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Imperative berarti memerintah atau memberi komando; mempunyai hak memberi komando;
bersifat mengharuskan. mperative Sentence adalah kalimat yang memiliki arti menyuruh,
meminta, memerintah, dan memberikan petunjuk kepada lawan bicara agar melakukan
sesuatu. Imperative Sentence sendiri dapat dikategorikan sebagai 3 tipe yaitu command
(perintah). request (permintaan), dan petunjuk (direction). Adapun ciri-ciri imperative
 Memiliki arti yang meminta seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu
 Memakai kata kerja bentuk pertama atau verb-1
 Imperative Sentence tidak memakai subjek you karena subjek yang dituju sudah akan
mengerti bahwa kalimat tersebut ditujukan kepadanya.
 Jika ada kalimat imperatif yang menggunakan tanda seru (!) itu menandakan kalimat
memiliki emosi yang kuat.

1. Command (perintah)
Command berarti perintah. Ialah kalimat yang mengharuskan untuk melakukan sesuatu dari
perintah orang lain. Kalimat ini menggunakan tanda seru (!) di akhir kalimat. Adapun
 Go away! (pergi sana!)
 Close the door! (tutup pintunya!)
 Listen to the teacher! (dengarkan guru!)
 Be careful! (hati-hati!)
 Be nice! (jadilah baik!)
 Be quite please! (tolong diam!)
 Don't touch me! (jangan sentuh aku!)
 Don't swim to far! (jangan berenang terlalu jauh!)
 Don't eat my foods! (jangan makan makananku!)
 Don't step on the grass! (jangan menginjak rumput!)

2. Request (permintaan)
Request artinya meminta. Ialah kalimat yang isinya meminta sesuatu seperti pertolongan ke
orang lain. Kalimat ini tidak menggunakan tanda seru (!) melainkan pakai tanda tanya (?).
adapun polanya:
 Will you help me, please? (maukah kamu membantuku?)
 Can you help me, please? (bisakah kamu membantuku?)
 May I help you? (ada yang bisa saya bantu?)
 Would you like to help me? (maukah kamu membantuku?)
 Would you mind to come to my house? (Maukah kamu datang ke rumahku?)
 Could you pass the salt over there, please? (Bisakah kamu mengoper garam di
sebelah sana, tolong?)
 Could you take the garbage outside? (Bisakah kamu membuang sampah keluar?)
 Could you bring me the newspaper? (Bisakah kamu membawakanku korannya?)
 Would you sing for me? (Maukah kamu menyanyi untukku?)
 Would you dance with me? (Maukah kamu menari denganku?)
 Could you check my e-mails, please? (Bisakah kamu mengecek emailku tolong?)
 Would you mind if I sit here? (Bolehkah aku duduk disini?)
 Could you please open the door? (Bisakah kamu membukakan pintu?)

3. Direction (petunjuk)
Direction adalah petunjuk untuk melakukan suatu hal dengan melalui tindakan-tindakan atau
langkah-langkah yang runtut. Adapun kata-kata yang bisa dipakai untuk menunjukkan
 Excuse me, can you show me the way to the station, please? (permisi, bisakah kamu
menunjukkan jalan ke stasiun, tolong?)
 I’m looking for … (aku mencari...)
 Is this the right way for …? (apakah ini jalan yang benar untuk...?)
 Do you know where is...? (apakah kamu tahu dimana...?)
 Near (Dekat)
 Behind (Di belakang)
 Beside (Di samping)
 Next to (Di samping)
 Turn Right (Belok ke kanan)
 Turn Left (Belok ke kiri)
 In front of (Di depan)
 Go straight (Jalan lurus)
 Between (Di antara 2 benda)
 Among (Di antara lebih dari 2 benda)
 Across (Di seberang)
 Go past (Melewati)
 Go down (turun)
 Opposite (Berlawanan)
 Intersection (Perempatan)
 T-Junction (Pertigaan)
 On the corner of (Di pojok)
 Avenue / street / road (jalan)
 first block ( belokan pertama), second blocks (belokan kedua)
Person 1: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the nearest train station?
Person 2: Of course! Go straight down this road until you reach the traffic lights. Then, turn
left and walk two blocks. You'll see the train station on your right.
Person 1: Thank you! And after I reach the train station, how do I get to the city center?
Person 2: Once you're at the train station, take the train heading towards downtown. It's just
a few stops away, and you'll arrive at the city center in no time.
Person 1: Great, thanks for your help!
Person 2: You're welcome! Enjoy your journey.

Person 1: Excuse me, could you help me find the nearest post office?
Person 2: Of course, I'd be happy to help! Let me give you directions. First, you need to go
straight down this road until you reach the traffic lights.
Person 1: Okay, then what?
Person 2: When you get to the traffic lights, you'll see a big yellow building on your left.
That's the supermarket. Take a left turn there.
Person 1: Got it. Then?
Person 2: After you turn left at the supermarket, keep walking straight. You'll pass by a
school on your right and a park on your left.
Person 1: Okay, then what's next?
Person 2: Once you've passed the park, continue straight ahead. You'll soon see a small alley
on your right, and the post office is at the end of that alley.
Person 1: Thank you so much for the detailed directions! I really appreciate it.
Person 2: You're welcome! If you have any trouble finding it, don't hesitate to ask someone
along the way. Have a great day!
Person 1: Thanks, you too!

A: Hey, what are you doing?

B: I'm just browsing the internet.
A: Stop wasting your time!
B: Why? What's wrong?
A: Don't you remember? We have a test tomorrow.
B: Oh, right. I forgot.
A: Come on, study with me.
B: Okay, okay. Let me close this tab first.
A: Hurry up!
B: Fine, fine. I'm ready.

A: Wake up!
B: What? What time is it?
A: It's already 9 o'clock.
B: Oh, no! I'm late for school.
A: Hurry up! Get dressed!
B: Okay, okay. Where's my uniform?
A: It's in the closet.
B: Thanks.
A: Don't forget to brush your teeth!
B: I won't.
1. ... your homework! Your teacher will check it tomorrow.
A. do
B. to do
2. ... your teeth before going to bed!
A. to brush
B. brush
3. ... the instructions to install the device! It needs your understanding to complete the
A. to read
B. read
4. ... in this river! There were many victims drowned here.
A. not to swim
B. don't swim
5. The bell rings at 7 at school every day. ... late!
A. don't late
B. don't be late
6. ... during the lesson!
A. talk
B. don't talk
7. ... ! It's late now.
A. go to bed
B. don't go to bed
8. ... ! It is very dirty.
A. clean the carpet
B. don't clean the carpet
9. We needn't wait for him. ... !
A. don't let us wait for him
B. let us wait for him
10. The cars are prohibited to park along of this street. ... !
A. park here
B. don't park here

11. I'm afraid of being alone. You must be here soon. ... !
be here soon
to be here soon

12. The animals are not allowed to feed by visitors. ... !

feed the animals
don't feed the animals

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