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NAME: ___________________________________________ YR&SEC: _________ DATE: _______________


1. A judicial practice by which the guilt or innocence of the accused is determined by subjecting him to an unpleasant,
usually dangerous experience.
a. Due process c. Execution
b. Trial by ordeal d. All of the above

2. Polygraph is also called ___________________ since statistics show that is most of the instances the instrument
verifies an innocent person’s truthfulness.
a. Examination c. Truth Verifier
b. Truth or dare d. All of the above

3. This involves political interests and motives because this is a part of communist propaganda strategy. Lies of means of
propaganda-brain-washing and blackmail via espionage and treason.
a. Red Liar c. Red Lie
b. Red Flag d. Red false

4. It is a hormone secreted by the adrenal gland. Known as the “flight and fight” response.
a. Norepinephrine c. Norephinifrin
b. Norhepiniprine d. Noripinephrine

5. It is a severe test of character and endurance, a medieval form of judicial trial.

a. Trial c. Ordeal
b. Hearing d. Due process

6. In the Medieval Latin “DEI INDICUM” means?

a. Ordeal c. Judgement
b. Miraculous Decision d. ALL OF THE ABOVE

7. This trial the accused was put into a severe physical test.
a. Trial by Combat c. Trial by Duel
b. Trial by Torture d. Trial by Ordeal

8. This trial the Angel Gabriel will descend from heaven to save the person from swallowing the food with poison.
a. The Final Supper c. Trial by God
b. The Eucharist d. Lips of an Angel Gabriel

9. This is a lie made by a person who cannot distinguish right from wrong.
a. Pathological Liar c. White Lie
b. Psychopathic Liar d. Pathological Lie

10. Any untruthful statement, falsehood; Anything that deceives or create false impression.
a. Lie c. Examination
b. Detection d. None of the above

11. is the scientific method of detecting deception by the employment of a polygraph instrument. Sometimes called
“Instrumental Interrogation”.
a. Polygraphy c. a and b
b. Polygraph d. lie detection technique

12. Principles uses of the Polygraph:

I. Aid in investigation
II. Speeds up processing of investigation
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III. Eliminates innocent suspects

IV. Pre-employment screening
V. Honesty test (Periodic test)

a. all statements are true

b. all statements are false
c. I, II, III and V are true except IV
d. I, II, III and IV are true except V

13. The act of detecting, discovering, perceiving, finding, or uncovering something obscure.
a. Investigation c. Interview
b. Interrogation d. detection

14. It is involved with voluntary comparative over skeletal muscles.

a. autonomic nervous system c. central nervous system
b. somatic nervous system d. all of the above

15. The result of this method is not acceptable in court due to the following reasons:
I. The state of the mind and professionalism of the examiner are too subjective to permit admissibility of the
expert testimony.
II. To obtain additional investigation leads to the facts of the case/offenses.

a. Both statements are true

b. Both statements are false
c. Statement 1 is the only true
d. Statement 2 is the only true

16. Who is the father of criminalistics?

a. Sir Francis Galton c. Dr. Hans Gross
b. Leonard keeler d. Alphonse Bertillon

17. It is involved those involuntary physiological functions of the body and has considerable psychological impact as well.
a. autonomic nervous system c. central nervous system
b. somatic nervous system d. all of the above

18. Italian physiologist, studied fear and its influence on the hearth and his observations subsequently formed the basis
for the technique. He developed the SPHYGMOMANOMETER and the SCIENTIFIC CRADLE, which he used in studying
fear on the heart. He is also first scientist to report on experiments in which he observed that a person's breathing pattern
changed under certain stimuli, and that this change, in turn, caused variations in their blood pressure and pulse rate.
a. Angelo Mosso c. John Larson
b. Cesare Lombroso d. Leonard keeler

19. In 1970 Fordham University in New York City, was the first researcher to use potential computer applications for the
purpose of polygraph chart analysis.
a. Dr. John Kircher c. Dr. Joseph Kubis
b. Dr. David Raskin d. Dr. John Harris

20. In a series of questions containing relevant and control questions, the lying subjects will _______ on the most intense
relevant questions
a. Tune in c. Emotional
b. Tune out d. all of the above

21. The polygraph machine is mechanically capable of making graphical records containing reliable information regarding
physiological changes.
a. Psychological premise c. Physiological premise
b. Mechanical premise d. None of the above

22. An Examiner must have a complete knowledge of the instrument and its capabilities and limitations.
a. moral c. technical know-how
b. honest d. knows his obligation
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23. a lie accompanies pretentions and hypocrisies, intriguing to cause dishonor or discredit one’s good image.
a. Black liar c. Red lie
b. Black lie d. a and b

24. A person who always pretends, (What he thinks of himself, what kind of person he is, and what he is.)
a. Black liar c. Red lie
b. Black lie d. Psychopathic Liar

25. is complex interactive regulatory system by which the body strives to maintain a state of internal equilibrium.
a. Nervous system c. Hypothalamus
b. Equilibrium d. Homeostasis

26. is the hormonal stimulator of the sympathetic nervous system. It acts to constrict peripheral blood flow, raise blood
pressure, increase cardia activity, promote metabolic activity through the release of glucose, and inhibit digestive
a. Epinephrine c. Homeostasis
b. Hypothalamus d. Nervous system

27. It is called “Adrenaline” in British.

a. Epinephrine c. Homeostasis
b. Hypothalamus d. Nervous system

28. A severe test of character or endurance; a trying course of experience, A medieval form of judicial trial in which the
accused was subjected to physical tests
a. Ordeal c. Physical Training
b. Lie detection examination d. None of the above

29. In this country the accuser and accused were given each identical candle and both were lightened at the same time.
The candle that burns the longest determines which the truth.
a. Philippines c. Borneo
b. China d. Burma

30. In this country the accuser and accused were presented by shellfish placed on a plate. An irritating fluid was then
poured on the shellfish and the litigant whose shellfish moved first was adjudged the winner.
a. Philippines c. Borneo
b. China d. Burma

31. Lists of stimulus and non-stimulus word are read to the subject who is instructed to answer as quickly as possible.
The answers to the question may be "yes" or "no". Unlike the lie detector, the time interval between the words uttered by
the examiner and the answer to the question is recorded when the subject is asked questions with reference to his name,
address, civil status, nationality, etc. which has no relation to the subject- matter of the investigation, the tendency is to
answer quickly.
d. a and b

32. It is a series of groups of nerve cells of the brain that control the entire endocrine-hormonal system.
a. Nervous system c. Hypothalamus
b. Equilibrium d. Homeostasis

33. In one end of the scale, the accused is placed in the other end a counterbalance; The person will step out of the
scaled listened to a judge deliver an extortion is the balance and her back in. If he were found to be lighter than before
then he should be acquitted.
a. Trial by torture
b. Ordeal by balance
c. Trial of eucharist
d. None of the above
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34. One who lies in order to avoid the consequences of a confession, He is afraid of embarrassment to loved ones and it
is a serious blow to his/ her ego, He believes that confession will just male the matter worst.
a. Panic liars c. Ethnological liars
b. Occupational liars d. Black liars

35. this is very pure and unjustifiable kind of lie that is intended purely to mislead or obstruct justice.
a. Black lie c. White lie
b. Red lie d. Judicial lie

36. Derived from the Greek words which means many or several.
a. Grapho c. Polygraphy
b. Poly d. None of the above

37. It is a scientific diagnostic instrument used to record physiological changes in the blood pressure, pulse rate,
respiration, and skin resistance of an examinee under controlled condition.
a. Polygraphy c. a and b
b. Polygraph d. None of the above

38. the first person to measure changes continually and simultaneously in a subject's pulse rate, blood pressure and
respiratory rate during an interrogation. His polygraph was used extensively, and with much success, in criminal
investigations. He developed what many consider to be the original lie detector when he added the item of respiration rate
to that of blood pressure. Using his polygraph.
a. Dr. William Marston c. Angelo Mosso
b. Leonard keeler d. John Larson

39. Possible physiological and Psychological Signs and Symptoms of Guilt:

I. Sweating
II. Color Change
III. Dryness of the mouth
IV. Excessive activity of the Adam’s apple
V. Fidgeting

a. All statements are true

b. All statements are false
c. I, II, IV and V are true
d. II, IV and V are true

40. First to suggest the use of the galvanograph for detecting deception based on the work of several predecessors.
Theorized that the galvanic skin phenomena were influenced by exciting mental impressions and that they will have no
effect upon it.
a. George Sticker c. Harold Burtt
b. Otto Veraguth d. Vittorio Benussi

41. Any untruthful statement; Falsehood; Anything that deceives or creates false impression; to make untrue statement
knowingly, especially with intent to deceive; To give an erroneous or misleading impression
a. Ignorance
b. Lie
c. Ordeal
d. Examination

42. It is one who is taught not to be squealer, *squealer- to cry or to shrill voice, used by underworld gang in order for their
member not to reveal any secret of their organization.
a. Panic liars
b. Occupational liars
c. Ethnological liars
d. Black liars
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43. It is composed of the brain and the spinal cord.

a. Body
b. Central Nervous System
c. Digestive System
d. None of the above

44. It involved those involuntary physiological functions of the body and has considerable psychological impact as well
a. autonomic nervous system
b. somatic nervous system
c. central nervous system
d. all of the above

45. Accused placed his tongue to a red-hot iron nine times (9) unless burned sooner; If burned, he is put to death. Not
only that (licking the iron), he is also made to carry the metal into his hands. It is doubtful whether the ordeal is meant to
determine the physiological changes occurring in description for if this so, many false observations must have been
a. Ordeal of red water
b. Red hot iron ordeal
c. Trial by torture
d. Ordeal of red-hot needle

46. Accuser and accused were placed together in the same and a tiger set loose upon them. If both were spared, further
elimination followed.
a. Ordeal of the tiger
b. Ordeal of elimination
c. Boiling hot water ordeal
d. Donkey’s tail ordeal

47. A suspended axe was spun at the center of a group of suspects. When the axe stopped, whoever was in line with the
blade as supposed to be guilty as pointed out by the divine providence.
a. Trial by Axe
b. Ordeal by combat
c. Trial by eucharist
d. Trial by torture

48. First to use the term “PSYCHOGALVANIC REFLEX” Believed that the electrical phenomenon was due to the activity
of the sweat glands
a. George Sticker
b. Otto Veraguth
c. Harold Burtt
d. Vittorio Benussi

49. It is a component that measured changes in a subject’s galvanic skin resistance during questioning and in doing so,
thus signaling the birth of the polygraph as we know it today.
a. Micrometer
b. Psychogalvanometer
c. Kymograph
d. Pneumograph

50. Who is the father of modern Polygraph?

a. Dr. William Marston
b. Leonard keeler
c. Dr. Hans Gross
d. John Larson

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