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MACATLANG, Francis Emmanuel S.


Part 1: Unit 3(10 pts)

1. What use does the internet have for you? Explain in 3-5 sentences.
The internet is a source of knowledge, entertainment and income. I have personally learned
a lot of things from the internet. I learned how to play guitar via YouTube. I listen to music, and
watch movies/cartoons/anime, by using the various platforms, thus, it is a source of
entertainment. Finally, it is a source of income because I also have experienced first hand that
via the use of social media, I can promote my talents and use my talents as a part time job.
2. If you have a phone, a laptop, or any similar kinds of technology, which 2 apps or
software do you use often to be more productive? Explain in no more than 3
sentences each how you think these apps or software work and what makes them
useful for you.
The two most used applications that I use is Facebook and Microsoft word. Facebook lets
me interact with other people with ease, this helps my productivity level in terms of information
gathering from other people. Microsoft word on the other hand is the most useful software for us
students because it has the broadest capabilities when it come to productivity, this activity is
being typed via the use of Microsoft word.
Part 2: Unit 3 (15 pts)
1. Information is commonly referred to as processed data, data being the raw
material. The key factor here is that data needs to undergo certain processes
before it becomes information. With this in mind, give 5 examples of data being
transformed into information. Present your work in a creative and concise output
that organizes the data, the process it will undergo, and the resulting information.



2. Think of any business around you (your bank, convenience store, etc.) and identify
ways on how you think they can be more productive. Explain in 3-5 sentences.
An idea that I have which already exist is the online portal of schools. This is already
present in Saint Louis University; it is however still subject to improvement. The platform should
always be updated especially on the billing section. This type of student portal system should
also be applied to the public school throughout the Philippines if the Department of Education’s
budget will allow it for senior high and junior high school levels. This will help the productivity of
the schools immensely.

Part 3: Unit 3 (5 pts)

1. Computers perform many jobs that previously were performed by people. Will
computer- based transactions and expanded e-commerce eventually replace
person to-person contact? From a customer’s point of view, is this better? Why or
why not?

Yes. Computer- based transactions will expanded e-commerce eventually but it will never
replace person to-person contact. I personally prefer person to person contact even with the
conveniences of the current technology provided by the E-commerce sector. Person to person
contact must and should still be an option. It gives off a sense of reality into the whole business
or to the whole interaction. It is more human. When the technology is perfected and can be
utilized simpler, I think it can dominate every industry but there should always be human
interaction as an option.
2. What types of information systems might a large company use?
Large companies have the budget to bring in and develop in-house tech and in-house websites.
This gives them a big advantage over the competition because the have full reigns in how it will
look like, how simple to use it can be, and how large the demography of users can be enticed
with the systems they develop for their products. Shopee and Lazada are prime examples of
this in-house development for a commerce platform.

Part 4: Unit 4 (10 pts)

Solve the following problem applying the method used in the video uploaded in your
power point presentation.
Problem. Assume the following cash flow for 2 projects. Assuming that the cash flows
are occurring at the end of the year. Find the payback period for both these projects.
Part 5: Unit 5 (15 pts)
Content marketing can be a very hectic mess unless you organize it into clear business

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