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eer eeree ee eeree eee eee errr eee eeeereee eee ROBOT BOWL BY EXIDY SERVICE MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Genera Information 1, Nox Operation 1V, To Remove Microprocessor V. Pushbutton Control Pane 7 Vi. Adjustments VIL Theory of Operation, Loge VIL, Theory of Operation, Audio 1. Hares Disgrom X._ Schematic Diagrams LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FigueA 2... : Flgue 8 Figure ¢ Figure. Figure € 7 : Figure F Figures. ae : Figure : 3 “ bina Itrior Switch Assembly Acses Diagram Logie Power Supply Adjustment Points Auio Board Adjustment Ponts Logie Board Blok Diagram Audio Board Block Diagram ess Diagram Schemate Diagrams 1 GENERAL ferean to the canter, were he turns and rolls the ball. The bowler tan ered and the attract mesg i ated asin, ROBOT BOWL i one o to payer video gum simulating all the samants of an stu bowling game. The payer controls When coin is daposited, the mesage “ROBOT ROLLS BALL the poston of the bowler, slats how fast he rls the bl, AUTOMATICALLY AFTER X SECONDS, PRESS START", tn can correct the ball movement with af oF ight hook. i flashad om the seran (X belng the number of seconds = ‘The audio sounds include his footatep at he walks out 10. lected by he operstor atthe option seetlon site tow, the clink of the bal hte the ley, the roar at rolls toward the pins, and the later when i hits rer Wen the star buttons depressed the bowler walk ut (tre Ing fom the lt side for Payer 1) to the enter ofthe ren 1 NORMALOPERATION ‘a turn sideways, At this ine, conto ie transferred tothe Player 50 that he can postion the Bower using the "MOVE hea the gums fist powered up, “GAME OVER" is writen BOWLER” Left or Right button. The layer then ros the atthe top ofthe sreen, and "DEPOSIT COIN" and either: ball uring he "AOLL BALL SLOW” or "ROLL BALL FAST” ae eae contol Note that if he ployer has not rolled the bal by the ‘i tnd of te time st by the operator (3,5, 7 oF 9 second, the baler ne ‘machine flls i fr he. Once the Bal har been role, the qineo nea Player stl has contol over it by using the “HOOK BALL 7 LePT*and “HOOK BALL MIGHT? conch One ttenr— 2 xn “hw norma aio cont of footstep ha man was ou the cn the th bal mas wen tise aye os eowndna onthe stig othe option sation vith. Ths nha t make ort fl tmer eB sear a ae then erased to alow the bowler to walk fom the adgp ofthe ait tres them down, PLAYER ONE PLAYER THO ‘TO REMOVE MONITOR Disconnect power cord fram AC outlet ‘Open and remove back door. Remove connector from monitor (tern 1 Figure A), emo fur bole from monitor chasis fang mounts, Ltt back of monitor up 4-6 and slide mentor out of ha IV, TO REMOVE MICROPROCESSOR PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD 1. Disconnect power eo om AC outlet. 2. Open and remove back door, 3. Clip micropocssor ie wrap at lostone 3 and 9, 4 Disconnact edge connector [tem 4) fom mictoprocssor ce. 5. Side microproceor out of rack 2 12 n MAJOR INTERNAL COMPONENTS (FIGURE A) |. MONITOR POWER SUPPLY (See Figure C Detail) AUDIO POWER SUPPLY TRANSFORMER MICROPROCESSOR TIE WRAP (1 of 2), MICROPROCESSOR CONNECTOR. MAIN HARNESS CONNECTOR IW LINE 5 AMP FUSE AC POWER CORD 8. AC INTERLOCK SWITCH 98, MICROPROCESSOR TIE WRAP (2 of 2) 10. MICROPROCESSOR VIDEO PcB 11, MICROPROCESSOR OPTION SELECTION SWITCH LOCATION 12, COIN COUNTER 13, MICROPROCESSOR AUDIO PCB. \V. ROBOT PUSHBUTTON CONTROL PANEL (Figure 8) Design Robot Bowl uns Bly puthbuton controle in water switch _asombly. The pushbuttnerecre a wooden space ad printed fruit boar with lat sitener to a sel conta panel tate hinge mounted tothe eabinet and swings open fr front sce Procedure To Open Pane: 1. Open front double coln door 2, Reaching up trough the eon door, remove right and lft wing ous and fender washes (item 7, leaton 6 ram Unsere of contr pane 3, From the underside of the conto! pant push the pana Lup (Item 8) ad sing the panel eu towards you. CAU- ‘TION: Do not push aginst te at switche 4, Remove the loom carrag alts (hm 7) rom the pael “To Remove the Ene Pal 1 Remove thee carriage bolts tem 2) rom hinge tern 1) and the panel fom the gome “To Service Switch: 1. Check connactor (tem 4). 2, Chack lat switches (tem 3} for contact, demsge or ‘To Remow Switehe and Push Buttons: 1. Disconnect connector (tm ) from switch PCB Aim 10 2, Detach switch PCD {Itam 10) from wooden spacer (item 9) by removing af tapping sews ltr 1 3, Switches may now be remove from PCB and replaced individually orth entire PCB may be place 4, Bally pusnbuttns (tem 5} may be removed indvdully forreplacomant oF cessing, To Retoueh Control Panel Fin ‘The ROBOT BOWL control pane is astel panel costed ith {at black enamel (Sherwin Willams Plane Black). This allows ‘the panel tobe toured up with black sre Bsn, ROBOT BOWL PUSHBOTTON CONTROL PANEL (FIGURE B) PANEL HINGE HINGE CARRIAGE BOLTS (3 each) LEAF SWITCH (7 each) CONTROLS CONNECTOR BALLY PUSHBUTTON CABINET BRACKET 7. CABINET TO CONTROL PANEL FASTENER (CARRIAGE BOLT, FENDER WASHER, WING NUT) 8, STEEL CONTROL PANEL, 9, WOOD PCB SPACER 10. LEAF SWITCH PCB 11. SELF TAPPING SCREW (12 each) VL ADJUSTMENTS. ‘A. Powor Supply Adjustment 2, Adjust the power suply “adjust potentiometer" located 1, Connect the wotumster leads to +5 and ound taceson on the back of the moritor Item 1 in Figue C) for ‘the msn logic bons Seovec = woe. POWER SUPPLY ADJUSTMENTS (FIGURE C) 1.5 VOLT LOGIC SUPPLY ADJUSTMENT 2.5 VOLT LOGIC SUPPLY FUSE B. Audio Adjustments (See Figur D) FOOTSTEPS — No adjustment BALL DROP — Adjust volume using Item 6 (Pot RO} BALL ROLL — Adjust volume wing lt 5 (Pot R20) PIN HIT — Adjstmenthas tee pote 1. Adjust Item 3 (Pot R39} Fully CCW when viewed a in Figure 4 2, Set Item 2 (Pot R48) approximataly 4 COW when 3, Aalvt item (Pot R47 for 8 tone approximating sound ‘of pin when ht. Tis murt be done while actualy pay 4. When tem 1 sem propery adjusted, Ita 3 must be eadjted to od “ers sound to tone sound. em 3 ‘rie the lationship micro) of "tone" to "erah” rounds 5. Once thie reltonship hasbeen st, volume i touch-up is necear) ean be ated by Kem 2 6, To summarize PIN HIT acjustment Trem 1 adjt tone fequnney rom 2 asst volume, Item 3adjt tio of "tone" to “rah REWARD & DEMERIT (STRIKE AND GUTTERBALL) — ‘Aust volume using Item 4 (Pt RES) TTONE ~ Aajst tem 7 (Pot ROS) AUDIO P.c. BOARD (FIGURE D) 1, R47 — PIN HIT TONE FREQUENCY ADJUSTMENT 5, R29— ROLL SOUND VOLUME ADJUSTMENT 2 R49 — PIN HIT VOLUME ADJUSTMENT 3. R39 — PIN HIT TONE/CRASH RATIO ADJUST. MENT 4. R63 — REWARD & DEMERIT VOLUME ‘ADJUSTMENT 6, R60 — DROP SOUND VOLUME ADJUSTMENT 7, ROS — MASTER TONE ADJUSTMENT 8, OPTION SELECTION SWITCH ©. Switehable Options ‘Thar are Switch soleetbleoptonson the bowling bord The ‘seven position switch usod to select these i octet loetion "4A on tho main lic boar (See Figure Item 8), snd isc cai from the front ofthe gem, ‘The fst to switches selec the tie thatthe robot takes to tutomatialy rll the bal, Note tht the setting ofthis witch {ets the overall ine ofthe ge, Tie sw sw2 2 eeconde on on S eeconde on ow Treconde on on seconde on or Switehe three and fou contol the coinage naesary to opr ato the game, Coinage sw. swe 2olayer ~ 1 coin off on 1 player —1 coin 2layars 2 cone = on 1 player ~2colos aa a 2olayers — 4 eoies Note: The third seting is intend primarily forthe overnes rakes. Switch 5 is ued to enable the optional ber frame. The baer frame is enabled when suite 5 oft, ‘Switches 6 7 ar not utd st this time, VII. THEORY OF OPERATION, Locic (Rate to Figure ROBOT BOWL is a microcomputer game which ues the MOS technolopy 6502 eentral processor unit. (Fr moreinformation ‘on this pracesr, refer to MOS teomalogy pusicstion 26800. 0A, MCS 6500 Micsocomputor Family Hardware Manus) ‘This pressor unique in tht it dosen’thave assparateinput! output structure but rather teas al 10 a it were an area Jnmemory. Memory is subdivided a follows FEES FFE Interupt and rset vectors F000 FFF8 Progam storage (ROM) 000 (Option switches Input) ‘A000 (Conta nites (Input) 000 Output it Outed) 4000 43FF —_Seraen RAM 000 Bal norizontal position feountere) 2000 Bal vical position counters), 0100-O1FF Stack RAM (0000 00FF Page ORAM Page 0 RAM is used for storage of dynam variables during proaram executor, and Page 1 RAM is ured st the rac, #0 sore return adatesses and important data during subroutine ‘execution. The program ROM i where the program that con: tele the operation ofthe game i stored ‘The Screen RAM consis of 1028 byte (8 bit word) of rad vite memory which, when not being addesed by the pro: ‘iso, are scanned by main ming to pla «mate of 32 132 squares on the sreen. Th data stored in the sreen RAM i ‘then used to adress one of 256 8 sloment wie by Bie igh blocks in the Seren ROM. These 8 x blocks stored in ROM ‘then contain images or portions of image tbe ciple on the screen. (An alphanumeric character takes one block to be store, whore an imap, sh ab the robot takes up to nina) ‘Example: To store letter “Xn the upper aft corer ofthe Screen, the processor would write # 20H In location 4D00H, ‘Than by combining the 256 cltferent portions of images, a large combination of ctferanimayes can be produced, “The same circuitry that produce syne ae cans the soran FRAW i also used to generate the horizontal and verti lines ahi form the score boxes er alley fies. It does this by ‘eating two PROMS and combining thei output with various timing signal “Tho ball is goneratod by two sat of counters (horizontal and wertcal) which aroused to locate the bal on the sree, The ‘outputs of the counters ae fed to 2 PROM sd than 9 sift ‘egister to form the bal Wo, The procesor cone the Bal by prloating the counters tothe desired portion dring ve teal eye. ‘The proctor regs data from the switches by gating the ta {om the control or option switches onto the deta bus. a ' agp [aces c 7 1060 gow. Bt VII THEORY OF OPERATION, AUDIO (REFER TO FIGURE F}) ‘The ROBOT BOWL audio i compdsed af eight ether distinct reuis, ane of which cn be further sobeivided ito fou faty distinct circuits (his is Uwe PIN HIT SOUND GENERATION CIRCUIT). Ther general operational descriptions fallow +15Vde Power Supply This eivcult provides the Vog (ain power for de majority ofthe suo, eeonsiteof diodes CR1,CR2, capacitor C2, ener ‘oan CRG, tansstor O, and stocisted support component, Diodes CA and CR2 form a full wave rectifier whose output Is fired by eapsetor C2. This reetitir converts the input 22.26 VAC into a DC level of approximately the same (actaly slighty les) voltage. Zener lode CR holds he DC voltage at the bate of 110 #15V. “Thisvoltage at ho base of C1 is used deel a power source for al audio eeuis except the audio amplifier (the LMSBO's =e audio amplifier eeu deeriptio ‘Since 1 is configured aan emitter follower, higher curent regulated supply Te avalabe fron the emitter than from the bse junction tis elated to the fact that the voltage at the erntter wl always "follow" the voltage atthe base that is the amitor voltage wil be approximately the same a the bis voltage minus the dog aeoss the bate unetion ‘of OV). In tis way we have ewe regulated +1BVe split, ‘one providing more curent than the ether, The higher curent Supely (+15VR ~ from the emitter is used solely to provide ower for the rather cuter hungry LMBO audio ampli, White Noite Ganerator “WHITE NOISE” simply defined it random noi, unsally 203s a broad frequency spectrum, Some goo! examples are ‘the Sound ofthe seashore, rapids ona iver, waterfall oF the background hiss on you aio or television, Since this type of nose has such a wide range of requencles and iss random, it isa very goed soures of sounds which an be slatd and usd for other purpose. “To produce this whit noi wo maka ts ofthe thera! bask own characteristics of + transtor junction. Referring %2 tui sehematie pao on, you mill note that hes agroundes hase, an open eteuitd collctr and the emir hae a ourant path to 15Vde. This reverse bists the hae-emitarfnetion {o the dear that the junction “breaks down and 9 gaat ea ‘of secon astation takes place, Ths sgtation erates our “Tis white noise i stil very smal, however 20 it mut be a Died. Tiss he ab of operational smpiiar U1 (72788), “The output ofthe operational amplifier isa veryhigh impedance source, and would, therefore, be ely loaded down by the input sapes of all eit wing white moze. To preven thi, nd also to ed a small amount urtheramplifiestion single ‘tage transistor amplifier (03) interfaces between the oper ‘ional amplifier and other eruitry. The output of tansitor amplifier 2316 2 low impedance source and wil therefore we many oter circuits with noi ending etacts wewonig 99078 OY 918 ‘Ball Drop Sound Generator Generation ofthe ball drop sound is secomplished though the se ofa sole one wanstoroseilator (212 ung a eit! ‘apacitr feedback network consisting of C32, C33, C34, and FS, ASS. Under nor conditions (no ball drop erable present), the bee of O72 ie had at potential 00 low forthe oir 12 ‘operate, When sgn "BALLOROP" apeshiah (TTL level ih), ‘expastor C31 charges through dade CRIT and the inter fallectorrsistor at the ding TTL ep, toward #5V. This effectively raises the potential a the base of O12 to that it may oscil White note i fe into the bate alo, This has to fanetions Cnet ola stmulte the oclator nto operation; the other isto provide a meatus of randomnet othe operon, When the TTL signal "BALL OROP" sremovedcapaitor 31 Alschargps through resistor 3, provaing 8 sloping taling ge t0 th oscltion. (The sound dies out gently, rather ‘han having 4 eap eutot.) Node that wien the FTL sina (BALL DROP") drives iow, dade ORI7 becomes reverse biased and prevents capacitor C3 tomaluchagingimmediately ‘rou the TTL ene. Diode CR16 provide isolation betwean the white noite gener tor and the input ofthe oeilstor primaiy fo prevent inter ference withthe OC bias level 3 the tat of O12. Diode CRIB (atthe oletor of 012} ato provides olation. ‘Tha output of this iret then fl through volume contol tothe input of the aus aii, Bal Roll Sound Ganarator ‘The ROLL SOUND is secomplted by using the white nove and on active {iter network eondtng of Of and supporting eres How It Works: {nthe abeanos of the TTL sign “ROLL,” the bata of 06 is hn etficietly low to prevent Q6 from operating, hen ROLL” is applied, eepacitor C18 charges trough CRT and 20 toward =19Vde “This talses the bate level of 08 and allows it to amplify. The white noise is what amplifies, but note Hat thera i fon. back newirk ftom the ealletor to the bain, consisting of (16, C17 and A27. Ths network i tes to» range of f= ‘quencies, and 5 will sheretore amplity certain frequencies tthe white noite and make special use of them, Im thir ea, ‘of cour, we select te combination of frequenees hat mort Closely approximates the sound of rolling Bowing ball Resistor A22 and capacitor C14 for an alternate (or parle!) int pot (tothe base of 06) whose impedance ehange with frequency. It therefore appaas to be 3 lower value reste at higher lequeneiet, providing more base crrent, and thus breemphairing higher frequencies, Wen TTL signal "ROLL" isemovedeapscitor C18 discharges ‘trough resistor R24, ereating» oping railing ado, thm rate aaharp ovtot othe sound, Diodes CRS, CRD, CRB provide olution identical to CRB, (CRY? ord CRIB ax diucutund inthe desertion of the BALL. DROP SOUND GENERATOR, ‘Output of the ROLL SOUND GENERATOR ie then fed ‘trough 8 volume contol tothe input of the au ampli, Pin Hit Sound Generator ‘The PIN HIT SOUND GENERATOR is mos easly understood \ahon separated int fourbaie cuits Thue re the RANDOM CLOCK GENERATOR, the ACTIVE FILTER {or ersh sound generate), the TONE GENERATOR and the AMPLITUDE MODULATOR. ‘The RANDOM CLOCK GENERATOR const ofa 0-998 transistor amplifier (08, 5}, whose tk is to treats white oie into a rancor square wave with high current div cape Diy and TTL loi levels, and counter U2, whose task is to Givide down the “frequency” of the random cock erated by (04 and a5. ‘You will note tat the TTL signal “HIT sid to the “lear” input on the counter. When “HIT” goor high it allows the counter t count. The output ofthe counter labeled CRASH ENABLE on the schematic) eto two lacs one the erase Input of the ACTIVE FILTER, the otser the input of the TONE GENERATOR. ‘The ACTIVE FILTER (or cash sound generate) ie aupliste of the BALL ROLL SOUND GENERATOR cused shove, ‘Sine its enables by a random pulse wan, however, its output comes @ random grouping of filtered noises. Ate pastng through 8 volume contol, hs noise (abeed HIT SOUND on schomave) then proceeds to US pin 2, which the anol in for the AMPLITUDE MODULATOR. But fist It's look at the TONE GENERATOR, which, a previously mentioned, it ‘so enabed by the CRASH ENABLE output At the input of the TONE GENERATOR circuit ate throw transistors ~ G9, Q10 and O11 — which form» wove shaping reuit. Thi purpose iso erste snagtive-going rp mith 3 {lope determined by expactr €23, Th “lopingrmp” sina len applied to te input of US (3 funtion generator), east the frequency ganerated by Ud Yo ia teint vel ops ‘Thats 8 te DC level appli to US pin appeoachar rnd, the outout frequency ft pin ines, You wil eal, ow. ovr, thatthe Input tothe waveshaping portion ofthis cet ‘rat quite random, Th means that we wil end upyith aather Iubled, somewhat ameliorated input to hetnetion generator (U8), This guts us somewhat cos 10 the sound af bowling pins being hit, but needs some amplitude modulation now [As was previous explained, the output of the ACTIVE Fil TER absied "HIT SOUND"? i tied to pin 2 of US (THE AMPLITUDE MODULATOR}. The outout of the TONE GENERATOR is now ted to tho input of US pin 1). The aut ‘ut signal rating il be the random tone of (the function ‘geneater) amplitude modulated by the "HIT SOUND." This S then ron through a volume contra othe input of te uo amo. ‘Auto noble (Game) ‘TTL sgnal “GAME” enable or diaber ll ueio by appearing 4: a open evi using open colistor gta] ora ground tothe ‘eammon audio input line, thus grourding ail incoming Sana ‘Audio Ampitar ‘The audio ampliie consists of two LMGBO ICs contoured as ‘one push-pull api. As you se on the schema, onesie 0f C29, C20, C39, C36 and C37 areal tie together. Thisisa ‘ommen input bus othe ampli. ‘Any signal apptarng on this in pases through C29 end RS ‘dractiy int the inputs of the LMGBD's. Note that tis oput {9% 10 the inverting (+) input on one LMBO, and the no inverting (4 input onthe other L380, Noe azo tht the spank is driven from across both outputs “This srangement erates 9 sitution wher one LMIBO wil be dewing its auto high wie the other ie driving ite output ow ‘Tha output of either UO taken alone will swing only hal the valu of Veg, or inthis case, approxintaly 7.5. Since ‘one crivs high while one drives lw, the net reat ea lgnl ‘cross their output tht wil sting the complete 15V at Ve Ina soso this puts the individual amplifies in series and their ‘output powers approximately double, [Capacitor C38 and pot ROS form a shunt fier used for tone control, Lee resistance across ROS means les revstance 10 ‘ground at higher frequencies, Hereby eliminating higher re ‘quencies prior to amplifiation. Move resstanoeseoss RS, therefore, means mere high fequencias make shwoug othe Capacitors C42 and C49 provide DC bis ieoation, Video tnverson Thete Is one lst eal located on the Audio Board whose function ie unrelated to audio. The the cal provided for Inverting the image on the T.V. moniter. That i, ln ge ‘model (such 22 cocktalt tbl) where ii estable to tun the image "upside down,” we must accomplish thsby reversing the T.V. antor deflection cal lad, We do this with ely ‘that is driven by a power wansstor (08) tested onthe audio board. CRI? sewves aba spike suppresor, to prevent destruc tion of 08 by “back EME,” whic a voltage spike rested by ‘the collapse of the magnetic field built up inthe eo ofthe relay wait as energized Transistor 08 js enabled by TTL signal "VIDEO INVERT” ‘rom the lai boas FIGURE G pin_|ro__|ano | _signat. pw [ro ano | _ signa wy )a—atTawiToneo power — || “eo ura | Tan rir sure ha |iato lea | powen jenna wan tere sanren na [7 na powen une coun || Sez Jet |come Gon ororswren | ler | Svavic ANYENNA™ ia | wioeo ieee avacer a2 [us | VIDEO RevuRN ies (bs vnc 3 |42 — |v62 | power suPPLY was jaa | 22vac rey AUDIO AMP IN JI | RELAY + ies ouTon sek ar) 326 jr come |vee S20 us| |sveaxer our a [na Fowen une crouno |] i421 Ib SPEAKER OUT 3 | |wtton See Be | ie ana Suireneo powen wei ne owen wi | s420 svcacen an | ee SeaKen ay 108 voc 381 Seta [com _ | oi onor smiron ‘counren wi lan | Isurreneorowen |] se2 zane power surmey be he rower ‘MOUND a [3 rower suPeLy | ROUND den wan verrswrren 4 se6 nivac ba len tan aig surren be [iene mvaccr ba ie prrcHstow swrven | bs ie Hook tert swrron were vee be key Hook Rica Surren tea hae ono by ies Gane Sranr sTeH usa VIDEO RETURN we |e2 |s2o | powensurruy Sea has vibeo mound ies ana GAME SraRr surren | a (fe mmentsoromer” |] com |20 | vee way ine ook mewrsurex || “Couwr 48 8 HOOK LEFT SWITCH COIN | Ja.t2 COIN DROP SWITCH us ipa PITCH SLow SWITCH | coun “STATIC ANTENNA = 18" tong wire bundled in with the harass — other end not connected to anything 2 5 Sa Wiuovid SS3NUvH waLwn00 NOD is 3 wanousnya 6 NOUNS OSA SHE Tova | waWoNG SOT wo LOB SAS RS Sw wy lig im I oan [235] Siete woe aeseT] SIONS Brera ager es eee -raeeee eee 2) ah & ‘oa ez] SARIS WwoA LeeET Sua

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