator on 3a apyrum. ying a terrace >What would you say to buy house? ‘Yro 6b1 TEI ckasan No MOBoAY MOKyNKH oaHoKsapTHpHoros1oMa TeppacHoro Tana? DRAWN NS WN \A\N YacTs Bropan 22 B honetH4eckom ynpaxHeHMH TMopaGoTaem Hax npoHSHoUleHMeM aMdproura [ou |, Cpasrute ero co saykom {o:|. Unratine Benyx: foul >[kaut) >{koud] >{pauz] >lbauld| tETES PEPAg >frau] AterepbTpouTaTe np mepst npesioxeniii: I noticed he was bald. ‘Why didn’t you haul the boat? ‘He paused for a moment. He bought a new boat. fa} >lkoxt] >lka:d] >ipaz) >[ba:d] >[ra:] TIPHJIOKEHHE K YPOKY 19 Yerotianpsie purpakenuac npegsoroM at: to keep something at the boil to do something at choice 19.1. C?R+#E — \ \ \ \ -nepxXarb 470-s1HG0 Ha orHe ORO -culenars 470-70 Tio BLIGOPY \ -cutenars 470-70 m1060ii uentolt to do something at all costs CO \NN -Gpirs B ubeMm-s1HG0 pacopaxcHiH to be at someone's disposal at a distance “Ha paccTOSHMM, Ha HeKOTOpOM. -6s1Tb (4yncTBOBaTe ceGs) cBOGOMHEIM, Gorr packperrouleHHbIN. to be/feel at ease “M60 cxeT ~egenats uro-1160 32 Hel: to do something at someone’s expense at a glance at hand ~eepporo narnia, cpasy “Hog pyKolt ~Gutrs no rape Yero-To to be at the head of i g z g 5 3 3 a E E 5 € a to lend money at interest at leisure Ha snocyre, He Toponsice -mpostare 470-70 ¢ yObITKOM/c BKIFONOH to sell something at a loss/at a profit at random ~Haygayy, Ha cayvati “Ha mope at sea tobe at -GbIT K YbuM-360 yeryram 's service ~ojenaTs 4To-1”60 cpasy (B KOPOTKHe epoxit) to do something at short notice rlepsoro -Ha meppstit paras, cpasy, t at first si =cocKopocrbi0 at a speed of at times -ppemeniann, nHOrsa He -oramuarses oF KorO-s1460, cormauiarses ¢ KeM-n1160 to be at variance with someone Gerth 5 cocTosHHH BOitHEL to be at war TIpameps: npemioxennit: Tloveny ror He depocaa eyn na oene? Tenreps oH xonogHtit. ‘Why didn’t you keep the soup at the boil? Now it’s cold. WC CDNA AY WC ‘Ona sbuliia samy no cobcmeennomy anbopy. Hukro We sactannsin ee [e- sare 370. ‘She married at choice. Nobody forced her to do that. ewott coxpa- Mot nomxres ‘We must keep him alive at all costs. HUTS eMy 2KHSHB. \ Npunoxenne 24 19.2, Bupaxenuac npeanorom below: below average Hwxe epenuero below freezing-point soxe TeMmiepaTypsi saqepoartis a blow/to hit below the belt yap/ynapw sicxe nosica below sea level ‘HIDKe YPOBHA MOPS Tipumepsinpentoxerti: His language skills are below average. Ero sbikonbie cnoco6uocTn wune epednezo. ‘This area is below sea level. Bra oGxacTe TexWT HuoKe ypoana Mops. yj _ Yy Yyy y 19.3. Burpaxexna c mpenxoroM beyond: beyond the village beyond belief beyond description beyond dispute beyond (all) doubt beyond expectation beyond hope beyond measure ‘beyond question beyondreach ‘beyond scope ‘That’s getting beyond a joke. beyond me/you/him Tipumepstnpeanoxesti: ‘What happened then is beyond belief, The issue is beyond dispute, His stupidity is beyond question. How he did it is beyond me. -sanepentieit ~HlepeposTHo ~Heonmeyemo ~bHe OBcyKAeHHA, He NOMTERHT Geyer ~BHe BesKoTO COMHEHAS Gombe, eM MOKHO Gsin0 OxMTATS ~Gestianextsil, Gestiatexito ~GesmepHo, cBepx Beakoii Mepot “Bie BoaKoro COMHeHHA bite qoosraemocrit ~sapenenawn (shanti, o6asannocteli) ~Sronepecraer Gurrs saGanrnm. ~bite Moero/saniero/ero HOHMMAHHS He Nory /ab He Moxere /oH He MoxeT To moHsTS To, ro cnysnock notOM, Hesepoamno. ‘BrorBonpoc He nodaecum o6cyaxedenuo. Ero raynocrs me nodaexcum comnenuo. J ne Mozy nowams, Kax OH 3TO cnenat. & Tpunoxexnne \\\ ~ I a ~~ 19.4, Bopaxerua ¢ mpeanorom by: WS \ \\ \ \ \ N -exemecsH0 (Mees 3a MeeaLIeM) -BOoubULOM creneH, Ho GombueH sacTHt “Tak WaIM MHave, mOGLIM crIOcOBOM. -M10 3eMue/110 MopIo/11o BOSLYXY -oveHte GuicTpo, Comb wiarannt -HUKOMM O6pa30M -¢ poxEHMA, [10 POXCHHTO -nlompupone ~enyuaiiHo ~1eKOM “lo KycouKy, nocTenleHHo OHH sa apyrHM -nHeM/HOMBIO Ha cHyx. Hansycrs Dit by bit month by month one by one by and large by birth by chance by cheque by day/by night by ear by heart by hook or by crook by’ ~~ \ ~ ~~ \ . ~ AC A WN /sea/air by leaps and bounds by no means by nature by: HAG -Gonbusni wana werpa/sanonosety -HlocTenteHHo, aan 3a 3Tar1oM ~Os1Ts 3axBayeHHBIM BpAcrlTOX no npoecenn: Ha pee nro npospecenit To pao ~esa-eaa, ene-ene -mOxuHAN -KoMHaTa NAT Ha ATS by the skin of one’s teeth stage by stage to be taken by surprise by trade a room five by five greater by two meters/by half by radio by weight by the dozen y-G0 a pyky/ ~niofiware/cxbarir Koro: to catch/grab someone by the hand/ the arm WW XC me40 CC WX s = 5 5 2 g 5 é cant (npomusononooexo Becte) Tipamepsi npenoxermii: ‘You can do it bit by by oneself WO Gon oweit wacmu, lll the plans were by and large achieved. Boe mutant, no Go ‘Tet ganaaraa HannHenar aM weKon? peatnsopaHis. Sl netperun ero cayuaiino. Did you pay in cash or by cheque? I met him by chance. JJOMALIHSA PABOTA YPOKA 19 \ ~ \ \ A. Tlepesedume npednowenus na pyccxuit naouc: CC XK 2 4} 203 EEE s 3 a2 > oa Ead Be & a8 Za: git eet BE at! g23 qae cs4 Hl 2 ae aes \ ~ \ \ é g & 3 4 << 5. I could tell ata glance that he was distracted and didn’t pay attention to my words. 4, In this country the air temperature is rarely below freezing-point. 6. Beyond all doubt he will soon be at the head of the party. ‘Tepesedume npednoswenun wa anznuticxui ssi: 1. Gro HeneposTHo, 470 eMy YslaOCk 3aKBATHTE BPACILIOX WeNO€ CTATOAMKHX HEPEM. B. \ \ WC ~ \ 2. Erosamevyanns nepectaior 6iTb 3a6aBHbIMH, OH NO TIpupoze cBoeH OVEHE 30%. 3.1 Guun cvepx BemKoMl Mepet OBpaonaHt TEM, TO yBHIREA MOIO CecTpY, HeeMOTpA Ha TO, TO BeTpeTHUT ee cnyuatiHO. 4, LHe Mory TIOHSTE, TlOYeMY OHA He 3ATUIATHITa YeKOM. \ 5. Haus cocen, Bepos Ho, nomact Ha Hac BCKOPe B Cys, TAK KAK HAllIM COOAKH BbI- SBaNIH Tlepentoox B ero cally. WOU \N 6. OH KpHuan, XOTS HHKTO M_He NpHAMHHT eMy Gon. yesterday. b. question, ‘ 5 3 3 : S § 1. T saw him by a.chance .profession \ SESS 2. He paid by a.cash c. pennies b. cheque 3. He sells apples by \ SN SS c. belief, cease with strangers. b. dozen a, weight WW A \ WN 4, Lalways feel << \\< b. below c. by dispute that he is the best candidate. aat 5. Itis \ . by b. beyond a.below Yaau! i ee si N 28 & y a8 4 : 3 f.3 me Ea go Bie a E £8 Bane Aa 7753 fe ae Sch eRe Bate e28 fee ae 32 3 q°2 3. F Sone , bere. SAR ee gh Bo ete y. & sgt bey So ge eiG 8 at hE Fae Be ay af eA BEESE F255 ¢ 2,23 882 FS F2 PPT a fests G222 4 seE8 G28, 22 bf: 2s 2g seeps £252 5 ceie 43 2eg5 2G, 3 ge E,E faite g28s 9 3222 F25g22 Fae BF 8 Seb FPESG Re Ggee EDGE Geese 3 228 HE A Se AER SR Gheeee Ceagk BARES Ee Fay 5 pa #he afeea faaied gfe Galtee 25h 5 cy a Loaf 4 . 2 P gaa ig ea Se 8 a ¢ 2 be i. fb, e888 2 .f fiat , bi iw BE Stk ey ek 222 E go og & beget a ee Ps £ § €EeiF 2858 B= € gs i¢ £8: E pg fg pbeti ghee f beth gy RhGE Gas a = 2 g82 38 BP EEe. FEES 5 7 Bs 3o8 8 Bog e Fa f ge? z : Sa3 82 282852 G88 aelak Ged 2 CPLLELLEPEEEE Gebiad au: Beet SEP eke as tae tiegigi?.,s $ Fi F262 3 Flap ELA ERE EERE GESES Ei aaL EE EEE STE RE cee2h EREZESESESSELEPES REL EG RRS eee Es A ™“” SLE vvy°PY (Ww ww W \\ WW « AM ~ WN \ \ WN A <« WW O™ \ “SS AS (AC \ \ \ \ WSN \ WW AN \ \ \C WW \ WWW QC AWA OC A ACRKKCRiyiuaKgK WWW WN \ \ \ AK WARK OC ICADR—h}R} NS \ AX MIC MC CGVW WW AWN Sl sHavo, WTO OM xopoUlMit creMMaHeT. (On cuntan, uro 9 aHTIMYaHHE Oum aymamn, ro 9 overs GemHbti. SLmonaran, ro oH moaxonsuHit HeT0- eK JUL BBINOHEHMA TOM 3aNa. 51 nooGpasiin, 70 Thi OCH c4acTAMB. Anpeqmonaralo, Yo oa O¥eH Hecaacria, (Onmm curator oto o4eHb crpaHHbim. ‘AA noHMMaio, sro oH acto ee nioceuuaer. Mai npeartonaranm, #70 of BeKope mpaoyayr. ‘Bro sacrapo ero HSMeHUTS CBOIO ‘ToaKy speHHa. ‘A BIRR ero MSMEHHMT» CBOIO TOYKY | seem, Yy Y _. ‘Mis Buinyaynn ux mpHcoeAMEHTECA _ ae 7 _ 7 Yyy ‘Tu Moxelth Ha Hero TOTOKUTECA (emy sonepar>) » TOM, WTO OF OCTaBHT 9T0 BOBpEMA. / | | ‘On mpxasat, s706b! paGora Gou1a saKonueHa. On ckomarmosaz, 3706s! 0 eTAx jj yy Yy yy j jy heckceceet arent a lL ; j oan. yyy On xoren, sro6er neubrH Guin OC Y _ precera cern Mat npenniownn 661, To6bI raseTt Guinn nocrannenbi Cerone. On Guin mpHsMHoH Toro, To HX saGpann B noaMuelicKuit y4acToK. A yropopu ero, ¥T06bi eMy lOMOr KTo-T0 apyroii. AA yGenun nx cormacuTeca Ha ‘onepauino, YacTb neppan 28 ——— B. Tosropum reneps ucriomsonanne xononHeHHa ¢ HHdHHHTHBOM, KOTOPOMY npentuiecTayeT YacTHua to H HCTIONBSOBAHMe BrOpOCTeTIeHHOTO IpesLIOKEHHA, AlonoaHnre anraniickve npeatoxcHus HenOCTaIOUIAMH CnODaMH: -1>know him to bea good specialist, -He > believed me to bean Englishman, -They > thought me to be very poor. ‘ALnonumaio, #0 oH ceffyac ovens ganar, -1> Understand him to beverybusy now. -1 >jjudged him (o bethe right man to do that task. <1 imagined you to bevery happy. -L >suippose hier to be very unhappy. They >consicier it to be very strange. -] >understand that he often visits her. We >supposed that they would soon arrive. It >cauised him to change his mind. -I >persuaded him to change his mind. -We >zot them 0 join us. ust him (@ deliver that on You > time. -He >orderes the work >to be finished. -He >commanded the children >t be taken care of He >allowed the room >t0 be opened He >wanied the money >oe deposited today. -We >preferred the newspapers >f0 be delivered today. -He >caiised them >to be taken to the police station. -1 >got him >to be helped by someone else. -1 ppersuaded them >to be operated on, Ts

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